Format For Additional Subjects in HR Sec Schools

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Appraisal Format

Perspective Plan for Access to Higher Seconda

List of Higher Secondary Schools proposing
fidditional Subjects 2021-22

Name of Govt. (DOE) Hieher Special geo-physical altd otI›ci features of the cntcIintei\t el-ea o
Secondary  schools pi”o)›oscJ school
per Covt.
Notification (Base year when
school mapping exercise is Proposed year for
done) UDISE Write I tor Hilly areal 2 for SC
Mo. Addl. Difficult terrains / 3 for tion iiiated (W
Code ot’ the
Subject Higher Border area/ 4 for constel/ 5 ite yes—1, No-
seconder y streams for MDM EBB & ti for 0)

la 3
Secondary Schools proposing for
itional Subjects 2021-22

otI›ci features of the cntcIintei\t el-ea ot” tlte Classes are hei_j_g Eltl OIITIOlt{ in flic trea of tile school Naii›r ol” the I1c:ircsr
i f»iieItt ^’ ’!‘^!7 classes (In Acres) Existilig Higher
srl›ool ›•'it It
UDI* E ro‹lc

ST Minority gtjt•g|jyyy\tt Em  olittenr

Dominated Dominated (Write
ll in   class  X
(Write yes-1, yes-1, No-
No- 0) 0) Lo›vesr Higlies t

7 8 9 10 12 IJ 14
Distance from the proposed Higher N». vr s«»‹» «u *
secondary school for Ne›\' Subjects from the (Govt. Govt. Aidefl, U PS, “ UDISE coJes of the Secondary sc
nearest existing Higher secondary school unaided) \yifhin 7 kn\ of the hoofs taken for estimating the
(Govt., Aided, Unaided) (in km) proposed School* expected
enrolment in the
previous column
G0Yt aided UPS

15 16 t7 18 I9
Expected total eiitolment iii gi ade Xl (Total Front which year the proposed Whether I'mttRer Recrtiitmriit
Enrolment iii grade X Secondai y schools of Higher secondary school / New 1 mplementatioii slictlule iitt:relied
all management located within the Subjects 'itl be fiinctioHa1'• sliedule attached with with
catchment nrea ot” tl›e proposed Higher ltte plan .* the plnit (\t'rite yes-1,
secondiiry school for New' Subjects) (Write yes-{, No-0) No-ti) Rcn›a rks
(I f a111 )

20 2I 22 2.1
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