SA - Assessing Your Readiness To Assume A Leadership Role

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7/2/2021 Smart Form

Survey Complete

Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue

organizational goals. Leadership is usually conceived as part of a
manager’s responsibilities. That is, managers do many things, one of
which is to provide leadership for others in an organization. The ability
to lead often is something that determines the extent to which a
manager can rise to the upper levels of an organization.

Source: Taken from A. J. Dubrin, Leadership: Research Findings,

Practice, and Skills, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1995, pp. 10–

For each of the statements listed in this self-assessment, select the

response that best characterizes the extent to which you agree or
disagree with the statement. After completing the self-assessment,
read the feedback that explains how to understand your score and
interpret your results.

You must respond to all statements in order to receive full credit for
this self-assessment activity.

1. It is enjoyable having people count on me for ideas and suggestions.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

2. It would be accurate to say that I have inspired other people.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

3. It’s a good practice to ask people provocative questions about their work.

  
  1/7
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Strongly Disagree Disagree

Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

4. It’s easy for me to compliment others.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

5. I like to cheer people up even when my own spirits are down.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

6. What my team accomplishes is more important than my personal glory.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

7. Many people imitate my ideas.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

8. Building team spirit is important to me.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree 2/7
7/2/2021 Smart Form

9. I would enjoy coaching other members of the team.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

10. It is important to me to recognize others for their accomplishments.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

11. I would enjoy entertaining visitors to my rm even if it interfered with my

completing a report.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

12. It would be fun for me to represent my team at gatherings outside our


  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

13. The problems of my teammates are my problems too.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

14. Resolving con ict is an activity I enjoy.

  
  3/7
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Strongly Disagree Disagree

Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

15. I would cooperate with another unit in the organization even if I disagreed
with position taken by its members.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

16. I am an idea generator on the job.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

17. It’s fun for me to bargain whenever I have the opportunity.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

18. Team members listen to me when I speak.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree

19. People have asked me to assume the leadership of an activity several

times in my life.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree 4/7
7/2/2021 Smart Form

20. I’ve always been a convincing person.

  
 
Strongly Disagree Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree
Strongly Agree


Score 77/100

Range You may have high readiness to assume a leadership
74 to role.
100 77 100

This assessment is based on the view that leaders have nine different
roles in an organization. Here is a brief description of each of those

● Figurehead – Leaders are expected to represent the entire

organization. Your diploma will be signed by the president or
chancellor of your college or university even though you may
not have ever met that person. This is because that individual
represents the entire institution.
● Spokesperson – Leaders are expected to speak for the
organization. This is often most visible in times of crisis. For
example, in the event of an airline crash, the president of the
airline is expected to make appropriate public statements
regarding what is and is not known.
● Negotiator – Leaders are expected to make deals to acquire
resources that are necessary for the organization to operate
effectively. For example, middle level managers have to
negotiate with upper level managers for budgetary support for
their activities.
● Coach and Motivator – Leaders are expected to help
employees know how to do their job better, and to motivate
them to high levels of performance. This is easily seen in
athletic coaches, but it is just as important in business contexts.
Steve Jobs was well known for his ability to motivate Apple
employees to achieve things they did not think were possible. 5/7
7/2/2021 Smart Form

● Team builder – Leaders are expected to select and retain

employees that work together effectively as a team. Team work
is often most visible in meetings. Good leaders run effective
meetings, allowing for different viewpoints to be expressed and
attempting to build consensus for a course of action.
● Team player – Leaders are expected to be good members of a
team. Middle level managers lead their team, but are also on a
team (or teams) led by persons at higher organizational levels.
● Technical problem solver – Leaders are expected to be able
to first identify problems that are hampering performance, and
then to solve problems based on their experience and
expertise. For example, a manager in an accounting firm is
expected to be able to help lower level employees solve
problems that arise in their work and to offer advice on how to
navigate difficult situations.
● Entrepreneur – Even when working in an organization, leaders
are expected to be aware of the business environment and to
be able to suggest novel solutions that lead to an increase in
efficiency and profitability.
● Strategic planner – Leaders are expected to plan for the
future. This means leaders are often working on plans for next
year or beyond, while at the same time managing day to day
activities in their area of responsibility.

If your score is in the high range, this may mean you are developing
the abilities, skills, and attitudes associated with effective leadership.
This indicates you are in a good position to assume leadership
positions as your career progresses. Of course, receiving a high score
on this–or any similar–assessment is no guarantee that you will gain
access to a leadership position or that you will be an effective leader
when the opportunity presents itself. You need to look for opportunities
in which you can practice your leadership skills. If you are an athlete,
look for opportunities to lead your teammates whether or not you have
an official leadership role. If you are living in a campus residence, you
might seek the opportunity to be a resident assistant or some similar
position. If you are in a campus club, you can seek opportunities to be
a leader. In addition, you can also consciously observe how leaders
you are associated with carry out their responsibilities. Learn both
from their successes and their failures.

If your score is in the moderate or low range, this may indicate you
have not yet developed the abilities, skills, and attitudes that are 6/7
7/2/2021 Smart Form

associated with effective leadership. If you do not have the desire to

be a leader, then there is no problem in scoring in the moderate or low
range. And there is certainly no shame as well. Not everyone is suited
to leadership roles. Organizations need good followers just as much
as they need good leaders. On the other hand, if you do aspire to
leadership, do not let a moderate or low score on this assessment
discourage you from pursuing your dreams. Instead, examine the
items you scored lower on along with the various leadership roles
listed and described above for hints about ways in which you can
improve your abilities, skills, and attitudes in ways that will enable you
to become an effective leader. Seek out leadership positions wherever
you can to test and improve the characteristics of effective leaders.
(See the previous paragraph for some ideas about how to accomplish
this.) In addition, read books on leadership, including biographies of
effective leaders, for ideas about how to prepare yourself for
leadership positions.

Remember your score on this self-assessment, while useful for self-

understanding, should not be over-interpreted. First, every person is
complex and it is impossible to fully capture your uniqueness in a
short self-assessment. Second, you may well find your readiness for
leadership may change over time, or you may come to understand
what your abilities, skills, and attitudes actually are only later in life.
Third, it is often helpful to seek out the advice of someone who knows
you well to see if their perception of you is consistent with your
perception of yourself. Use this self-assessment as a starting point for
your understanding of yourself, not the finish line. 7/7

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