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1) Cognates.

Cognates are two terms, usually of different languages, having a certain

phonetic similarity (as they sound) and lexical (as they are written). The can be
traits of the kinship of a language with another, or the influence of one language
on the other.


True Cognates are two words from different languages that have
similarities in spelling, pronunciation, and meaning. For example:

Contract – Contrato. The contract was signed.

Office – Oficina. The boss is in the office.

Professional – Profesional. I want to become a great professional

Excellent – Excelente / Company – Compañía. Carlos is an excellent

employee of the company.

False cognates or false friends.

False cognates or false friends are words with very similar spelling in
the two languages, but with completely different meanings. For

Carpet – Alfombra (and not Carpeta, which is folder)

Idiom – Modismo (and not Idioma, which is Language)

Firm – Empresa / firma (and not Firma, which is Signature)

Economics – Economía (and not Económicos, which is Economic)

Lecture – Conferencia (and not Lectura, which is Reading)

2) Word Formation Process (also called Morphological Process) is a means

by which new words are produced either by modification of existing words or by
complete innovation, which in turn become a part of the language.

It is a word formation process wherein an affix is attached to a root (also
called stem; base) to form a new word. A root is a free morpheme (also
called unbound morpheme) that can appear alone. On the other hand, an Affix is a
bound morpheme which never occurs by itself, but is always attached to some free
morpheme and can be either inflectional or derivational. An Inflectional affix
modifies the form/grammatical category of a word, i.e., tense, person, number,
gender, case, etc.

In English there are two types of affixations:

1. Prefixation: In this morphological process words are formed by adding

an affix to the front of a root. The type of affix used in this process is referred
to as prefix. For example:  pregrade, macroeconomics
2. Suffixation: In this morphological process words are formed by adding
an affix to the end of a root. The type of affix used in this process is referred to
as suffix. For example: asistant, administration

Also called compound, by this process two or more than two words are
combined together to create a single word, having a single idea and
function. In English, there are compound nouns, compound adjectives, and
compound verbs. Customarily compound words are spelt as a single word,
or as two or more hyphenated words, and even as two or more separate
words. For example:

Post + office → Post office – Oficina de correo (Open compound Words)

Hard + working / hard + worker → Hard-working / hard-worker – Muy trabajador

(Hyphenated compound words)

Note+ book →Notebook – Cuaderno (Closed Compound Words)

As the name suggests, clipping is the word formation process in which a word
is reduced to a shorter form. With a sharp contrast to back-formation, clipping
keeps the original word meaning intact. These words are very common in
everyday speech.  For instance: phone is the clipped form of telephone.

Skimming is a reading technique meant to look for main or general

ideas in a text, without going into detailed and exhaustive reading.
In skimming, a reader reads only important information, but not

Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find

specific information quickly, in scanning you have a question in your
mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring
unrelated information.
Public Administration: An Art or a Science
At a first glance it seems easier to accept public administration as an art. It is just the
administration of Government affairs and for most part it does not follow the laws of
Science like absence of normative value, predictability of behavior and universal
application. So, does that mean we cannot list it into a respectable category of scientific

There are many authors who ferociously defended it and argued that public
administration as an area of study is indeed a Science. The earliest of them was
Lorenz von Stein an 1855, a German professor from Vienna who said that public
administration is an integrated Science and viewing it just as administrative laws
was a restrictive definition. In modern times, categorizing public administration as
Science found favor with many, the most important one being the father of American
public administration, President Woodrow Wilson. We shall read more about the
Wilsonian view of public administration in the next article, however he mainly
emphasized that the objective of administrative study is to discover what government
can properly and successfully do and how it can do those things with utmost efficiency
with least possible cost of money or energy.

After Wilson another important argument came from Frederick Taylor who wrote a book
called The Principles of Scientific Management (1911) in which he proposed to
discover one best way of doing things/operation and thus save on cost on time and
energy. Luther Gulick and L Urvick collectively published, Papers on the Science of
Administration which reaffirmed its status as a Science. W F Willoughby stated that
public administration like Science has certain fundamental principles which can
be generally applied and therefore it is a Science.


1) Un sufijo es una letra o un grupo de letras que se añaden al final de una

palabra para formar una nueva palabra o para cambiar la función gramatical de
la palabra. Por ejemplo, en los sufijos en inglés, el verbo work se convierte en
nombre al añadir el sufijo –er (worker). De la misma forma, work se puede
convertir en adjetivo añadiendo el sufijo –able (workeable).

* Affixation: suffixes that form nouns.

 -acy / privacy
 -al / proposal
 -ance, ence / assistance
 -dom / stardom
 -er, or / administrator
 -ism / nationalism
 -ist / nationalist
 -ity, -ty / ability
 -ment / argument
 -ness / happiness
 -ship / friendship
 -sion, -tion / administration

* Affixation: suffixes that form adjectives

 -able, -ible / reasonable 

 -ful / grateful
 -ic, -ical / iconic
 -ious, -ous / humorous
 -ive / productive
 -less / endless
 -y / rainy

* Affixation: suffixes that form verbs

 -ate / cooperate
 -en / strengthen
 -ify, -fy / simplify
 -ize, -ise / advertise

* Affixation: suffixes that form adverbs

 -ly / weekly
 -wise / likewise


*Billation → facturación (noun)

*Leadership → Liderazgo (noun)

*Frequently → frecuentemente (adverb)

*Quickly → Rápidamente (adverb)

*Respectful  → Respetuoso (adjective)

*Doubtless → Indudable (adjective)

*Comunicate → Comunicarse (verb)

*Quantify → Cuantificar (verb)


Business administration is the process of managing a business or non-profit

organization so that it remains stable and continues to grow. The
administration of a business includes the performance or management of
business operations and decision making as well as the efficient organization
of people and other resources to direct activities toward common goals and
objectives. Management is viewed as a subset of administration,
specifically associated with the technical and operational aspects of
an organization, distinct from executive or strategic functions. A business
supervisor is in charge of looking not far off and setting up the association for
what lies ahead. Once objectives are characterized a business executive
recognizes obligations to be performed, investigates the HR and instruments
required and delegates the obligations. Discovering the right individuals to fill
parts is an extensive piece of any business overseer's occupation. Deciding
staffing needs, get ready sets of responsibilities, talking and preparing are
extremely essential parts of dealing with any business.

4) Compound Words (Examples)

Timetable – Horario;

Doorman – Portero;

Post office – Oficina de correo;

Conference Room – Sala de conferencia;

Newspaper – Periódico;

Paycheck – Cheque de pago;

Fingerprint – Huella dactilar

Leadership – Liderazgo


One of the oldest problems that plague the personnel administration in all
countries is the liberal seepage of politics in all its aspects. Despite of the
attempts of the scholars to separate politics and administration, the divorce
exists only in textbooks and on paper. The personnel administration of the
public organization has emerged as a triumph of technique over purpose. While
the civil servants are selected through rigorous methods of written examination,
personal interviews, scores, the rule of three, split-digit ranking etc, but the
question remains whether they actually serve the objectives of the organization.

The system which cites itself as based on merit degenerates into a protectionist
system. The entrance exams are designed to test competence for jobs at junior
levels only and later there is no system of objective evaluation of desired
competence level for senior and complex roles. For most parts, these exams
rarely test the attitude and seem outdated and redundant to meet the
challenges of the current needs. The career growth as well, within the system is
based on patronage and politics rather than qualification and merit. The
disqualification based on incompetence is rarely ever heard in public
organizations and even when it happens, the government bears heavy
expenditure for the same. The presence of an unnecessarily large workforce
also is a problem with the government organizations. A lean structure in these
organizations would mean efficient and timely performance.

Seepage – Filtración

Textbooks – Libros de textos

Split-digit – Dígito dividido

Itself – Sí mismo

Outdated – Inadecuado

Patronage – Patrocinio

Workforce – Fuerza laboral

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