Plastic Scrubbers' in Hand Cleansers: A Further (And Minor) Source For Marine Pollution Identified

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Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 32, No. 12, pp.

867-871, 1996
Pergamon Copyright Q 1996 J!kvier S&ma Ltd
Printed in Gnat Britain. All righta nrcned
PII: SOO25-326x(96)00047-1 002M26X/96 $I 5.00 + 0.00

Plastic ‘Scrubbers’ in Hand Cleansers:

a Further (and Minor) Source for
Marine Pollution Identified
Department of Geology, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand

Small, inconspicuous fragments of plastic, generally < 0.5 1978, 1990). The sources of this virgin material are
mm across (i.e. microlitter) derived from some hand generally accepted to be losses during manufacture and
cleaners and cusmetic preparations, and also used with transport prior to reaching the fabrication stage (EPA,
some airblast cleaning media, are au unusual addition to 1992).
post-consumer waste enteriug marine waters. The The environmental consequences of these small
environmental signikance of this material is unknown, pelagic plastic spherules and granules, known in the
but here is a further example of the intrusion of trade as ‘nibs’, as well as similar sized flakes coming
anthropogenic waste of dubious value into marine from the progressive degradation and disintegration of
ecosystems. It could impact sea-surface microlayer larger fabricated items, (i.e. mesolitter) has not been
ecosystems and the meiofauna of intertidal sediments. It firmly established. There is no doubt that they are
is also speculated that these finely granulated plastics, ingested by many seabird and fish species, and the
once dispersed through the oceanic water column, could possibility of intestinal blockage is widely acknowledged
prejudice the results of some ambitious particulate carbon (e.g. Gregory, 1978; Ryan, 1988). It has been further
flux experiments as well as interfere with elemental and speculated that satiation on plastics may lead to reduced
mineralogic composition analyses of suspended particles. reproductive performance, and also perhaps even
They may also warrant attention when determining heavy starvation and death (G.regory, 1991). All authorities
metal concentrations in contaminated he-grained sedi- are agreed that a diet of plastic mesolitter is unlikely to
ments of estuarine and harbour environments. Copyright be beneficial to any animal-at best the effects may be
0 19% Elsevier Science Ltd benign, for plastics are inert.

Plastic ‘Scrubbers’
Plastic debris of many kinds is a pollutant of coastal Recently, Zitko 8c Hanlon (1991) have drawn
and open oceanic surface waters whose distribution and attention to a further and unusual source for even
environmental significance has today reached global finer-sized plastic (i.e. microlitter) pollution, in skin
proportions (see Shomura & Godfrey, 1990). The most cleaners that contain granulated polyethylene, poly-
visually conspicuous and aesthetically distasteful ele- propylene or polystyrene particles (40-200 mesh = 420-
ments in this debris are larger (macro- and megalitter) 75 pm) and which are available on the Canadian
items and degradational fragments coming mostly from market. These authors record two formulations-one of
discarded packaging. Much post-consumer plastic which was water-based and the other hydrocarbon
waste, such as detergent containers, beverage bottles (solvent)-based. Similar hand cleaners, which one can
and food wrappings can be considered of domestic or liken to ‘liquid plastic-sand soaps’ are produced and
housekeeping origin, and has sources that may lie both marketed in New Zealand and are common inter-
onshore or afloat. Material directly attributable to the nationally. There are also cosmetic preparations, such
fishing industry and other marine activities is also as facial scrubs and exfoliants that contain granulated
common. plastic.
Small polystyrene spherules (mesolitter) generally Typical examples of granulated plastic found in two
< 2.00 mm in diameter are widespread in coastal and hand-cleaner formulations are illustrated in Fig. la-d.
surface waters of the north-western Atlantic Ocean (e.g. The plastic detritus was the residue retained upon
Carpenter et al., 1972; Colton et al., 1974) and have also washing samples through a 63 pm (240 mesh, 40)
been noted in UK estuaries (e.g. Kartar et al., 1973). sieve-this material is the size of fine sand and coarse
The larger, up to 5 mm or more in diameter, silt. The amount of fine white (plastic) powder
polyethylene and polypropylene resin granules are also recovered from 100 g samples varied from less than 1
widely reported and are particularly noteworthy on g to ca 7 g (Table 1). Labelling describes this material as
New Zealand and south-west Pacific shores (Gregory, ‘non-adhesive polygrains’. Burning characteristics and

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Fig. 1 Examples of typical plastic micro-litter from New Zealand

sourced water (a and b) and solvent (c and d) based band
cleaners; an imported cosmetic (facial scrub) formulation (e
and f); air-blast cleaning media, fresh (g) and after several
recycling episodes (h); degradational flakes from the strand-
line, Bermuda (i and j) and used in a contact lens cleaner (k and
1). (a, c, e, g, h, i, scale bars= 1.0 mm and b, d, f, j, k, 1, scale
bars = 0.1 mm.)

laser Raman spectroscopy show the local New Zealand illustrated by Gregory (1978) and the crazed chalkiness
m is polyethylene. The whitish, translucent-to- of degradational flakes (Fig. li and j).
transparent plasticparticles are crudely equidimensional In all the formulations available in New Zealand that
and incgalar in shape, varying in size from < 0.1 to I have examined, the plastic ‘scrubber’ grains are
>0.2 mm with occasional elongate grains (Fig. lb). identifiable as polyethylene. In the Canadian material
Comparableamountsof plastic detritus (Fig. le and f) described by Zitko & Hanlon (1991) the plastic grains
catl he extra&d from a number of cosmetic prepara- were polystyrene.
tions (facialand body scrubs) (Table 1) where they may
have replaced granulated walnut and apricot husks, or
Plastic Media Airblasting
perhaps pumice and diatomite. The rough, shredded
surthce of these plastic particles is in contrast to the The recently developed technology for stripping paint
smooth surface of unweathered polyethylene nibs from metallic surfaces and cleaning engine parts by
Volume 32/Number 12/December 1996

TABLE 1 An appraisal of the possible impacts this plastic

Weightpofplastic;niaograia9(~0.63~diamta)in3cvaallocalh/ microlitter has, no matter its origin or source, on marine
OrganiSIIlSiUldecogystems isdifBcuItatthistime.The
Formulation wt 100 g-1 (ofpmduct) larger plastic nibs have long aince e&e&d a global
oceanic distribution (Gregory & Ryan, in press) and are
Handcleaner A 3.65 g
recogLljsed as an important contaminant of the sea-
0.19 g
C 6.91 g surface microlayer along with petrolenm products (e.g.
Facialscrub A =I3 tarhalls)andotherankopogeksnbatanccs(Hardy,
B 3.04 g
1982, PSI). Metals, in&ding those listed in Table 2,
C 1.62g
am known to coIIect at this microIayer_ Fine plastic
the ocean smface but it is unlikely to have been
blasting with a plastic bead media in lieu of sand is a
further potential source for similar sixed material
used for most neuston and pleuston surveys. Ecosys-
(Fig. lg and h). Nelson (1990) has noted that this
tems of the sea-surf&e microlayer, whether in open
material can be recycled up to 10 times before it loses its
oceanic, coastal or estuarine waters are complex and
cutting power and has to be discarded. With recycling
sensitive to pollution (e.g. Hardy, 1987). This micro-
there is progressive decrease in grain size (Fig. lg and
layer is an important nursery for the juveniles and
h). Plastic media used in cleaning aircraft and machine
pelagic larvae of numerous species, many of which are
parts may be si~tly contaminated by heavy
commercially important, and its productivity must be
metals. These may be at levels considered environmen-
under potential and continual threat from anthropo-
taUy under&able or even hazardous (Table 2). Without
genie emichment (see Hardy, 1982; Cross et al., 1987),
isolation and protection at industrial application sites,
to which plastic microlitter is but a recently identified
and careful management of landfiB disposal, heavy
and additional factor. Plastic microlitter could be a
metal contaminated plastic media beads and powder
vector by which heavy metal and other contaminants,
could enter and pass through reticulated storm-water
including organochlorines, are transferred to filter
and sewage drainage systems or natural water courses
feeding as well as other kinds of invertebrate and
to ultimately reach tbe sea or otherwise be widely
ultimately reach higher trophic levels. For instance,
dispersed via aerosols and as wind-blown dust.
Ryan et al. (1988) have shown that ingested plastic
could account for variance in the PCB levels of Great
Di!XISdOll Shearwaters. Meiofaunal studies (see review by Coull &
Chandler, 1992) and other approaches to establishing
Following use, and a thorough washing, these
the impact of heavy metal pollution may need to take
shredded polyethylene particles and similar material
these possibilities into consideration. Wetlands and
from other sourcea, e.g. degradation flakes (Fig. li and
intertidal mud- and sandflats adjacent to large urban
j) and contact lens cleaner (Fig. lk and 1) will be
and industrial centres could be particularly at risk. On
transported through foul water and reticulated sanitary
the other hand, to express grave concern about the
systems. Some may be trapped in sewage sludge at
downstream affects of plastic microlitter in such
treatment plants or in oxidation ponds, but it is
environments may be a little premature, even though
probable a sign&ant proportion will be discharged
estuaries are known pollution traps. For example, the
into marine waters, where, because they float, dispersal
Manukau Harbour is a large (> 300 km2) estuary on the
by surface currents will be rapid. An appropriate
west coast of the North Island, New Zealand and the
comparison is with talc, which Ruth et al. (1989) have
country’s most polluted (Williamson et al., 1992). A
recognised as a most important constituent of sus-
sewage treatment plant which discharges ca 250000 m3
pended particulate matter in N-E Atlantic Ocean
of treated effluent per day (Williamson et al., 1992) lies
marine environments, and one which reflects anthro-
on its southern shores and services a population ca 1
pogenic activity. There are other reports of anthropic
million. There is no evidence that heavy metal
particles suspended in deep ocean waters together with
(Williamson et al., 1992) or organochlorine (Hume et
natural ones (e.g. Jedwab, 1980). The slightly more
al., 1989) levels in intertidal surface sediments in the
dense polystyrene particles illustrated by Zitko &
plant’s vicinity are signi&antly different from those
Hanlon (1991) will also float in seawater if experience
elsewhere around the harbour.
elsewhere is any measure (e.g. Colton et al., 1974).
There is, however, one major and topical oceanic
experiment where further speculations may be war-
ranted. The Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGGFS)
Heavy metal contamination of wastes from plastic airblasting media,
has arisen out of concerns widely expressed over global
Auckland, New Zealand (from Nelson, 1990; Fig. 4). warming, and is a long duration international colla-
borative programme focused at seIected ocean areas and
Metal mg kg-’ designed to increase understanding of the oceanic
Cadmium 3-9 carbon cycle (SCOR, 1990, Morales et al., 1991;
chrOIIliUm 60-100 Williamson & Gribben, 1991). Estimates of vertical
Lead 1lo-190 organic and inorganic particulate sinking fluxes
Mercury o-O.2
obtained from suspended strings of sediment traps
Marine Pollution Bulletin

(e.g. Altabet, 1990; Micheals et al., 1990), and The material is too fine to be retained in most neuston
automated chemical identifications or assays dependent net surveys (see Gregory, 1990) and has not been
upon size-sorting and facilitated by laser-based flow recognized in a repeat survey of virgin plastic granule
cytometry (e.g. Yentsch et al., 1983; Shapiro, 1988; quantities on New Zealand shores that has recently been
Cunningham, 1990), together with determination of the completed (Gregory & Ryan, in prep.).
elemental composition of individual particles by SAX Zitko & Hanlon (1991) (p. 42) concluded with the
(Lavoie, 1992) as well as other studies of the trace metal observation that ‘Given their persistence in the
composition of suspended particles in the water column environment, accumulation could occur should these
(e.g. Sherrell BEBoyle, 1992), may be compromised by plastic scrubber-containing cleaners become more
plastic microlitter settling as either aggregates or single widely used in the marketplace’. With this, one can
particles. Furthermore, attention can be drawn to the only concur. New Zealand’s contribution through this
assertion of Sherrell & Boyle (1992) (pp. 171 and 172) unusual material to the overall oceanic loading of
‘ plastics may be globally insignificant at less than a
. . . that half or more of the total deep flux of Al, Fe,
Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb is derived from the upper water guesstimated 0.2 t yr-‘. However, it is an unnecessary
column (< 500 m)‘. It has previously been noted that addition to the plastic microlitter whose impact on
through careless handling, plastic microlitter contami- marine ecosystems and larger oceanic processes, and
nated by Cd, Cr, Pb and Hg could reach marine waters. our understanding of them, can not be accurately
Similarly, it must be acknowledged that trace amounts evaluated.
of many metallic elements, and other compounds some
of which are toxic, are not uncommon in a number of Funding support has come through the Research Agenda of the
plastic formulations. There are anecdotal suggestions of Ministry for the Environment, and also facilities provided by
University Grants Committee and University of Auckland Research
very tine grained plastic detritus turning up in deep- Committee. I thank !I. Courtney, K. Johnston, B. O’Connor, J.
moored sediment traps but no cont?rrned reports of this Seakins and J. Wihnshurst for technical assistance. R. Bunker typed
exist. It is perhaps worthy to note that station ‘S’, near the manuscript. Some of the ideas expressed here, were developed
during the tenure of a Starr Fellowship at the Bermuda Biological
Bermuda, which looms large in JGGFS, lies in the Station for Research. Drs F. Dromgole, S. de Mora, K. Rodgers and
Sargasso Sea which is known to be carrying a heavy P. Ryan are thanked for their comments and criticisms but the author
‘plastic’ loading (Wilber, 1987). Degrading virgin plastic alone is responsible for the i&as expressed here. Bermuda Biological
Station for Research, publication no. 1426.
granules are also common on the shores of Bermuda
(Gregory, 1983) as are flakes from the disintegration of
larger fabricated items (unpub. data; Fig. li and j). Altabet, M. A. (1990). Organic C, N and stable isotopic composition
Similarly, weather station ‘Papa’ in the Alaskan Gyre of of particulate matter collected on glass-fiber and aluminum oxide
filters. Limnoi. Oceanog. 35, 902-909.
the North Pacific, another identified JGOFS site, is in a Carpenter, E. J., Anderson, S. J., Harvey, G. R., Miklas. H. P. &
region of moderately chronic plastic contamination (e.g. Peck, B. (1972). Polystyrene spherules in coastal waters. Science 178,
Day et al., 1990a,b; Mio et al., 1990). The probability of 749-750.
Colton, J. B., Knapp, F. D. & Burns, B. R. (1974). Plastic particles in
significant chemical artifacts are lessened in the South- surface waters of the northwestern Atlantic. Science 185,491-497.
em Ocean, because here the plastics loading of surface Coull, B. C. & Chandler, G. T. (1992). Pollution and meiofauna: field,
waters is very low although debris of all kinds will tend laboratory and mesocosm studies. Oceanog. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev.
30, 191-271.
to accumulate along the Polar Front (Gregory, 1990) a Cross, J. N., Hardy, J. T., Hose+ J. E., Hershehnan, G. P., Antrim, L.
region which has also been targeted by JGGFS, as it will D., Gossett, R. W. & Crecelius, E. A. (1987). Contaminant
at other oceanic boundaries and fronts (e.g. the concentrations and toxicity of sea-surface microlayer near Los
Angeles, California. Mar. Envtiotr. Res. 23, 307-323.
Kuroshio Current and Gulf Stream). Cunningham, A. (1990). A low-cost, portable flow cytometer
specifically designed for phytoplankton analysis. J. Plankton J&s.
12, 149-160.
Conclusion8 Day, R. H., Shaw, D. G. & Ignell, S. E. (1990a). The quantitative
distribution and characteristics of marine debris in the North Pacific
Plastic microlitter, no matter what its origin, may Ocean, 1984-88. In Proceedings of the Second International
possibly impact the biota of marine environments as Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April, 1989 (R. S. Shomura &
varied as the sea-surface microlayer of the open ocean M. L. Godfrey, eds), pp. 182-211. Honolulu, Hawaii. US Dept
Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS, NOAA-TMFS-SWFSC-
and intertidal sediments of protected estuaries, but any 154.
effects have yet to be demonstrated. This writer cannot Day, R. H., Shaw, D. G. 8c Ignell, S. E. (1990b). The quantitative
help but further speculate that fine particles of plastic distribution and characteristics of neuston plastic in the North
Pacific Ocean, 1985-88. In Proceedings of the Second International
dispersed through the oceanic water column, and Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April, I989 (R. S. Shomura C
perhaps bound into faecal aggregations or with other M. L. Godfrey, eds), pp. 247-266. Honolulu, Hawaii. US Dept
adherent compounds, may interfere with, if not Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-
prejudice the results of some ambitious particulate EPA (1992). Plastic pellets in the aquatic enviromnent sources and
carbon IIux experiments. Similarly, there is an implied recommendations. Final Report. US Environmental Protection
need for some hesitancy in uncritically accepting the Agency. EPA 842-B-92-010.
results of on-line and other sophisticated techniques for Gerrodette, T. (1985). Toward a population dynamics of marine
debris. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Pute and Zmpact of
determining elemental and mineralogic composition of Marine Debris, 26-29 November, 1984 (R. S. Shomura & H. 0.
suspended inorganic and organic particles. Yoshida, eds). pp. 508-518. Honolulu, Hawaii. US Dept Commer.,
The global quantities of pelagic plastic microlitter will NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC-54.
Gregory, M. R. (1978). Accumulation and distribution of virgin
not be established until the population dynamics of all plastic granules on beaches. N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 12, 399-
seabome plastics is established (see Gerrodette, 1985). 414.

Volume 3Z/Number 12/December 1996

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plastic granules (nibs) increasing or decreasing: evidence from New Honolulu, Hawaii. US -Dept. Commer., NOAA -Tech. Memo.
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Conference on Marine Debris, 2-7 April, 1989 (R. S. Shomura &
M. L. Godfrey, eds), pp. 212-246. Honolulu, Hawaii. US Dept. Further comment is perhaps warranted. It is
Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS, NOAA-TM-NMFS-
SWFSC-154. interesting to note that the advertising blurbs, labelling
Micheals, A. F., Silver, M. W., Gowing, M. M. & Knauer, G. A. and promotional information accompanying most
(1999). Cryptic zooplankton ‘swimmers’ in upper ocean sediment cosmetic scrubs and exfoliants generally place particular
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Morales, C. E., Bedo, A., Harris, R. P. & Tranter, P. R. G. (1991). emphasis on ‘smooth spherules’, ‘polybeads’, and
Grazing of copepod assemblages in the north-east Atlantic: the ‘spherical polishing beads’. It is claimed these ‘massage’
importance of the small sim fraction. J. Pfankton Res. 13,455-472. away surface (skin) debris. In reality the ‘beads’
Nelson, P. (1990). Waste ml‘nimization in the surface coating industry.
In Proceedings Second Annual Conference, Waste Management typically have an irregular shredded character and are
Institute Inc. Pabnerston North, New Zealand, pp. 85-96. anything but smooth and spherical.


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