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REA w= 2! Buyer Customer Service Agreement For Use When the Buyer is Not Represented Form 310 eis te Power of nie By the Brokerage This is o Non-Exclusive Buyer Customer Service Agreement BETWEEN: BROKERAGE: . so GRRERAY, Zh Mega Realty Ame {he trokerage appeess: 4030 Sheppard ave east, Toronto,ontario MIS 156 30 grand trunk cres # 2706 Tel. No... 44182920929 Fox. No... 426-292-0984 AND sural wuhammad Fabad Uddin zara Sajjad the Bayer", as 19 Grand Trunk cres #1602 Toronto, trconsdlcn a ib Sckeroge pein cca serace tothe Buyer lor fi phe rosea rel propery che gener eszpsioninicoted ioe eBoy occwlges ond ogres fhe ome 0 sted in his Agree This nomesclosine Buyer Costomer Service Agreement omens in 2808 Om en BOR ane ay june 202 ienvom) cod expies ot 11:59 p.m. on the 20 7H dey sogert, 202%... fepiny Date yer ccknowledges tha ihe tie period fe this Agreements nagoticble betwen the Buyer ond the Brokaroge, howeves Zs crdonce wn the Reo! Eso and Busines Brokers Ac, 2002. REBBAJ, i the te period fortis Agreement excoods EU +x months, he Brokerage must obtcin the Buyers nicl. (eer {or the purpose of loa ing @ real property mecing he kllowing general desciption: Property Type (Use). CONDO, FOR LEASE ‘Geographic Locotion. PORONFO, The Buyer ereby worran’ th! the Buyers nt a party represeroten ggreement with any ober restored re esc brokerope ze for the purchase ot lose of « real propery ofthe general description indicated above. and 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS forthe purposes ths Agipement (“Authority" of “Agreement ia Stayer modes duces, ener end lessee, 0 “slr” inclus ¢ vendo, londlrd ond lestor oF © prospecive ely, vendor, lndlog and esor Soe tee PS echsies crea extle ossociaion, A purchase shal be deemed 19 incl the entering ito of ony egreenent to exchange, SEES ESSER Se hich scbseasonly cxrcued, ond. lee nes ony rend ogremen!, sublease or renewal of a ecie. coe alors be decmed incede oer romunortton. The Agreemant chal be ed wit ll changes of gender or mbes reqused bythe conte. 2. COMMISSION: Foro Bayer Customer Service Agieeent between Buyer ond Brokerage, ther i no requirement for the Buyer Yo poy he Brokerage aeeeestte er lhe cuscmes service proved By the Srokorage, unless otherwise ogres tn wing 12. REPRESENTATION AND CUSTOMER SERVICE: The Buyer ocinowiedoes that he Brokerage hos the Bayer with writen slermation Sarin ape velohonsips, ieduding ilormation on Seer Represonaon, SebAgeny, Beyer lepresnision, Muiple Reprewrcion cx} eee ay tava acenowledges hot he Brokerage vil be pronding cusimer service 10 the Buyer ond wil not be cepreserting the SEES RSalje im otamoction The Brokerage may be reprecening the nets lhe sll os agar or subagent When the Broksroge is a ge ler he slr eosanred io he he okerage’s let. and the brokerages primory des are pretend promot the tres Siibe seloy/chest The Brokerage wil disclose oll privet ieformation 1 salle /clien! obtcined kom or abou the Buyer. fron tah he Grcheroge'spmory dotes sy bet healer, he Brokerage may provide mony velnble cuntoner services 0 he Brye. ‘When providing usm sevice to the Buy, he Brokerage’ dues othe Buyer ncade: Bel cay coal ey, Sones ord wih egy 1 Re legaldutyo eecise due core when answering questions ond providing iformation; and > the lage unto ovoid msrapresertation the tapes scincvledges tho he Beyer moy rt be shown or lord al propris hat may be of inerest othe Buyer. The Buyer hereby grees ot the teres of any oupes offeror agreement io porchese or lease the propery wil ot be dicosed o cay oer buyer “Trcbupe undoctonds od agrees ho he rckeroge oko ponds represenotion and custome avis abot buyer: ond salon. fhe Bckergge Pea ee codes ctor sewee bere then one seller or buyer lor the sone ode, the Brokerge stil in wing, oe ovis prochectle ee Stay kero made, norm a seors ond buyers othe nanze ofthe Dokeroge’srektonship to eoch llr ond byes z INITIALS OF BROKERAGE: anmats oF sures: Coy ¢; ae sasenps ATOR, REATORSS 1459, Aliph Sevcs9 ord see ng rows ec (a cs aaa a nace ce Rone Begopietstoe sete eeloee SRG tess oir fovohe weer eed SSIS BK toe oe Sasol cane tel oox accion FORA) ogee The rm wes dep bo ORCA i ween See momma eee ea Form310 Revised 7021 Poge 1 of 2 a pene ee Teste ‘ond presen of lecturing’ ore sae dealing oie stole bu! are not quolified in determining eicicumed nso conn reer eas aaa Pep ee lable lr ony defo, wheter cnt or poo, othe lord or improvements Hereon. Allinfornchon supped byte slr or londnd othe lng er ere ae ome elie sag mma semar od ‘ak The Beye ecknowledges having bees odksed b make Weir own enquiries fo cottrn the Conditon ofthe property. ‘5. FINDERS FEE: The Buyer acknowledges tht the B be rect «finds fo, rowene ant/or elect inceetve, end ihe Buyer con NDING Fe noses tf Behr ob ein ind’ evr edb Steers 6. CONSUMER REPORTS: The Buyer is hereby notified that « consumer report containing credit and/or personal information may be referred fo in connection with this unzoction. 7. USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION: The yer comer tothe ello, 0 on diene of pena nanny he Bclerope iS sch perees et kare etec cee eccs petted bye belasay is Give cain Lelnr oiedac hoot seing ot pele apes ts ta hoe Cincy an sed o Boboe pre Cheeze rented to forts ete sper Rareelat gs memes ease teaion apne eo as al cared Boers aad cv cotamen ni ee eee te eee es es ae reer ees Steevie seston msg ny pops cred ber Wei ev a Bees Oh beknege anced eacle tocrel be open ok USE Lae) x pers oppral ond sctcbel prpaess ond se ee ae. Sie hae ies ee neem os a ion a es od Faye ier cian meen ea Ss Poiana oem ion nat cmmlaonda aacimeniey bessulen Haabsinened ode cl Conodsnstich core efoto weliba sbieao he lows fhe pradcton switch be nlomaton aed 1 CORFCT OR DISEREMAINCY tees ony alco acegncybeonen ov poten eel w hs emer cd ony prvton bo Sotirdincon pone beret he aldnd prortce she spas he ered pu pronson be xt coh cot er cp Ts sored ee tt Ne eet Fo sites mad aaa tae vee bese i epee re ee es ee ee a eae oo en 0. SUCEESSORS AND ASSIGNS The ess ocecnorsedniswacrssceasrscd npn cf Be nderigned ere body fo wml is Agrees $k Eincoaas Gemma isins Te Seren corsqecere: ee hy coe aces cuerpo ere eee ree renee peaeel le domed bpeged manual Ss geo 0 Bip yas Se ee ree #8, lesmeonac SSGRURTUREE ha heron hx bese cen eure ute evil nd ct i ich SS ere ee 12, SCHEDULES): soe - cached hero frm porto ilis Agreement {THE BROKERAGE AGKEES TO ASHST THE BUYER I LOCATING A REAL PROPERTY OF THE GENERAL DESCIPTION INDICATED ABOVE AND TO PROVIDE CUSTOMER ‘SERVICE TOTHEBUYE TO PROCUTE THE ACCEPTANCE OF AN AGREEMENT TO PURGHASEOR LEASE A PROPERTY ACCETABLE TO THEBUYER. ws, 20/2) \EATK, C ier, goer Sigg 22/224 FSU HAR CoMeeetd “as AGREEMENT-K BEEN READ AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD BY NE. 1 ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THS AGREEMENT AND I ACKNOWLEDGE ON THIS DATE HIVE SCNEDUNDER SEAL fy epson coined hen hx he bs myname be SIGNED, SEALED AND OBAEIED Thee howe ny rod sc : Wx Tie 20[22 1 MM ETB 20K ont a SEL cy @ Tine 24 22 46-474 BUF. epee ee Fahad Uddin Sges\ee #je) Gara Sajjad /Brcker/ Bicker of Reco ic SE CoO. ‘he Sclspenon/Broker/ Broker &f Record a s || ereby dedores thot he/she is insured as required by REBBA. = 3 ~ = Tire tae) “he Buyers) hereby ecknowledge that the Buyers) filly endertond the terms of his Agreement and hove received © copy of th Agreement une ne . eg Foe 20| 202d aT aR Te pase waza Sajjad” i Se ener ee neeremeer teeta BS = ee SEs te naan] Or) bere bm dep A ne eon Soin oan eames wena Form 310 Revied 2021 Page 20f 2 OREA weze2 = Working with a REALTOR® Form 810 rose Re once of ro Gemee eames eee moe ee cei ye eae See eee aco nee soa Serer ee gator st mavetee ae ier Pee amr 7 pole ob erate ars Saeed ees eiieceaee neon Seueeeerte imate ere ee gg ere area eee Ticino od etn leer ce ore = 4 “chen lationship ccs the hight form cf ciation for @ REAITOR® te a consner The bokerage ond solepeople/brcken love o Ldocory gl rlenonshio wit the che! and represent the intrest ofthe cnt in @ rel esoietonsotion The REATIOR® wi sob ths reltonchip wit he we a representation ogtemen, called a lisng Agreement wih he slr end © Buyer Representation Agicement wi the bye The agreemertconcins on ‘cplntion of he serves te xceroge wil be povidog, te fx regent for those sevice the obigoions he cient wil bove vider Be ogee, cod ‘No cnpity doe ole groomer! Ensure thot you hve food end ly wns ‘ony such agement bore you sg he dacament nee a broierogt ond consume ane inloa cet eaionahip, he brokerage us pote tbe ers ol he cet 20d do whats bes for he ce A Eroke-oge mus sre for he bondi ol he chant ond mes! not iedone © hens conhsentol nformohon i obers Unde the Ae) he rakerage mat co make ‘eosorable eo, to determine any molt fads ralaing to the ronacton ‘hot wld be of moron the cient ond must rn the chet howe fc ‘Anogh he ore represening the nee thet cs, hey ml eto pores he oneoton wi nas, hoy, ond ity. ‘A buyer or ser may not wish to be under contrad as a client wih the ‘wold soho be eed oo noes AREALOR™ bigoted ‘evey pazon mo rol esate Kensacion wh honey, Somes, ond heyy, bv uilke o cher, provides @ cslomer wih mabiced fv! cl service Senices rowed too caame ay inca showing he propery or ‘Propet, okngcosome! diclon fo iahon ofet ord preset he cet ‘ier ee. Bokeroges vse 0 Curomer Serece Agieemen io docimer fe sence they or providing buyer o sels cisome ndarthe Ac he REATOR® hos dnleur ligation oo extower ond me clone mets fot inown othe brokerage fat cela to ne ronsocton What Hoppens When. yor ar lle or omnes onde conc wih the some brolaroge when props ar being sown on ofr is being contelated. Thee cor ‘ho be instonces when ere im mere none ol on prope ond ore thon one buyer ond ele oe under a represeloton ogreemen wih the some lwokeoge. Ths stosion ilove Yo 2 maple repesemction Unde he ‘as, be REATORS® ond tie brokerage ems make are al byes, sl, ‘ond thew REACTORS" confirm in wring tar hey chro, endersond tnd conser othe sitnaion before ther of is nade. REATIORS" hye, {Se who! colled «Connon of Cooperation and Represent fre ‘ecumert hs ston Offer snay become sess, soi yo howe any qesions when teerence mode to eile ropseition otal fers, lace ok yr FEAUIOR for on explanation Critical Information FEATIORS® or cgated io nclne fc tht may oc buying o ling ‘echion. nay be chal br 9 REALTOR® judge who! oct re mporon® Iiey cho moy pot ben postion to ow 00a, Yow Sead commerce oo" EEATIOR who information and fee bout a propery ore spon! Jou inmaling o buying sling dectioe, ond Soconen bs inka ovoid ony sisunderstandings and/or unplecson! surpries. Silly, secs tht exe porta! you ond are to be performed by he ‘brokerage. or promises that have been mode to yew. should be documented in ‘your contrad with the brokerage and its solesperson/broker, 'ensire the best possble ea ese experience, mote sre oll you qusions xe onswernd by you REATIOR, Yoo shod reod ond wadersond evry ‘onto bebe you lize Muhammad Fahad Uddin and Zara Sajjad ines) \Vwe hove od, undestond, and have received a copy of Working wih o REATOR Sellers: As ele), owe enderstond het Buyers: As buyer, we understond that Century 21 Regal Realty inc, Broker: ‘Nese of Brokerogel (son oanng my ies be doomanad ng | SSO pening my ness be dame n 9 | Sapo mina ogo mpesmooin eeenen. dt | \y 2° a sen pet Oe wiomulstlaanee wend ee | GNI ON raccaed he basharooe cy nrresoenst/e pee — ‘Sooear ser ane tend oye ~~ Sstome some ota byes ond see | tera epreening my tre te be decreed lant eprenng my corm, obo decorated in 2 ‘epart tien Sees ogeanet ba wild Spore brn Soteee tate epee bt ee mec abled il planed ont ine tk atacl ond prasad name: Ny dune 22, 2027 mr Bai ~ Po 6 93,905) ‘Wignomee) ‘(Doie) ‘Soni emer ht eee gen gues HEATORS mo wry heey les nd Boe wi whom yo erm sole” con bend es lon ond “boye” con ocr “enr Tr sor nlormoson oly oni a contro fence Treat EAS mae no, te tee once aes” Speicher nse ht ee es tere or ere Biers £2028, Omer tne nocaten ORE) A EReaeretiees chapel mes: serdar evga OR a ein Sees oat oS ete aoe dO = aed Ferm 810 Bevei2010 Page of? OREA we" Confirmation of Co-operation and Representation Form 320 Sse he Pore ck On suyer: Mobamnad Fahad Uddin zara Saijad seus: . Savite Hardate. . For the romsoction onthe propety known 2: uu f 2ORRAP Grand Trunk eres Forente DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS: Fo he purposes of his Corimation of Coopestion ond Rpresenicion: “Seller” indudes@ vendor, «landlord, lessor, a © prospecine, sel, vendor, londord or lessor ond “Buyer incdes 0 purchoser 0 tenor, lessee ct a prospectve, buyer, purchose, tenant or lessee and “sole” includes © lease, ond “Agreement of Purchase ond Sale” includes on Agreement fo Lease Commision shal be deemed to inchce ober remeneroton The following intormction is confirmed by the undersigned sa'esperson/‘broker representatives of the Brokeragels). fc Coroperating Brokerage is involved ‘the womotion, the brokeroges ogres fo co-operak, in consideration of, end onthe tes ond condibons Gs el ont bet. DECIARATION OF INSURANCE: The ondenignad sospenon/broker represents) ofthe Brokerogeh) hereby dere tht he/she i insured os sequited bythe Real Estat ond Business Broken i, 2002, REBBA) 1, USTING BROKERAGE 2) J The isting Brolerage represents the interes ol he Seller inthis transaction. tis futher understood ond agreed thot ay CI teeta meng cr clon ou poy Pnioe elles Master. Bite Boyer is working wih o Cooperating Bckeroge, Secon 3 isto be Completed by Co-operating Brokerege) 2) BE the sting Brokerage is providing Costomer Service tothe Buyer +) 7] mumir REPRESENTANON: The Living Brkergs hat enered ino Beyer Representation Agreonon! wth he Buyer ond ‘presen he nress ofthe Selle! ond be Byer, wit heir cone, ths wamtackon. The Using Erckerage must be impart nd ‘rpaly protect th tered ofthe Seller ord Bayern the monscton, To Ling Brokerage fae o duo} bl deloove to bo the Seler ond the Bryer nchaing 9 reqorement fo Gudose ol foaudl information chou the property known t he lising Brokerage Hower the Uting Brokerage shel ot dle Thotthe Salles oy o: wil erp less han the ited price, unless oberwise inducted in wag bythe Seller, * That the Buyer oy” wil poy more thon the oflred pre, unless chervee nsraced in writ bythe Buye * The moswstion af ox personal islorotion aul the Seller or Buyer, unless oars insructed in wring By the party o which the infomation opps, or ores lure to dalose would consid fraudulent, alow or anehicl proc; * The price he Beyer shold ofr or the price the Seles shuld except + And: helsing Brokeroge sho not dle fo the Buyer he terme of anyother offer However i undertiood et oars inkormaton chou compordble propertos ond nkormtion inown 1 the Lising Brokerage concering polenta ves lor the property wil be clove to both Seller and ayer to css tem fo come othe wn conclsons Adeitional coments and/or disclosures by listing Brokerage: fe, The Listing Brokerage cepresents mote than one Buyer offering on this property 2. PROPERTY SOLD BY BUYER BROKERAGE ~ PROPERTY NOT LISTED The Bote nthe Bae nd fe pop i ct sted wi ony el eae rokeroge, The Botoage wl bx pid bythe Selle in eccordance with @ Seer Customer Service Agreement or Cl pte Bare dey -Adcitonal comments ond/or disclosures by Buyer Brokerage: (e.g. The Buyer Brokerage represents more than one Buyer offerng on this property) INITIALS OF BUYER(S)/SELLER(5)/BROKERAGE REPRESENTATIVE(S) (Where opplicable) re peer PEAIORS, IOATORSE, MG, gh te Sen? end osteo wes ry Eu Sopot tum Aoeeen (CRN witch be Pa sak peboscn ce neckova Ct oe ere sng Asean Oe Ag oe hm na Sie by OA olen wosotars oo Sooo set cacuai pe enn ik oo ence ws de ore 3. Cooperating Brokerage completes Section 3 end Listing Brokerage completes Section 3.

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