Agreement To Lease#2015-19 Grand Trunk Crescent

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onoroReléswte Agreement to Lease = ren 400 Resi ntial Lpaleeourees This Agteementioleose (Agreement ded hs... 228E.... dayok ene. (2021 ae mend Head ats sean arrasaasy anotoeo: Beene 2 Line be Makan LONTLES. 37S. aopressortanoions:..| 2... REELING CRC Ma aictgan Cont) : ‘The Tenant hereby offers to lease from the Landlord the premises as described herein on the terms and subject tothe conditions cs set out in this Agreement. For the prposs of ths Agrement “enon ndodes lessee and “Lendior indies eso. 1. PREMISES: Having epoced the pramise: an provided the przen enon voce, we, the Tenant hea cle fee, promises Knew ce: TR CATA... WBF. 3B, 4205-29 Grond Trunk cree 2. TERM OF LEASE: The lease sha be for aterm of 32. Months. comeancing galy, 35, 2023, 3, RENT: The Tenet will poy to the oid Lonlond worthy ond every month during the 3d term cf the lease the sm of ‘Two Thousand, = _. Dollars (CDN. 2,090.00, payable in adonce on the asta doy of eoch ond every month doring the currency of he said term. First ond last months tent tobe paid in edvonce ypon completion or date of occupancy, whicheres comes rst 4. DEPOSIT AND PREPAID RENT: The Tenont delves. pon, acceptance ‘Paicwh/Apon Sxepeane/ i cere Seve inns Area by negotiote cheque peyote century, 21 Regal Realty ine, Brokerage -Deposn Helder” the amount of Six Thovsand Dollers (CDNS|.......6-090.00 .0 depos! fo be hel! in tus! cs secur fr the Fatful performance by fhe Tenont of lterms, covenants and conditions ofthe Agreement end Yo be applied by the Londlord agains! the oon BEE. ond ...2ast 2 Months... mont’ ret he Agreements not occepted, the deposi isle be retumed othe Tenant without inteest or deduction. Fox the purposes of ths Agreement, “Upon Acceptance” shall mean thatthe Teron! is required o deliver the depostto the Dopoti Holder within 24 fours of he occeptonce of his Agreement. The parle io his Agreenen! hereby ackrowledge tha, oles: otherwise pronded for inthis Agreement, ‘Re Depontt oka shallploce the Gepost in tes in he Depost Holders noninterest booring Rel Este Tvst Account ondine mere! shallbe earned, receind of paid on the deposi 5. USE: The Tenon! ond Londlord agree ho vile oherwise ogreed to hercin, only the Tenax! need bowe and ony person nomed in o Rentch Application comaleted pier io hs Agreement will occupy the premies. Promises tobe ved only for condominun 6. SERVICES AND COSTS: The co: of he flowing senicor applica tthe prema shal be poid os flows: LANDLORD TENANT LANDLORD TENANT cos a Coble on Qo oa Condom / Cooperative fos B ectncity Q x Gotboge Removal Q et wete beater ren z Oo Other: . o o Wile and Sewnrage Chorges a Ober o a The landed wil poy he property toxes blithe Tenants assessed as @ Seperate Schoc! Suporte, Teront will pay tothe Lendlord asim sficien) to cow he excass the Seporoie Schoo Tax over the Public Schoo Tax, any, foro fll colendr yoor,coid kum t be estimated on the tox ate for the eartent yeor ond io be payable in equal monthly instalments in oddiion shall become dve ond be payabie on denond on the Teno. INTIALS OF TENANT(S): HEATON Se Mat mated fae OI) Geo hd Boe peason yin nenbes co legen gt Sy he ‘Gbow mentioned ronal, provided howewr, thatthe full mount INITIALS OF LANDLORD(S): FD Form 400 Revised 2021 Page 1 of 8 emo 3088 iis easamaomonemapuing Aico NR SRN ae, eer a Ta 1 Ais ser, hn nn ped by OFA ewan een eee See ee ee 7. pamwane: ‘no parking ADDMONAL ‘She locker SCHEDULES: The schedules cnached hereto shall fom on integral part ofthis Agreenent¥o Lease and consist oF Schedules) A 10. IRREVOCABILITY: Ths ofr shall be revocable by Fenant ott 2E200. on the... 22B8 ident) ‘em femy day ol ene. 2022, cher whichtimeiInotaccepted, thie Agreement shallbe null ond oid end oll mons paid thereon shel be ruined tothe Tenan! withou! ives! or deduehon. V1. NOTICES: The Landlord hereby eppaints he Lising Brokerage a agent fr the Landlord lr the purpoce of ging ond receiving ntices pursuant te tis Agreement. Where © Brokeroge [lenon’s Brokerage] ho: entered inc @ representation egreement wih te Tenant, fe Tenant hereby eppoin!s the Tenant's Broteroge a: ogen! forthe purpocs of giving ond receiving nofies pusvor! lo his Agreement. Where @ Brokerage represents both ‘he Landlord ond the Tenant (muhiple representation, the Brokerage shall not be eppoinied or outhorized to be agent for either the Tenant or the Landlord fer the purpose of giving ond reccving nosces. Any notice reloing hereto or proviced for herein shall be in wring, ln odkltion to ony -rovision contoined herein ond in any Schedule hereto, this offer, any counier-oflr neice of acceptance thereol or any nace lobe given or received pursuon! otis Agreement or ony Schedule herein [ary of them, “Docsmen”] shall be deemed gven ond received whan delivered personally or hand elena tothe Address fr Service provided in he Acknowledgement below, or whore o locsimle number or email eddves ie groviced hacen, when lronsmited electronicly to thot facsimile number or emeal addres, respociely ia which cote, the signahrel] ofthe pary [porhes) hall be deemed 10 be erininl FAX, PAXNo. Bo Seiya i nao Lapeer omer) Email Address: I. Email Addess:........,.. ¥-CheematHotmai] .Com if Sever ol Docent ender Tho debvry ef Docament to Toon) 12. EXECUTION OF LEASE: The Lease shall be dhown by the Lordlord onthe skindord form of use a2 presebed by he Residenticl Tenancies Ach 2006, os amended from time o time, ond shal include the provisons as conloined herein ard in ony clached schedule, ond shal be execied by both pares Bele possession of he omic is gwen The Landlord shell prow the enor wah information reloing othe right: ond responsibliies of the enon ond inlormotion onthe role of be Londlond ond Tenant Boord and how to cont! the Board. elonmatior For New Fenonls os mode cycle by the Landocd ond lenon! Bord ond aveible of ww ib goven co} 19. LANDLORD AND TENANT ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The Londlord and Tenor acaowledge ond agive hat c standord lorm of leases presrbed by the Residentol Tenancies Aci, 2005, os amended fom ime wo time is required 114, ACCESS: The Loadlord shal hove the right, at reasonable lines enter and show the demised premises to prospective lesan, purchasers or others, Tre Landlord er anyone on the Landlord's behal! shell clo hove the ight of recsonatle tines, 0 ener ond inspec! he demised preniaes 115. INSURANCE: The Tosont ogrnet to obtain ond keep i hl force ond eft during the enire pried ofthe tenancy and any renewal thereof, the Tenonts sole cos and expense, fe and properly damage and public billy inserance in en amount equolto that which o reasonably prudent nant ‘would conser edequol. The Tenant agrees lo provide the Landlord, ypon demond at ary time, proof that sod inssronce isin fullosce ond elec: ‘ond to ott the Landlord ia writing in the even! that such msurence is concelled or oherwise terminate. 16. RESIDENCY: The Londlord shol forthwith notify the Tonos! in writing inthe event ibs Landlord i, ot the time of entering ima this Agreement, oF, become: dering the tom ofthe enancy, 2 nonesidert of Conodo os defined under the Income Tax Act, BSC 1985, c.1 (UA) ox emanded Hom time to ime, ond in .ch event the Landlord ond Tenont ogee te comply withthe fox withholding provisions ofthe TIA 117. USE AND DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: The Tenont consents to he collection, wie ord disclosure ofthe Tenant's personal Information by th Landlord end/er agent ofthe Landlord, tom Simao time, forthe purpose af determining the redinwochiness ofthe Taran! fr the laosing sling o:fnoncing ofthe premises or the recl propery, or raking such other use of he personal informahon as he Landlord end/or agent ihe Landlord deems approprite 18. CONFLICT OR DISCREPANCY: I hove e ony conic! cr discrepancy betweon ary provision added Yo thie Agreement [induding ony Schadule ‘tached hereto} ond ony provision in the sondard press portion her, the added provision call supersede the sondord pre-set provsion'o the cetent ol sud conic! or dacrepancy. tha Agreenen!, including ony Schedule atached hereto, shall consiote the entire Agrecmant benween Lordlors ‘nd leno There i no represenioion, warranty, collolerol agreement or conditon, which effects his Agreement cther than os expressed herein. This ‘Agreerient shell be read wih oll charges ol gender or number requued bythe contec. 19. FAMILY LAW ACT: Landlard worrant thot pousal consen!is nat necessary this warsacton under the provisions ofthe Fomly Low Act, RS.©.1990, unless the spouse ofthe Landlord has executed the consent hereinlter provided. 20. CONSUMER REPORTS: The Tenant is hereby notified that « consumer repert containing credit and/ or personal information may be referred to in connection with this transaction. mmaisormeunes: (<>) neasor amos > sn ood ele Bt case poncho neclcw d ER onde” Gestetner hs mw oe by Oat he ad epeccan sist peng oapohscnghe wold nersgclar Ooaenc kame reeds Form 809 evsed 2021 Page 2 of & 21. BINDING AGREEMENT: This Agreemen ond ecceplance thereof shall constvle ending agreement bythe pories to enter into the Lsose of the Fremises ord te abide by he tems ond conditions herein contained, SIGNED, SEALED AND DELVERED inthe presence o: IN WITNESS yhereot| haw hereunto sey hond ord sea: 7 . serves ee WD AIOE“ DO2\, ‘Wis eri) wi Ss pa iB Ze @ _22-06- 202k wis oe ic da SEN SOSA fa BS tn wae Bow We/! the Londlosd hereby occep the above offer, ond ogiee tht the commission together with opplicable HST fond ony other 10x 0s moy hereoher be ‘epplicable] may be deducted irom the deposit and further agre to pay any remaining balance of commision forthwith SIGNED, SEALED AND DELVERED in the presence ct IN WITNESS. sot my hond ond soak: iia iano i i” a ‘ie isi Rnd Wipers) (55 (cs) SPOUSALCONSENT: The undersigned spouse o the Londo hereby comnts othe disposition videnced herein pursvnt othe prowsons othe Family Law ‘Act RS.0.1990, cnd hereby ages o execute cll neezzary or incidental docoments to gre ful levce ond efecto the sole evidenced herein — . _— a a @ sg CONFIRMATION OF ACCEPTANCE: Nctwitstonding oning contind herein he conor, cork his Agreenent wih ll changes bathed oe writen wos iy ocean byl pare ot avon astiannssiaserlday secre 20 iemioni Bi ii INFORMATION ON BROKERAGE(S) ~] sing ckeroge 214268283700, ‘anes iar See oop lve Beles wanes igi isa ccd Ni "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT \ockaowledge alti ecceped Agreement to | Lechnowadge receipt of my tgned copy this occopied Agreement foerwerdo copy tomy tray. | loose ihe ravage © forward copy to my lwye: a sect AA 06-20), way sos a ee C-202l Bae ~ Baay Adres for Service - . : Far NT fect Londlord’slemyer Address Email . iia ney Facts . ay fee Woy - FOR OFICE USE ONY ‘COMMISSION TRUST AGREEMENT te ony ns ey Aeron Bt ne enn enlace hed nrerrorecees cetera rer a eles ta in ang anos gee cs ieee ore rea hc ere aetna eect ae DATED cs cle deed ee the ccceptarce of the ovegcing Agroronttolense Aocndeged by iia in ig ese i Te pede Repo, EATON, ae pu ang ome homered gm oersf ie” 5H Sapa hice AEN ed ei ie Ba case pcs win Se monoar el GER oe MES Ss certs ty pore Dd te sere tes ob NA es r eo i see eae Form 400 Revised 2021 Page 3 of 8 i Cops kage OREA worse Schedule A eseciaon emato Agreement to Lease - Residential ecse nie Pownce of Ome The Schedles attached te and forme port of the Agreemeat to Loats betwen TENANT: Mubammad_ Fahad vaéin ~ Zara Seljed ond 1ANELONDE savita dardatt nchoud ies 9 Geant ieee cane TORONTS. x52 23 eocine Bete asp duo 2028 Landlord represents and warrants that the appliances as listed in this Agreement to Lease will be in good working order at the commencenent of the lease term. Tenant agrees to maintain said appliances in state of ordinary cleanliness at the Tenant's cost, The Tenant agrees te allow the Landlord or Kis agent to chow the property at all reasonable hours to prospective Buyers or Tenants, after giving the Tenant at least twenty four (24) hours written notice of such showing, and to allow the Landlord te affix a For Sale or For Rent sign on the Property. Landlord shall pay seal estate taxes, [condominium fees and parking if applicable] and maintain fize insurance on the premises. Tenant acknowledges the Iandiord's fire insurance on the promices provides no coverage on Tenant's personal property. enant agrees to pay the cost of all utilities required on the presises during the term of the aease and any extension thereof, including but not limited te electricity, water, sewer and gas oF other fuel. Tenant further agrees to provide proof to the Landlord on or before the date of poszession that the services have been transferred to the Tenant's name. b This frm mut be iitolled by oll ports othe Agreement to Lease. | mais oF Tenants): (HP 5 6) INITIALS OF LANDLORDIS): ee he eaten O-BORS, ACAI Le, tng Sere od oe gm oe ceca by Soca oy ease Raia QB sapdaswen to ponds Unhesae terme —— Sit Gust Marcon). ag mw, nen non Srl OA arose a sierieres Piclaen pte aka eda Form 400 Revised 202) PogeS of & ‘Aamentsien 1: AGISECAS-SFOR4TAC-RECO-FESDBIAGAIFO OREA serv Schedule A Form 401 Agreement to Lease ~ Residential nelle meertaen MULRIOMBD FREAD UDI tno ZACa Sacrap rotten, Savita Hardatt Temes shat rotuosarly deliver the the Lendlond TEN (10) po-dted chqss on or before eccupeny to cover the ‘arson of the Leas. Tenant acknowledges tht Landlord shall have te righ to beep one mons reat ine ‘eseesion ding the Lease tem and any renewal period thereaer to be appli! io at moms rot, {sndird apres thet rota shall nce the excsive we of exiting Fig, Stove, ichwasher, Washer Sd Dryer and all ther permanent furs now tac tthe popery Landlord warns Got all cenentand ‘rplsnses and windows and dors and pati dors wil bein god Working condlaon on clog, Tenart psec 0 ‘ep the praises nan onder state of clenlines ad thos all ines tod waar thal ie feed promis, fnturesnd hates hein wil bs returcd tothe Landlord in heir pr-oeewpane condlios en vecaey 208 ‘sept for noonal wer nd er. “esa esto py the ut flies require on he rene daring te tm ef Lose excading hel end water cage Tem ar ogesata pov prota bebe es or oe eee ee eae sees lve nn raved he Tents mame, Tnt wile espns fae ics nsadog oot ised wim Cle phone te Landlord sal pay ropety tees, msinian fire insarince ca tho promis. Tmt acknowledge the Lanclonts te {esurns on he premises provides o coverage on Texans pesanal propery or sbi on bee of he Tema, “Tenant ges lo obtains Tenants Insane Package incon copes hilly eaves ro Wied fons Lanny coverage witha peraceidet Fini oft leat One Millon Dolla, Tenot wil provide Lacon itt a spy ofthe poly alleast one day Before eocupmey. DD mecpanaseneresetee Sa Re eee eis EIN: REECRG ECS ATINC BECO FBIEDAEAZEO Reietealtsee Schedule 5 Form 401 Agreement to Lease - Residential {or we the Pownce cl Onto ‘Ths Schedule atched te orl forms port ofthe Azceerert io lease beneven rw MUHAMMAD EMD Uppin tro Zee SATO 7 Savita Hardatt 19 Grand Trunk Cres #2018, Toronto Ontario MgJ3A3 vend forthe loa of. nen nna treat SE day ot. SUE. wR. Toe Beat and in candace with REBLA 2002 ["The ACT" we a equi he dsowe the loving Sal pepe ole (Conmry 21 Regal Rely In| aios hat the Real Ente Truk Accounts woe he for is trmcaton Sarl Pays interes at a variable rate, caleustedby using the Bank of Canada Prime Rats foie open. opie of ise aihe moi of nr allt be more than 89000, te interes shall bpd ie Tea ales Sompieton ofthis tranaction, therwise the deposit holder wil rain it No interes shale patio he tee espera) Seid witha Soil insurance Nun, eq by law for 15 rearing none tan hay 19] dps Sing sadvioe of the banking system, to protect your trust deposit from fraad. eee Peposts of his Agreement, the tenns “banking days" or "business days shall mean unl 11:39 PM on any calendar day, other ‘han Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday in the Provinee of Ontario. {i Landlord andthe Tenant agree andor acknowledge that no information provided by Century 21 Regal Realy, Brokerage iso he PRuniuedes exper: legal, financial, tax, building cond tion, zoning, construction, environmental or other professional advice apd ther ‘hey have had the opporunity to consult with any suct professional advisors pric to signing this Agreement, ‘This form mus be initoled by oll portes tothe Agreement te Leos. nmaisorrons 28] nmusorimorone: > ‘Evo aon re te tre tc cle energie Reese SS Sart yc eet a tra tae a CES Siar eraetlny (GER Emeka You acho Form 40) Revised 2018 Page 1 of 2

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