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Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20


This is to certify that Mr. Balkrishna Gautam Joshi, enrolment no. JNU-jpr-

2017/01056, student of M.Tech. (Control System Engineering) Department of Electrical

Engineering, School of Engineering & Technology has submitted this dissertation

entitled “Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System” under

the supervision of Er. Vivek Kumar Jain, working as Associate Professor in the

department of Electrical Engineering in School of Engineering & Technology,

Jaipur National University, Jaipur towards partial fulfilment of the requirements for

the Degree of M. Tech (Control System Engineering) from the Jaipur National

University, Jaipur.

(Signature of Supervisor) (Signature of Coordinator) (Signature of Director)

Er. Vivek Kumar Er. Abhishek Kumar Prof. Harvir Singh

Jain Gupta

Associate Professor Associate Professor Director-Engg. & Tech.

Department of EE Department of EE JNU , Jaipur
JNU, Jaipur JNU, Jaipur

Jaipur National University, Jaipur i M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20


I, Balkrishna Gautam Joshi, hereby declare that the work presented in this dissertation
entitled “Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System” in the
partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of Master of Technology in Control
System, submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jaipur National
University, Jaipur, is an authentic record of original work done by me during the period
from Jan, 2019 to Jan, 2020 under the supervision and guidance of Er. Vivek Kumar
Jain, Associate Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering.

I have not submitted the matter embodied in this dissertation for the award of any other

Dated: Balkrishna Gautam Joshi

Place: Jaipur (Enrollment no. JNU- jpr-2017/01056)


This is to certify that this dissertation is based on original work done by the candidate

under our supervision and to the best of our knowledge, this work has not been

submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree.

(Signature of Supervisor)

Er. Vivek Kumar Jain

Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering

Jaipur National University, Jaipur ii M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20


It is indeed pleasure and proud privilege for me to complete this work regarding
dissertation entitled “Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid
System” as a combined effort of those involved in this work.

I would like to express my deep gratitude and thanks to Er. Vivek Kumar Jain,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Jaipur National University for
giving me an opportunity to work under his guidance for review of research papers and
his consistent motivation & direction in this regard.

I am thankful to Er. Abhishek Kumar Gupta, M.Tech. -Coordinator & Associate

Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Jaipur National University, Jaipur for
providing continuous support and motivation to do good research work.

I extend my deep sense of gratitude and respect towards Prof. Harvir Singh, Director-
Engg. & Tech., Jaipur National University, Jaipur for his kind support and guidance
from time to time.

I am thankful to Prof. H.N. Verma, Vice-Chancellor, Jaipur National University,

Jaipur for providing continuous encouragement and motivation to do good research

I am grateful to Dr. Sandeep Bakshi, Chancellor, Jaipur National University, Jaipur

for providing necessary infrastructure facilities for the completion of dissertation work
and continuous inspiration and motivation for the work.

Jaipur National University, Jaipur iii M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

Balkrishna Gautam Joshi


Renewable energy can be a promising approach to supply energy for remote areas
and islands, address price volatility of fuels, hedge against supply insecurities, and
reduce CO2 emissions. Renewable energy has the power to create self-sufficiency in
terms of electricity and the ability to be cost-effective and competitive in many areas.
How- ever, renewable energies are site specific. It is necessary to assess each case study
separately to examine the available resources, environmental constraints, and socio-
economic factors. Site assessments include resource characterization, technical
practicability, economic feasibility, and market conditions.

This work focuses on generation of electricity by the help of integrated renewable

energy system which includes solar photovoltaic panels- Wind-Diesel-Storage (PWDS)
system for a village and transmission problems associated with it. For efficient use of
energy load was designed for each place, as per the efficient electricity norms and
analyzed. According to consumption and energy losses, generation capacity of the plant
was designed. Renewable resource assessments as well as technical, economic and
market analyses have been performed to assess advantages and drawbacks of the site for
the transition towards renewable energies. Based on the analysis, which was carried out
using available data and information from local residents, the feasibility of an integrated
renewable energy system using wind, solar and DG has been studied in order to supply
electricity demand. A software simulation model is developed in HOMER Pro.

Jaipur National University, Jaipur iv M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

School Certificate i
Candidate’s Declaration ii
Supervisor’s Certificate ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures x
Nomenclature xii
1.1 Small Scale Electricity Generations in India 2
1.2 Background 3
1.3 Energy Scenario in the State of Chhattisgarh 4
2.1 Literature Review Process Adopted 9
2.2 Categorical Review in “Hybrid Wind Solar Energy System” 12

2.2.1 Review on Decentralised Renewable Energy Generation 13 Common Findings 13

2.2.2 Review on Off-Gird Electricity Generation By Hybrid Renewable
Energy System Common Findings 16
2.2.3 Review on Energy generation by the combination of solar and
2.2.4 Review based on Solar Electrification 16
2.2.5 Review Based on Alternative Methodologies for Analysing Off-
Grid Electricity Supply
2.3 Problem Statement 19
2.4 Objectives 19
2.4.1 General Objectives 19
2.4.2 Specific Objectives 19
......................... SYSTEM
3.1 Solar Energy 20

Jaipur National University, Jaipur v M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

3.1.1 History of Photovoltaics 22

3.1.2 Photovoltaic Technology 22
3.1.3 Photovoltaic Structure 22
3.1.4 Semiconductors p-n type 23
3.1.5 Photovoltaic Effect 24
3.1.6 Recent Innovation in the field of PV Technology 25
3.1.7 Application of PV Systems 26
3.2 Wind Energy 27
3.2.1 The Wind 27
3.2.2 Types of Wind Turbine 29
3.2.3 Setup of Wind Turbine 29
4.1 Data Collection and Analysis 31
4.1.1 Input Data Required for Designing the System 31
4.2 Formation of Load Table 31
4.3 Data Related to Costing of System 36
4.3.1 Photovoltaic Details & Specification 36 Solar Resources 37
4.3.2 Wind Turbine Specification 38 Wind Resources 39
4.3.3 Battery Specifications 40
4.3.4 Converter Specifications 41
4.4 Software Details 41
4.4.1 HOMER and its general specification 41 Simulation 42 Optimization 42 Sensitivity Analysis 42
4.5 Modelling of Hybrid Energy System Components 42
4.5.1 Modelling of Solar PV System 43
4.5.2 Modelling of Wind Turbine 43
4.5.3 Modelling of Battery Storage 43

Jaipur National University, Jaipur vi M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

4.5.4 Control Strategy of Modelling 44

5.1 Final Objective 45
5.2 Structure of off grid Hybrid System 45
5.3 Simulation Results 45
5.3.1 Simulation results of off grid hybrid system for the Badesatti,
Sukma, Chhattisgarh Case I- PV-Wind-DG Hybrid System 46 Case II- PV-DG Hybrid System 47 Case III- Wind-DG Hybrid System 48 Case IV- Only DG System (Base Case) 49
5.4 Performance of Off Grid PV-Wind-DG Hybrid System (Case-I) 51
5.4.1 Cost Summary 51
5.4.2 Cash Flow 52
5.4.3 Electrical 53
5.4.4 Generator: Autosize Genset (Diesel) 54
5.4.5 PV: Vikram 350 W 55
5.4.6 Wind Turbine: Diamond 3 kW 56
5.4.7 Storage: Luminous 12 120 56
5.4.8 Converter: System Converter 57
5.4.9 Fuel Summary 59
5.4.10 Renewable Summary 59
5.4.11 Compare Economics 60
6.1 Outcomes 63
Appendix A-Published Paper
Appendix B-Simulation Report of different cases generated by HOMER.


Jaipur National University, Jaipur vii M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

Table No. Name of Table Page No.

Jaipur National University, Jaipur viii M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

1.1 Electrification Plan 6

2.1 Stages of Review Process Adopted 10

2.2 Categorical Review In Decentralized Technologies 12

4.1 Summary of Load (Jan – Mar 2019) 32

4.2 Summary of Load (Apr – June 2019) 33

4.3 Summary of Load (July – Sep 2019) 34

4.4 Summary of Load (Oct –Dec 2019) 35

4.5 Costing Parameters for Photovoltaic 36

4.6 Base Line Data Solar Resources 37

4.7 Costing Parameters and Specification of Wind Turbine 38

4.8 Base line data of wind resources 39

4.9 General specification of battery 40

4.10 Costing parameters of battery 40

4.11 Specifications and costing parameters of Converter 41

5.1 System Architecture 51

5.2 Simulation result of Net Present Costs 52

5.3 Simulation result of Annualized Costs 52

5.4 Simulation Result of Production Summary 53

5.5 Simulation Result of Consumption 53

5.6 Simulation Result of Excess Electricity, Unmet Electric 54

Load and Capacity Shortage
5.7 Autosize Genset Electrical Summary 54

5.8 Autosize Genset Fuel Summary 54

5.9 Autosize Genset Statistics 55

5.10 Vikram 350 W Electrical Summary 55

5.11 Vikram 350 W Statistics 55

Jaipur National University, Jaipur ix M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

5.12 Diamond 3 kW Electrical Summary 56

5.13 Diamond 3 kW Electrical Statistics 56

5.14 Luminous 12 120 Properties 56

5.15 Luminous 12 120 Result Data 57

5.16 Luminous 12 120 Statistics 57

5.17 System Converter Electrical Summary 57

5.18 System Converter Statistics 58

5.19 Diesel Consumption Statistics 59

5.20 Emissions 59

5.21 Renewable Summary 59

5.22 Compare Economics 61

6.1 Comparisons of Different Best Combinations of Resources 63

Jaipur National University, Jaipur x M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20


Figure No. Name of Figure Page No.

1.1 Sector wise Electricity consumption in India in 2014 1
1.2 Chhattisgarh At Glance 7
1.3 Household Electrification in Chhattisgarh 7
1.4 Per capita electricity consumption in Chhattisgarh 8
2.1 Review Process of Research Paper 10
3.1 The Solar Atmosphere-Temperature and Structure 20
3.2 Annual Average data of The Global Horizontal Irradiation 21
3.3 Elementary configuration of PV cell 23
3.4 Elementary configuration of a p-n junction semiconductor 24
V-I Curve , At standard test condition of PV Cells made by
3.5 25
Display share of Market with different PV technologies
3.6 26
based on silicon from 1990 to 2013.
3.7 Applications of Solar Electricity 26
3.8 Actual and targeted installed solar capacity 27
3.9 Worldwide installed wind capacity the last 15 years 28
India at 4th in top 10 cumulative installed capacity at the
3.10 28
end of 2016
3.11 Schematic diagram wind energy system 29
3.12 Different parts of a wind turbine 30
4.1 Annual hourly load profile 36
4.2 Global solar radiation and clearness index at Site 38
4.3 Average monthly wind speed 39
5.1 Off grid kW hybrid system configuration in HOMER 45
5.2 Simulation Result of off grid Hybrid System 46
5.3 Generation Sources Serve The Electrical Load. 47
5.4 Cumulative Cash Flow Over Project Life Time 47
5.5 Generation Sources Serve The Electrical Load. 48
5.6 Cumulative Cash Flow Over Project Life Time 48
5.7 Generation Sources Serve The Electrical Load. 49

Jaipur National University, Jaipur xi M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

5.8 Cumulative Cash Flow Over Project Life Time 49

5.9 Generation Sources Serve The Electrical Load. 50
5.10 Cumulative Cash Flow Over Project Life Time (Base Case) 50
5.11 Net Present Cost V/s Different Components 51
5.12 Nominal Cash Flow V/s Time 52
5.13 Power V/s Months 53
5.14 Auto size Genset Output (kW) 54
5.15 Vikram 350 W Output (kW) 55
5.16 Diamond 3 kW Output (kW) 56
5.17 Luminous 12 120 State of Charge (%) 57
5.18 System Converter Inverter Output (kW) 58
5.19 System Converter Rectifier Output (kW) 58
5.20 Diesel Consumption (L/hr) 59

5.21 Instantaneous Renewable Output Percentage of Total 60

5.22 Instantaneous Renewable Output Percentage of Total Load 60

5.23 100% Minus Instantaneous Non-renewable Output as 60

Percentage of Total Load
5.24 Proposed Annual Nominal Cash Flows 61
5.25 Base System Annual Nominal Cash Flows 61
5.26 Cumulative Discounted Cash Flows 62
5.27 Time series charts 62


DC Direct Current
DG Distributed Generation
DG Diesel Generator
DR Distributed Resources

Jaipur National University, Jaipur xii M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

Techno Economic Feasibility Analysis of Off Grid Hybrid System 2019-20

DSM Demand Side Management

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DER Distributed Energy Resources
DESS Distributed Energy Storage Systems 
EPD Empirical Probability Distribution
ESS Energy Storage Systems 
ECs Energy Consumers
EPPA Energy Privacy Preserving Aggregation
FES Flywheel Energy Storage
GNEP Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problem
HOMER Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewals
HEMS Home Energy Management System
IUT Intelligent Universal Transformer
IHD In-Home Display
ICT Information and Communication Technology
LCOE Levelized Cost of Energy
MHP Micro Hydro Power
NPC Net Present Cost
OPF Optimal Power Flow problem
PURPA Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act
PV Photovoltaic
PQ Power Quality
RE Renewable Energy
RS Residential Scheduler
SREC Solar Renewable Energy Credit
SPV Solar Photovoltaic
SOC State Of Charge
SHS Solar Home System

Jaipur National University, Jaipur xiii M.Tech.- Electrical Engineering(CSE)

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