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AM@ RC The Rosicrucian Order Known a “THE ANCIENT, MYSTICAL ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS" throughout th wold Rosicrucan Patk San Jose, California 95191, US.A. April 17, 1991 Respected Fratres and Sorores, I cannot imagine that there is a single person reading this letter who does not feel some measure of grief over what has happened to our beloved Order these past few years - and who does not feel grief over yet another change in the Order's leadership. It is painful and difficult that we once again have a new Grand Master. I will tell you frankly that, as a member of the Order, I find myself sharing the sense of loss and sadness this change brings with it. Yet the change has taken place and we must deal with it together. To help us do that, I would like to tell you why this has happened. I would also like to share with you who I am -- and the commitment I am prepared to make to you and to the Order. Our previous Grand Master, Soror Donna O'Neill, was appointed to her position by Gary L. Stewart, and served under his leadership during his tenure as Imperator. When the profound impropriety of his actions as Imperator came to light, Soror O'Neill played an important role in assisting in his removal from office, and helping the Order recover from the damage inflicted by his activities. Over the past year, Soror O'Neill has helped to lay the foundation for our restoration, The financial situation of the English Grand Lodge is still tenuous, but with the implementation of new business procedures there is every reason to believe that we will return to solid economic prosperity. In addition, the complicated and distasteful legal dealings involving Mr. Stewart are near resolution. While there are of course other related issues to handle, the unpleasant internal situation involving Mr. Stewart is behind us. Soror O'Neill was faced with a difficult task, and she fulfilled her obligation to the Order with diligence and grace. However, despite her efforts, certain problems have not been resolved. Serious business situations have continued; morale among employees at Rosicrucian Park has remained very low; and a sense of unease and dissatisfaction is still felt among members. It was unanimously decided by the Supreme Board that a change in leadership was necessary to resolve these problems, and to allow our hearts and minds to turn effectively to the future. 2 For those of you who do not know me, I would like to briefly share my background. Most recently, I worked for a nonprofit environmental group which raises funds to purchase remaining wilderness land for inclusion into two state parks located in the Santa Cruz Mountains above San Jose. The group's goal is to help save the heritage of California's ancient redwood trees and to preserve the unique wilderness beauty of the San Francisco Bay Area In a volunteer capacity during the past year, I have had the opportunity to work with other Rosicrucians on the local Northern California/Northern Nevada Regional Committee in establishing a seminar program for the region. Prior to my involvement with the redwoods, as many of you may remember, I served the Rosicrucian Order for almost 10 years as Public Relations Director. During that time, I met and worked closely with Grand Councilors, Regional Monitors and, of course, many members across both the English- and Spanish-speaking jurisdictions in our efforts to promote the Order's teachings. For most of that time I had the very special privilege of working with our beloved past Imperator Ralph M. Lewis in what is now called —- in a somewhat bittersweet fashion -- "the good old days." I treasure my memories of the special peace and harmony felt within Rosicrucian Park during that time, Having had the experience of working briefly with Mr. Stewart, I also experienced first hand the atmosphere of fear and intimidation he generated. And quite frankly, it was because I felt I was put into a very difficult, unethical situation by him that I resigned my position with the Order. Since that time, as all of you did, I watched with growing dismay as ugly rumor and innuendo grew into court litigation based on appalling fact, and genuinely grieved when the full extent of the mismanagement of the Order's funds came to light. It is intolerable that this happened within the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. It is intolerable that this happened to an organization which espouses the high ideals and principles that we do. Having been given the privilege of serving you as Grand Master, I swear to you before the Sign of the Cross that this kind of unethical conduct will never happen again as long as I am in this position. Over the years, as everybody does, I have had my share of difficulties and my share of pain. On occasion, problems arose that have been so intense that solutions seemed impossible. And yet each time I have opened my heart and mind to the Master Within, transformations have taken place. Each time I have been in need and turned to the Rosicrucian principles for help - my needs have been fulfilled. 6 ‘As far as I am concerned, in my life the effects of my involvement with the Order have been nothing short of miraculous. I know from my personal experience that what the monographs teach us is true. The principles they impart do in fact describe the essence of Being, and they are the pattern by which all manifestation takes place. We have many problems facing us in the world. There remains the situation in the Middle East, there are economic dislocations worldwide, and there are growing social and environmental crises across the globe. All these problems are ultimately and simply caused by the fact that individual people cannot seem to figure out how to live in harmony with themselves, with each other, and with the Earth, If we are to be successful in resolving the challenges facing our world it will be because individuals discover the inner skills and inner guidance necessary to become self-responsible, to develop the kind of consciousness necessary to live in dynamic harmony with each other and with nature. From my personal experience, the Rosicrucian Order offers the most direct, concrete, and dependable path to that state of mind. And I feel it is our single purpose as an organization to make these life-giving, awe-inspiring principles available to every person who needs them and who desires them. In order that we may accomplish this purpose I commit that from this day forward our organization will run its affairs within the grace and guidance of the Rosicrucian principles. We will deal with our employees and our members, and we will conduct our business transactions guided solely by the principles that each of us has held so dearly in our hearts all these years. All of our business will be conducted openly - which means that all questions you ask about the Order's affairs will be answered completely and honestly, and that our audited financial statements will be available to you upon request. This year’s audit will be completed in June. It also means that members and affiliated bodies will receive prompt and Tesponsive service. And while internal systems at the Park will make it difficult to manifest this promise immediately, I intend that we will be doing so within the next 12 months. If at any time you are dissatisfied with our progress, I hope you will let me know personally. Since as Grand Master I am directly accountable to the Board of Directors of the English Grand Lodge, you should be aware that you also have the right to communicate your views to them directly. Our Board Treasurer is Frater David A. Burnet, Grand Councilor for the Middle Atlantic Region, and our Board Secretary is Soror Sandra W. Huff - both of whom provide their services to the Order voluntarily. 1 am prepared to make these commitments because, in my opinion, if we cannot succeed in this fashion ~- if we cannot become a living beacon of the power and beauty 4 of the principles espoused in our teachings -- then we have no business continuing to operate. ‘After all the events that have taken place over the past few years, I hope that each of us has come to realize that the Order is ot the administrative structure housed in the buildings at Rosicrucian Park, The Order is not its officers or the people who work for it. The Order is the special Light each of us has held in our hearts, that we have cherished, that we have nurtured when it seemed impossible for it to shine, We have come too far to ever again offer our unquestioning allegiance to an individual simply because he or she holds an office or a title. If respect and loyalty are to be given, it must be because they are earned. I expect you to receive my words with a healthy degree of skepticism. If you are ever to extend to me the gift of your respect and trust, it should be because what I do has earned it. So again I swear to you before the Sign of the Cross that I will do my best to uphold the principles of our beloved Order, and I will do my best to serve you in a fashion that will make you proud of your commitment to this remarkable organization. We paid the price of unconsciousness. We paid the price that every one of us individually pays when we lose our connection with the Center. We paid with pain. We paid with a degree of loss of dignity. And yet, as with each of us individually, trial and tribulation make us stronger and much wiser. I suspect we are blessed to have had this experience. For having had it, as we reach forward into the future we will do so with greater consciousness and a far greater connection with our spiritual source. And we will be a far greater force for the evolution of humanity than we ever were before. ‘Thank you for allowing me to speak with you in this fashion. And most especially, thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve. With my warmest wishes for Peace Profound, Sincerely and fraternally, ROSICRUCIAN ORDER, AMORC te on Kristie E. Knutson GRAND MASTER

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