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Cecep Kuswanda Class: English 01
Graphic Organizer


Learning media is an information or learning messages to students that can assist teachers in
improving student learning achievement. Learning media always develops along with technological
developments. Types of Learning Media and forms of Learning Media can also be used in the
teaching and learning process of English.

Graphic Organizers are non-text languages that function as tools used in learning. Visualization
used in learning to facilitate students and teachers in the learning and learning process can increase
learning motivation and make it easier for students to understand a certain concept. Teachers can
deliver material effectively and efficiently because the delivery is assisted by visualization tools in
the form of graphic organizers.

Learning English using graphic organizers makes it easy for teachers to explain and understand
complex and abstract in English lesson materials. Students will find it easier to understand complex
material because the explanation of the material is assisted by visualization that makes it easier for
students to remember and understand the material. Graphic organizers are very effective and
efficient learning and learning tools.

Table of Contents

A. Introduction..................................................................................................................................2
1. Short Description.......................................................................................................................2
2. Relevan......................................................................................................................................2
3. Learning Guide..........................................................................................................................3
a. Pre-Activity............................................................................................................................3
b. Main Activity.....................................................................................................................3
c. Post-Activity..........................................................................................................................3
B. Main Section.................................................................................................................................3
1. Learning Outcomes...................................................................................................................3
a. Attitude..................................................................................................................................3
d. Knowledge.........................................................................................................................3
e. Skill....................................................................................................................................3
2. Learning Materials and Activities.............................................................................................4
a. Definition...............................................................................................................................4
b. Generic Structure...............................................................................................................5
c. Social Function......................................................................................................................7
d. Language Features...........................................................................................................24
3. Discussion Forum....................................................................................................................27
C. Closing........................................................................................................................................27
1. Summary.................................................................................................................................27
2. Reflection................................................................................................................................27
Formative Test....................................................................................................................................28

The Concept Map

Short Description

Introduction Relevan

Learning Guide
Graphic Organizer


Generic Structure
Learning Outcomes
Sosial Function
Main Section Learning Outcomes
Language Featurers

Learning Materials and Activities


Closing Reflection

Formative Test

Graphic Organizer



A. Introduction
1. Short Description
Graphic organizers integrate both text and visuals. This has been scientifically proven to be
an effective way of teaching and learning. Using them can be extremely useful for both
teachers and students as they will make lessons more engaging as well as easily

We have listed below multiple types of graphic organizers you can use during various
scenarios, whether you are reading, writing, doing research or studying for exams. Each tool
is accompanied by a template that you can use right away.

Graphic organizers are effective and efficient tools in focussing students on important key
information which are visual representations of new material, both in the form of text and

Graphic organizers can stimulate students to think critically and creatively because the
images presented will stimulate students to learn more actively. It can be used as an
assessment tool that will provide an alternative way of assessment for the world of
education besides conventional tests

2. Relevan
Have you considered really learning new things? It can only be created by combining new
information with existing knowledge, and then forming a strong cognitive structure. The
graphic organizer provides students with a strategic relationship between existing
knowledge and new information. Imagine that students can organize information and
understand relationships autonomously. betweenInformation, organizing information and
opinions, synthesizing information,

combining thinking, reading and writing skills, and using higher-level problem-solving and
thinking skills in practical situations. This will be the essence of student teaching that our
teachers expect.

3. Learning Guide
There are three specific activities to help you achieve the learning outcomes of this chapter,
namely pre-activity, main activity, and post-activity.
a. Pre-Activity
This part builds your background knowledge about graphic organizers. In this chapter,
you are provided with theories related to graphic organizers.
b. Main Activity
This part encourages you to understand deeper about graphic organizers. In this chapter,
you are facilitated by some information about types and examples of graphic organizers.
c. Post-Activity
This part leads you to discuss and reflect your learning on graphic organizers. In this
chapter, you are led to analyze the function of each type of graphic organizers.

B. Main Section
1. Learning Outcomes
a. Attitude
To uphold and apply religious values, moral values, ethical values, personal and social
values (honesty, discipline, accountability, and independence), care and respect for
differences, and diversity, tolerance, peace, collaboration, and nationalism.
d. Knowledge
To analyze the social functions, text structures, and lexico-grammatical features of
graphic organizers regarding the contexts of the situation.
e. Skill
 Comprehend some types of graphic organizers meaningfully
 Compare the social functions, generic structure, and language features of a graphic
organizer regarding the context of situation, the target readers, and the points of
interests or importance.
 Construct graphic organizers informatively
2. Learning Materials and Activities
a. Definition
A graphic organizer is a teaching and learning tool that is used to organize information
and ideas in a way that is easy to comprehend and internalize. By integrating text and
visuals, graphic organizers show relationships and connections between concepts, terms,
and facts.

Graphic organizers can be used in all grade levels, and have proven to be effective
learning tools for gifted children and students with special needs. And with adult
learners, graphic organizers can help enable the connection between what they already
know and newly acquired knowledge.
Video 1

Video 2

Task 1
Video 1 and Video 2 show you the use of one type of graphic organizers. Respond to the
following questions to analyze the definition and function of graphic organizers.
1. What information was shown in the two videos?
2. What was the relationship between the object being explained in the two videos?
3. How did the speaker in the two videos explain the information?
4. What tools/ data organizers were used in the two videos to explain the information?
5. Do you think the organizers helped you understand the information? Why?
6. Now, how can you define a graphic organizer?

b. Generic Structure
1. Tittle (The data or information which is going to be presente)
2. Specific locations for information (Identifies specific object (Information in a
graphic organizer is presented in the form of pictures, symbols or words specifically
so that the readers will easily understand the content of an issue or topic)
3. Short descriptions
The description of visual presentations is often limited to minimize the long wordily
explanation which will distract the readers.

Food web of the Australian Bush

Concepts maps are great to visualize supporting elements of a concept

Task 2
Respond to the following questions related to the generic structure of graphic
1. What is the main point being explained in each figure?
2. Where can you find the specific information of the main point?
3. Do you find any explanation of the information? How was it presented?
4. Now, can you mention the generic structure of a graphic organizer? What
are they?

To confirm your analysis, the followings are the generic structure of graphic organizers.
 Titles, headings, and/or labels
The title of a graphic organizer indicates the data or information which is going
to be presented.
 Specific locations for information
Information in a graphic organizer is presented in the form of pictures, symbols
or words specifically so that the readers will easily understand the content of an
issue or topic.
 Short descriptions (bullets or limited sentences)
The description of visual presentations is often limited to minimize the long
wordily explanation which will distract the readers.
c. Social Function
1. Tools for critical and creative thinking
Graphic organizers assist learners consider what’s vital as a result of they highlight
key ideas and vocabulary, and their interactions.
2. Tools for organizing information
Graphic organizers are network-like visual representations that enable learners to
feature or alter their information be seeing the links and contradictions between
existing knowledge and recent information.
3. Tools for understanding information and relationships
Graphic organizers serve as mental instruments for helping learners comprehend and
maintain significant information and relationships.
4. Tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
Graphic organizers offer an personal way to depict data and comprehension,
therefore it's particularly helpful for learners who realize it dificult to specific
relationships in communication between
5. Tools for self-learning
Learners who use graphic organizers are able to develop autonomous learning like
note taking, planning, presentation, etc. In other words, graphic organizers are
beneficial to learners’ learning inside and beyond classrooms.

There are 20 types of graphic organizers for teaching and learning. Based on their varied
purposes, you can utilize them in reading, writing, researching, brainstorming, and
1) Persuasion map
The persuasion map is an interactive graphic organizer that helps students familiarize
themselves with the process of persuasive writing. It assists them with outlining and
preparing arguments for their essays, speeches, debates, etc.
How to use it
Step 1 : Choose a topic of interest for your essay/debate. Do proper research around it to
collect enough information.
Step 2 : Define the claim that you want to make with your essay. Start your persuasion
map by writing this down first.
Step 3 : Next to it, write down the reasons for making that claim.
Step 4 : Then write down facts, examples, and information to back up your reasoning.
Step 5 : End your persuasion map with the conclusion of your essay.

Facts/ Example

Main Reason 1 Facts/ Example

Facts/ Example

Facts/ Example

Main Reason 2
Claim Facts/ Example
Facts/ Example

Facts/ Example

Main Reason 3 Facts/ Example

Facts/ Example


2) Sequnce Chart
A sequence graphic organizer is a tool that helps visualize the order of steps of a process
or a timeline of events, etc. It can also be used for note-taking, lesson planning, and
essay writing.
How to use it
Step 1 : Identify the steps in the process or event.
Step 2: Using a sequence chart, arrange these steps in sequential order.

3) Story Map
A story map can be used to identify the different elements such as characters, character
plots, themes, techniques, etc. in a book students are reading. It’s a useful tool that
teachers can integrate into the lesson to improve students’ comprehension.
How to use it
Step 1 : Read the book and understand it well.
Step 2 : Discuss the different significant elements that were involved in the story. These
could be the characters, setting, problem and solution, etc. You can fill the
story map during the discussion.
Step 3 : Once the map is complete you can discuss each element individually.

4) Biography Graphic Organizer
This is a tool that assists with understanding a character from a novel, autobiography or
movie or a historical figure more in-depth. It brings attention to various important factors
about a person’s life.
How to create it
Step 1 : Gather as much information you can about the character you are studying. You
can also refer to online resources, or ask from teachers or experts.
Step 2 : As you analyze the information you have gathered, isolate the facts that stand
out or you think are important.
Step 3 : Use your biography graphic organizer to lay out the information in a
presentable way. You can add images to make it more comprehensible as


5) KWL Chart
KWL chart is used for gathering information from student’s prior knowledge or experience.
This 3 column chart captures the before (what the reader already knows), during (what the
reader wants to learn) and after (what the reader learned) stages of reading.
How to use it
Step 1 : Get students to brainstorm around the selected topic and write down
everything they know about it in the K column.
Step 2 : Ask them to generate a list of questions about what they want to know in the
W column of the chart.
Step 3 : During or after reading the book/ lesson get them to answer these
questions in the L column.


6) Learning Map
Learning maps visually depict the key takeaways – skills, ideas, knowledge – students
should get from a lesson. It usually provides a high-level view of the lesson/ unit/ course
that is to be studied and the connection between its different components. Students can also
use learning maps in the classroom for note-taking. How to use it
Step 1 : At the center of the map, write down the topic (i.e. name of the lesson or unit)
Step 2 : Brainstorm ideas and information related to it. Write these down on branches
emerging from the center. Make sure that you place them in a way that makes
sense to teach or in a logical sequence around the center.
Step 3 : Add connectors between these elements and add labels to highlight the kind of
relationship between them.

7) Analogy graphic organizer

The analogy graphic organizer uses analogy to help students identify similarities and differences
between a new topic and a topic that they are already familiar with.
How to use it
Step 1 : Select a topic/ concept that the students already know and is analogous in
certain aspects to the new topic
Step 2 : Introduce the new concept and get the students to read and discuss it Step 3
: Using an analogy graphic organizer, ask the students to brainstorm and
write similarities and differences between the two topics.
Step 4 : Based on the completed graphic organizer, ask the students to write a brief
description of the new topic

8) Vocabulary graphic organizer
This tool can be used to assess the vocabulary knowledge of students. You can create
graphic organizers including various elements to help students learn new words, and learn
antonyms and synonyms.


9) Problem-solving organizer
Problem-solving graphic organizers can be used to improve the problem-solving skills of the
students. It helps students identify and evaluate solutions to problems.
How to use it
Step 1 : Identify the problem and write it in the problem box
Step 2 : Ask students to then write down why they think it is a problem in the first
Step 3 : Get them to brainstorm all possible solutions along with the pros and cons
relates to them.
Step 4 : Once they select the best possible solution, ask them to list down all its
possible consequences
Step 5 : Students can then make suggestions to improve the selected solution Further

10)Math Graphic Organizer

Math graphic organizers are used to describe math concepts graphically to students. It helps
with simplifying and solving complex math problems.
How to use it
Step 1 : Select the math problem you want to identify and a relevant graphic
organizer that you can use to solve it.
Step 2 : Invite your students or colleagues to collaborate as you wish.


11)Timeline graphic organizer

Timeline diagrams are a type of graphic organizer that shows a sequence of events in
chronological order.
How to use it
Step 1 : Identify the different events and the sequence of order in which they took
Step 2 : Use a timeline template to arrange them chronologically
Step 3 : Include significant details such as dates, locations and other additional
information as needed.

12)T chart
T charts allow students to study two facets of a topic. For example, disadvantages and
advantages, pros and cons, differences and similarities, etc.
How to use it
Step 1 : Draw a T chart and write down the two areas you want to brainstorm
around on each column head.
Step 2: Write down facts on each column as you carry out your brainstorming.

13)Hierarchy chart
Hierarchy charts visualize the elements of a system, organization or concept from its highest
position to the lowest. Students can use this tool to understand the superordinate and
subordinate categories of a topic and the relationship between them.
How to use it
Step 1 : Identify the most important element under the topic you are studying.
Write this down at the top of the hierarchy chart.
Step 2 : List down the second layer of sub-elements stemming from the first
component you have identified. Add a third and fourth as necessary.
Step 3 : Connect these with lines to show how they are connected to each other.


14)Star diagram
Star diagrams are used to organize the characteristics of a chosen topic. It can also be used
to brainstorm around new topics.
How to use it
Step 1 : Select the topic you want to study and write it down in the center of the star
Step 2 : Write down the characteristics or attributes related to the central topics on
each point of the star. Adjust the points of the star depending on how many
traits you write down.


15)Cluster diagram
Cluster diagrams can be used to facilitate a brainstorming session or structure idea generation and
even to help with exploring new topics.
How to use it
Step 1 : Pick your topic of interest to explore. This should be placed in the middle of
the diagram.
Step 2 : Brainstorm around this main idea and come up with sub-topics related to it.
Place them around the center.
Step 3 : Brainstorm around each of the sub-topics and write down related ideas around
Step 4 : Add as many layers as you want. However, use color-coding to emphasize
each branch of thought. This will make it easier for you to read and
understand the cluster diagram.

16)Lotus diagram
Lotus diagram is an analytical tool that can be used to breakdown broader and more
complex topics into smaller components for easy understanding. It can be used for
brainstorming and studying new topics.
How to use it
Step 1 : Draw a 3×3 grid in the center. On the square in the center, write down the
main topic to be explored.
Step 2 : Write down the related sub-topics around it as you brainstorm.
Step 3 : Draw 8 more 3×3 grids around the one in the center. Each of these can be
used to write down facts that you brainstorm around each subtopic.

17)Cause and effect graphic organizer
This type of graphic organizer shows the causes and effects of an event. The cause is the
reason why something has happened, and effect is the result of what has happened.
Visualization helps clearly understand the different cause and effect relationships.
How to use it
Using a cause and effect graphic organizer, identify the causes and effects related to the
problem you are studying or writing about. There could be several models of cause and
effect events, such as one cause leading to one effect or multiple effects, or multiple causes
leading to one effect or multiple effects.
 One cause leading to several effects
 Several causes leading to one effect (You can use a fishbone diagram here)
 Each cause having one related effect
 One cause triggering another cause that leads to another


18)Mind Map
A mind map is a tool that helps capture the free flow of thought and is widely used for
brainstorming around topics. Additionally, it can also be used to organize and group
information about a topic.
How to use it
Step 1 : Write down the topic you are brainstorming around in the center.
Step 2 : On branches emerging from the middle, write down brainstormed ideas/
Step 3 : Expand each sub idea with more facts. You can keep on adding more
information to your mind map until you have enough.


19)Double bubble map

The double bubble map is one of the popular thinking maps. It is much like a Venn diagram and
is used to identify similar and different qualities between two things.
How to use it?
Step 1 : Write down the two ideas/ topics you are comparing in the two bubbles in the
Step 2 : As you brainstorm and analyze the topic, write down the differences in the
bubbles radiating from the center.
Step 3 : Write down the similarities in the bubbles that are common to both topics.

20)Venn diagram
Another graphic organizer that helps you visually represent a comparison of differences and
similarities between two subjects, is the Venn diagram. What makes it different from the
double bubble map is that it can include more than two topics and one common area.
How to use it
It works similar to the double bubble map.
Step 1 : Write down the topics being compared on the top of each circle.
Step 2 : Writ down the differences or unique characteristics inside its own sector
avoiding the overlapping area.
Step 3 : List the similarities in the common area.

Regarding the basic forms of graphic organizers depicted before, the followings are examples of
the use of the 5 types of graphic organizers explained above.

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Example of Descriptive Graphic Organizer

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Example of Sequence Graphic Organizer

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Example of Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Example of Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Example of Problem and Solution Graphic Organizer

d. Language Features
One of the goals of using a graphic organizer is to help students focus on the
connections between information, eliminate language barriers such as words and
grammar, and provide students with a different way of viewing and thinking about
information. The graphic organizer cannot solve vocabulary and grammar problems, but
can be developed as follows.
1. Complex information is transmitted in an easy-to-understand manner through visual
display. That is, a large amount of information can be turned into an easy-to-read
screen. In other words, they do not tell you, but show the structure of the
information. Make it easier for learners to understand.
2. Complex information is transmitted through visual screens in an easy-to- understand
manner, which means that large amounts of information can be converted into
easy-to-read screens, which means displaying information
rather than talking about the structure of the information. Make it easier for learners
to understand.
3. This includes analytical, critical, planning and creative thinking skills. Using the
graphic organizer, students must define the relationship between items, explain the
meaning, determine the priority of information and select items
4. The organizer's design is easy to edit, edit and add. Graphic organizers have many
uses, such as planning, brainstorming, learning or summarizing. reading ability.
They can be used in writing or reading skill.
5. Most graphic organizers use short words, phrases or pictures so that they can be
used correctly at all learning levels.

Task 3
Look at the example of graphic organizers in the previous part of this chapter. Analyze the
generic structure from each example and put your information in the provided table below.
Generic Structure
No Types of Graphic Organizer Forms of information
Title/Heading Descriptions
(pictures/ words/ symbols)

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Task 4
 What information can you put in the blank bubbles shown in the graphic organizer
 If you are using this graphic organizer in your class, what learning phase
(brainstorming/ exploring/ summarizing) suits this organizer?

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

Task 5
 Read a short essay entitled “My Cat”.
 Create a graphic organizer related to the content of the essay. (see video 3 as a reference
to make it)
 Make sure your graphic organizer has clear heading, locations of information
(pictures/ words/ symbols), and short descriptions.

My Cat
I have a lovely cat. I found this cat about 1 year ago in front of my house. It was a
little cat who has no house and I could not find her mother so that I decided to take
care of it. I named this cat Kitty.

Kitty is the one and only cat that I like because it is very cute. Kitty is about one year
old now. It is a persian cat with a very clear bright white fur. It has very smooth fur
and the fur is longer than any other cats that I have ever seen. Kitty looks very cute
and sweet with her white soft fur. I also regularly bath it twice a week so that Kitty
will be healthy and is not vulnerable of any disease. I feed it regularly with a special
food for cats. I also give Kitty a little bowl of milk three times in a week so that it
becomes healthy and well-cared.

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

How to make Infografis

3. Discussion Forum
After you learn the written graphic organizer, you need to verify your understanding by
presenting graphic organizer in oral or spoken language. Share your knowledge and
experience, and improve your understanding of the topic in this discussion forum.

C. Closing
1. Summary
The following picture summrize in learning activity of graphic organizer
2. Reflection
To review your idea about the Learning activity, consider the following questions.
a. What did you learn from graphic organizers?
b. What social functions did you learn from graphic organizers?
c. How are graphic organizers structured?
d. What are the main features of a graphic organizer?
e. Can you design your graphic organizer on an information display?
f. How can you clearly define your graphic organizer?
g. How can you say your graphic organizer is exceptional?
Formative Test
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each number.
1. What is the function of the following diagram?
Venn Diagram

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

a. To show a series of event

b. To tell the descriptive details of a topic
c. To compare and contrast two concepts
d. To present problem and solution of an issue

2. What topic fits in this type of graphic organizer?

Cause effect

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

a. Diabetes and its triggers

b. A process of admitting to a hospital
c. The function of left and right hemispheres of brain
d. D. Types of human bones

3. When do we need to fill in the column of ‘What I have learned’ in this graphic
Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

a. at the class-planning phase

b. before starting the class discussion
c. during the class discussion
d. after the class discussion

4. What type of graphic organizer suits to our topic if we want to tell characters in a
narrative story in detail?
a. Description graphic organizer
b. Sequence graphic organizer
c. Cause and effect graphic organizer
d. Problem and solution graphic organizer

5. Which form of graphic organizers below best used to a topic of “5 main causes of
lung cancer”?

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information


Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information


Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information


Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

6. The followings are some characteristics of a graphic organizer, EXCEPT ….
a. Has and adequate space
b. Has a long string of text
c. Has short descriptions
d. Has an easy-to-read visual display

7. If the author of a text lists items or events in a numerical or chronological order, the
best type of graphic organizer to use is ….
a. Description graphic organizer
b. Sequence graphic organizer
c. Problem and solution graphic organizer
d. Cause and effect graphic organizer

8. What is the topic being presented in this graphic organizer?

Source: Modul 1 English for Public Information

a. characters in a book
b. characters in a movie
c. farm animals
d. pests found in a farm

9. Which of the following summary frame questions appropriately used in a

problem and solution graphic organizer?
a. In what ways did prior event(s) cause or influence the main event?
b. In what way are these items different?
c. How is the sequence or cycle revealed in the text?
d. According to the text, which solution has the best chance for succeeding?
10. Which of the following social functions for using graphic organizers help learners
become autonomous?
a. tools for depicting knowledge and understanding
b. tools for self-learning
c. tools for organizing information
d. tools for critical and creative thinking



Answer Key
Formative test
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. D

10. B
Graphic Organizer


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