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Mr T is an 87 year old male recovering from a stroke at St Acres

Nursing Home. Mr T is unable to swallow and also suffers from

dementia. Mr T has been receiving fluids via Intravenous for the past 3
weeks and the Doctor is concerns about Mr T nutritional status and
weight loss. Dr Bendale discussed his concerns with Mr T POA and
they both agreed that the best option for Mr T was to insert a G-Tube
feed to ensure that he receives the proper daily nutrients required.
You are a newly hired PSW at St Acres Nursing Home and you are
assigned to care for Mr T. In report you were told that Mr T is
 Alert/Awake
 Total care
 2 person assist with care
 Incontinent stool and urine
 G-tube feed
 Right side weakness
 Limited range of motion (ROM)
 Transfer to geri chair via ceiling lift

You are also assigned 7 other patients and have received your report.
You did your POP for your assignments and Mr T morning care was to
be done at 10:00. On providing care for Mr T you forgot to ask the
nurse to stop the G-Tube feed. While providing peri care both you and
your peer observed that Mr T was vomiting and having difficulty

Write a L.E.A.R.N to reflect on this experience.

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