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1961, 7; 179


I Electrore~inogram · of the chick embryo*
I. Onset and development

! E. GARciA-AUSTT *~ and

A NUMBER of aspects of ERG have

not· yet been definitely elucidated.
The data obtained from · this animal
by other authors are very incomplete.
Such is the case with the origin anc~ Birds have been the subject of nu-
significance of the various component merous studies but so far as the
waves. The s~udy · of- retin-al electrical chicken .is concerned references may
( activity during embryonal development be found only ·in Piper's 12 important
may provide some helpful data design- report.
( ed to fill some of the. existing gaps.
Keeler, Sutcliffe and Chaffee 10 have
The onset and de';'elopment of ERG
of the chick embryo will- be discussed

studied the ontogenic development of in this first report. ~l
ERG in the mouse. Zetterstrom n has l

( reported on its development in the

child from birth to the age of one Material and Methods il

\ year, age at which 'it is similar to the

t"•' .

Sixty-eight experiments wef~ made u.sing


{ adult. He further reported 16 that in 60 embryo_s at periods r~nging between
the 12th and 20th day of incubation,
( the premature it appears only on the
5 chicks of ages from 1 to 28 days, and
( 15th postnatal day.
Although the main objetive of the
3 adults.
In the cur:arized embryo both eyelids,

present research was the study of the nictitating membrane, the upper edge
chick embryo, a number of rec~rds of·· the orbit, the ocular capsule, and
were take~ from young "and . adult corresponding ocular muscles were resect-
l chickens for the purpose of comparison. ed. Thus the whole of the upper portion of
the eyeball was exposed as -far as the
J . . :!: ., i :_
origin of the optic nerve •. These resections

t • Paper performed in the Departamento de

Biofisica. Facultad de Medicina, Montevideo, Uru.
aimed at a twofold purpose: (i) to expose
the eyeball extensively in order to faci-
l guay.
• • Present address: Laboratorio de Neurofisio-
litate the placement of electrodes and (ii)
to prevent the action ~f the ocular muscles,
( logia, Institute de Ncurologia, Hospital de Clinlcas, thus avoiding the record of the elec-
Montevideo, Uruguay. · .
t • • • Present address: Catedra de Biofisica, Uni-
versidad de Carabobo, Valencia. Venezuela.
tromyogram from these muscles and of
movement artifacts.

I ·I

Non-polarized electrodes were used, the a wave is far deeper and there is neither
absence of the photoelectrical effeCt being c wave nor "off" effect. ERG have been
checked. An electrode was placed on the studied in man with flashes of the same
cornea· immediately laterally or medially type 3, G and in the dog.2
to the pupil and another one on the _caudal The energy released by each flash of
portion of the eyeball, next to the origin the photostimulator wa.s constant at what-
of the optic nerve. In these positions, at ever frequency, inasmuch as neither the
both ocular poles, the ERG; attained its

intensity nor the duration was. Hence it
maximal amplitude. This arrangement more reliable a method than the one
was important, for at the beginning the employed classically (mechanical interrup-
maximal amplitude of ERG was only a tion of a continuous light,4, s, 12 by which

few microvolts. the duration of the stimulus decreased
Experiments in embryos :were conducted with the increase of frequency.
at a constant. temperature of 38°C. In·
young and adult chickens exposure of the
eyeball and placement of the electrodes
were made . in the same manner. They
Results t
were anesthetized . with . penthobarbital, Onset of the ERG
the young chickens being placed at ·38°C.
AC amplifiers with 0.155- 0.2 sec. time As seen in Table I, ERG developed
constants ~ere used. As no resistance on the 18th day. Prior to this stage
coupled amplifiers· were employed, 'slow
all the experiments had been negative.
ERG (C·-Wave) phenomena were no~Jaken
into account. The recording system con- Particular attention was devoted to the
sisted of ink-writing oscillographs and 17th day, with 7 experiments, includ-
CRO. An upward displacement in the ing a· 17 ;.2 day embryo. On the 18th
record indicated corneal. eleCtrode .·posi- day, 2 out of 12 (17 %) ·experiments
were negative. On the 19th and 20th
A gaslight flash photostimulator was
days all the results were positive.
used. The energy released by each flash . .
of light was con5tant, 0.3 joule.· Duration · The ERG of the chick embryo pre-
-100 sec.- was also constant. The light sented a number of features definitely
beam -of parallel rays- had· an· area of distinct from the ERCf ·~ecorded after

200 · cm2 ahd ·was placed 10-12 em from
the ·eye, at all times illuminating the ma-
ximal retinal area. Pupillary diameter
was permanently kept ·at its maximum ERG of the "embrym~al"
throught .local atropinization~ One single and "postnatal" types !'t

flash caused dazzling in man during se~
vera} .· seconds · and was . -sufficient · · tt:) When ERG first appeared on the
· · disadapt;·: during several minutes, 'the 18th day of incubation· and; partly, on
darkne.SS adapted eye (Cobb and Morton a).
the :19th, it showed peculiar characte-
Single· flashes and repetitive stimulation
were ··employed at 0.5-75/sec. frequencies. ristics that enabled their classification
· Experiments were performed in a dimly as belonging to the "embryonal" type.
lit room, except when the eye was adapted Late~ on, partly on the 19th day of \
to' da.tkness or light.
· Stimulation of 'the retina with intense,
short flashes provokes an ERG with cha-
·incubation and on the 20th, the retina
responded to light ih the same fashion I

racteristics · · slightly· different from that as at the postnatal stage, although

formerly obtained with · tungsten lamps; with different temporal characteristics.
'~ ,:'

TABLE. I teristics: (i) it developed with repetitive

Onset of ERG in chick embryo stimulation and failed to do so with
isolated stimuli. (ii) Repetitive stimu-
lation had a progressive effect, ERG
Experiment Incubation Result amplitude increased gradually. (iii)
Following intense high-frequency sti-
1 12 mulation or continuous light stimula-
2 13
3 13 tion (illumination) the ERG conside-
4 14 rably increased in amplitude and chan-
5 14
6 15
ged in form and duration to reassume,
7 -15 after a certain lapse, its previous
8 16
9 16 features. (iv) It was not elicited
10 17 with· repetitive stimulation with wave·
11 17
12 17
lengths below 0.51 ~t.
13 17
The ''postnatal" ERG type showed

21 17
31 17 none of these characteristics and the
14 17
17 18
changes provoked by repetitive stimu-
37 18 lation were similar to those observed
15 18 +
( 16 18 +
in adult animals and man. The use of
the term "postnatal" does not imply
20 - 18 +
30 18 + that the ERG can be superposed over
35 18 +
36 18 + that of the newborn chick or adult
39 18 + chicken. Quite the opposite, the "post- I,_
40 18 +
45 18 + natal" ERG type presented a longer
46 18 + duration, a lower amplitude and a
18 19 +
19 19 + considerably broadened a wave, · cha-
22 19 + racteristics that set them· widely .~part
( 24
19 +
+ '

from ERG recorded aft~i - hatching.

26 19 +
! 27
In figure -1 the differential qualities
of both types of ERG are seen. The
range between what is considered iso-
i' .
lated stimulation and repetitive- stimu- 1

lation, is an arbitrary one. For prac-
41 19 +
__ +
47 19 tical purposes, stimuli induced at in-
48 19 + tervals longer than one second were
23 20 +
29 20 -f regarded as isolated stimuli; those
.( caused to develop re~ularly with a
1 second period or less as repetitive.
\ The ERG was similar to that of the
postnatal· st'age and was classified as
The enhancement of the response
elicited after the onset of repetitive

of the "postnatal" type. stimulation (Fig: 1, A 2) may be in-
( ERG of the "embryonal" type was terpreted in two different ways: ( i)
made distinct by the following charac- it would be the case of a recruiting

phe~omenon, that:. is,. ever more. nu- true phenomenon of postinhibitory

merous receptors responding to each rebound, ( ii) it might be due to
stimulus; (ii) it would otherwise be photic potentiation, to an increased
a staircase phenomenon, i~e., that the adaptation to light. As substantiated !
same number of receptors woul~ elicit below, both phenomena intervene. For t
an enhance response to~- ·subsequent reasons of expediency, this change will
sti!J1u1i. There is also·.· the~ ~~sibility be called "rebound". t
of. r an .. a_SSO!!iation.' of r both. phenomena.' In Table II, i~ seen the. distribution I
Its. exact. mechanism· was.. not establish-.
ed but, for the ~ake of expediency, it
of "embryonal" and "postpatal" ERG
with reference to incubation days.

will be termed "recruitment". . In 2 experiments ( 20 on the 18th day f

The ~arked increase in the response
following bight-frequency stimulation
or intense illumination has likewise
two explanations: ( i) it mig}lt bt?.. a
and 38 on the 19th day) the ERG was
classified as "mixed". Thus these
embryos gave frank, sustained res-
ponses with isolated flashes as in ERG

IIII II ~ JIII I JIII1111111111 Jl JJJ~ J.J.lllllll ~ 1 'I I I ' I , II o I I IIIII 111111111 II I II II I

,. ' lll.:'l "
~·· .

-; 1 ... t t t ·t t ..., r 1 .J
.f' cla
\' res

FIG. 1 . - Chic:1; ERG of the "embryonal" an·d "postnatal~' types. A) "Embryonal"-type ERG. ch
B) "Postnatal"-type ER<;;. 1) Response _to isolated stimuli. No response at A. 2) Recruit- an
ment. No recruitment at B. 3) Rebound. No rebound at B. 4) Stimulation with 0.39-0.51,
micra wavelenghts. No response at A. Calibrations, horizontal', 1 sec. for 1 and 2, 2.5 sec·_
. for 3 and 0.5 sec. for 4; v~rtical, 100 microvolts. In this figure and Jn the following ones,
( 17
the upper tracing is the ERG and the lower the stimulus.

TABLE II "embryom!l" or "mixed" type. These

Distribution of "embryonal" type
comprised 100% of the 18 day embryos
and "postnatal" type ERG and 9 of the 19 day ones, out of a total
of 15 (60 % ). The two 20 day embryos
Experiment Isolated Recruit- Rebound Type showed a "postnatal'' type ERG. Con~
stimuli ment
sequently, ·"embryonal" type records
18 days • represent the early ERG appearing on
15 + + embryonal
the 18th day ·of "incubation, while post-
16 + + embryonal
30 + + embryonal natal records reflect a transition bet-
35 + + embryonal
ween the earlier form that· seen after
I 39
embryonal hatching.

46 + + embryonal

20 . +. + + mixed
Characteristics of the ERG
19 da~s _before and after hatching
18 + + embryonal

19 + embryonal
22 + + embryonal a) . Form;
duration and amplitude.
26 + + embryonal
These features varied from embryo
28 + + embryonal
33 + + to embryo _and even within one single
32 + + embryonal
( 48 + +
experiment, they changed co-nsiderably
on varying the qualities of the stimu-
38 + + + mixed
lus. Nevertheless, when these qualities,
24 + postnatal as well as experimental conditions,
25 + postnatal were kept constant, the ERG was the
27: postnatal
34 postnatal same throughout each experiment.
41 + postnatal With intense, brief stimuli two basic
47 + postnatal
t 20 days
waves were elicited, similar to those
described in animals· and in man:
23 postnatal
\ 29 postnatal surface negative a wa\fe~ and positive
b wave.- These waves tended to be-
) • Experiments 36 and 45 were eliminated because
of low voltage.
come more complex usually presenting

! notches of varying depths. ';I'he ERG

had at times a poliphasic appearance

of the "postnatal" type and at th~. _and it was difficult to differentiate the a
same time.presented the recruiting ·and and b multiple waves. By a wave is
rebound phenomena as in the "em- meant the first negative deflection with
bryonal" type. Experiments 32 and all its notches, until it reaches the iso-
f 48 (on the 19th day) could not be electrical line. Beyond this line, only b
classified with accuracy inasmuch as waves (b 1 , .b 2 , etc.)· ar~ present.
, response _to isolated stimuli was not In figure 2 a schematic diagram is
checked. Both showed the recruiting pr~sented of the _most frequent forms,
and rebound phenomena. the mean duration and ampl:tude of
Out of 25 positive experiments, embryo ERG on the 18th_ and 19th day
,- 17 ( 63 %) presented ERG of the as well as of the ERG elicited after

hatching. Figure 3 shows the records

from 2 -embryos (A and B) and from A B c
a newborn chick (C). The duration of
embryonal ERG was much Ionge_r than
that of the newborn chick. The most
striking feature was the long duration
of a wave and the multiplicity of b.
The amplitude of embryonal ERG was
considerably lower and ranged within
__...._ ___
very broad limits ( 10-70 microvolts).
b) Latency. 'rable III shows the
readings correspond:ng to 8 experi-
Fie. 3.- Chick ERG before and ·after hatching.
ments with embryos and to those of
A: ERG on 18th day of incubation. Broad a wave
5 experiments from birth to over 1 and multiple b wave. B: ERG on 19th day of in-
year. Both series are compared statis- cubation. Shorter a wave and shorter, simpler b
wave. C: ERG of newborn 10-day chick. High
tically in table IV according to the amplitude, sharp a wave and simple, short b wave.
method of Dean and Dixon G for small Calibrations. 1 sec. and 50 microvolts.

samp[ngs. It is seen that in the

embryo the latency was twice as great TABLE III
or even greater than after birth and
that the range was far .wider. Latency of the ERG before and after hatching

Before hatching

n Experiment Incubation Latency

)..JV days

+ 1 38 19 10
2 46 18 16
3 41· 19 ~·· , 16·
4 48 19 ~ 0. 20
...... ,..1--- 5 35 18 25
6 - 40 18 25
7 32 19 35
8 39 18 uo•

After hatching

FIG. 2.- Chick ERG before and after



Days of age

365 or more

Diagnostic representation. Ordinates: microvolts.
Abscissas: msec. Full tracing: ERG of embryo on
the 18th day of incubation. a wave is notched. • For the statistic calculation of Ta- t
b wave is multiple and ERG is of low amplitude ble IV this value is eliminated
from the series, for the rejection l
and long duration, 300 msec. Bold dotting: ERG
at a more advanced embryonal stage. a wave coefficient is 0.75 and higher than .


decreases in duration. Fine dotting: ERG of new- that demanded (Q = 0.47 for 8 ex-
born 10-day chick. High amplitude, short duration,
sharp a wave and simple b wave.
perfments). The latency is expres-
sed in milliseconds.

TABLE IV. type only in its first part. In some

Latency of the ERG before
instances only the first portion of a
and after hatching was present while in others, only the
last. Its duration was not very long
w M Sw and was extremely variable compared
Before hatching 25,0 . 20,0 9,2 with that found after hatching. The
After hatching 3,0 . 9,0 1,3
maximal duration was observed when
isolated. flashes. were employed. Dura-
w. range. M, median. Sw, standard deviation
tion with repeated flashes was lower
and var.:.ed with frequency, during re-
Between the 18th and 19th days no bound, during recruitment, during and r.
significant differences in latency were after illumination and in general, with
found. the state of adaptation to light. Am-
c) a wave. As seen in figures 2 plitude likewise showed great :ndivi-
and 3 its form was On the dual var:ations. It also changed with
18th day it was often broad and cua- the state of adaptation, it increased I.
drangular with a notch in its mid- during rebound and diminished during
portion. On the 19th day it was usually recruitment and with the increase of ~ !
less wide and resembled the previous frequency.

~·· '
I ,---
--. -=-·

8 c

F1c. 4.- Ocular movements elicited by photic stimulation. ERG, ocular movements and elec-
tro-retinogram. E, flashes of light. A-C, records at different speeds. At the onset of A, spon-
taneous movement is seen. Movements provoked by light produce similar artifacts with the
ERG super-imposed. Calibrations, 1 sec. and 50 microvolts.
; I


d) b wave. Its shape was. likewise sectioning this nerve, the movements
irregular and usually presented mul- elicited by flashing light disappear
tiple notches both in . its ascending although ERG and spontaneous move~
branch and in the descending one. ments still persist.
Particularly during rebound the notches Likewise, clonic corporeal move-
became more marked and as many as ments were observed as a result of
five b waves were identifiable (Figs. 2 photic stimulation at the same stage
and 3). Its duration was longer than of development.
that of a with isolated flashes of light,
probably exceeding 400 msec., although
this finding could not be accurately Discussion
ascertained owing to the characteristics
The outstanding features of the ERG
of the amplifiers .used. With repetitive
before hatching are: longer duration
stimuli its duration diminished progres-
anc;I greater complexity of waves as
sively until it disappeared altogether
well as highly reduced amplitude.
shortly before fusion frequency. Its
The a wave constitutes the salient
amplitude was likewise variable. These
phenomenon and in this respect, the re-
features of b were different with those
- ported data coincide with those obtain-
found after birth, where the shape was
ed by- Keeler, Sutcliffe a'i1d Chaffee 10
more regular, the amplitude conside-
from the embryonal mi.ce. a wave is
rably wider and notches were seen
always larger in man and in all adult
only occasionally in t h e ascending
animals when high-intensity flashes of
branch (Figs. 2 and 3).
light are ~utilized but its duration, on
the other hand, is very brief. In the

Movements elicited embryo, a wave has a much longer I

duration. b wave is of a multiple pat- !
by photic stimulation i
tern, particularly after·' adaptation to I
In 15 embryos a study was made of light. This finding coincides with that
ocular movem·ents elicited by photic reported by Granit,8 who described a l
stimulation. In non curarized embryos surprising variability of b wave to a
the flashes of light caused- steady sustained stimulus. The .latter author
ocular movements similar to sponta- upholds the view that component PII
neous ones, starting from the 18th dB:_:}': ___-_- which determines b wave- repre- ·
of incubation. Prior_ to __ this ..time·- -re- sents the summation of a certain
. suits were always negative. In figure number of processes with different
4 is observed the constancy of these periods of latency and speed. This
movement artifacts. They are distinctly multiplicity of PII :D,lay be even more !
distinguishable from the ERG on which safely contended for the embryo.
they are superposed. Adrian 1 has reported that in man
It was established that these move- tl)reshold flashes eliciting sensation t:
ments are of a reflex origin and that may be unaccompanied by ERG. Con- I
their afferent pathways course along versely the onset of ERG does not r
· the optic nerve inasmuch as, after necessarily involve ·optic nerve dis- t

charge and the corresponding sensa- visual cortex by electrical stimulation

tion. Granit 7 has demonstrated that of the optic nerve before the onset of
under certain conditions, the ERG is responses to light. Response to electri-
not followed by the optic nerve dis- cal stimulation was apparent at birth,
charge. _The primary process in the before the myelinization of the optic
onset of b wave (PII of Granit) is the pathways; latency was quite large and
one triggering or at least consistently fatigability very fast. Response to light
accompanying optic nerve discharge."· 7 appeared on the 7th day, when the
This process disappears, as a result of pathways are already fully myelinized.
the action of ether and of anoxia 8 On the whole it may be stated that
prior to the development of the pro- in chick embryo the central nervous
cess eliciting a wave (Pill of Granit) system is already well developed when
and particula~ly, by the action of po- sensory inflows to higher levels have
tassium.H When PII disappears, optic already started. This finding further
nerve discharge is absent. Hence the substantiates _Carmichael's 1 a w of
onset of ERG does not necessarily "anticipatory function", which states:
\ entail visual sensation. Furthermore, "functional capacity may be demons-

in the chick embryo, there is a frank " trated in many action systems of the
prevalence of Pill with a wave con- " growing organism well b~fore the
siderably widened, the whole process "time when the function in question
being inhibit?ry. These two events " is normally called upon to play an
might lead to the assumption that the " active and significant part in the
onset of ERG be not accompanied by " vital economy of the organism."
the transmission of se-nsory messages Sufficient experimental evidence has
toward the central nervous system. been presented as to establish the
However the determination of reflex existence of two types of ERG in the
I movements which disappear following embryo, namely, "embryonal": and
I section of the optic nerve conclusively "postnatal". The former.. represents the
l demonstrates that when ERG appears
in the embryo on the 18th day of
earliest stage of retinal··aevelopment
and -the latter an inter~ediate stage of
J incubation, the optic pathways - are maturation. The differences· between
permeable.· This contention agrees with both are explained by adaptation to
the observation of Kuo, 11 who, by light, which requires very intense

direct study found motor_ responses _in
the chick embryo by photic stimula-
flashing in order to become elicitable
in the "embryonal" type of eye. The
tion at the end of the 17th day of "postnatal" eye, such as that of the

incubation in 5 % of experiments, on newborn chick and the adult eye
the 18th day in 12 % and on the 19th become immediately ~a,dapted to light
in 51 %. In addition, Hunt and Gol- as a result of intense stimulation.
drjng 0 demonstrated in the rabbit that These views will be discussed in a
~ .the optic pathways are permeable forthcoming report.
l before the retina is found to respond Rebollo 1 ~ studied the histological
( to photic stimulation. Actually they and histochemical development of chick
recorded- evoked potentials from the embryo retina. She concluded that

there :s a critical period of ~evelop­ todos los embriones de 20 dias. El primer

ment coinciding with the onset· of ERG tipo represent6 Ia etapa mas precoz del
and· its early evolution. "Nissl bodies desarrollo funcional de la retina.
4. El ERG de tipo "embrionario" se ob-
and alkar ne phosphatase first appear tuvo solamente despues de una intensa
in ganglio"nic cells on the 17th . day, adaptaci6n a la luz. No se obtuvo con· es-
in the amacr:ne on the 18th day and tfmulos aislados y present6 los fen6menos
in the bipolar on the 19th day. By the de reclutamiento y rebate.
18th day the paraboloid of visual cells 5. La duraci6n del ERG del embrion
fue mayor y Ia amplitud menor que el del
is well developed while the metachro-
adulto. La gran duraci6n de la onda a
matic stain of its external segment is fue el car<icter mas saliente. En el tipo
no longer present." "embrionario" la onda a fue mas ancha
que en el tipo "postnatal" y en este fue
siempre mayor que en el adulto. La onda
Summary b fue generalmente multiple y sumamente
I. A study was conducted of the electrical acti-
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4. The "embryonal" type ERG was elicited EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 1952, 4: 547-556.
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5. The duration of embryo ERG was greater . Iation. J. Physiol., 1933, · 78: 419-441.
and the amplitude lower than in adult ERG. The 5. DEAN, R. B. and DIXON, W. J.: Simplified
long duration of a wave was the most salient
feature. In the "embryonal" type, a wave was
statistics for small numbers . .
of . observations.
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postnatal rabbit. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol.,
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2. El ERG apareci6 · en el. embri6n a ment of retinal action currents in the house
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3. Se diferenciaron dos tipos de ERG: 11. Kuo, Z. Y.: Ontogeny of embryonic behaviour
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