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1. Planning
 Start by knowing what you don’t know
 Understand the research question
 It must say something
 Must be easily identifiable
 Identify key legal concepts and keywords
 Think about scope and coverage
 Build a research skeleton
2. Identify
 Identify the most relevant resources types:
 Primary and secondary
o Primary : hard law
o Secondary: peer reviewed law journals, encyclopedias,
commentary, bibliography
 Make sure that the primary materials are still good law
 Secondary sources are a great place to start when undertaking research in a
topic you are unfamiliar with. It provides overview and different points of
view on topics to assist you in ascerting the relevant legislation and
significant cases on the topic
3. Identify- secondary sources
 (i) consult bibliographies, legal dictionaries and encyclopedias.
o Bibliographies contain useful list of books and journals, journal articles
and key primary sources on a range of topic
o Legal dictionaries provide authoritative and often detailed definition
and place terms in their legal context
o Legal encyclopedias provide succinct summaries on the current state
of the law
 (ii) textbooks : a useful point of references textbooks contextualize legal
topics, provide background on, and examine specific areas of law. ALWAYS
 (iii) commentary services : commentaries provide up to date and thorough
commentary on an area of law and often include legislation, rules, practice
direction and case law
 (iv) journals and journal article : current scholary opinion and analysis of
specific aspects of your topic can be found
4. locate-Database
 JDIH ( Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum) masing-masing
 LexisNexis
 Westlaw
 Getting The Deal Through
 CIA World factbook
5. Locate-Secondary Resources
 Which journal is it published in?
o If you have the abbreviation, go to “Cardiff index to legal
abbreviations” and you can search by abbreviation.
o JuriGlobe
o GlobaLex
6. Locate-Advanced Google-Basic Search Operators
 Exact phrase search- use “ “ around your search terms
 Similar terms – use “~” e.g ~Plane. Search orm terms wirh simiiar meanings
 OR : employment law OR labour law. Looks for articles that have either one
phrase in them or the other
 (minus sign) : put the minus sign before the word you want to exclude e.g
“law reform commission
7. Locate- Google Advance Search
 Advanaced search features isn’t available on google homepage
 _search
8. Evaluate
 Record details of each papers systematically
 Check information for:
o Authority : check the authors and publishers credentials
o Reliability : search for peer-reviewed resources , but keep in mind that
not everything that is published is credible
o Relevances : scan the abstract quickly to establish relevancy
o Currency : look for publication date and updates
o Objectivity : look at the justification of findings
o Accuracy : check the facts and references
o Imoact : check the citation count, even though it’s not a reliable
measures, it can be an indicator
9. Documents
 Keep a record of :
o Search terms
o Search strategies
o Database searched
o The number of results
 This helps to :
o Identify the most relevan terms
o Reduces duplication of searches in the same databases.
o Record full bibliographic details and :
What you found
When you found
Where you found it
10. Documents-File management
 Folders and file naming :
o Create a logical folder structure
o Avoid special characters “!@#$%^&”
o Avoid vague or generic file names
o Name file consistently
 Examples : Chapter_1_Vo1_2018

Argument hukum akan bagus dan baik kalo research juga bagus

Writing and Speaking

1. I = ISSUE
2. Pas speaking jangan lupa gesture tapi jangan kebanyakan juga
3. Have to know your disadvantage
4. Jangan liat mata audience kalau demam panggung
5. Eliminate all of the distraction

Elements of command responsibility apa aja? Itu kumulatif apa alternative

Inget jurisdiction ama admissibility cari semua definisi di rome statute catet di
submission , article 30 baca rome statute, harus ada intonasi, treaty ama cases harus
dibaca,packagingnya harus bagus

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