Felix Hyperdoc Edu 214

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Animal Talk

Research to Build and Present Knowledge:


Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a
single topic to produce a report; record science observations).

Click on the link below to access Poll Everywhere. Make
sure to tell me your name, and three of your favorite
animals, and three animals you would like to know more
★ https://www.polleverywhere.com/

Pick a partner from your group that is interested in at
least one of the same animals you are.
Share with each other what you already know about this
Do a Google search with the name of your animal to
learn more!
★ https://www.google.com/

Here are some great websites you can visit:

★ https://www.coolkidfacts.com/animals/
★ http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals
★ https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/
★ https://www.kidzone.ws/animals/

Open up Padlet using the link below and post all of your
findings, and prior knowledge about your animal on ONE
online post-it.
* Make sure to include: both partners’ names and the
name of your animals in bold, and a picture of your
Answer the following questions on your padlet:

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1. What is the name of animal? What type of animal
is it?
2. Where do they live?
3. What do they eat?
4. Any interesting facts you learned? At least 3.

Create a Google Slides presentation on your animal with
your partner. .
★ https://www.google.com/slides/
Your slide presentation must include 5 slides.
★ Slide 1: Title page. Include the name of your animal,
and yours and your partner’s name.
★ Slide 2: What does your animal look like? What type
of animal is it? (include pictures, and descriptions; is
it tall? short? Color? reptile? insect? fish? mammal?)
★ Slide 3: Where does your animal live? (describe the
environment; is it cold? hot? rainy? dry?)
★ Slide 4: What does your animal eat? (describe its
food; does your animal eat insects? plants? other
★ Slide 5: What are the three most interesting facts
you learned about your animal?
** All slides should include a picture that goes along with
your description!

Once you are finished, submit your presentation to me on
Google Classroom.
★ https://classroom.google.com/
Present your presentation with another group who is also
As you watch your classmates present, write down three
things you learned from their presentation.
★ Add this as a class comment on their presentation
submitted on Google Classroom.
*Present to at least 2 groups.

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After you have presented, use FlipGrid to record your
reflection of your presentation.
★ https://flipgrid.com/
Reflections are to be done individually, and you must
answer the following three questions:
1. What was the most helpful website you used to find
2. What was the most interesting thing you learned
3. What can you do with what you learned?

Create a model of your animal using 3D objects.
You can use Youtube tutorials to help guide the creation
of your models.
★ https://www.youtube.com/kids/

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