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ZIM School of English and

Test Preparation
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IELTS Special Journal là ấn phẩm được đội ngũ chuyên gia luyện thi IELTS tại Anh Ngữ
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IELTS Special Journal là sản phẩm trí tuệ của đội ngũ chuyên gia tại Anh Ngữ ZIM và
được phát hành hàng tháng độc quyền bởi Anh Ngữ ZIM. Các hành vi sao chép dưới
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Ghi chú: Thành phần điểm Pronunciation và Fluency and Coherence trong các bài mẫu
Speaking được giả sử mặc định là 8.0.
IELTS Special Journal 2019 Standard Premium

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Writing Task 1 và

Task 2

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Speaking

Từ vựng theo chủ đề của bài mẫu Writing và


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01 08

City life

Chủ đề
In many countries, the costs of living are rising. What are the effects on individuals and
society? Suggest solutions to this problem.

Bài mẫu
These days, many people around the world are struggling to deal with rising living costs.
The following essay will outline some of the effects of this issue, and some possible

Higher living costs are affecting both individuals and society in a number of ways. On
an individual level, many people, particularly those living in big cities these days, cannot
keep up with the rising costs of living and therefore have to have more than one job in
order to make ends meet. As a result, these people barely have any time left for leisure
activities and could even be more prone to negative medical conditions like depression
or anxiety disorder. On a societal level, rising living costs can cause people with financial
problems to turn to crime in order to make more money. For example, in some Asian
countries where the monthly salary of a police officer is very low, many of them turn to
corruption to make enough money.

Although rising living costs pose serious problems in many places, there are a number of
solutions that could be implemented to help tackle this issue. Firstly, individuals need to
learn how to budget their income more effectively, and be careful not to waste money.
By adhering to a strict budget, people will be able to pay their bills and save money to
cover other expenses. On the other hand, governments should enact laws to ensure
that citizens receive minimum wages that are enough to cover rising living expenses.
Lastly, governments can create more jobs, particularly in big cities where living costs
are much higher.

In conclusion, although many people around the world are finding it difficult to cope
with rising living costs, there are a number of solutions that may help to mitigate the

(296 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TR 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

Từ vựng
1. Struggle to deal with something: gặp khó khăn giải quyết vấn đề gì đó.
2. To keep up with something: bắt kịp với cái gì đó (xu thế, giá cả…)
3. To make ends meet: duy trì nhu cầu cơ bản nhất trong cuộc sống.
4. To have many negative effects on something: có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực vào cái gì đó.
5. To cause people with financial problems to turn to crime: khiến cho những người gặp
vấn đề tài chính phạm tội.
6. Budget their income more effectively: chi tiêu thu nhập một cách hiệu quả hơn.
7. To adhere to a strict budget: tuân thủ chi tiêu nghiêm khắc.
8. Enact laws: ban hành luật.

01 08

The table below gives information about the temperatures and hours of daylight
during the same weekend in two cities in May 2007.

City: Mumbai Friday Saturday Sunday

Max: 33.3 Max: 33.4 Max: 33.3

Min: 15.0 Min: 15.0 Min: 15.1

Sunrise 6.01 6.02 6.00

Sunset 19.02 19.04 19.03

City: Moscow Friday Saturday Sunday

Max: 17.0 Max: 13.0 Max: 15.0

Min: 5 Min: 2 Min: 8

Sunrise 5.22 5.24 5.20

Sunset 22.01 22.02 22.01

Bài mẫu
The tables show differences in the temperatures and daylight hours in Mumbai and
Moscow in a particular weekend in May 2007.

Overall, In Mumbai, the temperatures recorded over three consecutive days were
relatively consistent, whereas those in Moscow witnessed significant changes. In
addition, despite being warmer, Mumbai enjoyed fewer hours of daylight compared to

In Mumbai, the temperatures were nearly the same from Friday to Sunday, with the
highest figure being 33.4C and the lowest one being 15C. The average number of
daylight hours was approximately 13 hours, with the sun often rising at about 6AM.

Meanwhile, the temperature was much colder in Moscow. The maximum temperature
during the day was 17C on Friday, and slightly lower on Saturday and Sunday, at 13C
and 15C respectively, which were twice as low as the temperature in Mumbai on
the respective days. The minimum temperatures recorded during this weekend were
between 2C and 8C. The average number of daylight hours in this city was more than
16 hours, from around 5.30am to 10pm.

(172 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TA 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

06 07


Part 1


What are the causes of pollution?

There are quite a few. But I think most air pollution comes from human activities. For
example, when our vehicles burn fuel to produce energy greenhouse gases are emitted
into the atmosphere and pollute the air. Littering is also a major contributor. When
people burn litter to get rid of them, a large amount of toxic emissions like methane or
carbon dioxide are released into the environment.

What have you done to protect the environment?

I try to avoid littering as much as possible. You know in Singapore you can get a $10,000
fine for littering in public areas. Also, I’m trying to give up my motorbike and travel by
eco-friendlier means of transport like bicyles or buses whenever I can.

What are some common types of pollution?

The most popular type, which is also the most severe problem, must be air pollution.
Besides, many people dispose of their trash into lakes and rivers and causes water
pollution. Meanwhile, the rising level of soil pollution resulting from the extensive use
of fertilizers in agriculture is also a severe.

10 ZIM

What do you do if you see garbage on the street?

Frankly, I could not care less if it’s not my trash. In Singapore you can get a $10,000 fine
for littering in public areas. But this is Vietnam and there is no such rule.

How can we stop littering?

No matter how much money the government spends on employing cleaners and janitors,
the key to ending littering is people’s awareness. If we cannot educate people to change
their behaviors, littering will remain as a big issue for years to come.

Are you willing to used recycled products?

Sure. I remember reading about the process of recycling bottles and, so I know that the
quality of recycled products is not as good as new products. But if I can help protect the
environment by using them, I am more than happy to make a litttle sacrifice.

Từ vựng
1. Human activities: hoạt động con người.
2. Greenhouse gas: khí nhà kính.
3. Littering: việc xả rác.
4. Eco-friendly: thân thiện môi trường.
5. Dispose of: xả (rác)
6. Could not care less: không quan tâm.
7. For years to come: trong những năm sắp tới.
8. Make a litttle sacrifice: hi sinh một chút.

ZIM 11
Part 2
Describe a park/garden you like visiting
You should say
• Where the park is
• When you visited it
• What the park is like
And explain why you like visiting it

Bài mẫu
Today I’d like to tell you about a park that I frequently visit. It’s not too far from my
house. Perhaps about 15-minute drive away if the roads are clear.

As for the last time I visited it, if I remember correctly, it was last week. I had to get in a
quick workout, so I rode my motorbike to the park at around 2pm. When I arrived, I met
a couple of friends who are kind of like my workout partners.

This park is just perfect for working out because it has all the exercise equipment I need
like bars and parallel bars. It’s also surrounded by trees and a wide variety of flowers
that bloom in the summer months. It’s even pretty quiet too, so whenever I come here I
just feel at ease and I guess you could call it my happy place.

The main reason I absolutely love visiting this park is of course because I do my workouts
here. But actually, it’s not only that. I’ve also met some fantastic people here and we’ve
even made our own ‘’team’’. I believe we’ll teach people how to do street workouts in
the future and I certainly hope we’ll be doing that at this particular park.

Từ vựng
1. Bar and parallel bar: xà đơn và xà đôi
2. Bloom: nở
3. Feel at ease: cảm thấy yên bình
4. Street workouts: thể dục đường phố

12 ZIM
Part 3
What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city?
Well there are loads of benefits really, but I’ll mention two that I personally know. One
is that it’s a green area where people can exercise if they like. You know, cities have
been taken over by ugly grey buildings these days, so having plenty of green spaces to
exercise in is essential for any city. Another benefit is the social benefits that citizens
can get from parks. What I mean is, if you go and take a look at one of the parks in Hanoi
now, you’ll see plenty of elderly retirees having a chat together on lazy afternoons.
That’s another key benefit to society because city life can get lonely.

How can we encourage young people to go to parks more often?

I guess one way to get them to go is introducing them to street workouts. Some teenagers
might find that to be pretty cool if they tried it. Of course, they would get the chance to
keep fit and meet new people. One more way I can think of is bringing them to the park
from a young age, like 5-6 years old. If they liked going enough in that time, perhaps
they’d be inclined to visit parks more often when they get older.

Should the government make people clean parks and gardens?

That’s a definite yes. As I just mentioned, there are loads of benefits to having green
spaces in cities, so they definitely need to be clean and accessible for people of all ages.
As I know, the government employ people to clean up as well as maintain parks, so I
don’t believe it is a huge issue in Hanoi, but they could do a better job of maintaining the
WC’s in some parks I have visited.

Từ vựng
1. Loads of: rất nhiều
2. Taken over: bị chiếm/thay thế bởi
3. Be inclined to: thích hơn.
4. Keep fit: giữ dáng

ZIM 13
10 08


Chủ đề
Some people think that zoos are all cruel and should be closed down. Others however
believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. Discuss both opinions and
give your own opinion.

Bài mẫu
While some people believe that zoos play an important role in protecting wild animals,
others feel that keeping animals locked up in such places is cruel and unnecessary.
Personally, I agree with the idea that animals should not be kept in zoos and that zoos
should be shut down.

On the one hand, many people feel that zoos are useful in some regards. Firstly, zoos can
help to preserve endangered animals by keeping them safe from poachers and other
threats, such as habitat destruction and the spread of urbanisation. Some zoos also run
breeding programs in order to try and increase the numbers of some endangered species
to avoid them becoming extinct. Secondly, by keeping animals in zoos, people can learn
and understand more about them and this can help to raise awareness amongst the
public in order to help preserve certain species.

However, while the abovementioned ideas may be true to a certain extent, I believe that

14 ZIM
zoos are unnecessary for the following reasons. To begin with, zoos can only hold small
numbers of animals and therefore cannot protect the large majority of species from
being hunted or their habitats from being destroyed. I believe it is the responsibility
of each government to create and fund conservation programs that help to stop the
destruction of the habitats of endangered species so that animals can live in their
natural state rather than be locked up in cages for their entire life. Furthermore, in many
zoos, animals are being mistreated as they are often provided with insufficient food and
medical care, which has so far caused many animals in zoos to die because of starvation
and diseases.

In conclusion, though some zoos may have some positive impacts on the conservation
of some certain animal species, overall, I think they are cruel places and do more harm
than good.

(307 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TR 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 9.0 GRA 8.0

Từ vựng
1. Play an important role in something: đóng một vài trò quan trọng vào cái gì đó
2. Preserve endangered animals by keeping them safe from poachers: bảo vệ các loài
động vật quý hiếm từ những kẻ săn bắt
3. Habitat destruction: sự phá huỷ môi trường sống
4. The spread of urbanisation: sự gia tăng đô thị hoá
5. To become extinct: bị tuyệt chủng
6. To raise awareness amongst the public: nâng cao nhận thức của cộng đồng
7. To create and fund conservation programs: tạo ra và trợ cấp cho các chương trình
cải tạo
8. Be locked up in cages for their entire life: bị nhốt trong lồng.

ZIM 15
10 08

The diagram belows show the production of olive oil

Bài mẫu
The diagram illustrates the process by which olive oil is produced.

Overall, this is a step-by-step process that is comprised of seven stages, from the
harvesting of the mature fruit from olive trees, to the packaging and sale of the finished

Initially, ripe olives are harvested from trees by farmers and then taken to a rinsing
machine where they are washed in cold water. After being rinsed, the olives are
transferred via conveyor belt to another machine which grinds the olives to separate
the fruit from the seeds. During this stage, the olives are ground into a paste, and the
olive stones are removed.

16 ZIM
The olive paste is then placed in a type of perforated bag before being put through a
pressing machine, followed by another process where any excess water is separated
from the oil. And finally, the olive oil is packaged and delivered to shops where it can be

(153 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TA 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 9.0 GRA 9.0

ZIM 17
18 07


Part 1

What do you like to do in different seasons?

I don’t really care about the seasons. To me, weather affects what I do. If it’s hot I will
be do outside activities like playing sports or hanging out. If it’s cold I’ll stay inside and
probably take a good nap.

What are the differences between different seasons?

Well summer it’s hot and winter’s cold. Also, while fall is a bit chilly, spring is often warm.
If you live in Saigon or other tropical areas, you won’t even have a chance to experience
autumn and spring. How unfortunate!

What season is good for travelling in your country?

In my opinion, any season is good for travelling. Coastal cities are perfect desitnations
during the summer months. Meanwhile, Vietnamese often travel abroad to watch the
snow with their own eyes since we dont’t have snow in Vietnam.

Từ vựng
1. Take a good nap: ngủ ngon
2. With their own eyes: tận mắt

18 ZIM
Where do you like to travel to?
It depends on the weather. If it’s hot I would love to go to the beach but if it’s cold then
I prefer going for a picnic in the countryside.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?

In a group, definitely. This is because it’s much more fun. I love having my family as my
travel partners so I could have some quality time with my loved ones. If I ever travel
solo, I probably just suffer from a very bad break up.

Is Vietnam a good destination for tourists?

Yes and No. Vietnam is a beautiful nation with so many historic buildings and breath-
taking natural landscapes across the country which are definitely worth visiting.
However, there are also many tourist traps and scams for foreigners.

Từ vựng
1. Have some quality time: có khoảng thời gian quý báu với ai
2. Breath-taking: đẹp đến ngạt thở
3. Tourist traps: bẫy lừa đảo (khi đi du lịch)

ZIM 19
Part 2
Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet.
You should say:
• When it happened
• What you were looking for
• Where you were searching on the Internet
And how you felt about the information.

To begin with, I’d like to say that I’m always using the internet, but if I have to mention
a specific time I used it, there is one piece of info that I can remember searching for. It
was when I was starting to learn how to do some basic coding a couple of months ago.

At the time, I was desperately trying to find a structured course where I could learn how
to code. The course had to not only be free or of little cost, but also up to date with the
trends of 2019.

I used my brain and my trusty Google Chrome browser alongside for this
task. Thankfully, in the end, after looking at over a dozen articles, I ended up finding
what I was looking for.

I felt pretty satisfied after that because as I mentioned, I checked over loads of articles
and I was ready to give up. Had it not been for an article on, I wouldn’t
have found anything. One more thing is that the article was written by an industry
expert and has helped me out a lot since and I hope I’ll be able to learn how to code
better in the future as well.

Từ vựng
1. Basic coding: code (tin học) cơ bản
2. Of little cost: chi phí thấp
3. Alongside: bên cạnh
4. Industry expert: chuyên gia trong ngành

20 ZIM
Part 3
How can people get information these days?
As far as I’m concerned, young people prefer to learn news from online articles on
the Internet. I mean to be honest they do everything on the Internet, from talking to
studying, so getting news is no exception. However, the older generations, who are not
familiar with the virtual world, like to get news via daily newspapers. Also, information
from newspaper is generally more trustworthy than online news.

What are the differences between getting information from library and getting
information from newspapers?
Newspapers tend to focus on a limited number of controversial topics like sport or
politics. In addition, newspapers only cover the latest news. But if want to find a past
article about specific subjects like chemistry or history, there is a higher chance that I
will find what I need in the library. Not only is library a wealth of knowledge but it also
helps readers concentrate better thanks to the quiet atmostphere.

Is the information on the Internet reliable?

Yes and no. Of course, it is evident since anyone can post anything on the Internet,
we should not trust everything we read online. Not to mention the fact that many
journalistic write exaggerated articles with misleading titles or misinterpret quotes in
interviews to get more views. This is best exemplified by gutter press journalism, the
worst nightmare of most celebrities.

Từ vựng
• The virtual world: thế giới mạng
• Controversial topic: chủ đề gây tranh cãi
• Wealth of knowledge: bể trời kiến thức
• Misinterpret: phân tích sai
• Guttter press journalism: báo lá cải

ZIM 21
17 08


Chủ đề
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to
reduce the amount of packaging of goods. Others argue that customers should avoid
buying goods with a lot of packaging.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Bài mẫu
While some people think that it is the responsibility of producers and suppliers to reduce
product packaging, others feel that the responsibility lies with consumers. This essay
will analyse both sides of the argument.

On one hand, I believe that companies do have a significant responsibility to limit

the amount of packaging that they package their products in. One reason for this is
that many consumers have very little awareness about the negative impacts that the
excessive amounts of product packaging are having on the environment; therefore,
manufacturers and supermarkets need to minimise the amount of plastic packaging that
is used to store and sell their products, or preferably use only biodegradable, recyclable,
or environmentally friendly materials. In addition, many people cannot afford to be
selective about which products they buy, which is a further reason why all companies

22 ZIM
need to be more responsible.

On the other hand, individuals also have a responsibility to protect the environment
from further destruction and pollution by limiting their consumption of products that
are packaged in non-biodegradable materials. By boycotting certain products from
companies who are not being environmentally responsible, consumers can put pressure
on these companies to change their attitude towards the materials that they use to
package their products. As a result, companies will be forced to act more environmentally
responsible by changing and reducing product packaging. Consumers have the power to
bring about change, but must act together in order for it to happen.

In conclusion, companies and individuals both need to take responsibility for the
amount of packaging that is used to package goods. The government also needs to
play a significant role in this issue by creating and enforcing laws that companies must
adhere to with regards to plastic packaging, and by educating individuals about the
environmental destruction and pollution caused by packaging waste.

(309 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TR 8.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 8.0

Từ vựng
1. Biodegradable, recyclable, or environmentally friendly materials: các nguyên liệu tự
hủy sinh học, tái chế được hoặc thân thiện với môi trường.
2. Boycotting certain products: tẩy chay một số sản phẩm nhất định
3. Adhere to: tuân theo một cách nghiêm ngặt
4. Environmental destruction: sự phá hủy về môi trường

ZIM 23
08 . .


The tables show the average salaries of graduates and non-graduates

in the UK in 2010.

Average salaries (all age group)

Graduates Non-graduates

£54,000 £29,000

Average salaries of different age groups

Age Graduates Non-graduates

22 £24,000 £14,300
32 £32,200 £19,100
42 £33,500 £19,100
52 £34,380 £18,600
62 £29,900 £15,280

24 ZIM
Bài mẫu
The tables compare the average salaries of graduates and non-graduates in the United
Kingdom in 2010.

In general, the average salary of graduates was much higher than that of non-graduates.
Additionally, both graduates and non-graduates, aged between 32 and 52 years-old
received the highest salaries.

The average salary for UK graduates in 2010 was 54,000 pounds, which was almost
twice as high as non-graduates, at 29,000 pounds.

In 2010, graduates aged 22 were paid the lowest salaries, at only 24,000 pounds, while
the figure for those aged 52 was the highest, at just over 34,000 pounds. Ranked second
and third were 32 and 42 year-old graduates, who received 32,200 and 33,500 pounds
respectively. Furthermore, graduates aged 62 were paid 29,900 pounds.

In terms of non-graduates, the highest amount of money was paid to 32 and 42 year-
olds, at 19,100 pounds each, which was only slightly higher than the figure for 52 year-
old non-graduates, at 18,600 pounds. The lowest paid non-graduates were the youngest
and oldest age groups at 15,200 pounds for 62 year-olds, and 14,300 for 22 year-olds.

(189 từ)
Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TA 9.0 CC 9.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

ZIM 25
17 08


Part 1
Tea and Coffee
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
Well, drinking tea or coffee is a daiily habit of many Vietnamese people, and tea and
coffee shops can be found at every corner of big cities such as Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh
City. However my preference is definitely coffee because it tastes better and I think it’s
more popular among the young.

Do you like drinking coffee(or tea) at home or at a coffee (tea) shop?

I normally want to drink coffee in a coffee shop with my friends. A coffee shop is a
perfect place to hang out and have some chit-chats. However, when the weather is too
cold or rainy, I prefer enjoying a hot cup of coffee at home.

Why do some people dislike coffee (tea)?

In my opinion, coffee contains a lot of caffeine, which makes people stay awake at night.
Besides, using stimulants like tea and coffee can have bad effects on our digestive
system. A lot of people have suffered from severe stomachache due to drinking too
much coffee.

Từ vựng
• At every corner of: ở mọi ngóc ngách của
• Chit-chat: nói chuyện phiếm với
• Stimulant (n): chất kích thích
• Digestive system (n): hệ tiêu hóa

26 ZIM
Street Market

Are there many street market in Vietnam?

Well, street markets are a Vietnamese “thing” and can be found at every corner of both
villages and cities across the country, especially in the northern regions.

What are the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

There are some noticeable differences between open-air markets and supermarkets.
First, the prices in street markets are often flexible. I mean buyers can haggle over the
price to get a bargain while goods are always sold at a fixed price in a supermarket. In
addition, sellers in a supermarket are often more friendly and helpful to their customers.

Do you often go to supermarkets?

To be honest, I just go to supermarket about once a month. This is because there’s only
one supermarket in my neighborhood but it’s a bit far from my house. I prefer to go to
some street markets which are within walking distance.

Từ vựng
• Open-air market (n): chợ trời
• Haggle over the price (v): mặc cả
• A bargain (n): một món hàng
• Within walking distance (n): trong khoảng cách có thể đi bộ được

ZIM 27
Part 2
Describe an occasion when you got up early
You should say:
• When you got up
• What you did
• Why you got up early
And how you felt about it.

Bài mẫu
So today I’m going to tell you about the time I got up extremely early in the morning, it
happened a few months ago when I went on a trip with my family.

Well... I’ve got to be honest with you, I’m not an early bird, I always sleep in whenever
I have the chance, and my job doesn’t require me to wake up early as well. That’s why I
hardly ever get up before 7 AM.

Anyway, back in January, when my family and I decided to take a trip to Singapore, I
was really excited since I had never been to Singapore before and I had heard so many
wonderful things about this country.

While my mom took care of the hotel bookings, I was in charge of airplane tickets for
the whole family. Unfortunately, all tickets were almost sold-out except for the 7AM
flight, which meant we all had to wake up at 4AM in the morning!

At first, I thought it was going to be so difficult since I never had to wake up before
sunrise. But to my surprise, on the day of the trip, I was the first one to get up, even
before the alarm went off and had to wake everybody up. I guess I was just so excited
that even waking up early was not a challenge for a heavy sleeper like me!

All in all, our trip went really well, everyone had a blast there. We travelled around the
city, had lots of tasty local dishes and met wonderful people. I would definitely come
back to Singapore, even if it means I have to be at the airport by 4AM again.

28 ZIM
Từ vựng
1. An early bird: người dậy sớm
2. Sleep in: ngủ nướng
3. In charge of sth: chịu trách nhiệm với một điều gì
4. Sold-out: bán hết
5. A heavy sleeper: người ngủ sâu, khó tỉnh
6. To have a blast: có khoảng thời gian rất vui

ZIM 29
Part 3
What kinds of people usually get up early? Why?
I think many people have to wake up early because it is what their jobs require, like
those who work far away from home and have to spend 1 to 2 hours per day just
to commute. Other than that, there are some old people who couldn’t sleep past 4
o’clock in the morning or others who must start their day with a morning exercise before
heading to work.

Is it easier for older people to get up early than young people?

I believe so. My grandparents usually wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning. The main reason,
I think, is because their health is no longer in good condition, at least not as good as it
was when they were younger. So, it is hard for them to have 7 or 8 hours of sleep every
night. Besides, unlike younger people who have to work or study all day and therefore
need a deep and sound sleep at night to recharge their batteries, older people usually
have more time on their hand. they can take naps during the day, which would affect
their sleep at night, I suppose.

What are the benefits of getting up early?

Well I am not a morning person you see, but I have heard a lot about the benefits of
waking up early. First of all, waking up early means you would have more time in a day.
This extra time can be spent on either work or exercises, all of which help you work
more effectively. Along with that, traffic during early morning is usually good, making
your daily commute a lot easier.

Why do some people go to sleep late at night?

From my own experience as a night owl, I think that some people stay up late to work,
because they feel more concentrated and work more effectively at night than in the
morning. More and more young people like myself spend tons of time working really
late, and I sometimes even have to pull an all-nighter. Other than that, some people
could suffer from insomnia or other health issues that can mess with their sleep habit.

Từ vựng
• Commute: di chuyển đi làm
• Sleep past: ngủ quá
• Sound sleep: giấc ngủ ngon và sâu
• Morning person: người nhiều năng lượng vào buổi sáng
• Pull an all-nighter: thức xuyên đêm
• Insomnia: mất ngủ

30 ZIM
24 08


Chủ đề
Environmental protection should be the responsibility of politicians, not individuals as
individuals can do too little.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài mẫu
Some people think that politicians should be responsible for protecting the environment
as there is nothing much that individuals can do about this problem. In my opinion,
the responsibility to protect the environment should not fall upon politicians alone
because ordinary citizens can make a significant contribution.

TFirstly, politicians can urge the government to impose new laws against actions that
damage the environment. For instance, one of the major factors leading to environmental
pollution is the overuse of plastic products, like bottles and bags, and this can be stopped
if the government issues an official ban on all companies from using plastic packaging.
In addition, the rate of deforestation can also be reduced if high-ranking bureaucrats
agree to impose strict punishments, such as long-term imprisonment and heavy fines,
on those who cut down trees illegally. However, besides introducing and enforcing new
laws and regulations, I doubt that there is any further action that politicians can take to
protect the environment.

ZIM 31
On the other hand, I believe that ordinary people, through small, everyday actions, can
also greatly contribute to protecting the environment. First, citizens in many countries,
like the Netherlands, have now shifted towards using bicycles and subway trains for
their daily travel instead of cars, which has so far helped reduce a tremendous amount
of CO2 released into the air, and improved air quality. Second, the problem of polluted
oceans has also been tackled in many places thanks to groups of young people who
voluntarily spend their time cleaning up beaches, or even diving into water to pick up
trash. For example, many students in Nha Trang, a coastal city of Vietnam, spent nearly
their whole summer holiday in 2018 keeping the beaches of their hometown clean by
collecting all the trash from tourists, and even banned Chinese people from entering
certain areas to prevent them from littering.

In conclusion, I hold the view that politicians alone cannot deal with all environmental
problems, and therefore individuals should also make a contribution to protecting our

(335 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

TR 8.0 CC 9.0 LR 8.0 GRA 9.0

Từ vựng
1. The responsibility falls upon something/someone: trách nhiệm đổ lên đầu ai hoặc cái
gì đó
2. Impose new laws against something: ban hành luật chống lại việc gì đó
3. The overuse of plastic products: việc sử dụng quá nhiều sản phẩm nhựa
4. Long-term imprisonment: việc bỏ tù dài hạn
5. Shift towards something: chuyển hướng sang việc gì đó
6. Dive into water to pick up trash: lặn xuống nước để nhặt rác

32 ZIM
24 08

The table below illustrates how much money a single person and a couple in
Australia need for a comfortable lifestyle after they retire.

Expense A retired single person A retired couple

Housing $184 $194

Leisure $140 $202

Health $122 $177

Transport $107 $108

Clothing $44 $80

Food $50 $100

Others $37 $70

Total $684 $931

ZIM 33
Bài mẫu

The table compares the budgets needed for retired singles and couples to live a
comfortable lifestyle in Australia.

Overall, the average budget of a retired single person is much lower than that of a
couple. In addition, while housing is the biggest expenditure for single retirees, retired
couples need more money for leisure activities.

The expenditure for housing of retired single people is $184, which is $10 lower than that
of couples. Meanwhile, singles retirees spend $140 on leisure activities, while couples
spend $60 more. Regarding healthcare, couples spend $177, which is $50 higher than
the expenditure of a single retired person.

In terms of transport, couples and singles need roughly the same amount of money, at
$108 and $107 respectively. When it comes to clothing, food, and other things, the
figure for an individual is almost half that of a couple. A single person spends $44, $50
and $37 respectively on these categories, while a couple spends $80, $100 and $70. In
general, the total amount of money spent by an individual is $684, whereas the figure
for a couple is $931.
(183 từ)

Estimated Band Score: 8.0

TA 9.0 CC 8.0 LR 8.0 GRA 8.0

34 ZIM
24 08


Part 1
How often do you read books?
I read books quite often, especially foreign books because it helps me enhance my
language skills like English or Chinese.

Do Vietnamese people like to read?

I don’t think reading is a popular hobby in my country. As far as I can tell, Vietnamese
prefer something more exciting like videos or films. Reading is a bit tedious to many

What kinds of people like reading and what kinds of people like do not like reading?
Well, that’s an interesting question. I suppose middle-aged people or the elderly enjoy
reading because they find life lessons from books really valuable and fascinating.
However, teenagers are often attracted by other kinds of entertainment rather than

Từ vựng
• Enhance one’s language skills (v): cải thiện kĩ năng ngôn ngữ
• Tedious (adj): nhàm chán
• Middle – aged (adj): trung niên
• Life lessons (n): bài học cuộc sống
• Fascinating (adj): rất cuốn hút

ZIM 35
Do you like movie?
I must say I’m a true film fanatic. My favorite genre is superhero movies, especially
those made by American movie producers. These movies help me enhance my English
and expand my vocabulary bank.

Do you prefer watching film at home or at the cinema?

I would rather watch films at the cinema because of better sound quality and visual
effects, I can also eat popcorn while enjoying the movie. Also, the cinema is an ideal
place for dating, as it’s quiet romantic to watch films with boyfriends or girlfriends.

Would you like to be in a movie?

Although many people say that I’m so gorgeous that I should become an actress, I don’t
think I want to appear in a movie since I have a fear of cameras. On top of that, my
acting skills is a disaster, so I’m not confident to be filmed at all.

Từ vựng
• Film fanatic (n): người cuồng phim ảnh
• Vocabulary bank (n): vốn từ vựng
• Visual effects (n): hiệu ứng hình ảnh
• Dating (n): sự hẹn hò
• Have a fear of cameras (v): sợ camera

36 ZIM
Part 2
Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions
You should say:
• Who this person is
• What this person does
• How you know him/her
and explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting.

Bài mẫu
When it comes to describing a person with interesting opinions, I really want to talk
about my best friend – Quynh Anh. She has been my friend since secondary school so
we have a lot in common, including our interests and mindset.

She is now an undergraduate, studying computer engineering in America. Her major

mainly involves writing codes and designing new programs or software. Alhough working
with codes and computer technology can be frustrating at times, she really has a knack
for science subjects and enjoys what she is doing right now.

Back in our days in school, she excelled in math and physics since she usually came up
with solutions to problems in just minutes. Quynh Anh is not only smart and also very
sensible in social issues. She has the ability to think things through and give the best
advice, so I always confide in her whenever I’m in trouble. That is the reason why I think
she has very interesting opinions.

Từ vựng
1. Have a lot in common: có nhiều điểm chung
2. Has a knack for: giỏi cái gì
3. Excel in: rất giỏi ở cái gì
4. Think things through: nghĩ mọi thứ thấu đáo

ZIM 37
Part 3
When do children begin to have their own ideas?
It’s hard to tell because I don’t usually spend time with children. Just a wild guess, I
think they may develop their own ways of thinking since the age of 3. This is because at
the age of 3, they start to go to kindergartens and get into contact with other kids and
teachers. Thanks to these interactions, they will start to form their own ideas about the

Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?
I guess it’s because when children grow up, their relationship circle expands and they
are more influenced by others rather than their parents. Take myself as an example. My
parents and I used to have similar opinions but now my ideas often conflict with theirs.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?
Well, an obvious advantage of setting rules for kids is that it can help children become
more disciplined. However, if the rules are too strict or inappropriate, they can limit
children’s imagination and forcing children to follow these rules may put children under
lots of pressure and even result in mental illnesses.

Từ vựng
• A wild guess: sự đoán mò
• Get into contact with: tiếp xúc với …
• Develop their own ways of thinking: phát triển hướng suy nghĩ riêng
• Relationship circle: vòng tròn quan hệ
• Conflict with: mâu thuẫn với
• Forcing somebody to: ép người khác làm gì

38 ZIM
IELTS Special Journal 2019 Standard Premium

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Writing Task 1 và

Task 2

Bài mẫu Band 8.0 cho IELTS Speaking

Từ vựng theo chủ đề của bài mẫu Writing và


Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai cho đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và Task 2

Cung cấp và phân tích cấu trúc viết câu ghi

điểm trong bài mẫu Writing

Phân tích chủ đề và cung cấp các hướng triển

khai ideas cho đề Speaking

Cung cấp các chủ đề tương tự trong IELTS

Speaking giúp trả lời linh hoạt nhiều chủ đề

1 Set đề full 4 kỹ năng kèm đáp án và giải

thích chi tiết

Hỗ trợ giải đáp thắc mắc trong quá trình sử

dụng sách

Đăng ký tại: ZIM 39

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Special Journal
8/2019 - By ZIM Academic English School

Chủ biên
Đinh Quang Tùng
Nguyễn Anh Toàn
Trịnh Xuân Dương

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Writing

Đinh Quang Tùng
Phạm Quốc Hiệp
Phạm Đăng Khánh

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Speaking

Nguyễn Anh Minh
Luke Butler

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Listening

Cao Thế Vũ

Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung Reading

Hoàng Anh Khoa
Nguyễn Quang Hùng
Nguyễn Thị Thủy

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