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USES OF PRONTOFORMS (I will not discussed it in detIled since this are

already discuss by other reporter earlier)

1. Efficient inspections - Enable your technicians to quickly capture rich, accurate data
for inspections and audits using a mobile inspection app.

(Because prontoforms is best use for firms that operate their business or have an
operation in a remote area, it is easy for them, for the employees and auditor who will
audit their company to collect and analyze their data without being physically present to
the actual site or to the actual workplace, in our today’s situation, working outside in a
midst of pandemic is quite dangerous and difficult, that’s why firms that used this system
has an advantage because they can obtain accurate and rich data using the mobile
inspections app provided by the prontoforms.)

2. Real-time workflows – the prontoforms makes it easily to distribute inspection data in

multiple formats to any number of back-office systems, cloud services, and people.

( So we all know how important the workflow in the company because it gives the
company regular insights into what is occurring within their processes, the people
involved, and a sense for how effectively their organization meet its deadlines, so having
a real time workflows where the company can send important data/ inspection data, or
information across their organization will improve their  workflow's effectiveness with
the least amount of effort.)

3. Rich & complete records - Build detailed work records and quickly create custom
documents. Share reports with auditors and regulators.

(Firms that used prontoforms always has a complete and accurate records, simply
because they can update the information and records, and create custom documents
anywhere and anytime and can share it to other employees, regulators and of course
to the auditors. It is possible because prontforms can be installed in the mobile
devices since they also have mobile applications.)

4. Data collection workhorse - To create rich, full, and reliable work records, easily
insert multimedia and location data directly into the mobile inspection app, perform
barcode scans, and capture signatures in the field.

( Prontoform allows you to create easy and flexible data records where you can attach
files, multimedia and even location data that are relevant and related to the firms daily
operation, it also include feature of barcode scans and signature for security and

5. Works well with others - ProntoForms can be used as a stand-alone solution or as a

mobile field audit app for a variety of ERP, CRM, and other back-office systems.
Regardless of the complexity of the solution, it is simple to incorporate inspection data
into any system.

6. Advanced data routing - Prontforms Generate sophisticated rules for sharing and
storing collected data using point-and-click methods, so user just need to move a
pointer in a certain location or program of the system and then click the program that
you choose and all the data and files you need will appear. Conditional reasoning will
decide when and when to alert safety supervisors of a failed inspection, store files in
the cloud, and exchange reports with regulatory authorities.

7. Offline mode - The mobile inspection software allows you to conduct inspections and
audits in areas where there is no internet access. As connection is restored, the
solution immediately submits the form. So this offline mode feature of prontoforms will
prevent the Occurrence of missing and incomplete data because the internet
connection is interrupted.

8. Easy to manage - The low-code interface from ProntoForms allows you to easily
edit vast inspection forms with bulk-edit software, add or delete new use cases or
members, and dispatch tasks to individuals or groups in the field.


 ProntoForms can deliver a lot of potential benefits to many companies.

(ProntoForms is an auditing software which contains tools that are very easy to use and
that makes implementing quick changes and pilot programs in a very short period of time.
So it has a unique feature that will increase the firm’s productivity, improve service quality,
and achieve full compliance. Some of the notable benefits that this auditing software give
is that they have mobile application so collecting data is very flexible, they can do their
work and check their records anytime, employees, auditors and regulators can exchange
and shared information to each other, and stay connected, regardless of their role in a
particular project.)

(the four functions of this software that are very advantages to the firm that use it that
make it very useful in field operations.)

• Collects data on practically all types of mobile devices. (they have mobile
applications, it can works both in android and IOS, and can store files in various formats,
such as, PDF, DOC, TXT or HTML.)

• It integrates with a wide range of backend systems ( prontoforms has a

system that supports back-office applications. These systems are used as part of
corporate management and they work by obtaining user input and gathering input from
other systems to provide responsive output.)

• Efficiently analyzes real-time data

• Deployed really easily

 Best suited for every companies that wants to eliminate paper transaction
and switch to paperless workflow, as well as those organization that works from
remote area.
(this application digitizes paperwork to empower workers in the field with the ability to
complete complex forms on mobile devices, collect rich data, and send form data directly
to management personnel, back-office systems, and analytics tools.

Going paperless transaction is also beneficial in company, especially now that we are still
in the middle of pandemic, paperless transaction where you can easily shared and stored
data is the best option. The ability to quickly locate and disseminate information may
enhance your company's efficiency and professional image. Spending time hunting
through piles of paper slows down response time in an age when most answers are only
a few keystrokes away. Also Shifting to paperless documentation also makes the
transportation of data more efficient, without the need for cumbersome fax machines or
document couriers.)

 It greatly helps auditors to automate various audit tasks. (As most accounting
transactions are now computerized, auditing of accounting data is also expected to be
computerized as well. This auditing software accomplish the automation task while
offering diversity in its capabilities as well.)

 ProntoForms makes auditing report to be a more comprehensive and

customized designed to help the organization to effectively meet their strategic


Although prontoforms provides its users many benefits, it still does not appear
100% perfect auditing software for some firms and industry. As to recommendations,
prontoforms should be continuously develop and fix the following issue.

1. Efficiently create customs forms without taking too much time – prontoforms
should simplify the process of creating forms since it takes a while creating it and fix
issues with respect to forms missing data, the app is continuously frozen and
sometimes it is forcedly closed, and other technical issues users have experienced
in the field.

2. Frequent changes in data files must be easily adapted – some feedback provided
by the users is the difficulty in frequently changing the data, few complaints is the lack
of freedom to update and change the form when there is a custom layout attached.
The form is then locked which the users may understand if there are certain changes
made it could make the output non functional. There should be a layout builder that
users could use similar to the form builder.

3. Expand file attachment limitation and ability to attach and send video – pronto
should make it more flexible and easy to use by eliminating the limitation in
attaching data and sending video, because some firms and industry are
frequently sending large files that may contain videos of their activities.

4. Improve programming functionality from a design stand point - Lack of

programming functionality from a design stand point. Users need a highly
sophisticated form to make this work for them, and pronto still do not provide any
of this.
Over the past few years and all the new functionality coming on-line, users would
like to see a high level overview of the various major parts. If a new customer
was looking at this, you need a concept of all the parts so you can properly put
forward the conceptual design.

5. Fix problems and errors that arise during heavy updates within the mobile app
and web portal. – Problems like mobile application frozen, sudden closing of the
application and some other technical issues can be fairly inconvenient and
confusing to users who do not know the ins and outs of the app.

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