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There are plans to demolish an old and unused building in the town where you are a student.

You feel that the building should be saved. You decide to write a proposal for the town council
explaining why you think the building should be preserved, suggesting what could be done to
modernize it and saying how the building could benefit the local people.

Write your proposal.


This proposal aims to put forward some ideas to avoid the destruction of the old library


Over the last few years, we have observed that many buildings, especially the ones in the city
center, have been demolished and been replaced for modern ones. Some of these buildings
had great cultural and historical importance for the town and the country. However, that has
not stopped authorities from destroying them. The old library is the only one that has been
preserved until now. This building was present during one of the most important events for
the fight of our independence and it has also been the home of important people from our


The new mayor’s plan to put it down has risen voices all over the country and even
internationally. Some of which have proposed our town's amazing ideas to not only modernize
its infrastructure but also to preserve its facade. To illustrate this point, it is crucial to mention
the “Louvre” technique, which has been used in other important venues in our Capital city
with great success.


Furthermore, by conserving this building, our status as a “must-see” city in the country will be
maintained. This is beneficial for both, tourists and locals. People who have recently visited our
town, always ask about this structure and its background despite being empty, nonetheless
the fact to have visited the building is what gives them great satisfaction.

The consideration of the aforementioned suggestions will bring nothing but advantages for the
people, the city, and the country.

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