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All young people who have the opportunity should study in a foreign school or college for a
year. Do you agree?

Although is not very common for students in Ecuador to study a year abroad, there exists a lot
of good reasons to think that studying in a different country is advantageous for a student.

Living abroad gives young people a new perspective of their lives. First of all because they will
be out of their comfort zone, living with different people with a different culture and who
sometimes don’t even speak the same language which is a huge advantage if the student is
interested in learning it.

Additionally to that, being an exchange student is a fulfilling experience that allows people to
grow up, not only personally but also professionally. People who travel become more mature
due to the new knowledge they gain being more aware of a new social and educational reality.
Furthermore having studied abroad can be helpful for a professional career.

It may be difficult at the beginning; however the new friends made will be forever. In addition
to that there’s the fact that all the experiences lived can be shared back home, which is a good
way to encourage people to do the same.

To conclude, studying abroad opens your mind to new realities and offers people the
opportunity of learning new things.

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