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Case Project: 2

You need to acquire an image of a disk on a computer that can’t be removed from the scene,
and you discover that it’s a Linux computer. What are your options for acquiring the image?
Write a brief paper specifying the hardware and software you would use.


Description of Linux OS and commands used for acquisition.

Linux is the operating system which has various pre-defined features of the forensics tools
which are applicable for the data acquisition. One of the properties of the Linux is that it can
access the drive which is not mounted.

Physical access in the drive can be for the purpose of reading data done on a connected media
device such as disk drive, USB drive, or other storage data.

In the case where OS is Linux, for the data acquisition from the suspect computer, Linux base
acquisition technique is used.

The special feature of Linux Live CD is that it can read and mount most of the drivers. To
perform the data acquisition, few tools are required:

1.A forensic Live CD.

2.A USB, SATA external drives with cables.

3.Knowledge of alters the BIOS of suspect computer to run the Linux Live CD.

4.Knowledge of shell command for data acquisition.

The best solution is to remove the hard drive, connect it to another computer through a
hardware write blocker, and then grab a complete image of it. However in this case project,
disk can’t be removed that’s why you need to go with the forensics Live CD route, but since it
involves booting the computer you may already trigger some firmware embedded code
designed to alter/ destroy potential evidence (hard but not impossible to do, it depends on
what kind of criminal you are after).

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