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Breanna Sandoval

EDU 280 Spring 2020

Multicultural Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Title: Is There Really a Human Race? Reading & Activity
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Concept / Topic to Teach: Race & Diversity.
General Goal(s): Have students create a race bib designed to represent them as a person. Have students’
study and share their culture, ethnicity, religion, languages etc. with the class. Students to become familiar
with their own cultural background and become more familiar about their fellow classmates. Understand the
meaning of race.
Specific Objectives: Students to recognize & celebrate the diversity of the human race. Students to
question, discuss and become more aware of race. Perform the verbs of movement.
Required Materials: Construction paper, markers, crayons, tape, scissors, & Book: Is There Really a
Human Race?
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Students will refer to race as a sport just as described in the book. Students may
not have heard of the term human race or have a true understanding of what it really means.
Step-By-Step Procedures: Introduce/Read book Is There Really a Human Race? Ask student questions
about race & diversity & if the know what it means. Allow them to question & discuss the readings in the
book. After discussion have students create a race badge that represents them as a person in the “Human
Race”, applying characteristics about their culture, ethnicity, favorite things etc.
Plan for Independent Practice: Students should be able to have a better understanding of the term Human
Race. And able to live in a diverse society with demonstrating racism and/or prejudice. And understand that
We are all a part of the human race and the more we work together we can all win.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Have students present their race bib to the class. Explaining why they
chose to design it the way they did and allow them to introduce their culture to their classmates. Give
positive feedback.
Assessment Based on Objectives: Discuss the topic of human race & diversity while asking the students to
answer questions and give examples to ensure proper understanding.
Possible Connections to Other Subjects: Reading, Social Studies, Geography, Art & Multi-cultural

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