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User guide

Everything you
need to know
Welcome to

Voyager PLANNING STATION is the easy solution for the complex and time
consuming task of managing electronic and traditional navigation onboard.

This guide is designed to help you get started. More detailed support is available
by clicking the small question mark / help button in the upper right of every
Voyager PLANNING STATION screen.

There is also a series of useful ‘How to’ videos included on your Voyager PLANNING
STATION USB. These videos show you:

• How to download weekly updates using Voyager CLOUD web or email services
• How to export ENC updates to your ECDIS using V Drive
• How to print and apply your Notices to Mariners
• How to export a chart correction report
• How to plan a route
• How to validate a route
• How to create a passage plan
• How to view Marpol zone route crossover points and ETA
• How to order products for a planned route
• How to view the latest Notices to Mariners

These videos are also available on our web site at


Recommended system requirements 3

Section one: Installation 5

Section two: Set up and configuration 13

Section three: Digital and paper updating 21

Section four: Using the Voyager map 52

Section five: Route and passage planning 63

Section six: Ordering navigation products 77

Section seven: Other common tasks 83

Helpful hint:
For certain processes detailed in this How to Guide
there may be different instructions depending
on whether you are using web updating or email
update. To find out which update method you
are using, select “Configuration” from the top
menu bar in Voyager PLANNING STATION then
“Update Settings”. Make a note of the Update
method displayed.

You can change your update method at any time by

following the steps on Page 14 How to change your
update method.


System requirements

Recommended requirements
The following requirements are recommended and are essential when using Voyager
PLANNING STATION’s ENC display and route validation tools.

Internet connection 3G, GPRS, Broadband, Wifi or Iridium Openport

Computer processor Intel Core i5 Processor (2.5 GHz Dual Core)
Computer memory 8 GB RAM
Hard drive 256GB SSD Hard Drive (20 GB spare)
Operating system Windows 10 Pro
Screen resolution 1366 x 768 pixels or higher
Printer (paper updates only) Colour inkjet

Minimum Requirements
If you are not using Voyager PLANNING STATION’s richer features such as the ENC
viewer or route validation then the following specification is sufficient.

Internet connection 3G, GPRS, Broadband, Wifi or Iridium Openport

Computer processor Intel Core i3 Processor (Dual Core 2 GHz)
Computer memory 4 GB RAM
Hard drive 256GB SATA Hard Drive (20 GB spare)
Operating system Windows 7 SP1
Screen resolution 1366 x 768 pixels or higher
Printer (paper updates only) Colour inkjet

Now complete the following steps to install your Voyager PLANNING STATION.

Section one:
Installing Voyager
This section explains how to install and get set up ready to

How to install in 7 easy steps 6

Installation troubleshooting 9

Helpful hint:
The Voyager PLANNING STATION software is
supplied on a pre-loaded USB device that also
includes latest versions of AVCS, ADP, AeNPs and
Witherby eBooks. When inserted into a ship’s
computer, an installation wizard helps you to
install everything that is required very quickly
and easily.

How to install

You will require user permissions on your computer to ensure successful
installation of any required pre-requisite component applications. Please refer
to the installation troubleshooting guide. You may need to contact your IT
department to grant permission to install Voyager PLANNING STATION as an

1. Insert USB
Insert the Voyager PLANNING STATION USB into your PC. If the USB window
does not display automatically, browse to the drive in Windows Explorer and
double click on VPS_Setup.exe.

2. Launch Voyager PLANNING STATION setup

Select Install Voyager PLANNING STATION from the list of options.

3. System check performed

Your PC will be checked for any required pre-requisite component applications
to install. You may be prompted to confirm you wish to proceed. Accept and

4. Check the terms & conditions

Read and accept the terms and conditions by selecting the check box.

5. Install Voyager PLANNING STATION

Click Install to begin installation. Voyager PLANNING STATION and all required
data will be installed and configured. Once complete, click Launch to open
Voyager PLANNING STATION setup configuration.

Note: You may be prompted to confirm you wish to proceed. Accept and continue.

6. Voyager PLANNING STATION setup and configuration settings.

You now need to check and update your Voyager PLANNING STATION
configuration and data.
Import your LICENCE_KEY.txt file received via email.

If you have not received a LICENCE_KEY please contact:

Click the Import button next to the Voyager PLANNING STATION Licence missing
or expired alert.

Browse to and select your LICENCE_KEY.TXT and click Open.

Set your preferred update method for web updates or email updates.

• Web: Updates are synchronised automatically via a connected web service.

• Email: Updates are exchanged via email with the option to set maximum
download size.

Helpful hint:
We strongly recommend the Voyager CLOUD
web update method to give you the best user

Test your web/FTP connection. If the connection fails, please refer to Installation
troubleshooting and contact your IT department to configure access to the web and
FTP services listed on screen and in the guide.

Download or import a Voyager PLANNING STATION update to update your vessel


Send a Sync update to synchronise your Voyager PLANNING STATION installation

with the Voyager server.

Note: For email update method, send the Sync update to

Click Initialise to update your NTM correction log to the latest week if required.

7. Launch Voyager PLANNING STATION

Congratulations! Your installation is complete. You can launch Voyager

Installation troubleshooting

If you experience difficulties with your Voyager PLANNING STATION installation,

please refer to the following useful troubleshooting tips to resolve your issue quickly
and efficiently.

The installation hangs and fails to install a Microsoft.Net pre-requisite?

If you are installing VPS on Windows 7 SP1 and the setup fails, then there may be a
Microsoft security update missing from your computer. Please follow the instructions
below and restart the installation again.

• Browse to the Install\Support Tools folder on the Voyager PLANNING STATION

installation USB.
• Right click on the InstallCertificate.bat file and select Run as administrator from
the list of menu options.

The installation or setup configuration fails to complete?

You WILL require user permissions on your computer to ensure successful installation
of any required pre-requisite component applications. You may need to contact your
IT department to grant permission to install Voyager PLANNING STATION as an
• To check if you have Administrator rights on your computer press WinKey+R on
the keyboard.
• Type Netplwiz and Press Enter.
• Alternatively, type Netplwiz into your windows search and press enter.
• If Administrators is displayed in the Group column of your user name, then
you have Administrative rights and you can proceed to the next step to install

If Administrators is not displayed, then you have 3 options:

1. Select your User Name, Click Properties, select the Administrator option and
click Apply. Then click Apply and OK on the User Accounts window.

2. Contact the System Administrator or IT department to grant you Administrator

3. Contact the System Administrator and request them to enter the Administrator
Username and Password during the installation in step 3.

I have internet access, but I cannot download updates and the web/FTP
connection fails.
There can be two possible issues:

1. Your IT Department may need to whitelist our Voyager PLANNING STATION

web server IP address or Domain to allow updates via VPS. They will need to
configure the following for your vessel:

• Whitelist
• Whitelist
• Whitelist
• Whitelist
• Whitelist
• Whitelist
• Allow Port: 80, for downloading updates
• Allow Ports: 21 & 20 for uploading sync updates
• Allow Ports: 1098 - 1298 for uploading sync updates

2. Your internet connection may be via a Proxy server. Please contact your IT
Department to request the Proxy server details.

• Select Configuration on the top bar of Voyager PLANNING STATION.
• Select Update Settings and check the Use Proxy box to enable Voyager
PLANNING STATION to use Proxy Server Settings.
• Enter the Address, Port, Username and Password as provided by your IT
Department and click Save.

I have selected email as my update method. How do I update Voyager

You should have received Voyager PLANNING STATION email updates from If you have not received any Voyager PLANNING
STATION updates then please email

You may have received more than one email containing Voyager PLANNING
STATION updates due to set file size limits. The attachment file names will include
the week number and a reference to indicate the number of update files required for
the selected week. i.e. VoyagerUpdateEmailVesselIDAllYr2020Wk16(2of6)

Once you receive all parts for the weekly Voyager PLANNING STATION update, save
all the update attachments to an empty new folder located on your computer.

To update Voyager PLANNING STATION simply click on Sync Update > Import
update on the top bar of Voyager PLANNING STATION.

Browse to the updates folder and select the first part of the updates and Voyager
PLANNING STATION will automatically detect the complete set of updates
contained in the folder.

Voyager PLANNING STATION is installed but does not run?

You may not have the required full control user permissions to access the installed
folder locations. You may need to contact your IT department to allow full control to
the following folder locations:

• C:\Program Files (x86)\Voyager

• C:\ProgramData\Voyager
• C:\ProgramData\Voyager Automated Cloud Service

You can check and update your user permission to these folder locations:

• Press WinKey+R on your keyboard to open a run command.

• Type C:\Program Files (x86) and Press Enter.
• Scroll down to the Voyager PLANNING STATION folder.
• Right click, select Properties and select the Security tab.
• Select Users from the list and click Edit.
• Select Users again and tick the Full control check box under Allow.
• Click Apply and OK and click OK again.

Section two:
Set up and
This section explains how to set up Voyager PLANNING STATION to suit
how you want to navigate. This section is particularly important for users of
the Voyager PAY AS YOU SAIL solution which makes the process of updating
ENCs every week as efficient as possible.

How to change your update method from web or

email and vice versa 14
How to activate the ENC viewer 15
How to limit the ENC updates you receive to your
current route 16
How to limit the ENC updates you receive to your
trading area 18

How to change your update method
from web or email and vice versa

Voyager PLANNING STATION offers two options for sending and receiving

1. Web where Voyager PLANNING STATION directly connects to the internet to

transfer data.

2. Email where information is exchanged by emails with the option to select a

maximum email size.

We strongly recommend you use the web update method in order to ensure the best
user experience.

To change your update method from email to web (or vice versa) click the
Configuration icon on the Voyagers PLANNING STATION top menu.

Select Update Settings. Select from Update Method either Web Service or Email

For web update users: If required, update proxy settings.

For email Update users: If required, set the vessel email address and file size limit.
Click Save.

Helpful hint:
We strongly recommend the web update method
to give you the best user experience.

How to activate the ENC viewer

Voyager PLANNING STATION includes a fully integrated ECS kernel to view ENCs
for improved passage planning and route validation. You MUST have an ENC permit
registered to your Voyager PLANNING STATION computer in order to use this

Please send a Sync Update and contact and

request an ENC permit to be registered to your Voyager PLANNING STATION
computer to view ENCs.

Once we have registered your ENC permit for Voyager PLANNING STATION you will
receive an email from customer services advising you to update Voyager PLANNING

The update will install your registered ENC permit and enable you to view ENCs.

Helpful hint:
Please refer to the recommended system
requirements to ensure that your onboard
computer has the necessary specification to
display ENCs.

How to limit the ENC updates
you receive to your current route

You can set Voyager PLANNING STATION to only enable ENC updates for a specific
route to reduce the weekly file size of the ENC updates received. When using
this setting, the ENCs calculated for the route will take the Vessel Defaults > Route
Updates Buffer into account.

Select Manage your updates on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select Enable ENC updates
for a route to expand the menu and list the available route options.

Note: Please refer to the help on Plan a new route for this part.

If you select Auto generate a Port to Port route or Import a route options,
all affected ENCs along the route will now be displayed on the map and the ENC
updates will only be enabled for the affected ENCs. Please wait for the process to

Note: ENC updates for ALL other ENC cells will now be disabled, until you enable
updates for another route or enable/disable updates in Inventory or specifically for
trading zones in Updates.

You will now be prompted to Send a sync update to synchronise your changes with
the Voyager PLANNING STATION server. Click Yes to send a sync update now.

If your update method is web then the update will auto synchronise with the Voyager

If your update method is email then you MUST send a sync update after you Enable
Updates for a Route to ensure the next weekly email update includes the changes you

An Outlook pop-up will appear for permission to send the sync file, please select

How to limit the ENC updates
you receive to your trading area

Use the ENC Update Trading Zone to limit the ENC updates you receive to only those
within a specific trading area. This helps make the weekly update process faster and
more efficient and reduces communication costs.

When you choose this option only those ENCs contained within the area you set will
be kept up to date. ENCs outside of the area will not. If your trading area changes you
will need to adjust the Trading Zone accordingly to receive the correct updates.

This option is recommended for users of Voyager PAY AS YOU SAIL service. Vessels
with a fixed trading area may also find this feature useful.

Select Manage your updates on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

Select Manage ENC update zones.

Uncheck the Enabled Updates column check box for all other zones and click Save.

Select Create Zone on the bottom menu.

Note: If you already have a Trading Zone created then select the Trading Zone on
the grid and select Edit Zone in the menu.

On the map, zoom into the vessels area of trading and drop points on the map to
draw the shape of the vessels trading area. Join the last point to the first point to
complete the shape of the trading area.

Click Save on the bottom menu and select Yes on the confirmation pop-up.

Note: Make changes to this area by dragging any of the points on the map.

Tip: Click the zone on the map & select Custom ENC Zone > Save

A pop-up will confirm the number of ENCs contained within the area that are now
enabled for updates. Click OK to close the pop-up.

Note: Please run a Sync Update to synchronise your changes.

Select the Update Status menu to view the ENCs contained within the vessels
trading area that are enabled for updates.

Note: Check for missing ENC updates for the cells contained within the area.

Tip: Click Get Updates > Get Latest Ed. Updates to download any missing files
directly from the web service.

Helpful hint:
Check for missing ENC updates for the cells
contained within the area. Click Get Updates >
Get Latest Ed. Updates to download any missing
files directly from the web service.

Section three:
Digital and paper
This section explains how to use Voyager PLANNING
STATION to keep your digital and paper chart and publication
inventories up to date and compliant.

How to get weekly chart and publication updates

using Voyager PLANNING STATION 22
How to update your Voyager PLANNING STATION
licence key 23
How to export ENC updates to your ECDIS 24
How to update ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) 26
How to update ADMIRALTY eNPs (AeNP) 27
How to view and print Navarea Warnings 28
How to view all active T&P NTMs 30
Use of T&P NTM information in ENCs 32
How to view latest NTMs 33
How to print tracings, blocks and NTM corrections 34
How to export a chart correction report 36
How to manage and order New Editions 38
How to manage old Editions 41
How to send a Sync update 43
How to import an AVCS base or update disk 44
How to renew ENC permits 45
How to import a new AVCS ENC permit file 47
How to download missing AVCS ENC updates 48
How to renew digital publication subscriptions 50

How to get weekly chart and
publication updates using

Update Voyager PLANNING STATION via CLOUD web service

If you are using the Cloud web service, updates are synchronised automatically via
the Voyager CLOUD service in the background.

If you need to manually update Voyager PLANNING STATION for any reason, then
you simply click on the Sync Update option on the top toolbar.

Update Voyager PLANNING STATION via email updates.

If you are using email updating, then Voyager PLANNING STATION updates are
sent from

You may receive more than one email containing Voyager PLANNING STATION
updates due to set file size limits. The attachment file names will include a reference
to indicate the number of update files i.e.

Once you receive all parts for the weekly update, save all the update attachments to
an empty folder located on your computer.

Click on Sync Update > Import update on the top bar of Voyager PLANNING
STATION. Browse to where you saved your most recent email update files. Select the
first file and click Open. Voyager PLANNING STATION will continue with all other
files automatically.

How to update your
licence key

Your Voyager PLANNING STATION licence key unlocks the different

functionality provided by Voyager PLANNING STATION. You will receive
a new licence key when you renew your Voyager PLANNING STATION
subscription or if you add additional modules during your subscription period.
Select Configuration on the top toolbar.

The Configuration module will open with a list of menu options.

Click the Import Licence Key menu option.

Browse to the location where you saved your new licence key.

Select your LICENCE_KEY.TXT and click Open.

How to export ENC
updates to your ECDIS

The ENC updates alert will automatically show you when there are new ENC updates
for your permit. The alert will display as red with Action Required if there are ENC
Updates to apply. It will display as green with No Action Required if you are up to

Connect your V-Drive USB to a USB port on your Voyager PLANNING STATION PC.

Select the ENC Updates alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre menu.

Select the ENC Updates action menu option to expand the menu. On first run, you
need to set your Last ECDIS Update.

The ENC Updates action menu will display the number of out of date ENC updates.

Select Export ECDIS updates: and wait for the ENC data and Permits to transfer to
your V-Drive USB.

Note: A progress bar will display on the bottom of the screen.

A message will display on screen once all the ENC update data is transferred

Click OK and disconnect your V-Drive USB and connect it to the USB port on your
ECDIS to update your ECDIS ENC data.

Note: Your ENC PERMIT files will be in INFO\PERMITS on the V-Drive USB.

Once you have successfully updated your ECDIS, select the ENC Updates alert and
action menu option to expand the menu.

Select Confirm updates as applied: to complete the process and confirm that you
have updated your ECDIS.

A message will display on screen to confirm you have updated your ECDIS.

The ENC updates alert and action status will update and display as green with
No Action Required.

How to update ADMIRALTY
Digital Publications (ADP)

If you are using Voyager CLOUD web updating and ADP is installed on your Voyager
PLANNING STATION PC it will be updated automatically.

If you are using email updating and you have subscribed to ADP updates your ADP
updates will be emailed to you as part of your weekly update.

Voyager PLANNING STATION will ask you at the end of the update process if you
would like to update your ADP software. If you click yes, the Voyager PLANNING
STATION software will update the ADP software in the background.

If you would like to do it later, or if you accidently click no, the following steps will
guide you through the process. To update the ADP software on another computer you
should follow these same steps.

Click on Updates on the main Screen. The Updates screen will appear. Select Digital
Publications from the column on the left hand side of the window. In the next
column select the period and the week you want to update.

Click on Export Updates and browse to the location where you want to save the
update file. Then open ADP and continue to update in accordance with the ADP user

How to update ADMIRALTY
eNPs (AeNP)

If you are using Voyager Cloud web updating and you have subscribed to AeNP
updates, these updates will be downloaded as part of your weekly update.

If you are using email updating AeNP updates will be emailed to you as part of your
weekly update.

When you wish to update AeNPs, click on Updates on the main Screen. The Updates
screen will appear. Select Digital Publications from the column on the left hand
side of the window. In the next column select the period and the week you want to

Click on Export Updates and browse to the location where you want to save the
update file. Then open AeNP and continue to update in accordance with the AeNP
user instructions.

How to view and
print Navarea Warnings

Select View map layers on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select View Navarea

All In-Force Navarea Warnings will now be displayed on the map and grid in the
Updates module view.

You have the option to filter by area or status.

You can also print Navarea Warnings from here if required.

Double click on a Navarea Warning in the grid to zoom to the affected map position.

Alternatively, you can navigate the map and select a Navarea Warning on the map to
get more information.

If required, you can also select Navarea Warnings in the Planning module to get
Navarea Warnings for a route.

How to view all active

Select Manage your updates on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

Select View Active T&P Notices.

All active T&P Notices will now be filtered and displayed in the Updates > BA Paper
Charts menu grid.

All affected charts will be displayed on the map.

You can double click on a row to display the Active Notice details.
You also have the option to Print T&P Notices or Export a report.

Use of T&P NTM
information in ENCs

The use of T&P NTM information is considered an essential part of keeping navigational
charts up to date, but how do T&P Notices to Mariners work with ENCs and how do you
know if they are up to date?

Most countries now include temporary and preliminary information in their ENCs. The
information is received on the vessel as a normal ENC update or New Edition. Some
nations do not describe the information as ‘temporary’ or ‘preliminary’ in the ENCs; they
simply issue updates as required.

As Temporary NTMs expire they are removed as part of the weekly ENC update process.
As Preliminary NTMs become permanent, similarly these changes are also reflected in
the ENCs.

ECDIS Route Assessment tool automatically assess the T&P information in ENCs
because it appears as standard ENC objects and can be accessed from the ECDIS pick

Where countries do not include T&P information in their ENCs, the UKHO’s ADMIRALTY
Information Overlay (AIO) provides vessels with the information they need as a digital
data set that is displayed over ENCs in ECDIS, Voyager PLANNING STATION and other
chart display systems to assist with passage planning.

AIO provides ADMIRALTY T&Ps where the ENCs do not contain T&Ps and where there is
ADMIRALTY paper chart coverage. To avoid duplication, AIO does not show ADMIRALTY
paper T&Ps where the producer nation includes this information in their ENCs.

Subscribers to Voyager PLANNING STATION paper updating services also have access
to a list view of all ADMIRALTY T&P Notices to Mariners for an intended voyage via
the Planning module. For information on how to access this feature please refer to the
relevant section in this Guide.

The T&P policies of individual nations can be found online at

and in the INFO folder of AVCS and AIO discs.

How to view latest NTMs

Select Manage your updates on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

Select View latest BA NTM sections.

The latest week BA NTM sections will now be filtered and displayed in the Updates >
Miscellaneous Updates menu grid.
You can double click on a row to display the NTM section PDF.
You also have the option to Print.

How to print tracings, blocks and
NTM corrections

The Notice to Mariners alert will automatically identify outstanding paper chart
and publication NTMs, Tracings, Blocks and T&Ps you need to print and apply for your
inventory. The alert will display as red with Action Required if there are any NTMs to
apply. It will display as green with No Action Required if there are no NTMs to apply.

Select the Notice to Mariners alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre

The Action Centre will display a list of available options with the quantity of
outstanding NTMs. Select the required option to expand the menu.

• BA Paper Chart NTMs allows you to print, apply or view outstanding NTMs.
• Int. Paper Chart NTMs allows you to print, apply or view outstanding
international paper chart NTMs. (Requires separate subscription)
• Paper Publication NTMs allows you to print, apply or view outstanding NTMs.

Select Print unapplied NTMs and wait for the NTM data to be collated and
displayed on screen.

Print the NTMs from your Adobe application or the NM text pop-up.

Note: Tracings, Blocks and NP NTMs will be combined into a separate PDF document
to simplify the printing process.

Once you have successfully updated your paper charts or publications, select the
Notice to Mariners alert and action menu option to expand the menu.

Select Apply unapplied NTMs for the required product type to complete the
process and confirm that you have applied your NTMs.

A message will display on screen to confirm you have applied your NTMs successfully.
Click OK. A further message will confirm your Editions updated. Click OK

The associated NTM alert and action status will update and display as green with No
Action Required.

How to export a chart
correction report

Select the Notice to Mariners alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre

The Action Centre will display a list of available options with the quantity of
outstanding NTMs. Select the required option to expand the menu.

• BA Paper Chart NTMs allows you to print, apply or view outstanding NTMs.
• Int. Paper Chart NTMs allows you to print, apply or view outstanding
international paper chart NTMs. (Requires separate subscription)
• Paper Publication NTMs allows you to print, apply or view outstanding NTMs.

Select View NTMs to open the Updates menu for the selected option

Select the required filter options in the menu.

Select Period > Selected Week.

Select the week from the next filter.

Scroll down to the menu and click on Export report.

A further menu will open up where you can select to save as PDF or CSV report.

Browse to the location where you want to save the file.

You can then print this report and/or file it. This works in the same way for all other
product options.

How to manage and order
New Editions

The New Editions alert on your Voyager PLANNING STATION dashboard will
automatically identify New Editions available for your paper chart and publication
inventory. The alert will display as red with Action Required if there are any New
Editions available. It will display as green with No Action Required if there are no
New Editions available.

Select the Notice to Mariners alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre

The Action Centre will display a list of options with the quantity of available New
Editions for each product type.

Select the required option to expand the menu.

Add New Editions to the basket or update the edition dates to the latest edition
for your paper chart and paper and digital publication inventory.

If you wish to order New Editions, select Add New Editions to Basket.

Select BASKET to review your order. You can click the checkbox to select the

products you wish to remove.

Enter your order number, port arrival address, estimated arrival date and click
Submit Order.

You will be prompted to accept the Terms and Conditions. Click the checkbox and
click Yes to send the order.

Once your order has been processed, you will receive an email order confirmation.

If you know you have all the latest editions onboard or have received your New
Edition order and wish to update the edition dates to the latest edition, select
Update Edition dates.

You will now be prompted to confirm that you wish to update your Edition dates to
the latest Edition. Click Yes.

A message will display on screen to confirm you have applied your NTMs successfully.
Click OK. A further message will confirm your New Editions updated.

The associated New Edition alert and action status will update and display as green
with No Action Required.

How to manage old editions

The New Editions alert will automatically identify New Editions available for your
paper chart and publication inventory. The alert will display as red with Action
Required if there are any New Editions available. It will display as green with
No Action Required if there are no New Editions available.

Select the Notice to Mariners alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre

The Action Centre will display a list of options with the quantity of available New
Editions for each product type.

Select the required product option to expand the menu.

Select View old Editions to open the Inventory menu for the selected product type.

Double click on the product in the grid to open the item properties.

You can now change the Onboard Edition date as required.

Click Save

Note: You can also set the item to inactive or update other details if required.

You will now be prompted to confirm that you wish to make the changes.

Click Yes.

How to send a Sync update

Sending a Sync update ensures that Voyager Worldwide’s systems are correctly
synchronised with your copy of Voyager PLANNING STATION and ensures we send
you the correct updates for your inventory each week.

At numerous points in this Guide, we will recommend you send a Sync update.

To do so simply simply click on the Sync Update option on the top toolbar.
If you are using web updates, when you click the Send a Sync update button,
Voyager PLANNING STATION will connect to our server and do the synchronization

If you are using email updates:

Voyager PLANNING STATION will automatically open your email program and
prepare the email. To complete the Sync process just press send without making
any changes to the email If you are asked for permission to send the sync file, please
select Allow.

Helpful hint:
If you have Voyager PLANNING STATION installed
on more than one PC, you only have to send a
Sync update for your main Voyager PLANNING
STATION computer.

How to import an AVCS base
or update disk

To import an AVCS base or AVCS update disk, first select the Updates tab from the
Voyager PLANNING STATION home screen.

Select Folder/Disc Import.

Browse to the location of the ENC base or update disc you wish to import from the
Browse for Folder window.

Select OK to begin the import.

You can watch progress of the import in the blue Info Bar at the bottom of the screen
Repeat this process for both the second disk and AIO disk

How to renew ENC permits

The ENC updates alert will automatically identify any expired or expiring ENC cells
for your permit. The alert will display as red with Action Required if there are any
ENC cells to renew. It will display as green with No Action Required if there are no
ENC cells to renew.

Select the ENC Updates alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of options with the quantity of expired or expiring
ENC permits.

Select the ENC Permit status action menu option to expand the menu.

Select Renew expired or Renew expiring options to add the ENC permit cells to
your basket.

Helpful hint:
You can select View ENC permits before you renew
to check they align with your current trading

Select BASKET to review your order. You can click the checkbox to select the
products you wish to remove. You can also change the default 3-month (or
minimum) subscription period for ENCs if required.
Enter your Order Number and click Submit Order.

You will be prompted to accept the Terms and Conditions. Click the checkbox and
click Yes to send the order. Once your order has been processed, you will receive an
email order confirmation with your permit attached.

Helpful hint:
Please run a Sync Update once you receive your
order confirmation.

How to import a new AVCS ENC
permit file

To import a new AVCS permit file into your Voyager PLANNING STATION software,
click on Manage ENC Permits.

Voyager PLANNING STATION will open the Holdings window. Select Import

A window will appear that gives you the chance to browse to the position where you
stored the received Permit.txt file.

How to download missing
AVCS ENC updates

Select the ENC Updates alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of options with the quantity of out of date ENC

Select the Get missing ENC updates action menu option.

Note: Voyager PLANNING STATION should automatically sync and download any
missing data in the background.

If your update method is set to Web, Voyager PLANNING STATION will connect to
the Voyager CLOUD service to download any missing ENC updates and synchronise
your Voyager PLANNING STATION data. Click Yes to start the download.

If your update method is email, Voyager PLANNING STATION will generate a missing
update report request.

Click Yes to request the missing ENC updates via email.

Click Allow to submit your request.

You should receive a Voyager email update from

This update will include your missing ENC updates.

Helpful hint:
If you are prompted to save the update request,
save the file and send it to:

How to renew digital publication

The Digital Publications alert will automatically identify any expired or expiring
digital publication subscriptions. The alert will display as red with Action Required
if there are any subscriptions to renew. It will display as green with No Action
Required if there are no subscriptions to renew.

Select the Digital Publications alert on the dashboard to open the Action Centre

The Action Centre will display a list of options with the quantity of expired or expiring

Select Renew expired or Renew expiring options to add the digital publications to
your basket.

Note: You can select View digital publications before you renew.

Select BASKET to review your order. You can click the checkbox to select the
products you wish to remove.

Enter your Order Number and click Submit Order.

You will be prompted to accept the Terms and Conditions. Click the checkbox and
click Yes to send the order.

Once your order has been processed, you will receive an email order confirmation
with your permit key attached.

Helpful hint:
Please run a Sync Update once you receive your
order confirmation.

Section four:
Using the map
This section explains how to use the Voyager PLANNING STATION map for
common tasks for example, to plan a route.

How to use the map controls 53

How to display ENCs in Voyager PLANNING STATION 55
How to display Navarea Warnings 57
How to display Marpol zones 59
How to display Piracy data 61

Helpful hint:
Voyager PLANNING STATION provides
a marine map to help you manage your
navigation requirements and voyage planning.

All required e-Navigation information is also

incorporated and can be displayed as overlays
on top of the latest updated ENCs. Layers
include the Admiralty Information Overlay
(AIO), ADP, AENP, Navarea Warnings, Marpol
areas, port data and maritime security.

These layers of information can be switched

on or off depending on your requirements to
help refine route decisions.

How to use the map controls

Voyager PLANNING STATION enables you to control and toggle your view of the
map and geo spatial overlays. This includes various settings to configure display
options for Electronic Chart Display ENC data, Piracy events, Marpol zones and all the
required ADP functionality fully integrated into a single view.

The top flyout menu on the Map view includes various map tools for creating a route,
setting ENC update zones, displaying map overlays, ADP and enabling the Electronic
Chart Display for ENC and AIO. Selection of controls from this menu will perform the
actions as described below:

Click arrow to expand fly-out menu to toggle the

view of map control layers available.

Coordinates - Indicates the current co-ordinates of the
mouse pointer on the map and current scale of the map in

Pan Mode - Allows the user to pan around the map

Range and Bearing - Click and drag to check information

and distances from one point to another

Area Zoom - Click and drag to zoom the view to a specific


Zone Mode – Toggle on to draw the ENC Update Trading

Zone for the vessels operational trading area and reduce your
weekly ENC update data size.

Route Mode - When selected, allows the user to place

waypoints on the map

Clear Route - Clears the route and route products from the

Delete Last Waypoint - Deletes the last plotted waypoint

of the route

Zoom In / Out - Adjusts the scale of the map in view

Map Overlay - These controls work independently of

each-other to toggle the geo referenced data display on the

ENC Overlay - Toggle the ENC and AIO layers on and off.
AIO is only available for selection when ENC is active

ADP Overlay - Toggle Admiralty products on and off when


ADTT Control – Displays when ADTT is enabled and allows

the user to set the tidal prediction date and time.

How to display ENCs in

Voyager PLANNING STATION includes a fully integrated ECS kernel to view ENCs
for improved passage planning and route validation. You MUST have an ENC permit
registered to your Voyager PLANNING STATION computer.

Select View map layers on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

Select View ENC data.

The ECS viewer functionality will be enabled on the top map flyout control.

You just need to zoom and pan into the areas where you have ENC coverage.

Note: AIO data will also be displayed on the map.

You can change the ENC display theme or Display Category to suit your needs.

You have the option to filter other ENC Text Option layers.

You also have the option to configure the ENC Contours.

How to display Navarea Warnings

Select View map layers on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

Select View Navarea Warnings.

All In-Force Navarea Warnings will now be displayed on the map and grid in the
Updates module view.

You have the option to filter by area or status. You can also print Navarea Warnings
from here if required.

Double click on a Navarea Warning in the grid to zoom to the affected map position.

Alternatively, you can navigate the map and select a Navarea Warning on the map to
get more information.

If required, you can also select Navarea Warnings in the Planning module to get
Navarea Warnings for a route.

Select View map layers on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

How to display Marpol zones

Select View Marpol zones.

All Marpol zones will now be displayed on the map and grid in the Map Layers
module view.

You have the option to filter Special Areas, ECA and PSSA zones in the menu.

The filter options will filter the grid list and map display.

Double click on a Marpol area in the grid to zoom to the area on the map display.

Alternatively, you can navigate the map and select a Marpol zone on the map to get
more information.

How to display piracy data

Select View map layers on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options.

Select View Piracy data.

All Piracy events will now be displayed on the map and grid in the Map Layers
module view.

You have the option to filter by the Date range, Attack Type and set the boundary
range display in the menu.

The filter options will filter the grid list and map display.

Double click on a Piracy event in the grid to open a pop-up window with more
detailed information about the event.

Alternatively, you can navigate the map and select a Piracy event on the map to get
more detailed information.

Section five:
Route and passage
This section explains how to use Voyager PLANNING STATION for route and
passage planning.

How to plan a route using port to port routing 64

How to plan a route manually 66
How to import a route 67
How to validate a route with ENC charts 68
How to get T&P NTMs for a route 70
How to view Marpol zone route crossover points
and ETA 72
How to create a passage plan 74

How to plan a route using
port to port routing

Helpful hint:
This route planning option requires separate
subscription to Port to Port routing. If you do not
have Port to Port routing enabled please refer
to the next sections to learn how to plan a route
manually or import a route file.

Select Plan a new route on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?
This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option to
expand the menu.

• Auto generate a Port to Port route enables you to set departure and arrival
ports for your route. (Requires separate subscription to Port to Port routing)
• Import a route enables you to browse and import an existing route.
• Create a New Route on the Map opens the Planning module in route mode.
• Validate a route with ENC data enables you to validate routes against ENC
data and identify hazards along the route. (Requires separate subscription to
ENC route validation)

Select Auto generate a Port to Port route to set your Departure and Arrival ports.

If required, select Pilot to Pilot station and set Default speed.

Click Submit route.

Your route will be auto generated and displayed on the map.

How to plan a route manually

Select Plan a new route on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option to
expand the menu.

• Auto generate a Port to Port route enables you to set departure and arrival
ports for your route. (Requires separate subscription to Port to Port routing)
• Import a route enables you to browse and import an existing route.
• Create a New Route on the Map opens the Planning module in route mode.
• Validate a route with ENC data enables you to validate routes against ENC
data and identify hazards along the route. (Requires separate subscription to
ENC route validation)
Select Create a new route on the map to open the Planning module in route mode.
You can now start to plot waypoints on the map to create your route.

How to import a route

Select Plan a new route on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option to
expand the menu.

• Auto generate a Port to Port route enables you to set departure and arrival
ports for your route. (Requires separate subscription to Port to Port Routing)
• Import a route enables you to browse and import an existing route.
• Create a New Route on the Map opens the Planning module in route mode.
• Validate a route with ENC data enables you to validate routes against ENC
data and identify hazards along the route. (Requires separate subscription to
ENC route validation)
Select Import a route to load an existing route. Click Browse to open your windows
explorer window. Select the required route and click open. Or double click the route.
Your route will be displayed on the map.

How to validate a route
with ENC charts

You can use Voyager PLANNING STATION to run digital safety checks between
waypoints, analyse the route and compare the navigational data with the vessel’s
draught, height and other specifications before you transfer your route and ENC
updates to your ECDIS.

Running validation checks before you transfer your route to your ECDIS reduces the
likelihood of a route validation issue in the ECDIS and simplifies and streamlines the
route planning process.

Helpful hint:
In order to validate routes against ENC data and
identify alerts or hazards along the route, you
MUST have an ENC permit registered to your
Voyager PLANNING STATION computer. To use
this Voyager PLANNING STATION feature you
must also have a ENC Validation subscription.

Select Plan a new route on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select Validate a Route
with ENC data from the list of options to expand the menu.

Select how you would like to create your route from the list of options using the
instructions in the previous pages.
Click Submit in the Planning ENC Validation menu.

Once you have selected your route option and you have submitted your route, the
ENC Validation process will calculate all alerts and hazards along the route and
display them in the grid, including waypoint, ENC cell and exact position.

Select the alert or hazard in the grid to highlight the hazard and affected part of the
route on the map.

You have the option to filter by the type of hazards.

If you wish to save an ENC Validation report for the selected route, simply click ENC
Validation Report in the Planning ENC Validation menu.

Enter a name for your report and click Save.

How to get T&P NTMs
for a route

Select Manage your updates on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option to
expand the menu.

Select Get T&P Notices for a route to expand the menu and list the available route

Note: Please refer to the help on Plan a new route for this part.

Once your route option is selected and the route submitted, the Planning module
will open Planning > Updates > BA Paper Charts > Print Active T’s & P’s menu.
Click Print Active T’s & P’s.

A pop-up window will appear with all Active T&P notices for the route.
From here you can print the active T’s & P’s. Click on Print then follow the
on-screen instructions.

How to view Marpol zone route
crossover points and ETA

You can use Voyager PLANNING STATION to plan a route and identify Marpol
Special Areas, Emission Control Areas and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas route

Select Manage your updates on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option
and submit your route.

Refer to instructions to Plan a new route in this help guide.

Your route will be displayed in the grid and on the map.

Select Marpol in the Planning menu and select the required Marpol zone check box

Click Submit

Voyager PLANNING STATION will calculate and display any intersected Marpol, ECA
or PSSA areas along the route.

The data grid results will detail the waypoints, legs and entry/exit position and ETA
for each area crossover point.

How to create a passage plan

The Passage Plan module uses digital technology to reduce the paperwork and
administration relating to planning upcoming voyages. It simplifies and enhances the
task of creating safe, compliant and accurate passage plan documentation including
Port Information, Route information, Products, Updates, Marpol zones, Navarea
Warnings, ENC Validation and Passage Plan Appraisal checklist.

Select Plan a new route on the dashboard, under What would you like to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option
and submit your route. Refer to instructions to Plan a new route in this help guide.

Your route will be displayed in the grid and on the map.

Select Vessel Defaults in the Planning menu and ensure your default vessel
information is correct. Click Save

Select Route Information in the Planning menu. Double click on a waypoint in the
grid to edit your route as required. You can set your UKC, ROT, XTE, Tide and speed.

Click Save to save your changes for each waypoint.

Select Products in the Planning menu.

Select the check box for each of the products required for the route.

Click Submit.

The Products and updates required for the route will be automatically calculated
and included in your Passage Plan.

Select Passage Plan Options in the Planning menu. Select the check box for each of
the required options.

Click Create Passage Plan in the Passage Plan Options menu to create a PDF
Passage Plan report for the intended route.

Your PDF Passage Plan report will be displayed on screen, in your PDF viewer

Click File > Save As to save your report.

Section six:
Ordering navigation
This section explains how to use Voyager PLANNING STATION to order the
navigation products you need.

How to order products for a route 78

How to order products from the
Voyager PLANNING STATION catalogue 81

How to order products for a route

Select Order products for a route on the dashboard, under What would you like
to do?

This will open the Action Centre menu.

The Action Centre will display a list of available options. Select the required option to
expand the menu.

• Auto generate a Port to Port route enables you to set departure and arrival
ports for your route. (Requires separate subscription to Port to Port routing)
• Import a route enables you to browse and import an existing route.
• Create a New Route on the Map opens the Planning module in route mode.

Select Import a route to expand the menu.

Click Browse to open your windows explorer window and select the required route
and click on open. Toggle the required products you would like to order.

Click Submit route.

The products required for your route will be automatically calculated and displayed
on the map and grid in the Planning module view.

You can click the bin symbol on the grid to remove any products not required.

Click the top most check box to select all required products and click Add to Basket
in the menu.

Helpful hint:
There is no need to remove Active ENCs or digital
products as they will NOT be ordered anyway.
Only ENCs with No Permit or Expiring status can
be added to your basket. Active ENCs or digital
products cannot be ordered.

Select BASKET to review your order. You can click the checkbox to select the
products you wish to remove.

You can also change the default 3-month (or minimum) subscription period for ENCs
if required.
Enter your Order Number and click Submit Order.

You will be prompted to accept the Terms and Conditions. Click the checkbox and
click Yes to send the order.

Once your order has been processed, you will receive an email order confirmation
with your permit attached.

Note: Please run a Sync Update once you receive your order confirmation.

How to order products from the

Select CATALOGUE on the top menu.

This will open the Voyager PLANNING STATION Catalogue menu.

Select the required product from the menu options.

Filter by product type or search for the product code or title.

Note: The search and filter options will filter the grid list and map display.

Select the required product on the grid.

Select Add to Basket in the Catalogue menu.

Note: Items already quoted, on order or in holdings will be identified in the grid.

Select BASKET to review your order. You can click the checkbox to select the
products you wish to remove.

Enter your Order Number, Next Port Address and ETA.

Click Submit Order.

Note: You can also change the default 3-month (or minimum) subscription period
for ENCs if required.

You will be prompted to accept the Terms and Conditions. Click the checkbox and
click Yes to send the order.

Once your order has been processed, you will receive an email order confirmation
with your permit attached.

Note: Please run a Sync Update once you receive your order confirmation.
Section seven:
Other common tasks
This section explains how to use Voyager PLANNING STATION for other
common tasks. Further information on how to use Voyager PLANNING
STATION can be found by clicking the small question mark / help button in
the upper right of every Voyager PLANNING STATION screen.

How to find the UKHO approval document for

How to find your Voyager PLANNING STATION
vessel certificate 85
How to back up Voyager PLANNING STATION 86

How to find the UKHO
approval document for

You may want to print the UKHO Approval for Voyager PLANNING STATION and add
it to NP133A for example for easy reference.

To find the UKHO approval select Configuration from the top Voyager PLANNING
STATION menu then General Info and Approvals. Click on UKHO Compliance

Click Print selected to print.

How to find your
vessel certificate

You may want to print your Voyager PLANNING STATION vessel certificate for
inspection purposes.

To find your Vessel Certificate select Configuration from the top Voyager
PLANNING STATION menu then select General Info and Certificates. Click Print
selected to print.

How to back up

As with all software and data, it is a good idea to make regular back ups of Voyager
PLANNING STATION so that if you do experience a problem with your onboard PC at
any point you can reinstate your Voyager PLANNING STATION information.

To create a back up click the Configuration icon from the Voyager PLANNING
STATION menu and select Data Settings and select Backup.

Click on the 3 dots to the left of Voyager PLANNING STATION Data Backup Location
and use the windows system box to navigate to either an existing folder or to create a
new folder. Then click OK.

The Backup button now becomes active. Click Backup to start the backup process.

You can also set an Auto Backup for your database only or full Voyager PLANNING
STATION data by setting Auto Backup Method to either Database or Full. You can
also set the frequency at which Voyager PLANNING STATION Backs-up.

Set the database location, either locally or on a network, and press save. Voyager
PLANNING STATION will auto backup at the frequency selected.



Getting more help and support

For help and support, please email Germany Hamburg
Or you can contact your preferred Voyager T: +49 40 374 8110
Worldwide office from the options listed on Greece
the right. We will be pleased to help -24/7. Athens
T: +30 216 400 5000
T: +81 78 332 3422
T: +81 45 650 1380
Hong Kong
T: +852 2854 3688
T: +90 216 493 7401
T: +65 6270 4060
T: +44 1224 595 045
North Shields
T: +44 191 257 2217
T: +1 562 590 8744
VPS 30/9/2020
© Voyager Worldwide 2020

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