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Thank you for purchasing the
CALM Wellness Social Pack from Providence Studio. 

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for more time-saving design tips + resources.

The CALM Wellness Social Pack is the perfect social media pack for health & wellness brands and
professionals that want to promote and sell their services through social media.

These templates will help create a consistent and professional look for your brand while increasing your
social presence and most importantly, saving you less time on design so you can spend more time making
sales. They are perfect for your Instagram pages and Facebook Groups.

The CALM Wellness Social Pack contains (2) .PSDT Templates w. Artboards:
• CALMWellness-Social.psdt — (12) 1200 x 1200 pixel Artboards
• CALMWellness-Stories.psdt — (10) 1920 x 1080 pixel Artboards


A .PSDT file is a Photoshop Document Template, like a .DOT file for Word. Unlike a normal .PSD
file, a .PSDT file opens as “Untitled” and requires you to save it as a new file, preserving the original
from overwriting.

This allows you to save your own version of the template, make as many revisions and edits as you’d like
and still have access to the original CALM Wellness Social Pack templates.

I NT E R ESTED IN MA K IN G YO UR OWN P S D T EMP L AT ES ? You can save any .PSD as a

Photoshop Template by simply adding the letter “t” to the PSD file type when in ‘Save As...’


Artboards streamline the process for creating digital graphics for social media, which
results in a significant reduction in production time, an increase in efficiency, and an
improvement in quality.

Artboards were a new feature introduced in Adobe Photoshop CC 2015. The concept of artboards is
simple: it allows for multiple design layouts to exist within a single Photoshop document. This means no
more duplicating files for each new layout you wish to design, instead several artboards can be tasked
with achieving the same result. Not only that, but because artboards are essentially self contained and
independent of each other, they are ready to export at the click of a mouse.

Providence Studio no longer provides individual PSD templates on our latest templates, but
rather one Photoshop file with several artboards.

Using the templates? Shoot me a DM (@providencestudio) if you ever feel like sharing.
 You don’t have to publicly blast it with a hashtag or anything. It’s our little secret.
Thank you for purchasing the
CALM Wellness Social Pack from Providence Studio. 

0 1 — A C T I VA T E F O N T S 

All fonts used are free and provided by Adobe Fonts. Adobe Fonts is now part of all Creative
Cloud plans, including single-app plans. All the fonts in Adobe Fonts are available for use on both the web
and on the desktop.

NOT E : The Creative Cloud desktop application must be running and you have to be signed in to Creative
Cloud for the fonts to be activated. If the software isn’t running or you have signed out of Creative Cloud,
the fonts will be unavailable temporarily.

The following fonts need to be activated: 

Orpheus Roboto Mono

If you don’t activate fonts before opening PSD files, a ‘Missing Fonts’ window will appear allowing you to
sync the fonts. Make sure all fonts are checked before selecting ‘Sync Fonts’.

Using the templates? Shoot me a DM (@providencestudio) if you ever feel like sharing.
 You don’t have to publicly blast it with a hashtag or anything. It’s our little secret.
Thank you for purchasing the
CALM Wellness Social Pack from Providence Studio. 

0 2 — L A Y E R S P A L E T T E 

The layers palette is where you’ll find the contents of this document. If the layers palette is not visible, you
can find it by going to Window > Layers in the menu bar and ensuring Layers is checked. 

To make the layers easy to navigate, we’ve divided them into clearly labeled folders. To expand the group,
click the small arrow on the left hand side of the folder. This will display all the enclosed layers. 

0 3 — E D I T I N G T E X T 

First, you must select the type tool in the tool panel (Windows > Tools).  Select the type layer in the
Layers panel, or click in the text flow to automatically select a type layer. Double click the text and
highlight the words you wish to edit. Once finished, Click the Commit button (the checkmark) to apply
your changes to the type layer.


If you wish to edit the color of an element, find the correct layer in the Layers palette and double click the
small thumbnail next to the layer name. If the element is a shape, double click on the shape thumbnail.
This will open the color selector. Choose your color accordingly. Click OK.

Using the templates? Shoot me a DM (@providencestudio) if you ever feel like sharing.
 You don’t have to publicly blast it with a hashtag or anything. It’s our little secret.
Thank you for purchasing the
CALM Wellness Social Pack from Providence Studio.

0 5 — A D D I N G I M A G E S 

Images in this template are saved as Smart Object layers. This saves you from having to resize and scale
your images to work with this template. To add an image, you must first find the image layer named:
IMAGE: Double-click icon to replace image. Double click this layer. A new empty file will open. 

Place your image in this file by going to File > Place and selecting your image. Make sure the placed
image fills the whole art board. Once you’re happy , go to File > Save and close the file. Your original file
will be updated with the new image. 

0 6 — E X P O R T A R T B O A R D T O F I L E S 

You are able to export artboards as individual files. There are several ways of doing so:

Q U I C K E X P O R T : In the Layers panel, select the artboard(s) you want to export as image assets.
Right-click your selection and select Quick Export As PNG from the context menu. If prompted, choose
a destination folder. One image asset is generated per artboard selected.

E X P O R T A S D I A L O G U E : Using the Export As dialog, you can fine-tune settings every time you
export artboards as images. To bring up this dialog for artboards, select them in the Layers panel. Right-
click your selection and select Export As from the context menu.

E X P O R T A R T B O A R D S A S F I L E S : Select File > Export > Artboards To Files.

Using the templates? Shoot me a DM (@providencestudio) if you ever feel like sharing.
 You don’t have to publicly blast it with a hashtag or anything. It’s our little secret.

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