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American Does Not Meet Progressing Exceeds

Revolution 3
Webquest 1 2

Student used their The studend did not The students did a little The student used all of
time in class wisely to use their time wisely, bit of the Webquest. their time wisely in
work on their required multiple They required some order to complete the
Webquest attempts to be redirection, but would Webquest. They did not
redirected, did not continue to work after, require redirection, and
attempt any of the student did not finish they finished their work
Webquest the Webquest in the on time in its entirety
allotted time

Student cited Student did not cite any Student cited 1-2 things Student cited 3+ things
information found information found from the Webquest to from the Webquest to
during Webquest in during the Webquest. defend their opinions. defend their opinions
their Microsoft Forms Did not formulate
response opinions based off

Student stated their No opinion is stated by The students talks in- The student explicitly
opinion on if the the student depth about the issues states their opinion in
American Revolution leading towards the the Microsoft Forms
could have been American revolution, response
prevented but no explicit opinion

Work Produced Student showed no Student shows a decent Student shows a firm
understanding of the understanding of the understanding on what
American Revolution, American Revolution. the American
makes no connection They make somewhat revolution is. Student
between the video, the of a connection makes a strong
interactive game, and between the video, the connection between
the research on the interactive game, and the video, interactive
acts leading to the research on the game, and the acts
revolution acts leading to leading to revolution

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