Principles and Techniques in Counseling Essentials of Counseling Process

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Principles and Techniques in Counseling ESSENTIALS OF COUNSELING PROCESS

WHAT IS COUNSELING? Ruth Strang enumerates five essentials of the

counseling process namely:
• a RELATIONSHIP between a counselee and a
counselor. 1. The RELATIONSHIP

• Private and Confidential  In the counseling process, its heart lies in the
relationship between counselor and counselee.
• Usually face to face, but virtual counseling is also
It is a kind of relationship in which the
counselor displays warmth, responsiveness, and
• a HELPING RELATIONSHIP which is characterized by acceptance of the person as s/he is and as s/he
warmth, trust, understanding, and acceptance. can become. On the counselee part he/she has
a deep sense of responsibility for taking the
• a GROWTH EXPERIENCE initiative and using the available resources
• a PROCESS within himself to help himself.

Definition of COUNSELING
 The counselor establishes rapport, creates an
 Counseling is a mutual learning process atmosphere of acceptance and freedom and
involving two individuals in an educational assists with a show of deep understanding.
environment. One seek help from a  The counselor creates the “psychological
professionally trained person, and the other, by atmosphere of acceptance and freedom in
reason of his breath of training and which the counselee can explore and express hs
background, utilizes many adjustment feeling and gain a ne perception of the
techniques and methods in assisting the situation.
individual to orient and direct himself toward a
goal leading to maximum growth and
development in a social and democratic FACILTATION OF COUNSELEE’S EFFORT
 The counselor must not only create an
PURPOSE OF COUNSELING atmosphere of freedom and acceptance but
also be intensively active in trying to
 During counseling, the individual is aided in understand the student and reflect his more
making choices that would lead to selfdirection positive and significant feelings. He can
and enhance his total growth and manifest understanding to the counselee by his
development. And so, the primary function of facial expression and bodily position.
counseling is to assist the individual in  With the proper atmosphere, the counselee will
selfrealization. This involves… feel free to talk, to confide, to tell all without
Helping him/ her; fear, or without a feeling of wanting to hide
part of the problem he is facing.
 Understand what he can do and what he should
do,  Strengthen his best qualities, ATTENTION TO THE ADJUSTMENT IN LIFE
 Handle his difficulties rationally rather than be SITUATIONS
driven by unconscious forces,  The counselor provides assistance to the
 Find suitable channels for his emotions, and counselee by helping him/her gradually
 Move toward his more acceptable self/ towards finds himself able to adjust to life.
self-acceptance.  Helping the student through carrying out a
desirable program of action that may help
the student achieve his plans/ goals
FOLLOW- UP Non Directive Counseling

 Problems can recur, and new problems are apt  In this type of counseling the counselee or
to appear. In that case, follow up should be in client or student, not the counsellor is the
place. center of the counselling process. The individual
 This may mean helping the student with new plays an active role in the counseling process.
problems or with recurrences of the original  The emphasis is always on the individual, not
problem, and determining the effectiveness of the problem, and the client carries the
counseling provided to him. responsibility for the solution of the problem.
The client does his own thinking and own
Goals and Purposes of Counseling choosing.
 This methods puts the responsibility on the
1. Achievement of positive mental health
counselee for exploring his problems, his
2. Problem resolution potential and his alternatives.
 Limitations of non directive counseling.
3. Decision making
 Not for children
4. Improving personal effectiveness
Group Guidance
5. Making Changes in attitudes and perceptions
 It is also organized to prevent the development
6. Behavior modification of problems.
Counseling is not:  The content include educational, vocational,
personal, or social information
1. just information giving;  With the goal of providing students with
2. dispensing advice; accurate information that will help them make
appropriate plans and life decisions
3. influencing attitudes, beliefs and behavior by
persuading, compelling or threatening; Group Counseling
4. selection of assignment of person for jobs or  Is the routine adjustment or developmental
activities; experiences provided in a group setting.
 Group counseling focuses on assisting
5. interviewing alone. (Patterson, 1976)
counselees to cope with their day-to-day
Classifications of Counseling adjustment and development concerns.

Behavior modification, developing personal relationship
 It is also known as prescriptive or counselor-
skills, concerns of human sexuality, values or attitudes,
centered counselling. It is called problem –
or career decision making.
centered. It is counselor who prepared entire
plans and sees through the process.


1. All of our efforts should be focused on the problem of

the counselee.

2. Counselor is more competent than the counselee and

hence he plays a more active role than the client. He is
said to be the pivot, the center or leader of the
Guidance Program
Lesson Plans
program (noun) a plan of activities to be done or things
to be achieved: - Cambridge Dictionary

Guidance Program
system of services designed to improve the adjustment
of each and every person for whom it was organized
(Hatch and Costar (1961).

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