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Activity 1. Categorize what Leviste (2004) considered as the professional qualities of the
teacher by labeling each item with letter assigned to each characteristic. Have your answer
before the number.
______1. Abides by school rules and regulations as well as the rule of the land.
______2. Observes professional ethics in discussing personal and school problems.
______3. Maintains regular attendance in school as well as in conferences and community
______4. Takes step toward self-improvement.
______5. Upholds school practices and policies.
______6. Helps promote the interest and welfare of the school.
______7. Reads books and magazines on professional education and general interest.
______8. Utilizes results of professional and cultural readings and studies to improve work.
______9. Attends cultural programs, seminars, workshops, and others.
_____10. Is aware of his/her intellectual strengths and limitations, and have thoughts about
and decided upon the moral principles by which his/her life shall be guided.


Activity 2. Rate yourself according to the characteristics mentioned by indicating the numeral
that corresponds to your rating on the opposite column. Check the legend below.

Outstanding 5 Fair 2
Very Satisfactory 4 Poor 1
Satisfactory 3 Needs Improvement 0


1. Mastery of the subject matter. 5

2. Mastery of the methods and tools of teaching. 4
3. Mastery of the psychology of learning or educational psychology. 3
4. Mastery of the medium of instruction and the act of communication. 5
5. Mastery of the lesson planning and subject matter organization. 3
6. Mastery of the national philosophy, goals and objectives, as well as instructional 4
goals and objectives.
7. Mastery of classroom management. 4
8. Mastery of measurement and evaluation of achievement. 4
9. Mastery of spiritual and moral values. 4
10. Mastery of good human relations. 4
11. Mastery of grooming techniques. 3
12. Mastery of leadership techniques. 4
13. Health 4
14. Missionary Spirit 5
15. Basic knowledge of guidance and counseling. 5
16. Punctuality and enthusiasm 4
17. Loyalty and commitment 5
18. Respect for authority 5
19. Ability to evoke analytical and critical thinking. 4
20. Clean sense of humor 5


1. Which is/are your strongest point/s? How do you plan to enhance it/them?
- I think my strongest points are mastery of the subject matter and mastery of the
medium of instruction. To enhance them more, I plan to read a lot about my
topics so that I may be able to deliver them correctly to my student. I would also
practice more in terms of speaking so that I may be effective in using the
medium of instruction.

2. What is/are your weakest point/s? How do you plan to reinforce it/them?
- I think my weakest point is the mastery of educational psychology. Although I
have already handled elementary pupils before, I still have this weakness in
establishing secured patience with importunate pupils. In this regard, I want
myself to train more in terms of psychologizing different kinds of pupils’
attitudes inside the class.
3. What does your average indicate? Are you satisfied with it? Why or why not?
- My average tells that I still need to improve myself in certain areas of the
teaching process. But despite this, I am already satisfied with it. For a student
practice teacher like me, it is average is already an achievement.


Activity 1. Review the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers stipulated in our Philippine

Activity 2. State the provisions of the Code of Ethics to answer the following:

1. Teacher Meg has been into teaching for more than 10 years. She feels that enrolling for
a higher degree is not practical. She got the highest recognition when she graduated in
college and rated outstanding for her teaching performance. Are her reasons justifiable?
Prove your answer.

ANSWER: According to Article 4 Section 3, every teacher shall pursue other studies as
will improve his efficiency, enhance the prestige of the profession and strengthen his
competence, virtues and productivity in order to be nationally and internationally
competitive. Pursuing higher degree of education for the purpose of improving one’s
efficiency is never impractical. In fact, it is the rightful duty of every teacher to engage in
a continuous education so that he can advance his learnings and strategies that will help
him in his teaching career. It seems that teacher Meg doesn’t want to broaden her
knowledge and teaching skills and is already content with what she knows in teaching.
This is not a good indication. Teachers must be open for further learning.

2. Proud of the accomplishments of his school, teacher Ton installed loud tarpaulins and
billboards to make it known to everybody. Other school owners do not favor this, saying
it is unethical. Is there truth in their complaint? Elaborate your answer.

ANSWER: Article 3, Section 5 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers disapproves
with the statement of teacher Ton’s critics. It is clearly stated in this section that EVERY
TEACHER SHALL HELP THE SCHOOL keep the people in the community informed about
the school’s works and ACCOMPLISHMENTS as well as its needs and problems.

3. Mommy Allen complains to the principal that the teacher of her son has maltreated
him. To protect the name of the school, the principal reprimanded the teacher in front
of the parent. Is it proper? If you are the principal, how can you handle the situation?
ANSWER: Article 8, section 8 states that a teacher shall not inflict corporal punishments
on offending learners. Hence, maltreatment of students is another form of punishing
the learners. But in this case, this is not the actual problem. It is the principal who
chastised the teacher in front of the complaining parent. Now, I would like to quote
Article 7, section 1 that says that all school officials shall at all times show professional
courtesy towards teachers, as a standard of effective school supervision, dignified
administration, responsible leadership and enlighten directions. Reprimanding teachers
in front of other people or in public is inappropriate. First of all, the principal has not yet
conducted an investigation about what happened. If I am the principal, I would tell the
parent that I will first talk to the teacher and ask what happened. Then, I will call the
attention of the teacher and talk to him in private. I will also conduct an investigation of
the case. If the teacher will be proven guilty of maltreating his student, then he will be
worthy to be given sanction.


In my own opinion, this notion about teaching regarded as an unfortunate jobseeker’s

last resort evolved in the very words of George Bernard Shaw in his drama ‘Man and Superman’
in 1903. He said, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” This phrase has become a
consistent irritation to teachers definitely because he exemplified that only those who are not
able to do are the ones who can teach. This is very misleading and can be a source of more
misconceptions about the educational ministry.
Teaching is the most noble of all profession, absolutely because teaching creates all
other professions. Teachers are the ones who build and hone potential individuals for different
fields of specialization. The sad part is, we have already overlooked this nobility because people
regarded teaching as just a small-time profession.
To address this misunderstanding about the teaching vocation, every teacher should be
an embodiment of nobility, virtues and values. What we should do is to learn by heart how to
maintain a dignified personality which could serve as a model worthy of emulation, so that our
students may realize that teaching still is the noblest profession of all times.



As a future teacher, I would like to be the water bearer. Just like the water bearer,
teachers should know very well that none of his students is perfect. All of them have their own
flaws and weaknesses. They cannot do everything, they have limitations. All along, the water
bearer knew that the other pot is cracked. Therefore, he took advantage of this to achieve
another positive outcome.
I was so inspired by this kind of mentality. In the near future, I would also like to know
the weaknesses of my students so that I can offer them other possibilities that can divert these
weakness into something beneficial.

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