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Optic nerve head anatomy in myopia and glaucoma, including

parapapillary zones alpha, beta, gamma and delta: Histology and
clinical features
Ya Xing Wang a, *, Songhomitra Panda-Jonas b, 1, Jost B. Jonas b, c, 1
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Key Laboratory, Beijing, China
Institute for Clinical and Scientific Ophthalmology and Acupuncture Jonas & Panda, Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karis-University, Mannheim, Germany


Keywords: The optic nerve head can morphologically be differentiated into the optic disc with the lamina cribrosa as its
High myopia basis, and the parapapillary region with zones alpha (irregular pigmentation due to irregularities of the retinal
Myopia pigment epithelium (RPE) and peripheral location), beta zone (complete RPE loss while Bruch’s membrane (BM)
is present), gamma zone (absence of BM), and delta zone (elongated and thinned peripapillary scleral flange)
Glaucomatous optic neuropathy
Optic nerve head
within gamma zone and located at the peripapillary ring. Alpha zone is present in almost all eyes. Beta zone is
Optic disc associated with glaucoma and may develop due to a IOP rise-dependent parapapillary up-piling of RPE. Gamma
Parapapillary gamma zone zone may develop due to a shift of the non-enlarged BM opening (BMO) in moderate myopia, while in highly
Parapapillary delta zone myopic eyes, the BMO enlarges and a circular gamma zone and delta zone develop. The ophthalmoscopic shape
Lamina cribrosa and size of the optic disc is markedly influenced by a myopic shift of BMO, usually into the temporal direction,
leading to a BM overhanging into the intrapapillary compartment at the nasal disc border, a secondary lack of
BM in the temporal parapapillary region (leading to gamma zone in non-highly myopic eyes), and an ocular optic
nerve canal running obliquely from centrally posteriorly to nasally anteriorly. In highly myopic eyes (cut-off for
high myopia at approximately − 8 diopters or an axial length of 26.5 mm), the optic disc area enlarges, the
lamina cribrosa thus enlarges in area and decreases in thickness, and the BMO increases, leading to a circular
gamma zone and delta zone in highly myopic eyes.

1. Introduction and simultaneously mostly preventing the exchange of fluid between the
vitreous cavity on its inner side and the optic nerve and the retrobulbar
The optic nerve head (ONH) is the structure in the posterior ocular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) space on its outer side. The lamina cribrosa
fundus that allows the exit of the retinal ganglion cell axons and the also serves as pressure barrier between the intravitreal compartment
entry and exit of the retinal blood vessels. It is located at a distance of with the pulsating intraocular pressure (IOP) (better termed “trans
about 4–5 mm (mean: 4.76 ± 0.34 mm) from the fovea (in emmetropic corneal pressure difference”) and the retrobulbar compartment with the
eyes) in nasal slightly superior direction (mean disc-fovea angle: 7.76 ± pulsating CSF pressure (Burgoyne et al., 2005; Jonas et al., 2003, 2004;
3.63◦ ) (Jonas et al., 2015a,b). From an anatomical point of view, the Morgan et al., 1995, 1998). With all visual afference passing through the
ONH canal can be regarded to consist of three layers, with the opening in ONH in a highly concentrated manner and with the ONH having the load
Bruch’s membrane (BM) as its inner layer, the opening in the choroid as of a pulse phase shift-related fluctuating pressure difference between the
its middle layer, and the opening in the peripapillary scleral flange as its high-pressure compartment on its inner side and a low-pressure
outer layer (Jonas et al., 2003, 2004; Wang et al., 2020b; Zhang et al., compartment on its outer side, the ONH forms a locus minoris resis­
2019) (Fig. 1). The latter is covered by the lamina cribrosa allowing the tenciae for the visual system. The ONH can be divided into the optic disc
entry and exit of the retinal ganglion cell axons and retinal blood vessels which may be defined as all the region with the lamina cribrosa as its

* Corresponding author. Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, 17 Hougou Lane, Chong Wen Men, 100005, Beijing, China.
E-mail address: (Y.X. Wang).
JBJ and SPJ equally contributed to the study and share the last authorship.
Received 16 August 2020; Received in revised form 22 November 2020; Accepted 27 November 2020
Available online 9 December 2020
1350-9462/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Please cite this article as: Ya Xing Wang, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research,
Y.X. Wang et al. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

bottom, and the peripapillary area with the parapapillary zones alpha, length of larger than approximately 26.5 mm), and their size increases
beta, gamma and delta. with longer axial length (Jonas et al., 1988c; Xu et al., 2010) (Fig. 2).
The purpose of this review is to summarize the anatomical features of Secondary macrodiscs can further be subdivided into secondary mac­
the ONH and to discuss their meaning for the physiology and patho­ rodiscs in eyes with primary high myopia, and into secondary macro­
physiology of the ONH including its biomechanics, in normal eyes and discs in eyes with secondary high myopia due to congenital glaucoma. In
glaucomatous eyes with special reference to eyes with myopia and high both subtypes of secondary macrodiscs, a larger optic disc area is
myopia. correlated with longer axial length (Jonas and Dichtl, 1997; Jonas et al.,
1988c). Since the axial elongation continues in highly myopic eyes
2. Optic disc size beyond the age of 20 years, the size of secondary macrodiscs in highly
myopic eyes is indirectly associated with older age (Fang et al., 2018).
The optic disc that may be defined as the whole area with the lamina The inter-individual variation in disc size may be considered, if the optic
cribrosa as its bottom, can morphologically be described by its size and disc diameter is taken as a size unit to compare intraocular lesions such
shape. The optic disc size shows a marked inter-individual variability of as malignant melanomas.
about 1:7 within Caucasian populations (Bengtsson, 1976; Betz et al., When discussing the disc size and shape, one may take into account
1981; Britton et al., 1987; Franceschetti and Bock, 1950; Jonas et al., that the studies and findings mentioned above refer to the oph­
1988a,b,c, 1989a; Omodaka et al., 2017; Ramrattan et al., 1999; San­ thalmoscopically visible part of the optic disc as it appears on fundus
filippo et al., 2009; Tomita et al., 1989; Varma et al., 1994) (Fig. 2). In photographs (or upon ophthalmoscopy). That part of the optic disc
addition, the disc size depends on the ethnic background, being largest covered by an overhanging BM has usually not been included into the
in populations from Sub-Sahara Africa, followed by South Asians, Chi­ measured optic disc so that the disc size and shape data relate only to the
nese and eventually European-descent individuals (Chi et al., 1989; Tsai ophthalmoscopically assessable part.
et al., 1995; Varma et al., 1994). Within a group of Caucasian in­ In non-highly myopic eyes, the optic disc area is mostly independent
dividuals, the disc size was not correlated with iris color (Budde et al., of age beyond an age of about 20 years (Bengtsson, 1976; Betz et al.,
1998). Based on the Gaussian-like distribution curve of the optic disc 1981; Jonas et al., 1988a; Ramrattan et al., 1999; Varma et al., 1994). In
area, one may define minidiscs by a disc area of the mean minus twofold eyes with a refractive error − 5 to +2 diopters, the disc size is mostly
standard deviation, and one may define macrodiscs by disc area of the independent of the refractive error or axial length or shows a slight in­
mean plus twofold standard deviation (Jonas et al., 1988a, 1989a, crease with increasing myopic refractive error (Britton et al., 1987;
1990a) (Figs. 2 and 3). The macrodiscs may further be subdivided into Jonas et al., 1988a; Ramrattan et al., 1999; Varma et al., 1994). In hy­
primary macrodiscs and secondary macrodiscs. The primary macrodiscs peropic eyes with a refractive error of more than +2 diopters, the optic
remain constant in size after the age of about 20 years and their size is disc is significantly smaller, and in highly myopic eyes, the disc is
not correlated with axial length or refractive error. They can be sub­ significantly larger than in the remaining eyes.
classified into “asymptomatic primary macrodiscs” without any According to histomorphometric studies, the interindividual vari­
morphologic or functional defects, and into “symptomatic primary ability in optic disc size is morphogenetically important, since a larger
macrodiscs” with morphologic and functional defects such as congenital disc size is correlated with a larger neuroretinal rim (Jonas et al.,
pits of the optic disc (Jonas and Naumann, 1987) and the “Morning-­ 1988a), a higher count of optic nerve fibers (Jonas et al., 1992a), less
Glory-Syndrome” (Jonas et al., 1989b). Eyes with primary macrodiscs nerve fiber crowding per mm2 disc area (Jonas et al., 1992a), a higher
tend to have a large and flat cornea (Jonas and Königsreuther, 1994). count and a larger total area of lamina cribrosa pores (Jonas et al.,
Secondary macrodiscs occur in highly myopic eyes (defined by an axial 1991a), a higher ratio of inter-pore connective tissue area to total lamina

Fig. 1. Optic disc histograph and optical coherence tomographic (OCT) image showing the three layers of the optic nerve head canal, including Bruch’s membrane
opening (yellow line), the choroidal opening (red line), and the opening of the peripapillary scleral flange (black line), covered by the lamina cribrosa (green tri­
angle), shown in non-myopic eyes (above) and moderate myopic eyes (below).
In the myopic eyes (below), with Bruch’s membrane opening layer shifting, an oblique canal orientation and an oval optic disc shape are present. An overhanging of
Bruch’s membrane on the left side and lack of Bruch’s membrane (parapapillary gamma zone) on the right side are shown in both histo-photograph and OCT image.

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Fig. 2. Figure showing the primary macrodisc and secondary macrodisc.

The group of primary macrodiscs include the asymptomatic primary macrodisc (with the physiologic shape of the neuroretinal rim) and symptomatic primary
macrodiscs (congenital pit of the optic nerve head and the “Morning Glory Syndrome”) (above). The group of secondary macrodiscs include the secondary macrodisc
in eyes with primary high myopia and those in eyes with secondary high myopia due to congenital glaucoma (below).

cribrosa area (Jonas et al., 1991a), a higher count of cilioretinal arteries et al., 1991a; Strahlman et al., 1989) (Fig. 5). In a similar manner, the
(Jonas et al., 1988d), and a higher count of retinal photoreceptors prevalence of an arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy due to a giant cell
(Panda-Jonas et al., 1994) and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells arteritis and the prevalence of glaucoma was not related to the disc size
(Panda-Jonas et al., 1996) in combination with a larger retinal surface (Jonas et al., 1988f,g,h, 1991b).
area and longer horizontal and vertical diameters of the globe (Papas­ The pathogenetic reasons for these associations with the disc size
tathopoulos et al., 1995). As shown in a series of studies on twin pop­ have remained unclear yet. In the case of optic disc drusen, one may
ulations, the optic disc morphology shows a marked hereditary assume that a relative blockade of the orthograde axoplasmic flow due
association, with about 70–80% of the variance in the optic disc to the small optic disc damaged the optic nerve fibers, leading to
morphology determined by genetics. In contrast, the optic disc vessels calcification of their mitochondria with eventual loss of optic nerve fiber
showed a less marked heredity association (Healey et al., 2008; He et al., and appearance of ophthalmoscopically detectable calcified drusen
2008; Hewitt et al., 2007) (Fig. 4). (Minckler et al., 1976; Tso 1981). In the case of non-arteritic anterior
In the population-based Beijing Eye Study, the disc size correlated ischemic optic neuropathy, a small vascular insufficiency in the ONH,
with the cognitive function in a multivariable analysis adjusting for occurring predominantly during sleeping, may lead to a localized tissue
parameters such as age, gender, level of education and region of habi­ swelling (Hayreh, 1974a, 1995). Due to the lack of space, caused by the
tation (Jonas et al., 2013a). The disc size is of clinical importance, since smallness of the optic disc, a vicious circle may start so that the ischemic
some optic nerve abnormalities and diseases preferentially occur in swelling-induced lack of space leads to a secondary occlusion of the
small discs, such as optic disc drusen (Spencer, 1978; Jonas et al., 1987), neighboring blood vessels which swell and then again need more space.
pseudo-papilledema (Jonas et al., 1988e) and non-arteritic anterior In the case of papilledema, it may just be a crowding of the retinal nerve
ischemic optic neuropathy (Beck et al., 1984; Jonas et al., 1988f; Jonas fibers in the small opening of the optic disc (Jonas et al., 1991c). In
and Xu, 1993a), while others are preferentially found in large discs, such contrast to a true papilledema, the central retinal vein in eyes with
as congenital ONH pits (Jonas and Naumann, 1987) and the Morning pseudopapilledema is not engorged and may show a spontaneous pul­
Glory syndrome (Jonas et al., 1989b) (Figs. 2 and 3). Interestingly, the sation, suggesting a normal brain pressure (Jonas 2004). From a clinical
prevalence of central retinal artery occlusions and central retinal vein diagnostic point of view, the associations of ONH anomalies and disor­
occlusions was independent of the optic disc size, probably since the size ders with the disc size are helpful for the ophthalmoscopical differen­
of the central lamina cribrosa pore for the passage of the retinal artery tiation between the non-arteritic form and the arteritic form of anterior
and vein was independent of the disc size (Gusek et al., 1990; Jonas ischemic optic neuropathy, and for the differentiation between

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Fig. 3. The asymptomatic microdisc without any abnormality (upper left image), the asymptomatic microdisc with pseudo-papilledema (upper right image), the
microdisc with disc drusen (lower left image), and the microdisc with an acute non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) in the inferior disc half and a non-
glaucomatous optic nerve damage in the superior disc half after a NAION (lower right image).

pseudopapilledema and true papilledema (Jonas and Budde, 2000a). ophthalmoscopy (Reis et al., 2012a; Zhang et al., 2019) (Fig. 1). It leads
The reasons for the marked inter-individual, and inter-ethnic, dif­ to a decrease in the ophthalmoscopically visible part of the lamina cri­
ference in optic size have remained unclear. One may discuss that the brosa and thus to a decrease in the disc size (and ovalization of the optic
size of the disc is governed by the number of embryologically formed disc shape) as assessed by ophthalmoscopy. Beyond an axial length of
primitive retinal ganglion cell axons (Chalupa et al., 1984; Crespo et al., approximately 26.5 mm, the BMO enlarges so that the part of BM
1985; Provis et al., 1985; Sefton and Lam, 1984). As a corollary, the overhanging into the intrapapillary compartment recedes and a circular
variability in the size of the optic cup may be connected with the number gamma parapapillary gamma zone develops (Zhang et al., 2019). By the
of regressed retinal ganglion cell axons, which were formed but then uncovering of the nasal part of the lamina cribrosa which then becomes
vanished (Chalupa et al., 1984; Crespo et al., 1985; Provis et al., 1985; assessable for the ophthalmoscopy examination, the ophthalmoscopic
Sefton and Lam, 1984). The reason for the regression of theses fibers optic disc image gets larger. Simultaneously, the lamina cribrosa and
may be that they arrive late at the optic disc (and are therefore located in thus the optic disc itself enlarges (and gets stretched) (Jonas et al., 2003,
the center of the primitive ONH), and arrive late in the lateral geniculate 2004), so that two mechanisms lead to an enlargement of the optic disc
ganglion where all available synapses may already have been occupied image: The ophthalmoscopic uncovering and the real enlargement of the
(Jonas and Naumann, 1992). lamina cribrosa. While the ophthalmoscopic enlargement of the disc
image by the receding of the overhanging BM may not have an influence
2.1. Optic disc size in myopia on the lamina cribrosa architecture, the further enlargement of lamina
cribrosa and thus true enlargement of the optic disc is associated with an
In highly myopic eyes, the optic disc enlarges with longer axial increase in the prevalence of a glaucomatous optic neuropathy (GON) or
length or more myopic refractive error, starting at a cut-off value of glaucoma-like optic neuropathy (Jonas et al., 2017a). The axial
about − 8 diopters or an axial length of about 26.5 mm (Xu et al., 2007a, elongation-associated enlargement of the optic disc and lamina cribrosa
2010; Zhang et al., 2019). The relationship between disc size and axial is associated with a thinning of the lamina cribrosa and changes in the
length in highly myopic eyes may not be linear due to various reasons. inner-lamina cribrosa morphology, potentially leading to an increased
Studies have shown that in moderately myopic eyes, the BM is often susceptibility of the optic nerve fibers when passing through the lamina
overhanging into the intrapapillary compartment on the nasal side, so cribrosa (Dichtl et al., 1998; Jonas et al., 2003, 2004) (Fig. 6).
that a part the nasal part of the lamina cribrosa cannot be seen upon

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Fig. 4. Optic disc images of primary macrodiscs from monozygotic twins (2–1 above and 2-2 below). The optic nerve head parameters were highly consistent, while
the vascular features showed more variability between the twins.

et al., 1990a).
In non-highly myopic eyes, the presence of glaucoma is likely not
dependent on the disc size, and the disc size does not differ markedly
between the various types of primary and secondary open-angle glau­
comas (Caprioli, 1993; Jonas et al., 1988d,e; Jonas and Gründler, 1996a;
Jonas and Gründler, 1996b; Jonas and Papastathopoulos, 1997; Jonas
et al., 1998; Nagaoka et al., 2015; Tuulonen and Airaksinen, 1992). In
highly myopic eyes, the presence and size of a secondary macrodisc is
associated with a higher prevalence of GON (Chihara et al., 1997; Jonas
et al., 2002, 2017a; Kuzin et al., 2010; Leske et al., 1995; Mitchell et al.,
1999; Wong et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2007b).
It has been discussed whether the disc size in non-highly myopic eyes
is related to the glaucoma susceptibility (Jonas et al., 2002). Reasons in
favor of a correlation between a large disc and an increased glaucoma
susceptibility were the larger optic disc size in patients with
normal-pressure glaucoma as compared to patients with high-pressure
glaucoma as found in hospital-based studies on Caucasians (Burk
et al., 1992; Tuulonen and Airaksinen, 1992), and that Afro-Americans
as compared to Caucasians have a larger optic disc and a presumably
Fig. 5. Photograph of the lamina cribrosa after trypsinization of the optic nerve higher glaucoma susceptibility (Chi et al., 1989; Martin et al., 1985; Tsai
fibers; green arrows: peripapillary ring; yellow arrows: central retinal artery et al., 1995; Varma et al., 1994). In addition, the trans-lamina cribrosa
and vein pores.
pressure gradient is, due to mechanical reasons, supposed to cause a
greater lamina cribrosa displacement in large than in small discs (Bur­
2.2. Optic disc size in glaucoma goyne et al., 2005; Chi et al., 1989), and the glaucoma-related optic
nerve fiber loss within the optic disc is greater in areas with a longer
For the diagnosis of GON, it is important to estimate the optic disc distance to the central retinal vessel trunk (Jonas and Fernández, 1994.
size, since the latter is positively correlated with the size of the optic cup Furthermore, a modeling study at the microscale has reported that a
and the area of the neuroretinal rim (Bengtsson, 1976; Betz et al., 1981; reduction in hemodynamics and in oxygen concentrations in the lamina
Britton et al., 1987; Caprioli and Miller, 1987; Jonas et al., 1988a; cribrosa was related with a larger diameter of lamina cribrosa, and a
Varma et al., 1994). It indicates that the occurrence of a small cup in a larger optic disc (Chuangsuwanich et al., 2016), so that the risk for
small disc can indicate GON, while the presence of a large cup (“primary glaucomatous damage may be higher in large discs. On the other side,
macrocup) in a large disc “primary macrocup) can be normal (Jonas disorders which potentially might share some aspects in their

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Fig. 6. Illustrations of the landmarks of the optic nerve head (ONH), including the peripapillary scleral flange, lamina cribrosa, the peripapillary border tissue of the
choroid and the peripapillary border tissue of the peripapillary scleral flange. A. Histological illustration of a normal ONH; B. The magnification of the blue-bordered
area of A. C. Optical coherence tomography illustration (OCT) of an ONH with a normal optic nerve; D. Histological illustration of a highly myopic ONH with
glaucomatous optic nerve damage, presenting with a markedly thinned lamina cribrosa (asterisk: orbital cerebrospinal fluid space); E. Optical coherence tomography
illustration of a highly myopic ONH, presenting with an elongated peripapillary border tissue of the choroid.

pathogenesis with GON, such as non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic vertically oval and shows a marked inter-individual variability (Jonas
neuropathy with a capillary malperfusion and optic disc drusen with an et al., 1988a, i). Often the vertical disc diameter is the longest one, and
impediment of the orthograde axoplasmic flow occur more often in the horizontal disc diameter the shortest one. The ratio of the
small discs (Beck et al., 1984; Spencer, 1978; Minckler et al., 1976). minimal-to-maximal disc diameter has been used to describe the disc
Also, eyes with smaller discs may have a lower number of optic nerve shape and it ranged between 0.64 and 0.98 (Jonas and Papastatho­
fibers (Jonas et al., 1992a; Quigley et al., 1991), parallel to a lower poulos, 1996) while the ratio between the horizontal to vertical disc
number of retinal photoreceptors (Panda-Jonas et al., 1994) and RPE diameter differed between 0.70 and 1.37. The ratio of the minimal to
cells (Panda-Jonas et al., 1996) in combination with a smaller retinal maximal disc diameter has also been termed the disc ovality index
surface area (Panda-Jonas et al., 1994) and shorter horizontal and ver­ (Kimura et al., 2014.; Shin et al., 2015; Tay et al., 2005). In addition, the
tical diameters of the globe (Papastathopoulos et al., 1995). Another disc shape, as it appears on optical coherence tomography (OCT) im­
reason for a potentially increased glaucoma susceptibility in small discs ages, has been determined by the shape of the neural canal opening
could be that the disc regions with the preferential glaucomatous loss of using the parameter of the ratio of ellipse minor axis to ellipse major axis
optic nerve fibers, i.e. the temporal superior area and the temporal (Strouthidis et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2020b).
inferior area (Pederson and Anderson, 1980; Radius 1981; Radius et al., In general, the disc shape can be described by the rotation around the
1978) are characterized by a higher ratio of pore area to inter-pore three geometrical axes. The rotation around the vertical axis leads to a
connective tissue area (Dandona et al., 1990; Jonas et al., 1991a), and vertically oval appearance of a circular structure with a perspective
this ratio is higher in smaller optic discs (Jonas et al., 1991a). At the shortening of the horizontal diameter, while the vertical diameter is
bottom line, the disc size was not related to the amount of glaucomatous unchanged. The rotation around the horizontal axis is associated with a
optic nerve damage in an inter-eye comparison, in patients with primary perspective shortening of the vertical diameter while the horizontal
open-angle glaucoma with normal or elevated IOP (Jonas et al., 1991b, diameter remains unchanged. Rotation around the sagittal axis does not
1995). It suggests that the factors having an influence on the glaucoma change any disc diameter and occurs usually with a rotation of the su­
susceptibility may compensate each other so that the disc size is not perior disc pole into temporal direction (Dai et al., 2015a; Zhang et al.,
related to the susceptibility of GON in non-highly myopic eyes. The 2019).
finding of a larger disc size in patients with normal-pressure glaucoma is In particular in moderately myopic eyes, the position of the optic disc
a selection-artefact in these hospital-based investigations (Jonas, 1992; moves nasally in relationship to the fovea at the posterior pole. Reason is
Jonas et al., 1995; Burk et al., 1992; Tuulonen and Airaksinen, 1992). the increased disc-fovea distance elongated by the developing gamma
zone on the temporal disc side (Jonas, R.A., et al., 2015b). The relative
3. Optic disc shape nasal position of the disc leads to an oblique view onto the optic disc and
thus to an (only) seemingly vertical rotation of the disc with a
Upon ophthalmoscopy, the optic disc shape, as the disc appears on perspective shortening of the horizontal disc diameter (Dai et al.,
fundus photographs and upon ophthalmoscopy, usually is slightly 2015a). In highly myopic eyes with marked axial elongation, a true

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vertical rotation of the disc may develop, due to a (hypothetical) back­ through the disc center (Jonas et al., 1989c). Since this line is rotated
ward pull of the optic nerve dura mater on the peripapillary scleral downward in highly myopic eyes with a disc rotation around the sagittal
flange at the temporal and inferior disc border (Demer, 2016; Fan et al., axis, the spatial relationship between the fovea and the optic disc is
2017; Wang, X., et al., 2016a, b, 2017). This force may be caused by an preserved, despite the disc rotation. This observation would fit with the
optic nerve being too short to allow a full adduction of a markedly notion of BM as a biomechanical important structure for the retinal and
axially elongated eye. optic disc anatomy and for the form and shape of the globe (Jonas et al.,
Formerly called “tilted discs” are characterized by a relatively small 2017b).
discs with a horizontally oval shape, a disc border prominence at the
superior disc margin and an inferior “crescent” at the inferior disc 3.1. Optic disc shape in myopia
border. These “tilted discs” may better be described as discs with a BMO
shifted inferiorly, so that there is a BM overhanging at the superior disc In myopic eyes, the optic disc is significantly more ovally configured,
border, a parapapillary gamma zone inferiorly, an oblique nerve fiber and more obliquely oriented than in any other group (How et al., 2009;
exit from inferior to superior, and a crowing of optic nerve fibers at the Jonas et al., 1988c; Tay et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2007a; You et al., 2008).
superior disc border (leading to the prominent disc border superiorly). The vertically oval shape of the optic disc increases during myopization
In eyes with these “tilted discs”, the foveola is located relatively in adolescence (Guo et al., 2015, 2018a; Hwang et al., 2012a, b; Naka­
inferiorly. zawa et al., 2008; Kim, T.W., et al., 2012; Samarawickrama et al., 2011)
In a previous hospital-based study, an abnormal optic disc shape, like (Figs. 1 and 7). The reason for the ovalization of the optic disc shape in
vertically or horizontally oval disc or “tilted disc”, was associated with a moderately myopic eyes may be a shift of BMO leading to an over­
larger corneal astigmatism and amblyopia in non-highly myopic eyes hanging of BM on one side of the optic disc. The overhanging part of BM
(Jonas et al., 1997). It has remained unclear whether this finding can be covers a semilunar part of the lamina cribrosa and prevents it to be
generalized. A reason against an association between the disc shape and assessable upon ophthalmoscopy. The disc thus appears to have an oval
corneal astigmatism may be that the corneal dimensions including the shape (Zhang et al., 2019) (Fig. 1). The same holds true for optic disc
corneal astigmatism are usually relatively constant beyond an age of with a horizontally oval shape (Fig. 7).
about 10 years, while the disc shape often changes during the time of The oval disc shape in highly myopic eyes, after adjusting for
myopization in adolescence (Guo et al., 2015; Kim, T.W., et al., 2012; perspective ophthalmoscopical artefacts (caused by the nasal location of
Lim et al., 2008; Samarawickrama et al., 2011). the optic disc), indicates that the axial elongation-related stretching of
In eyes with a disc rotation around the horizontal axis (“tilted discs”), the optic disc occurs asymmetrically, with a stronger effect in the di­
the fovea is usually located relatively inferiorly. It fits with the hy­ rection of the longest disc diameter and a weaker effect in direction of
pothesis, that a movement of BM into the inferior direction led to the the shortest disc diameter. Interestingly, the shape of the optic disc in
overhanging of BM at the superior disc pole and to the inferior location highly myopic eyes is not identical to the shape of BMO in highly myopic
of the fovea. eyes (Zhang et al., 2019). It may suggest that the forces leading to the
A sagittal rotation of the optic disc is usually seen in highly myopic enlargement of the BMO partially differ from those responsible for the
eyes, most often with the superior disc pole rotated in direction to the enlargement of the optic disc. It has been discussed that the main force
fovea. Interestingly, the fovea is located in these eyes relatively inferi­ for the enlargement of the BMO (and for the development of secondary
orly, usually slightly inferior to a line drawn perpendicularly to the BM defects in the macular region) is the enlargement of BM in the
maximal disc diameter through the disc center. Also in eyes with a midperiphery of the fundus (Dong et al., 2019a; Jiang et al., 2017; Jonas
normal-shaped optic disc, the fovea is usually located about 0.5 mm et al., 2017b). This peripheral BM enlargement leads mainly to a sagittal
inferior to a line drawn perpendicularly to the maximal disc diameter elongation of the eye. Although the coronal globe diameters as

Fig. 7. Optic disc photographs showing the change in disc shape and the enlargement of parapapillary gamma zone with a vertical disc ovalization in an adolescent
(A) and with a horizontal disc ovalization in a 5-year-old girl (B), with increasing myopia after 3-year follow-up. Green dot: Bruch’s membrane opening; Cyan: disc
border at baseline; Yellow: disc border at follow-up.

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compared to the sagittal diameter increase markedly less (Jonas et al., get smaller but diminishes in height or sagittal thickness, which can be
2017c), the increase in the coronal diameters may lead to an increase in defined as the distance between the top of the rim and the reference line
tension within BM, mainly at the posterior pole. In a first step, the BMO through the ends of BM. With loss of nerve fibers within the rim, the rim
may enlarge, and if the corresponding decrease in BM tension is not color changes from pinkish to pale as it is typically the case in non-
sufficient, new BM defects may open up in the macular region. glaucomatous optic nerve damage (Hayreh, 1972a; Hitchings, 1978;
The optic disc, i.e., the lamina cribrosa, is only indirectly connected Robert et al., 1982) (Fig. 8).
to BM via the peripapillary choroidal border tissue (Jonas, R.A., and Hou In glaucoma, the rim gets smaller, preferentially in the temporal
et al., 2020). During the formation of gamma zone, the peripapillary inferior sector and temporal superior disc sectors in the early and me­
choroidal border tissue elongates and gets thinner so that one may as­ dium advanced stages of GON (Jonas et al., 1988g). Special attention
sume that only a fraction of the tension within BM is transferred on the should therefore be paid to these disc regions in the diagnosis of early
optic disc (Jonas, R.A., and Hou et al., 2020). The forces which may be glaucoma. In contrast to non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage, glau­
prevalent at the optic disc include those caused by the (presumably) coma does not lead to a marked pallor of the remaining rim. It shows
secondary stretching of the posterior sclera (perhaps secondary to the that if the rim is pale, the probability for a non-glaucomatous optic
primary event, i.e. the backward pushing of the posterior BM), the neuropathy increases. It has remained elusive why GON is characterized
tension caused by the stretching of the peripapillary choroidal border by the loss of rim, and complementarily, by the increase in optic cup
tissue which is the only connection between BM (as the biomechanical size. Except for GON, a loss of rim occurs only in optic nerve damage due
most important part of the inner shell of the eye) and the sclera (i.e., the to giant cell arteritis (Hayreh et al., 1998a; Sebag et al., 1986). In the
peripapillary scleral flange) (Jonas, R.A., and Hou et al., 2020; Ren et al., latter, the occlusion of the posterior ciliary arteries leads to a necrosis
2009), and the potential backward pull by the optic nerve (probably and collapse of the lamina cribrosa with a secondary entry of vitreous
mainly by the optic nerve dura mater) in adduction in extremely myopic into the retro-laminar part of the optic nerve (Hinzpeter and Naumann,
eyes (Demer, 2016; Fan et al., 2017; Wang, X., et al., 2016a, b, 2017). 1976). Neuroretinal rim loss in association with enlargement and
Most of these forces and anatomic structures have not yet fully been deepening of the optic cup are thus almost pathognomonic for GON.
incorporated in models of the biomechanics of the ONH (Wang, X., et al., Future studies may address the causes for the morphological difference
2017). In the study by Wang and colleagues, the biomechanical model in the ONH appearance between GON and non-glaucomatous optic
calculated that the forces exerted on the optic disc by an eye neuropathy.
movement-related backward pull of the optic nerve led to a high optic In moderately myopic eyes with a shift of BMO into the temporal
nerve sheath traction force of the same order of magnitude as extra­ direction, with an overhanging of BM into the nasal intrapapillary
ocular muscle forces. The ONH deformation may also depend on the compartment and a temporal gamma zone, the neuroretinal rim area as
tortuosity or slackness of the optic nerve in the orbit (Wang, X., et al., assessed by ophthalmoscopy tends to be relatively small, parallel to the
2019). Interestingly, the vertical optic disc rotation as assessed on relatively small optic as assessed upon ophthalmoscopy (Zhang et al.,
fundus photographs did not differ markedly between exotropic eyes, 2019). In highly myopic eyes without optic nerve damage, the neuro­
non-strabismic eyes and esotropic eyes in a non-highly myopic group retinal rim is large, in association with the secondary enlargement of the
(Shang et al., 2019a). It suggested that the disc rotation around the discs (secondary macrodiscs in highly myopic eyes). Due to the rela­
vertical axis was not markedly influenced in non-highly myopic eyes by tively pale color of the rim in highly myopic eyes and due to the reduced
a potential backward pull of the optic nerve on the optic disc structures spatial contrast between the rim height and the cup bottom, the delin­
in adduction. One may infer that the potential backward pulls by the eation between the rim and cup can be difficult in highly myopic eyes
optic nerve on the ONH may be present predominantly in highly myopic (Dichtl et al., 1998; Jonas et al., 2017a; Xu et al., 2007a).
eyes. Further studies may address whether strabismic eyes versus
non-strabismic eyes, and highly myopic eyes versus non-highly myopic 5. Neuroretinal rim shape
eyes differ in the tortuosity or length of the intraorbital part of the optic
nerve. In non-glaucomatous eyes, independently of the axial length, the rim
shape often follows the so called ISNT-(Inferior-Superior-Nasal-Tempo­
3.2. Optic disc shape in glaucoma ral)-rule: It tends to be widest inferiorly, followed by the superior disc
region, the nasal disc part, and finally the temporal disc region (Jonas
The disc shape did not differ between various types of primary and et al., 1988a). The smallest part of the rim is located in the temporal 60◦
secondary open-angle glaucoma in non-highly myopic eyes (Jonas and of the discs in almost all non-glaucomatous eyes, while in a substantial
Papastathopoulos, 1996), while in highly myopic eyes, the axial elon­ percentage of eyes the rim can be wider superiorly than inferiorly (Jonas
gation was associated with disc shape. Since the intrapapillary glaucoma et al., 1988a) (Fig. 8). The most important letter in the ISNT-rule is
susceptibility has been reported to increase with a longer distance of the therefore the “T”. With respect to the difference in the rim width be­
region to the central retinal vessel trunk (Jonas and Fernández, 1994), tween the inferior region and the superior region (and also the nasal
the disc shape may indirectly influence the pattern of glaucomatous region), studies reported that in 21%–63% of non-glaucomatous eyes
neuroretinal rim loss and perimetric defects. the sequence of the disc sectors may be different from the sequence
inferior – superior – nasal-temporal (Harizman et al., 2006; Maupin
4. Neuroretinal rim size and color et al., 2020; Poon et al., 2017; Pogrebniak et al., 2010; Sihota et al.,
The neuroretinal rim is the optic disc part containing the optic nerve The rim shape in its sequence inferior – superior – nasal-temporal
fibers (Airaksinen and Drance, 1985; Araie et al., 2017; Betz et al., 1981; corresponds with:
Britton et al., 1987; Chauhan et al., 2015). Its area is positively corre­
lated with the disc and optic cup size (Britton et al., 1987; Caprioli and - the thickness of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL)
Miller, 1987; Jonas et al., 1988a; Varma et al., 1994). The reasons for the which usually is thickest temporal inferiorly, followed by the tem­
correlation with the disc size are at least twofold: First, in small discs, the poral superior region, and which often is the thinnest in the temporal
rim cannot be larger than the disc is small; and second, eyes with large region in the so called papillo-macular bundle (Dichtl et al., 1999;
discs tend to have a higher number of optic nerve fibers (Quigley et al., Jonas et al., 1989c, 1999; Jonas and Dichtl, 1996; Jonas and Schiro,
1991; Jonas et al., 1992a), parallel to a higher number and total area of 1993; Varma et al., 1996). Correspondingly, the mean ratio of
lamina cribrosa pores (Jonas et al., 1991a). temporal-superior RNFL thickness peak to the temporal-inferior
In eyes with non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage, the rim does not RNFL thickness peak was 1.08 in a sample of 667 healthy Chinese

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Fig. 8. Optic disc photographs showing the shape of

neuroretinal rim, in a normal eye (left) and in an eye
with non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage (right).
The neuroretinal rim (between black arrows) follows
the ISNT-rule with the smallest part in the temporal
horizontal sector of the optic disc, in both the normal
eye and the eye with non-glaucomatous optic nerve
damage. The eye with the non-glaucomatous optic
nerve damage shows a normal shape and size of the
neuroretinal rim, increased disc pallor, flattening of
the optic cup, physiologic parapapillary alpha zone
(red arrows) and a decreased visibility of the retinal
nerve fiber layer. The peripapillary ring as the outer
border of the optic disc and of the neuroretinal rim is
marked with green arrows.

eyes (unpublished data); - the ophthalmoscopical visibility of the 5.1. Neuroretinal rim shape in glaucoma
RNFL in the sequence of temporal inferior, temporal superior, nasal
superior, nasal inferior, and eventually temporal (Jonas et al., 1989c; In glaucoma, neuroretinal rim is lost in all sectors of the optic disc
Jonas and Schiro 1993); - the diameter of the retinal arterioles which with regional preferences depending on the stage of the disease (Jonas
are widest in the inferior temporal arcade, followed by the superior et al., 1993). This sequence of disc sectors is inferotemporal, super­
temporal arcade, the nasal superior arcade, and finally the nasal otemporal, temporal horizontal, nasal inferior and finally nasal superior.
inferior arcade (Jonas et al., 1989d); - the location of the foveola In early glaucoma, the rim is lost preferentially in the temporal disc
about 0.5 ± 0.3 mm inferior to a horizontal line drawn though the sector and temporal superior disc regions, leading to so called rim
disc center (Jonas et al., 1989c); - the anatomy of the lamina cribrosa notches which, on an average, are located about 15◦ temporal to the
with the largest lamina cribrosa pores and the least amount of vertical optic disc axis (Betz et al., 1981; Hitchings and Spaeth, 1976,
inter-pore connective tissue in the inferior and superior regions as 1977; Hitchings and Wheeler, 1980; Jonas et al., 1993; Pederson and
compared to the temporal and nasal sectors (Dandona et al., 1990; Anderson, 1980; Quigley et al., 1981a, b; Radius et al., 1978; Tuulonen
Jonas et al., 1991a); and and Airaksinen, 1991) (Figs. 8 and 9). With further progression of GON;
- the distribution of the optic nerve fibers, as stratified by their the rim gets lost predominantly in the temporal region, so that the
thickness, in the retrobulbar region, with the thickest fibers inferi­ ISNT-rule can get being fulfilled again. In the pre-final stage of glau­
orly and superiorly, and the thinnest fibers in the temporal part of the coma, there is some rim left usually in the nasal superior disc region,
optic nerve (Jonas et al., 1990b, 1992a; Mikelberg et al., 1989). corresponding to a rest of visual field temporal inferiorly (Jonas et al.,

Fig. 9. Optic disc photographs showing a normal disc (0) and optics with different stages of glaucomatous optic nerve damage (Stage1–5) as classified by the shape of
the neuroretinal rim (blue arrow).

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1993). It suggests that the temporal inferior disc region and temporal (Chauhan et al., 2013; Malik et al., 2016; Rebolleda et al., 2016).
superior disc sector are of special importance for the early glaucoma Upon ophthalmoscopy in clinical routine and on conventional
diagnosis. Overall, the glaucomatous loss of rim occurs in all regions at fundus photographs, the shape of the neuroretinal rim in glaucomatous
any stage of the disease, as long as rim is left. Factors which may be eyes may be used to stage the amount of optic nerve damage (Jonas
associated with this pattern of glaucomatous neuroretinal rim loss are: et al., 1988g, h) (Fig. 9). In a stage 1, the rim has lost its physiologic
shape and the rim width in the inferior sector and/or in the superior
- the physiologic configuration of the rim being broader at the inferior sectors equals the rim width in the temporal horizontal sector. In a stage
and superior disc poles than at the nasal and temporal poles (Jonas 2, rim notches are clearly detectable, more often in the temporal inferior
et al., 1988a); - the morphology of the inner surface of the lamina region than in the temporal superior region. The rim notches are located
cribrosa with the larger pores and the higher ratio of pore to at about 15◦ temporal to the vertical disc axis (Jonas et al., 1988g). In a
inter-pore connective tissue area in the inferior and superior regions stage 3, rim has occurred predominantly in the temporal horizontal disc
as compared to the temporal and nasal regions; a high ratio of pore region, so that the rim notches are no longer clearly delineable. In a
area to total area is considered to predispose to glaucomatous nerve stage 4, rim is left only in the nasal superior region, while in stage 5, all
fiber loss (Dandona et al., 1990; Jonas et al., 1991a); - the glau­ rim is lost. This or similar methods of GON staging as based on the rim
comatous backward bowing of the lamina cribrosa to the outside shape are independent of disc size. A more differentiated system of a
mainly in the inferior and superior disc regions as shown on scanning morphologic staging of GON has been proposed by Spaeth and col­
electron microscopic photographs of glaucomatous eyes (Quigley leagues (Bayer et al., 2002; Henderer et al., 2003; Spaeth et al., 2002,
and Addicks, 1981); - the anatomy of the lamina cribrosa which is 2006). Generally, none of such staging systems have been introduced
thicker in the disc periphery where the nerve fiber bundles have a into clinical routine.
slightly more bent course through the lamina cribrosa (Dichtl et al., In contrast to GON, non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage,
1996) and where they are lost earlier than in the center of the optic including the age-related loss of optic nerve fibers, is usually not asso­
disc; - the optic nerve shrinkage-associated exposure of the posterior ciated with a loss of neuroretinal rim, except for giant cell arteritis
peripheral lamina cribrosa surface directly to the CSF space, without induced optic nerve atrophy (Balazsi et al., 1984; Hayreh et al., 1998a;
being buffered any longer by the solid optic nerve tissue (Jonas et al., Sebag et al., 1986). As a corollary, the rim shape is not markedly
2003, 2004); - the regional distribution of thin and thick retinal changed in eyes with non-glaucomatous optic neuropathy.
nerve fibers with thin nerve fibers coming from the foveola, passing
mainly through the temporal aspect of the optic disc (Jonas et al., 5.2. Neuroretinal rim shape in myopia
1992a; Minckler, 1980) as compared to the thick optic nerve fibers
which originate predominantly in the fundus periphery, lead to the Also in highly myopic eyes with secondary macrodiscs without GON,
inferior, superior and nasal disc regions and are more glaucoma the rim shape follows the ISNT-rule. In a similar manner, the pattern of
sensitive. glaucomatous rim loss is similar in highly myopic eyes as it is in non-
- the distance from the central retinal vessel trunk exit on the lamina highly myopic eyes (Wang et al., 2007; Kim et al., 2014).
cribrosa is an additional variable for the pattern of glaucomatous rim
loss (Jonas and Fernández, 1994; Jonas et al., 2001). The larger the 6. Optic cup size and shape, and cup/disc ratios
distance to the central retinal vessel trunk exit on the lamina cribrosa
is, the more pronounced is the loss of neuroretinal rim and the Complementary to the neuroretinal rim, the optic cup is the
perimetric defect in the corresponding visual field quadrant (Wu remaining part of the optic disc. Cup size is positively correlated with
et al., 1995). Taking into account the slightly eccentric location of disc size and rim size (Bengtsson, 1976; Jonas et al., 1988a). Minicups in
the retinal vessel trunk in the nasal upper quadrant of the vertically minidiscs are thus glaucomatous, while macrocups in macrodiscs can be
oval optic disc (Jonas et al., 1991a), one can infer that the progres­ physiological (Jonas et al., 1990a). Non-glaucomatous optic nerve
sive sequence of rim loss in glaucoma is partially dependent upon the damage as in contrast to GON does not show an enlargement of the optic
distance of the region to the retinal vessel trunk; the further away the cup.
region from the retinal vessel trunk, the more likely it is to be A primary macrocup in a primary macrodisc in non-highly myopic
affected by rim loss. As a corollary, glaucoma eyes with an atypical eyes can be differentiated from a secondary macrocup in a secondary
location of the retinal vessel trunk or an unusual optic disc form were macrodisc in highly myopic eyes in which the axial elongation-
found to exhibit an abnormal glaucomatous rim configuration (Jonas associated enlargement of the optic disc is accompanied by an
and Fernández, 1994). enlargement of the optic cup, with the rim preserving its physiological
shape according to the ISNT-rule. Another type of secondary macrocup
The minimum rim width of at BMO (BMO-MRW) has been intro­ is the glaucoma-related enlarged optic cup in glaucomatous eyes.
duced as a new measurement parameter of the rim width and is based on The optic cup shape is in normal eyes horizontally oval (Jonas et al.,
identifiable anatomic configurations assessed on three-dimensional OCT 1988a). The interplay between the horizontally oval cup and the verti­
images. It measures the minimum rim width as distance between the cally oval disc leads to the ISNT-rule of the rim shape, with the rim being
edge of BM and the internal limiting membrane (Reis et al., 2012b). wider inferiorly and superiorly than nasally and temporally. The cup
Parallel to the peripapillary circular RNFL thickness, the BMO-MRW shape depends on the disc shape.
showed a significant decline with ageing in normal participants, with An indirect measure for the cup is the cup/disc diameter ratio (CDR)
a 4.0% loss per decade of life and with the age-related change occurring which traditionally has been used to describe the ONH and to semi-
most markedly in the inferior region and least pronounced in the tem­ quantify the amount of GON. In normal eyes, the horizontal CDR is
poral region (Chauhan et al., 2015). The BMO-MRW was found to be larger than the vertical CDR, since the cup normally has a horizontal
especially important in myopic eyes with an indistinguishable rim on oval shape and the disc a vertical oval shape. Correspondingly the rim is
two-dimensional images. Using the BMO-MRW instead of the traditional wider inferiorly and superiorly than nasally and temporally, and the
optic rim width measures assessed on optic disc photographs might ratio of the horizontal-to-vertical CDR is larger than 1.0 (Jonas et al.,
improve the diagnostic precision of the ISNT rule in glaucoma diagnosis 1989a). In less than 7% of normal eyes the horizontal CDR is smaller
(Park et al., 2018). Interestingly, the BMO-MRW as compared to other than the vertical one. Since glaucoma affects in its early to medium
OCT-based parameters such as the RNFL thickness map and the retinal advanced stage preferentially the inferior and superior disc regions, the
ganglion cell layer thickness map had a better performance in glaucoma vertical CDR increases more than the horizontal CDR in eyes with pro­
discrimination, in particular in myopic eyes with so called tilted discs gressing GON, so that the ratio of the horizontal-to-vertical CDR can get

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reduced to less than 1.0 (Jonas et al., 1988a). It also indicates that the difference of the IOP minus the orbital CSF pressure (Berdahl et al.,
vertical as compared to the horizontal CDR is more important in the 2008a, b; Burgoyne et al., 2005; Jonas et al., 2003, 2004; Morgan et al.,
diagnosis of GON. 1995, 1998; Ren et al., 2010). In association with stretching-associated
Since the optic cup size is one of the determinants of the CDR and morphological changes in the lamina cribrosa, the increased
since the cup size depends on the disc size, the CDR shows a strong trans-lamina cribrosa pressure gradient may be one of the reasons for the
dependence on disc size. In a normal population, the CDR can range presumed increased glaucoma susceptibility of highly myopic eyes
between 0.0 in microdiscs and almost 0.9 in macrodiscs (Jonas et al., (Jonas et al., 2003, 2004, 2017a; Xu et al., 2007a, b).
1988f; Jonas et al., 1989e; Jonas et al., 1990a). If the CDR is used to
describe the status of GON, one may add a rough estimate of the disc size 8. Central retinal vessel trunk
to allow a more precise interpretation of the CDR value.
As ratio of cup diameter to disc diameter, CDR is independent of the The lamina cribrosa is pierced through by the central retinal vessel
magnification by the optic media of the examined eye and of the fundus trunk which is usually located in the nasal upper quadrant close to the
camera or other devices. Methods to correct for the ocular and camera lamina cribrosa center (Jonas et al., 1991a, 2001). Potentially acting as a
magnification may not have to be applied. The quotient of the stable element against a mechanical deformation of the lamina cribrosa,
horizontal-to-vertical-CDR is additionally independent of the size of the the central retinal vessel trunk may influence the local susceptibility for
optic cup and disc. glaucomatous optic nerve fiber loss within the lamina cribrosa. Studies
The optic cup depth is positively correlated with the cup size, and suggested that the loss in neuroretinal rim and visual field increased
indirectly with the disc size (Jonas et al., 1988a). In non-glaucomatous with the distance to the exit of the central retinal vessel trunk on the
optic nerve damage, the cup depth decreases, due to a loss in height of lamina cribrosa surface (Jonas and Fernández, 1994; Wu et al., 1995).
the rim. In glaucoma, the cup deepens in dependence of the IOP and the Correspondingly, eyes with open-angle glaucoma and a temporal cil­
type of glaucoma. Studies have suggested that the optic cup is deepest in ioretinal artery retained longer central visual field (and temporal neu­
glaucomatous eyes with high minimal values of IOP (e.g., in roretinal rim) as compared to eyes without a temporal cilioretinal artery
juvenile-onset primary open-angle glaucoma (Jonas and Gründler, (Lee et al., 1992). An abnormal position of the central retinal vessel can
1996a). The cup is shallow in non-highly myopic eyes with the so called be associated with an abnormal shape of the rim and an abnormally
age-related atrophic type of primary open-angle glaucoma (Caprioli, located loss in visual field in glaucomatous eyes (Fig. 10). Interestingly,
1993; Geijssen and Greve, 1987; Jonas and Papastathopoulos 1995a, b; the position of the central retinal vessel trunk in the lamina cribrosa is
Spaeth et al., 1976, 1995; Spaeth, 1992). The cup depth is reversely associated with the location of parapapillary beta zone in the para­
correlated with the prevalence and size of parapapillary beta zone papillary region (Jonas et al., 1992b).
(Jonas et al., 1992b). In particular in eyes with the juvenile-onset type of The position of central retinal vessel trunk moves nasally along with
primary open-angle glaucoma with high minimal and maximal IOP the myopic elongation of the globe (Lee et al., 2018a). Nasalization of
values, a deep cup occurs together with a relatively small beta zone. In vessel trunk may also be a biomarker for central visual field loss and for
addition, some eyes with the focal type of normal-pressure glaucoma can a more rapid visual field progression in glaucoma (Wang, M., et al.,
show a deep cupping and a relatively small beta zone (Jonas and 2017; Shon et al., 2020). A longitudinal study suggested that eyes with a
Gründler, 1996a, b). positional shift of the vessel trunk were at a higher risk of glaucoma
In highly myopic eyes, the cup depth is shallow so that the spatial progression (Radcliffe et al., 2014). In an experimental monkey study,
contrast between the height of the rim and the depth of the optic cup is retinal blood vessels were pulled toward to the optic disc after an IOP
reduced (Jonas et al., 1997; Xu et al., 2007a). It is one of the reasons why elevation induced by laser photocoagulation (Kuroda et al., 2017). The
the detection of GON in highly myopic eyes can be difficult. retinal blood vessel shift was more frequently observed in with a fast
glaucoma progression as compared to eyes with a mild glaucoma pro­
7. Lamina cribrosa gression (Radcliffe et al., 2014).
The pathogenic reasons for the spatial association between vessel
The lamina cribrosa forms the bottom of the optic cup (Girkin et al., trunk location and rim loss have remained unclear so far. Since the
2019; Quigley et al., 1983; Kim et al., 2018; Reynaud et al., 2016). In central retinal artery inside of the lamina cribrosa does not supply
eyes with small optic discs and normal optic nerve, the complete pos­ branches to the lamina cribrosa, a vascular etiology may be unlikely. It
terior surface of the lamina cribrosa is covered and supported by the has been discussed that the vessel trunk inside of the lamina cribrosa
solid tissue of the optic nerve. In highly myopic eyes with secondary may act as a stable element against the glaucoma-related deformation of
macrodiscs, the lamina cribrosa is elongated and markedly thinned the lamina cribrosa and may indirectly the optic nerve fibers from
(Jonas et al., 1992c, 2003, 2004). Even if the optic nerve is normal, the deformation-related damage. Correspondingly, eyes with advanced
peripheral region of the posterior surface of the lamina cribrosa is no glaucomatous optic disc cupping show an elevation, i.e. less compres­
longer buffered by the solid optic nerve tissue but directly faces the sion, of the part of the lamina cribrosa where the vessel trunk is located
retrobulbar CSF space. A similar situation develops in non-highly (Quigley and Addicks, 1981).
myopic eyes with GON in which due to the shrinkage of the optic The lamina cribrosa is more condensed and more bowed to the back
nerve the peripheral region of the lamina cribrosa is directly facing the in the inferior and superior disc regions than close to the center of the
CSF space. In association with the glaucoma-related thinning of the lamina cribrosa where the retinal vessels emerge (Quigley et al., 1981a,
lamina cribrosa, the peripheral part of the lamina cribrosa can locally b). If the vessel trunk is, as usually, decentered into the superior nasal
bulge backward into the CSF space. It leads to the so called acquired quadrant of the optic disc, the inferotemporal disc region without sup­
ONH pits (Javitt et al., 1990; Faridi et al., 2014; Kimura et al., 2014; port by the vessel trunk is larger than the superior nasal disc sector.
Kiumehr et al., 2012; Moghimi et al., 2019; You et al., 2013). In highly Consequently, the inferotemporal sector can be deformed to a greater
myopic eyes, such pits may be less likely to develop, since the lamina extent than the superior nasal disc region in glaucomatous eyes. It could
cribrosa is presumably stretched and tight. explain the greater frequency of neuroretinal rim notches in the infe­
The thinning of the lamina cribrosa in highly myopic secondary rotemporal disc region than in the superotemporal sector in eyes with a
macrodiscs decreases the distance between the intravitreal compart­ normal disc shape and a normal position of the vessel trunk exit (Jonas
ment with the IOP and the retrobulbar compartment with the CSF et al., 1988g). As an alternative to this mechanical theory, one could also
pressure, so that, with an unchanged translaminar cribrosa pressure speculate that in the close vicinity of the retinal vessel trunk the vascular
difference, the translaminar cribrosa pressure gradient steepens (Jonas supply to the adjacent tissue is better than in the periphery. A vitally
et al., 2003, 2004). The translaminar cribrosa pressure difference is the important participation of branches of the central retinal vessels in the

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Fig. 10. Optic disc photograph demonstrating an

abnormal position of the central retinal vessel corre­
sponding with an abnormal shape of the rim in glau­
comatous eyes.
Left image: A glaucomatous eye with the central
retinal vessel trunk (asterisk) located inferiorly,
together with an abnormal shape of the glaucomatous
rim, with the widest part (abnormally) in the tempo­
ral inferior region, in closest vicinity to the central
retinal vessel trunk, and the smallest rim part in the
nasal superior disc sector, with the longest distance to
the central retinal vessel trunk. Right image: Optic
disc photograph of a glaucomatous eye with an
abnormal position of the central retinal vessel trunk
(asterisk) located in the temporal inferior disc sector,
and an abnormal shape of the glaucomatous rim, with
the widest part (abnormally) in the temporal inferior
region, in closest vicinity to the central retinal vessel
trunk, and the smallest rim part in the nasal superior
disc sector, with the longest distance to the central
retinal vessel trunk.

nourishment of the optic nerve fibers in the lamina cribrosa, however, with an inferior shift usually showed a tilted or rotated shape with a
has not been demonstrated yet (Hayreh 1969; Lieberman et al., 1976). gamma zone (Figs. 11 and 12). The direction of the vessel trunk (or
The central retinal vein within the central retinal vessel trunk shows lamina cribrosa) shift may be related with topographic and biome­
a pulse-synchronous pulsation which can ophthalmoscopically be visu­ chanical factors of the ONH, and may be involved in the process of
alized in about 80–90% of normal eyes (Harder and Jonas 2007; Jonas remodeling of the ONH during the development of axial myopia and
2003a, b, c; Jonas and Harder 2007). These movements within the glaucoma (Figs. 11 and 12).
lamina cribrosa may play a role in the biomechanics of the lamina cri­
brosa. The cause for the retinal vein pulsations is potentially a time-shift 9. Peripapillary border tissues
in the pulse waves of the orbital CSF pressure and IOP, with the pulse
wave coming from the heart first arriving in the CSF space and a bit later The ONH canal is formed by the BMO as its inner layer, the choroidal
in the eye (choroid) (Kain et al., 2010). The time difference may lead to opening as its middle layer, and the opening in the peripapillary scleral
the situation that the CSF pressure is shortly higher than the IOP, so that flange as its outer layer (Fig. 1). The peripapillary scleral flange is the
a pressure wave travels through the central retinal vein from the ret­ continuation of the inner part of the posterior sclera to the lamina cri­
rolaminar compartment into the intraocular compartment. In patients brosa, while the outer part of the posterior sclera continues into or
with increased CSF pressure, increased orbital tissue pressure, or in eyes merges with the optic nerve dura mater. The peripapillary scleral
with a presumably increased trans-lamina cribrosa venous outflow opening contains the lamina cribrosa. Both the choroidal opening and
resistance (due to glaucomatous changes in the lamina cribrosa), the the peripapillary scleral flange opening are delineated from the ONH
central retinal vein no longer shows spontaneous pulsations (Walsh canal tissue by the peripapillary choroidal border tissue (Jacoby) and
et al., 1969). In these situations, the pulsations can be induced by gently the peripapillary scleral flange border tissue (Elschnig) (Anderson 1969,
increasing the IOP during ophthalmodynamometry. It then also allows 1970; Bücklers 1929; Elschnig 1900, 1901; Hayreh 1974b; Hayreh and
an estimation of the central retinal vein pressure. The physiology and Vrabec 1966; Hogan et al., 1971; Jacoby 1905; Jonas RA and Holbach
pathophysiology of the central retinal vein pulsations and its pressure 2020; Kuhnt 1879; Salzmann 1912) (Fig. 6). Upon light microscopy, the
has not fully been explored yet (Balaratnasingam et al., 2007, 2009; scleral flange border tissue appears to be a continuation of the optic
Heimann et al., 2020; Matthé et al., 2019; Morgan et al., 2004, 2005, nerve pia mater and continues into the peripapillary choroidal border
2008, 2009; Stodtmeister et al., 2018). tissue which connects to the end of BM at the level of the BMO (Jonas
It was hypothesized that the positional change of the vessel trunk and and Holbach, 2020). The scleral border tissue is crisscrossing with
central vasculature represented the change of the inner retinal structures collagenous fibers coming from the peripapillary scleral flange and
and outer bear-loading structures, especially the lamina cribrosa and continuing into the lamina cribrosa. It appears as if the suspension of the
peripapillary sclera. During the axial elongation in childhood myopia, whole intrapapillary tissue including the lamina cribrosa with the optic
the central retinal vessel trunk is moved mostly into the nasal direction, nerve fibers attached to the lamina cribrosa is strengthened by this
often combined with an enlargement of gamma zone or even before perpendicular crisscrossing of fibers of the scleral flange border tissue
gamma zone develops. The change in the location of the retinal vessel running in sagittal direction, and the scleral flange – lamina cribrosa
trunk is associated with a change in the position of the central retinal fibers running in a coronary direction (Jonas and Holbach, 2020). The
vasculature (Lee et al., 2018a). choroidal border tissue connects the scleral flange border tissue with the
The central retinal vessel trunk in the lamina cribrosa also changes BM end. Besides the scleral spur in the anterior segment of the eye, the
its position in association an IOP increase (Wang et al., 2020a; Zhang choroidal border tissue is thus one of the only two structures which
et al., 2020). Interestingly, optic discs differed in their morphology in connects the inner shell of the eye, consisting of the choroid, BM, RPE
dependence of the direction the central retinal vessel trunk moved and retina, with the outer shell, i.e., the sclera. Both border tissues may
during the IOP rise. To mention an example, discs with a trunk move­ thus have biomechanical importance. Both peripapillary border tissues
ment towards the nasal direction (as could be observed in most eyes), can also be detected on OCT B-scans, matching with histological findings
usually showed an almost circular disc shape. Optic discs with a tem­ (Strouthidis et al., 2010) (Fig. 6).
poral shift of the central retinal vessel trunk tended to have a larger optic The merging line of the choroidal border tissue with the BM end is
cup and showed a larger angle kappa between the temporal-superior the histological correlate of the peripapillary ring which upon
vascular arcade and the temporal-inferior vascular arcade. Optic discs ophthalmoscopy surrounds the optic nerve (Jonas et al., 2014a). The

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Fig. 11. The shift of central retinal vein (blue) and artery (red) trunks may represent the shift of the lamina cribrosa pores (green), in both distance (length of the
line) and direction (direction of the line), after an acute intraocular pressure elevation.

choroidal border tissue additionally may be associated with the 9.3. Terminology
choroid-ONH blood barrier, since the choroid contains with the cho­
riocapillaris fenestrated capillaries with leakage of fluorescein and In previous studies, various terms have been used for the different
blood proteins such as albumins, while the intrapapillary compartment structures of the ONH. The peripapillary border tissue of the choroid has
is free of fluorescein leaking vessels. The location and composition of the also been termed the “border tissue of Jacoby”, and the peripapillary
presumed choroid-ONH blood barrier has not been found yet. border tissue of the peripapillary scleral flange has been termed the
“border tissue of Elschnig”. The term “scleral “flange” refers to the
9.1. Border tissue in myopia peripapillary scleral flange and is thus different from the peripapillary
border tissues. The ophthalmoscopical equivalent of the upper end of the
In eyes with axial elongation, the choroidal border tissue elongates peripapillary choroidal border tissue when attaching to the end of BM is
due to the development of parapapillary gamma zone (Jonas and Hol­ the peripapillary ring or “wall of the optic disc” (Jonas et al., 2014a).
bach, 2020). The increased distance between the end of BM and the The deeper part of the peripapillary choroidal border tissue and the
optic disc leads to a lengthening and thinning of the choroidal border border tissue of the peripapillary scleral flange can be seen on OCT
tissue, which may even rupture in some highly myopic eyes. In such a images of the ONH of some eyes (Fig. 6).
case, BM may no longer be firmly and tautly connected to the optic disc.
It may lead to and explain an undulation of BM observed upon histology 10. Optic disc hemorrhages
and on OCT images in some highly myopic eyes (Jonas et al., 2018a).
The volume of the choroidal border tissue is mostly independent of the Hemorrhages located at the optic disc border in the retinal nerve
axial elongation, since the increase in its length is associated with a fiber layer have a splinter-shaped configuration (Furlanetto et al., 2014;
decrease in its thickness. The importance of the axial Jasty et al., 2020; Kim and Park, 2017; Shukla et al., 2020). In the
elongation-associated elongation and thinning of the choroidal border Beijing Eye Study including individuals aged 40+ years, disc hemor­
tissue and also the importance of a rupture and detachment of the per­ rhages were found in approximately 1.2% of the examined eyes (Wang,
ipapillary choroidal border tissue from the BM end for the biomechanics Y., et al., 2006). In 19% of these eyes, the disc hemorrhages were
of the lamina cribrosa has remained elusive yet. associated with GON, and 9% of the glaucomatous eyes showed a disc
The scleral flange border tissue can get shorter in eyes with axial bleeding. In a reverse manner, the association between the presence of
elongation in association with the axial elongation-associated thinning disc hemorrhage and GON was highly significant (P < 0.001; odds ratio:
of the lamina cribrosa (Fig. 6). 9.3). Interestingly, glaucoma eyes with elevated IOP and glaucoma eyes
with normal IOP did not vary significantly in the frequency of disk
9.2. Border tissue in glaucoma hemorrhages (P = 0.44). Fitting with these observations, two other
epidemiological studies reported about a prevalence of disc bleedings of
The choroidal border tissue is not affected by GON; while the scleral approximately 1% in non-glaucomatous eyes (Klein et al., 1992; Healey
flange border tissue may change in association with the glaucoma- et al., 1998). Other investigations showed the strong relationship be­
associated thinning of the lamina cribrosa (Jonas et al., 2003). tween the occurrence of a disc hemorrhage in a glaucomatous eye and
the risk of progression of GON as detected within the next two months by
a widening of a localized retinal nerve fiber layer, loss of neuroretinal
rim, increase in perimetric loss or widening of parapapillary beta zone

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Fig. 12. Eyes with the central vessel trunk movement

into different directions upon an acute elevation of
intraocular pressure (IOP).
Upper: An acute IOP rise-associated retinal vessel
trunk movement towards the nasal direction, like in
most eyes, may occur mostly in optic discs with a
normal round shape.
Middle: Eyes with an acute IOP rise-associated retinal
vessel trunk movement into the temporal direction
tend to have a larger cup and a larger angle kappa
between the temporal-superior vascular arcade vein
and the temporal-inferior vascular arcade.
Lower: Eyes with an acute IOP rise-associated retinal
vessel trunk movement into the inferior direction
tended to tilted or rotated, and showed a gamma zone.

(Akagi et al., 2017, 2018; Bak et al., 2020; Budenz et al., 2006; Cho and being found most often in eyes with focal normal-pressure glaucoma and
Kee, 2020; De Moraes et al., 2011; Diehl et al., 1990; Drance et al., 1977; less often in eyes with juvenile-onset primary open-glaucoma, age-
Drance, 1989; Founti et al., 2020; Hou et al., 2020; Jonas and Xu, 1994; related atrophic primary open-angle glaucoma, and highly myopic pri­
Kitazawa et al., 1986; Kim, Y.W., et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2020a; Lee, J.S., mary open-angle glaucoma (Jonas and Budde, 2000b; Jonas and Grün­
et al., 2019; Leske et al., 2003, 2007; Seol et al., 2019; Shukla et al., dler, 1996a,b; Nicolela and Drance, 1996; Sakata et al., 2020; Spaeth,
2020; Siegner and Netland, 1996; Skaat et al., 2016). Described first by 1994). The disc bleedings can be detected however, in all types of the
researches such as Drance and Begg (Drance and Begg, 1970; Drance chronic open-angle glaucomas, and differences between the various
et al., 1977), disc hemorrhages are thus of high importance for glaucoma glaucoma groups in the prevalence of detected disc hemorrhages were
diagnosis (Airaksinen et al., 1981a; Drance, 1989; Healey et al., 1998; mostly not statistically significant. Also, selection artefacts in these
Jonas and Xu, 1994; Katz and Hoyt, 1995; Kitazawa et al., 1986; Klein hospital-based studies might have had a confounding effect as suggested
et al., 1992). The prevalence of disc bleedings increases from early GON by a longitudinal study of Diehl, Quigley and colleagues (Diehl et al.,
stages to medium advanced stages, while in eyes with absolute glau­ 1990). This follow-up examination revealed fewer normal-pressure
coma and no neuroretinal rim left, disc hemorrhages were only rarely, if glaucoma patients developing disc hemorrhages than could be ex­
at all, observed (Jonas and Xu, 1994). It suggests that the presence of pected given the initial prevalence. Correspondingly, the
neuroretinal rim is a condition sine qua non for the development of population-based Beijing Eye Study did not reveal a difference in the
glaucomatous disc hemorrhages. The disc hemorrhages in glaucomatous prevalence of disc hemorrhages between glaucoma eyes with elevated
eyes are usually located close to the site of (progressing) damage, e.g., IOP and glaucoma eyes with normal IOP (Wang, Y., et al., 2006). The
close to a localized retinal nerve fiber layer defect, a neuroretinal rim size of the disc hemorrhages was larger in eyes with normal-pressure
notch or a lamina cribrosa defect (Airaksinen et al., 1981a, b, 1984; glaucoma than in eyes with high-pressure glaucoma. The larger size of
Airaksinen and Tuulonen, 1984; Drance et al., 1977; Mistry et al., 2020; the disc bleedings in glaucoma eyes with low IOP may be due to a larger
Rasker et al., 1997, Siegner and Netland, 1996; Sugiyama et al., 1997; vessel transmural pressure difference in eyes with low IOP as compared
Susanna et al., 1979). The ophthalmoscopic visibility of a glaucomatous to eyes with high IOP. The larger hemorrhage size in eyes with low IOP
disc hemorrhages lasts about 2–3 months (Heijl, 1986). may be the cause for a higher chance for them to be detected and may
The prevalence of disc bleedings has been reported to vary between indirectly lead to a higher prevalence of detected hemorrhages in
the different types of open-angle glaucoma, with disc hemorrhages glaucoma eyes with low IOP as compared with glaucoma eyes with high

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IOP. 11. Parapapillary alpha, beta, gamma and delta zones

Besides glaucoma, disc hemorrhages can also occur in circumstances
unrelated to glaucoma, such as an acute posterior vitreous detachment In the parapapillary region, four zones can be differentiated (Jonas
from the ONH (Hitchings et al., 1976; Jonas and Ritch 2012), and retinal and Naumann, 1989a; Jonas et al., 1989e, 1992b, 2011, 2012, 2018b;
vein outflow disorders among other reasons. Fantes and Anderson, 1989; Kubota et al., 1993; Dai et al., 2013)
Causes for the development of disc hemorrhages in glaucoma have (Figs. 13 and 14).
remained elusive. Several pathologic mechanisms leading to disc hem­
orrhages in glaucomatous eyes have been discussed and include local 11.1. Alpha zone
ischemia, a blood-retinal barrier damage due to an autoregulatory
dysfunction, a stretching of the ONH capillaries, and a damage caused Alpha zone is present in almost all eyes and shows an irregular hy­
by the remodeling of the ONH including the lamina cribrosa (Lee et al., perpigmentation and hypopigmentation due to irregularities in the
2017a; Grieshaber et al., 2006; Quigley et al., 1981a). Lee and col­ parapapillary RPE (Fantes and Anderson, 1989; Jonas et al., 1992b;
leagues discussed that GON-related reactive proliferative gliosis leads to Kubota et al., 1993). It is the most peripheral one of all zones. Upon
fibrous glial scars, which may exert a traction force leading to a histology, alpha zone is characterized by the presence of BM and RPE,
disruption of capillaries at the border between the healthy and damaged with the latter being irregularly structured. Alpha zone is the largest and
retinal nerve fiber layer region, eventually resulting in splinter-shaped most frequently located in the temporal horizontal sector, followed by
peripapillary hemorrhages. Remodeling and deformation of the lamina the inferior temporal area and the superior temporal region, while it is
cribrosa beams in glaucomatous ONH could additionally insult the smallest and most rarely to be found in the nasal region. Alpha zone is
capillaries surrounding the lamina cribrosa pore and lead to round present in almost all normal eyes and is thus more common than beta
blotch-shaped hemorrhages in the optic cup. Interestingly, eyes after an zone, gamma zone or delta zone (Jonas and Naumann 1989a; Jonas
ocular contusion with a sharp and high IOP rise did not show disc et al., 1989e; Jonas and Xu 1993b).
hemorrhages (Königsreuther and Jonas, 1994). It may suggest that rapid
IOP spike-related movements of the lamina cribrosa may not be the
cause of disc hemorrhages. From a pathogenic point of view, the ques­ 11.2. Beta zone
tion arises whether disc hemorrhages have their origin in the arterioles,
venules, or the capillaries of the peripapillary radial network on the Beta zone is defined by the presence of BM and absence of RPE (Jonas
surface of the peripapillary retina (Cousins et al., 2020). The finding that et al., 1989e, 1992d). In the part of beta zone located closest to the optic
disc hemorrhages are not in spatial correlation with cotton-wool spots disc border, the choriocapillaris is closed and retinal photoreceptors are
contradict the notion that disc hemorrhages occur in association with an missing (Fantes and Anderson, 1989; Jonas et al., 1992b, 2011, 2012;
ischemic event. It has also been discussed that the ophthalmoscopically Kubota et al., 1993). In an intermediate region of beta zone, the cho­
detected disc hemorrhages represent the extreme of disc bleedings in a riocapillaris is open and photoreceptors are absent. In the peripheral
spectrum of hemorrhages including also microscopical bleedings unde­ part of beta zone, the choriocapillaris is open and photoreceptors are
tectable upon ophthalmoscopy. present, but the RPE (by definition) is missing. If one longitudinally
extrapolates these findings obtained in a cross-sectional study, they may

Fig. 13. Fundus photographs showing parapapillary alpha zone (white dots), beta zone (yellow dots) in a moderately-myopic eye (left), and parapapillary gamma
zone (green dots) and delta zone (blue dots) in a highly-myopic eye (right).

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Fig. 14. A schematic figure illustrating parapapillary alpha zone (Bruch’s membrane present, retinal pigment epithelium irregular), beta zone (Bruch’s membrane
present, retinal pigment epithelium absent), gamma zone (Bruch’s membrane absent), and delta zone (part of gamma zone, corresponding to an elongated and
thinned peripapillary scleral flange). Gamma zone sometimes includes few large choroidal vessels. The peripapillary border tissue of the choroid connects the end of
Bruch’s membrane with the peripapillary border tissue of the scleral flange, and it is covered only by the retinal nerve fibers. The peripapillary border tissue of the
scleral flange is the continuation of the optic nerve pia mater.

suggest that during beta zone development there is first a loss of RPE smoother margin (Ha et al., 2020). Related with the microstructure of
cells, followed by a loss of photoreceptors and finally a closure of the beta zone, a curved BM as the beta zone bed was related with the
choriocapillaris. Corresponding to the histological anatomy, beta zone presence of glaucoma, while a straight BM related with the absence of
represents an absolute scotoma in perimetry, and alpha zone a relative glaucoma (Hayashi et al., 2012).
scotoma (Jonas et al., 1991d; Meyer et al., 1997; Rensch and Jonas Both, beta zone enlargement and rim loss, are associated with the
2008). Due to the mostly closed choriocapillaris, beta zone appears as a longest distance to the central retinal vessel trunk in the lamina cribrosa
hypofluorescent area in angiography (O’Brart et al., 1997). Beta zone is (Jonas et al., 2001). While the spatial association between the central
the largest and most frequently located in the temporal horizontal retinal vessel trunk and the glaucomatous loss of neuroretinal rim may
sector, followed by the inferior temporal area and the superior temporal perhaps be explained by a mechanical aspect, with the vessel trunk
region, while it is the smallest and most rarely to be found in the nasal stabilizing the adjacent part of the lamina cribrosa against deformation,
region (Jonas and Naumann 1989a). the spatial association between the vessel trunk location and beta zone
The occurrence and size of beta zone are correlated with the glau­ in the parapapillary region has not been discussed yet. An enlargement
comatous loss of neuroretinal rim inside of the optic disc, glaucomatous of beta zone was also observed in an investigation on experimental
visual field loss, decreasing diameter of the retinal arteries in eyes with glaucoma in monkeys (Hayreh et al., 1998b).
glaucoma, and a decreasing diameter of the retrobulbar part of the optic From a practical point of view, the diagnostic value of beta zone for
nerve as measured sonographically (Anderson, 1983; Araie et al., 1994; the diagnosis of glaucoma varied among studies. The population-based
De Moraes et al., 2017; Horn et al., 1997, Jonas and Naumann 1989a; Beijing Eye Study suggested that the Beta zone as defined by OCT was
Jonas et al., 1992b; Manalastas et al., 2018; Miki et al., 2017; Park et al., present in 73% of normal participants aged 50+ years, which suggested
1996; Quigley et al., 1994; Skaat et al., 2016; Sugiyama et al., 1997; the presence of beta zone to be a relatively poor indicator to glaucoma
Tezel et al., 1996, 1997a,b; Tuulonen et al., 1996; Uchida et al., 1998). A (Zhang et al., 2018). When comparing clinical studies on the association
large beta zone, also called “halo glaucomatosus” when encircling the between beta zone and glaucoma, one may take into account that most
optic disc, is often associated with a marked degree of fundus tessella­ clinical studies used fundus photographs on which beta zone was not
tion, a shallow glaucomatous disc cupping, a relatively low frequency of differentiated from gamma zone.
disc hemorrhages and detectable localized defects of the retinal nerve With respect to the etiology of beta zone, a study applying the dark
fiber layer, a mostly concentric loss of neuroretinal rim, and normal or room prone provocative test suggested that an acute IOP elevation led to
almost normal intraocular pressure measurements (Jonas et al., 1992b). a folding and centrifugal sliding of the peripapillary RPE and, after IOP
The location of beta zone is spatially correlated with the location of reduction, to a rebound centripetal movement of the RPE with return to
neuroretinal rim loss inside of the optic disc, and both are correlated the original formation (Wang, Y.X., et al., 2015) (Fig. 15). These findings
with the longest distance to the central retinal vessel trunk in the lamina may suggest that the development of beta zone with loss of RPE cells
cribrosa (Jonas et al., 2001). Cho and Park found in eyes with glau­ may be associated with a mechanical stress of the RPE at the disc border
comatous eyes with a single localized retinal nerve fiber layer defect that in association with changes in IOP.
76% of the eyes had beta zone located in the same hemi-field as the Size, shape and frequency of alpha zone and beta zone do not differ
nerve fiber layer defect was present (Cho and Park, 2013). In another significantly between normal eyes and eyes with nonglaucomatous optic
study, the hemi-field with a more rapid visual field progression was nerve atrophy (Jonas et al., 1991c; Jonas and Hayreh, 1999). Both zones
spatially correlated with the location of largest beta zone in a longitu­ are significantly larger and beta zone occurs more often in eyes with
dinal observation (Teng et al., 2011). The shape or the micro-structure glaucomatous optic nerve atrophy than in normal eyes (Jonas and
of beta zone may also serve as element in the morphological glaucoma Naumann, 1989a; Jonas et al., 1989e; Tezel et al., 1996, 1997a,b).
evaluation. In the study by Song et al. an eccentric type beta zone as
compared with a concentric beta zone was related with glaucoma pro­ 11.3. Gamma zone
gression in myopic eyes (Song et al., 2018). Eyes with a more irregular
margin of beta zone tended to progress more rapidly than eyes with a Gamma zone is located between beta zone (or alpha zone in the case

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Fig. 15. A schematic 3D figure showing the morphological changes of optic nerve head upon acute intraocular pressure rise. A centrifugal sliding of the peripapillary
retinal pigment epithelium and a lateral movement of the lamina cribrosa (suggested by the movement of lamina cribrosa pores and the central retinal vessel trunks)
were observed after acute elevation of intraocular pressure (Jiang et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2015, 2020a; Zhang et al., 2020)..

of an absence of beta zone) on its peripheral side, and the peripapillary with an inversio situs papillae, the fovea-disc distance is reduced.
ring on its central side (Dai et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2018a,b; Hu et al., The cause for the presumed BM shift has remained unproven yet. It
2020; Jonas et al., 2011, 2012, 2017a,c, 2018b; Kim et al., 2020; Kim, has been discussed that the process of axial elongation is governed by a
M., et al., 2018; Lee, E.J., et al., 2017b; Lee, K.M., et al., 2018a,b; Miki new production and enlargement of BM in the midperiphery of the
et al., 2017; Sakaguchi et al., 2017; Sawada et al., 2018; Shang et al., fundus (Jonas et al., 2017b). It leads to a thinning of the midperipheral
2019b; Yoo et al., 2016). In highly myopic eyes, gamma zone may retina and a decreased density of the RPE in that region, and to a change
include in its central part (i.e., in direction to the optic disc) the para­ of the eye shape from a spherical structure to an oblong structure (Jonas
papillary delta zone. Gamma zone is characterized by the absence of BM et al., 2016a; 2017d, e, 2020a). In contrast, the retinal thickness, RPE
and RPE, so that gamma zone neither contains choriocapillaris or deep density, BM thickness and BM thickness at the posterior pole is unaf­
retinal layers (Jonas et al., 2012). It consists of few large choroidal fected allowing a normal, best corrected central visual acuity (Jonas
vessels in its deep layer and retinal nerve fibers and large retinal vessels et al., 2014b, 2016a, b; Panda-Jonas et al., 2020).
in its inner layer. In some eyes, the BM border may be located more In highly myopic eyes, the BMO enlarges, what eventually leads to a
peripherally than the border of the choroidal tissue so that a small circular gamma zone. The reason for the enlargement of the BMO may
crescent of choroidal tissue may be located in the peripheral part of be an increase in the tension within BM perhaps caused by the
gamma zone, uncovered by BM (Jonas et al., 2012). enlargement of BM in the midperiphery of the fundus not only in the
Gamma zone may develop due to two mechanisms. In non-highly sagittal direction, but also in the coronal directions (Jonas et al., 2017b).
myopic eyes, BMO may shift, usually, in direction to the macula, so One may discuss that high myopia may be defined by a cut-off value of
that at the nasal disc border, the end of BM overhangs into the intra­ axial length at which the BMO starts to enlarge (Jonas, 2005; Xu et al.,
papillary region (Zhang et al., 2019). At the temporal disc border, BM is 2010).
subsequently missing, so that gamma zone is present. The shifting of the Gamma zone is dependent mostly on axial length, and it is not, or not
three layers of the optic nerve canal (BMO choroidal opening, peri­ profoundly, associated with glaucoma (Dai et al., 2013; Jonas et al.,
papillary scleral flange opening) leads to an oblique orientation of the 2012). In a histomorphometric study, the prevalence of gamma zone
ocular optic nerve canal in dependence of the direction of the shift of the started to increase, and did so steeply, at an axial length of about
BMO (Girkin et al., 2017; Hong et al., 2019). The direction of the pre­ 26.0–26.5 mm (Jonas et al., 2012).
sumed BM shift may also determine the location of the widest extension Gamma zone (and delta zone) leads to an enlargement of the para­
of gamma zone. The shift of BM may also explain why some myopic eyes papillary region in highly myopic eyes. Since gamma zone does not
have a choroidal crescent in the peripheral part of gamma zone, with BM contain choriocapillaris or medium sized choroidal vessels, OCT angi­
moving primarily and with the choroid being passively drawn and ography visualizes only the superficial peripapillary retinal capillary
staying a bit behind. In most (medium myopic) eyes, gamma zone is system in gamma zone. These anatomic characteristics may be taken
widest in the temporal inferior region, corresponding to BM over­ into account when OCT-angiographic findings in myopic eyes with
hanging into the nasal superior disc quadrant. Eyes with formerly called gamma zone are interpreted (Lee et al., 2020b; Park et al., 2019; Suwan
“tilted optic discs” show an overhanging of BM superiorly and an infe­ et al., 2018).
rior gamma zone, so that one may assume that the main direction of the
BM shift was in these eyes from superior to inferior. Fitting with the
notion of a shift of BM as cause for the disc shape in these eyes with a 11.4. Delta zone
“tilted disc”, the foveola is located more inferiorly than in eyes with a
normal optic disc shape. In eyes with a so called “inversio situs papillae”, Some eyes with gamma zone show in the central part (i.e., in di­
BM is overhanging at the temporal disc border with a subsequent gamma rection to the optic disc) of gamma zone an elongation and thinning of
zone in the nasal parapapillary region. Correspondingly, eyes with an the peripapillary scleral flange (Dai et al., 2013; Jonas et al., 2012). This
“inversio situs papillae” show a large angle kappa, i.e., the temporal central part can be called delta zone. It directly borders the peripapillary
superior retinal vessel arcade and the temporal inferior vascular arcade ring at its central side (Jonas et al., 2014a). Since the peripapillary
leave the optic disc first into nasal superior direction and nasal inferior scleral flange ends where the optic nerve dura mater merges with the
direction, respectively before turning into the temporal direction. Fitting posterior scleral, and since the peripapillary arterial circle Zinn-Haller is
with the notion of a shift of BM as cause for the disc shape in these eyes usually located at the dura mater-sclera merging line, the peripapillary
arterial circle can ophthalmoscopically delineate delta zone from the

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remaining peripheral gamma zone (Jonas et al., 2013b). Delta zone lamina cribrosa with shifting of vitreous into the optic nerve tissue
consists of the retinal nerve fiber layer in its inner layer, and the peri­ (Hinzpeter and Naumann, 1976). A similar histology of the ONH has
papillary scleral flange in its outer layer. It has remained unclear been described for eyes after an acute angle-closure glaucoma attack in
whether the retinal nerve fiver layer is covered by an inner limiting the case of Schnabel’s cavernous optic atrophy.
membrane, since the Müller cells, forming the inner limiting membrane In the prelaminar area, the retinal nerve fibers are physiologically
as their basal membrane, are missing in gamma and delta zone. The supported by astrocytes. In GON, axonal loss is accompanied by a
peripapillary scleral flange forms the anterior border of the orbital CSF disruption of the glial architecture, which acts as a frame structure. The
space, and it is the biomechanical anchor of the lamina cribrosa. In glial architecture disruption may lead to the reduction of the neuro­
highly myopic eyes, the scleral flange elongates and thins in a retinal rim. In contrast, in non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage, the
compensatory manner, keeping its volume mostly unchanged (Jonas glial architecture is not markedly affected by the loss of retinal nerve
et al., 2003, 2004). Since the geometric dimensions of the scleral flange fibers in the prelaminar compartment what may be the reason why the
may have a marked influence on its biomechanics including its influence neuroretinal shape and size is not profoundly affected and changed in
on the lamina cribrosa, the elongation and thinning of the peripapillary eyes non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage (Lee et al., 2020).
scleral flange may be one of the reasons for the increased susceptibility
for glaucomatous optic nerve damage in highly myopic eyes (Jonas 14. Biomechanical aspects
et al., 2017a; Xu et al., 2007b). Correspondingly in a clinical study, a
larger disc size and a larger delta zone were the two factors associated The anatomic structures described above are important for the
with an increased prevalence of glaucomatous or glaucoma-like optic biomechanics of the ONH and of the eye. The movement of any of these
nerve damage (Jonas et al., 2017a). structures may lead to a stress and strain on the neighboring structures
of the globe. Some aspects are:
12. Peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller
- The IOP (or more precisely, the transcorneal pressure difference)
The peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller is located approxi­ with its pulse-synchronous undulations exerts a force on the anterior
mately at the merging line of the optic nerve dura mater with the pos­ surface of lamina cribrosa and beyond and it is one of the de­
terior sclera at the peripheral end of the peripapillary scleral flange terminants of the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference.
(Jonas and Jonas, 2010). The myopia-associated elongation of the per­ - The orbital CSF pressure with its pulse-synchronous undulations
ipapillary scleral flange increases the distance between the arterial circle exerts a force on the posterior surface of lamina cribrosa and beyond
and the lamina cribrosa which is nourished by the arterial ring. The and it is one of the determinants of the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure
lengthening of the scleral flange with the secondary enlargement of the difference. The pressure undulations of the CSF pressure and IOP
distance between the arterial circle and the lamina cribrosa may be may not be in phase. It leads to the
another reason for the increased glaucoma susceptibility of highly - Pulse phase-depending undulations of trans-lamina cribrosa pressure
myopic eyes. difference, due to the time shift between the pressure wave arriving
inside of the orbital CSF space and the pressure wave arriving inside
13. Morphological differentiation between glaucomatous optic of the eye. The undulations of the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure
neuropathy and non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage difference may physiologically be necessary to allow the retrograde
axoplasmic flow enter the eye, and to allow the orthograde
Any optic nerve damage, of glaucomatous and of non-glaucomatous axoplasmic flow leave the eye. They may also lead to pulse-
etiology, is associated with a loss in the thickness and oph­ synchronous movements of the lamina cribrosa in the sagittal
thalmoscopical visibility of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer direction.
and a generalized (Frisén and Claesson, 1984; Jonas et al., 1989d, - The spontaneous pulsations of the central retinal vein may lead to
1991c; Jonas and Naumann, 1989b; Jonas and Xu, 1993a) and focal pulse-synchronous movements of the central part of the lamina cri­
(Rader et al., 1994; Papastathopoulos and Jonas, 1995, 1998; Ratkin brosa in the coronal plane.
and Drance, 1996) reduction in the diameter of the retinal arterioles. - The IOP rise-induced backward movement of the lamina cribrosa
The retinal arteriolar thinning correlates with the loss of retinal nerve and a lateral movement of the lamina cribrosa pores may stretch the
fiber layers and other parameters indicating the amount of optic nerve retinal ganglion axons in the intrapapillary compartment, leading
damage (Hayreh, 1974c; Jonas et al., 1999). In GON as compared to the indirectly to a pressure on the parapapillary tissue (Jiang et al., 2015;
non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage, the neuroretinal rim area gets Wang, Y.X., et al., 2015, 2020a) (Fig. 15). It may also potentially
reduced and the rim shape changes, the optic cup deepens (and en­ explain the up-rolling of the RPE as potential etiology of beta zone)
larges), parapapillary beta zone develops and enlarges, and disc hem­ - The thickness of the parapapillary choroid decreases during an acute
orrhages can occur. In contrast in non-glaucomatous optic nerve IOP rise, leading to a change in the position of the BMO and its
damage, the neuroretinal rim remains mostly unchanged, and only the adherent structures.
height of the rim, due to the loss of the nerve fiber layer, decreases; the - An IOP rise exerts a force on the optic disc leading to a movement of
optic cup gets more shallow due to the decrease in the rim height; and the lamina cribrosa in the coronal plane (Wang, Y.X., et al., 2020a).
the parapapillary region does not show changes (Bianchi-Marzoli et al., - The optic nerve dura mater may pull backward the merging line of
1995; Drance and King, 1992; Fard et al., 2019; Fortune et al., 2016; the peripapillary scleral flange/posterior sclera in highly myopic
Hayreh and Jonas, 2000a,b; Ing et al., 2016). eyes, leading first to a peripapillary suprachoroidal cavitation (Dai
An exception of these findings may be some patients with intrasellar et al., 2015b; Demer, 2016; Q.S. You et al., 2013), and then poten­
or suprasellar tumors who show a glaucoma-like optic disc morphology tially to a peripapillary staphyloma. The backward pull may also
in eyes with a normal IOP (Qu et al., 2011). It has been discussed, that in exert forces on the lamina cribrosa (Wang, X., et al., 2017).
these patients the tumor located close to the inner aperture of the ocular - Other forces that may potentially have an influence on the biome­
optic nerve canal might have blocked the access of the CSF to the orbit, chanics of the ONH include the shear stress from the vitreous body
so that the orbital CSF pressure was abnormally low, leading to an during eye movements, a stress from the ocular pulse amplitude-
increased trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference (Jonas et al., 2015). associated and arterial blood pressure fluctuation-related choroidal
Another exception of the findings is giant cell arteritis-induced optic swelling (Jin et al., 2018), and forces in association with the
nerve damage, in the case of which the optic cup deepens and enlarges, accommodative process.
in association with an infarct in, and subsequent disruption of, the

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- During myopization in adolescence, the BMO may shift, most often potentially explaining the development of central scotoma in highly
into the direction to the fovea, leading to a stretching of the peri­ myopic eyes without maculopathy (Bikbov et al., 2020).
papillary choroidal border tissue on the nasal side (centripetally, in - In particular in highly myopic eyes, additional forces may play a role,
direction into the intrapapillary compartment) and at the temporal such as an increased pressure of the potentially compressed retro­
side (centrifugally in direction away from the optic disc). The reason bulbar orbital fat, an increased backward pull by the four rectus
for the BMO shift may be a new production and enlargement of BM in muscles the insertion position of which has moved forward due to the
the midperiphery of the fundus in the process of axial elongation forward displacement of the anterior segment of the highly axially
(Jonas et al., 2017b). Any stretching of the peripapillary border tis­ elongated globe, and biomechanical sequels of localized scleral
sue of the choroid will directly be transferred onto the lamina cri­ staphylomas.
brosa, since the choroidal border tissue is connected with the
peripheral end of the lamina cribrosa. 15. Myopia
- The inner shell of the eye, consisting of the choroid, ciliary body and
iris, BM, RPE, retina and vitreous body, is connected to its outer shell, Pathologic myopia has been estimated to become, or already to be,
i.e. the sclera, only at two locations: anteriorly at the scleral spur, and one of the most common causes of irreversible blindness worldwide
posteriorly at the peripapillary border tissue of the choroid. The (Bikbov et al., 2020; Flaxman et al., 2017; Wong et al., 2020; Xu et al.,
importance of the biomechanical role of the peripapillary choroidal 2006). While myopic macular changes are eye-catching features of
border tissue has not fully been explored yet. pathologic myopia, optic nerve changes in highly myopic eyes can
- The eye performs movements with marked acceleration and decel­ sometimes not fully been taken into account. Hospital-based and
eration. It may lead to a hurling of the inner ocular shell against the epidemiological investigations however have demonstrated a marked
outer shell (i.e. the sclera), buffered by the choroid. In that model, increase in the prevalence of optic nerve damage in eyes with longer
the choroid would play a similar role as the outer CSF space plays for axial length in highly myopic eyes (Jonas et al., 2017a, 2020b; Xu et al.,
buffering body movements-induced shifting of the brain against the 2007b). It may suggest that a considerable part of the group highly
skull. The hurling of the inner ocular shell leads to a stress and strain myopic patients may lose vision due to a high myopia-associated optic
in the peripapillary choroidal border tissue which is the only nerve damage. The optic nerve damage in highly myopic eyes can be
connection between the inner shell and the outer shell in the pos­ clearly glaucomatous in the case of an elevated IOP, it can be glau­
terior hemisphere of the globe. comatous or glaucoma-like in highly myopic eyes with an IOP in the
- The potential enlargement of BM in the equatorial regions, also statistically normal range, and it can be non-glaucomatous. As in
leading to an increase in the coronal diameters of the globe may lead non-highly myopic eyes, the glaucomatous and “glaucoma-like” optic
to a strain in BM at the posterior pole, leading to an enlargement of nerve damage in highly myopic eyes is characterized by an abnormal
the BMO in highly myopic eyes (usually beyond an axial length of size and shape of the neuroretinal rim parallel to an abnormal size and
approximately 26.0 mm–26.5 mm). This BMO enlargement leads to a shape of the optic cup (Jonas et al., 2017a). The border between the
centrifugal stretch on the peripapillary choroidal border tissue, and optic cup and neuroretinal rim may best be characterized by a slight but
to the development of a circular gamma zone. definite kinking of the retinal vessel. If such a vessel kinking is found
- The collagenous fibers of the peripapillary border tissue of the per­ close to or at the optic disc border in the inferior or superior disc sector,
ipapillary scleral flange crisscross with the collagenous fibers of the the likelihood of a glaucomatous or glaucoma-like optic nerve damage is
scleral flange which continue into those of the lamina cribrosa. The high. Since studies have not shown yet that the optic nerve damage in
biomechanics of this anchoring of the scleral flange/lamina cribrosa, highly myopic normotensive eyes is dependent on the IOP (and that a
running in the coronal plane, with the sagittally orientated peri­ reduction in IOP is therapeutically helpful), it may be more prudent to
papillary border tissues has remained unexplored. describe the optic nerve damage in these eyes as “glaucoma-like” (Jonas
- If in highly myopic eyes with a large gamma zone the peripapillary et al., 2017f,g).
choroidal border tissue (connecting the BM end with the end of the
lamina cribrosa) ruptures, the strain within BM may get released, 15.1. Diagnostic problems in detection optic nerve damage in a myopic
leading to an undulation of BM in its vicinity (Jonas et al., 2018a). A ONH
similar morphology can be detected close to macular BM defects in
eyes with myopic maculopathy. Reasons for the difficulties in detecting an optic nerve damage in a
- The development of BM defects in the macular region may lead to a highly myopic ONH are:
release in the strain of BM around the BMO of the optic nerve, with a
secondary reduction in the strain in the peripapillary choroidal - that the spatial contrast between the neuroretinal rim height and
border tissue. optic cup depth is decreased reduced since the myopia-related
- The potential enlargement of BM in the equatorial regions in axial stretching of the lamina cribrosa leads to a flattening of the optic
myopization may lead to an increase in the strain within the sclera, cup; - that longer axial length makes the optic cup to appear to be
most marked at the posterior pole. It may cause not only to a flattened; - that the color contrast between the pinkish neuroretinal
reduction in the posterior sclera thickness, but also an enlargement rim and the pale optic cup is reduced; - that the ophthalmoscopical
of the peripapillary scleral flange opening (i.e. the optic disc), with a examination of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness is hampered
secondary stretching, elongation and thinning of the lamina cribrosa. due to the bright underground in the parapapillary region; - that the
It may have marked importance for the biomechanics of the lamina OCT-based determination of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber
cribrosa, in particular with respect to the increased prevalence of layer thickness often is unreliable due to irregularities in the para­
glaucomatous or glaucoma-like optic neuropath yin high myopia. papillary region in profile and color; and
- The potential enlargement of BM in the equatorial regions in axial - that visual field defects are often not specific for an optic nerve
myopization may lead to a backward movement of the BM at pos­ damage but may also be due to myopic macular changes and irreg­
terior pole, leading to a compression and thinning of the choroid at ularities in the globe shape.
the posterior pole.
- A large gamma zone in the temporal parapapillary region, increasing Some of these problems may be avoided if the retinal ganglion cell-
the distance between the retinal ganglion cell nuclei and the optic inner plexiform layer thickness outside of macular patchy atrophic areas
disc border, may lead to a stretching of the retinal ganglion cell axons is measured by OCT. Within the patchy atrophic regions, usually con­
in the papillo-macular region, and eventually to their loss, taining a smaller defect in BM and a larger defect in the RPE layer and

Y.X. Wang et al. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

photoreceptor layer, the retinal surface area is enlarged potentially location of the fovea is more inferior in eyes with an inferior gamma
leading to a geometrically explained thinning of the retinal ganglion cell zone than in eyes with a superior gamma zone (own data). As a
layer and inner plexiform layer (Jonas et al., 2013c). Another possibility corollary, eyes with a so called “inversio situs papillae”, character­
is the assessment of the radial peripapillary capillary network by ized by the temporal retinal vessels leaving the optic disc in the nasal
OCT-angiography and the assessment of the retinal nerve fiber layer direction, BM is overhanging into the intrapapillary compartment at
texture (Ang et al., 2018; Sung et al., 2018; Tan et al., 2019). the temporal disc border, and there may be a small gamma zone in
The difficulties in detecting an optic nerve damage in highly myopic the nasal parapapillary region. The development of gamma zone due
eyes is combined with an even greater problem in detecting progression to the shift of the BMO occurs usually in moderately myopic eyes.
of optic nerve damage in high myopia. It may be explored in futures - an enlargement of the BMO in highly myopic eyes, with an axial
studies whether the assessment of the outer isopters of the visual field length of more than 26.0–26.5 mm. The BMO enlargement may be
and whether the measurement of the retinal ganglion cell-inner plexi­ due to an increased strain within BM, potentially caused by the BM
form layer thickness outside of macular patchy atrophic areas are useful enlargement in the equatorial region, leading also (to a minor de­
to detect a progression of the optic nerve damage in highly myopic eyes. gree) to an enlargement of the eye in the coronal plane. Due to the
BMO enlargement, the overhanging BM edge retracts from the
15.2. Process of axial elongation intrapapillary compartment so that eventually a circular gamma
zone develops. The enlargement of the BMO can be followed by the
Myopia-related changes in the ONH may be caused by the process of development of additional BM defects in the macular region. Highly
axial elongation in myopia and its morphological sequels. While the myopic eyes with a larger BMO as compared to highly myopic eyes
mechanism underlying myopic axial elongation has not been fully un­ with a smaller BMO tend to have less macular BM defects.
covered yet, one of the theories has suggested that BM is main structure - an elongation and thinning of the peripapillary scleral flange within
making the globe longer during the process of emmetropization in the gamma zone in highly myopic eyes. The elongated and thinned
transition of moderate hyperopia in children older than two years to scleral flange can be called delta zone. The border between delta
emmetropia in adolescents and young adults. Myopization might be an zone and the remaining peripheral gamma zone can be roughly
overshooting of the process of emmetropization (Jonas et al., 2017b). marked by the peripapillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller, which
The hypothesis considers that the globe gets axially elongation by the usually runs in the region of the merging line of the optic nerve dura
enlargement (and new production) of BM in the equatorial and mater with the end of the scleral flange (Jonas and Jonas, 2010;
retro-equatorial region while the foveal region is primarily untouched. Jonas et al., 2013b). The peripapillary scleral flange is anterior end
Such a mechanism would explain the histologic observations that the of the orbital CSF space, and is internally covered only by the retinal
retinal thickness and the RPE cell density decrease in the equatorial and nerve fiber layer, without any additional retinal or choroidal tissue
retro-equatorial region with longer axial length, that the RPE cell den­ (except for some large choroidal vessel in few eyes). Since the peri­
sity, retinal thickness and choriocapillaris thickness in the macular re­ papillary scleral flange is the biomechanical anchor of the lamina
gion are unaffected by axial length, that the overall choroidal thickness cribrosa, any change of the scleral flange, in particular a thinning,
in the macula decreases with longer axial length, and that the best will have biomechanical consequences for the lamina cribrosa
corrected visual acuity is independent of axial length (if eyes with including the axons passing through.
maculopathy and optic neuropathy are excluded) (Dong et al., 2019b; - an elongation and thinning of the lamina cribrosa in highly myopic
Jonas et al., 2014b, 2016a, b; 2017a, d, 2020a; Panda-Jonas et al., eyes, potentially due to an enlargement of the peripapillary scleral
2020). Such a mechanism would include the backward movement of the opening. The enlargement of the scleral flange opening may be
posterior BM, leading to shift of the BMO of the ONH into the direction caused by an increased strain within the sclera caused by the
towards the fovea, and the thinning of the posterior choroid by a expanding BM. The changes in the lamina cribrosa may potentially
compression effect between the posterior BM being pushed backward lead to a shearing effect on the lamina cribrosa pores and the axons
and the sclera (Spaide et al., 2008; Wei et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2019). passing through them. In addition, the lamina cribrosa thinning de­
The hypothesis also includes an increase in the strain within BM creases the distance between the intraocular compartment with the
since the enlargement of BM in the equatorial and retro-equatorial re­ IOP and the retrobulbar compartment, i.e., the orbital CSF space,
gion would also lead to a slight increase in the horizontal and vertical with the orbital cerebrospinal fluid pressure. With pressures forming
globe diameters increasing the tension (or strain) within BM at the the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference, the trans-lamina cri­
posterior pole. In a first step, it might lead to an enlargement of the BMO brosa pressure gradient will get steeper if the distance between both
in the ONH, and in a second step, if the BMO enlargement was not compartments decreases. A steeper pressure gradient may be a risk
sufficient to reduce the strain within BM to the development of addi­ factor for damage of the axons when passing through the lamina
tional BM defects in the macular region (category 3 and 4 of myopic cribrosa.
maculopathy) (Jonas et al., 2017b; Ohno-Matsui et al., 2015). The BMO - an increased distance between the lamina cribrosa and the peri­
enlargement would occur mostly in highly myopic eyes, with a cut-off papillary arterial circle of Zinn-Haller which is located roughly at the
value of an axial length of approximately 26.0–26.5 mm (Zhang et al., merging line of the optic nerve dura mater with the posterior sclera
2019). at the peripheral end of the peripapillary scleral flange, and which
nourishes the lamina cribrosa tissue. The increased may perhaps be
15.3. Myopia-related changes of the ONH an additional reason for an increased glaucoma susceptibility in high
The myopia-related changes of the ONH include (Jonas et al., - an elongation of the peripapillary border tissue of the choroid
2020b): (Jacoby) which connects the peripapillary border tissue of the scleral
flange (Elschnig) with the end of BM (Jonas, R.A., and Hou et al.,
- a shift of BMO, usually into the temporal direction, leading to an 2020). Since with the development of gamma zone BM recedes away
overhanging of BM into the intrapapillary compartment at the nasal from the disc border in the temporal region of myopic eyes, the
disc border, and a lack of BM in the temporal parapapillary region distance between the BM end and the peripapillary border tissue of
(then called gamma zone). If the BMO shift occurs more in the the scleral flange enlarges, i.e. the choroidal border tissue gets
inferior direction, the ophthalmoscopically visible optic disc gets a elongated and thinned. Since the choroidal border (besides the
horizontally oval shape with an inferior gamma zone (so called scleral spur in the anterior ocular segment and besides the vulnerable
“tilted disc”). Fitting with the notion of BM as driving structure, the retinal nerve fibers) is the only connection between the inner shell of

Y.X. Wang et al. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research xxx (xxxx) xxx

the eye (including the retina, BM and choroid) and the outer shell posterior ocular segment, before secondary macular BM defects may
(including the sclera, the peripapillary scleral flange and the lamina develop. A BMO enlargement occurs usually beyond an axial length of
cribrosa), any change in the choroidal border tissue will have con­ about 26.0–26.5 mm or a myopic refractive error of approximately more
sequences for the biomechanics of the ONH and of the whole globe. If than − 6 to − 8 diopters (Jonas, 2005; Zhang et al., 2019). In a parallel
the choroidal border tissue in highly myopic eyes gets overextended, manner, the prevalence of a glaucomatous or glaucoma-like optic neu­
it may rupture potentially leading to a corrugation of BM with its ropathy increased with a myopic refractive error of − 6 to − 8 diopters
then loose end (Jonas et al., 2018a). (Xu et al., 2007b).
- a widening of the aperture of the peripapillary border tissue of the Since the globe elongates in childhood and adolescence, the cut-off
scleral flange in the framework of an enlargement of the lamina value for high myopia in children and adolescents may be defined in
cribrosa. Since the scleral flange border tissue crisscrosses with the dependence of the age of the individual, and it may be based on nor­
collagenous fibers running from the scleral flange into the lamina mograms, according to which a final axial length of more than
cribrosa will thus be of importance for the sagittal fixation of the 26.0–26.5 mm or a myopic refractive error of more than − 6 to − 8 di­
lamina cribrosa, any change of the scleral flange, including its opters may eventually be reached in adulthood (Pärssinen et al., 2014;
thinning in the framework of a thinning of the peripapillary scleral Pärssinen and Kauppinen 2019; Tideman et al., 2018).
flange, will have an effect on the biomechanics of the lamina
cribrosa. 16. Future developments

15.4. Increased prevalence of glaucoma in high myopia Future research may be directed to address biomechanical aspects of
the anatomical structures of the ONH in health and disease, with special
These and other myopia-related morphological changes may be reference to glaucoma and axial myopization and both together. It in­
connected with the increased prevalence of glaucomatous or glaucoma- cludes to assess the biomechanical importance of the peripapillary
like optic neuropathy, with the clinical risk factors of an enlarged optic border tissues, the physiologic and pathological role of the undulations
disc and presence and enlarged delta zone (Jonas et al., 2017a). It fits in the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference, the sequels of the
with the notion of the peripapillary scleral flange (delta zone) as a lamina cribrosa movements in sagittal direction and in the coronal
biomechanical structure of the lamina cribrosa, and fits with the changes plane, the importance of the retro-lamina CSF pressure for the trans-
of the lamina in association with an enlargement of the optic disc. lamina cribrosa pressure difference and gradient in the pathogenesis
Interestingly, presence and size of gamma zone (after subtraction of of GON, the biomechanical role of BM for the ocular optic nerve canal
delta zone) was not markedly associated with glaucoma in high myopia, including the connection between the BM end and the peripapillary
fitting with the notion, that it is the peripapillary scleral flange which is choroidal border tissue, the importance of an IOP rise-related movement
primarily connected with the lamina cribrosa. It may clinically be of of the lamina cribrosa in the coronal plane, the potential association
importance that in extremely elongated eyes, the prevalence of glau­ between a large temporal gamma zone with a non-glaucomatous optic
comatous or glaucoma-like optic neuropathy can increase to values nerve damage in highly myopic eyes with paracentral scotomas,
higher than 50%. It suggests that at least some highly myopic patients potentially caused by a stretching of the retinal ganglion cell axons in
may lose vision not only due to myopic macular changes but also due to, the papillo-macular bundle, and other aspects listed above.
or primarily due to, optic nerve changes. The differences between a non-glaucomatous myopic eye and a
glaucomatous myopic eye in the etiology of the optic nerve damage and
15.5. Non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage in high myopia the development of axial myopia and in the diagnosis of on optic nerved
damage in that situation may also be explored. In particular, clinical
In addition to the glaucomatous or glaucoma-like optic neuropathy, investigations may improve the OCT strategies and techniques to
there may be a non-glaucomatous optic nerve damage occurring in enhance the diagnostic precision to detect and stage optic nerve damage
highly myopic eyes with a large temporal gamma zone and which is in highly myopic eyes (Tan et al., 2019). It is necessary to apply longi­
characterized by deep central and paracentral scotomas which cannot be tudinal studies to explore structural biomarkers that predispose a highly
explained by macular changes (Bikbov et al., 2020). One may discuss myopic to the development of a glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous
that a large gamma zone increases the disc fovea distance so that retinal optic neuropathy (Wang et al., 2020b; Jeoung et al., 2020).
ganglion cell axons which a straight course from the fovea to the optic Future research may also address the etiology of parapapillary beta
disc border get elongated, stretched and finally damaged. This mecha­ zone and its associations with GON, including the cause for the spatial
nism would hold true only for retinal nerve fibers which do not have relationship between the neuroretinal rim loss inside of the disc and
curved course to the optic disc and the course of which get straightened enlargement of beta zone outside of the disc, and the association of both
before a stretching of the fibers would occur. parameters with the longest distance to the central retinal vessel trunk in
the lamina cribrosa. It may also include longitudinal studies assessing
15.6. Definition of high myopia the OCT-detectable histologic changes during the development and
progression of beta zone in glaucomatous eyes, addressing the question
A definition of high myopia by a cut-off value in axial length of which structure is first affected: the RPE with a loss, the choriocapillaris
myopic refractive error has not generally been agreed upon. The current with a closure, and/or the photoreceptors. Research may also explore
consensus threshold value for high myopia is a spherical equivalent whether alpha zone in normal eyes is similar or different from alpha
refractive error − 6 diopters (Flitcroft et al., 2019). Such a definition has zone in glaucomatous. Future studies may also examine whether the
been based on a functional point of view, since − 5.00 diopter of un­ glaucoma-like optic nerve damage in highly myopic eyes with a loss of
corrected myopia results in an estimated uncorrected visual acuity of neuroretinal rim and widening of the optic cup are dependent on the IOP
6/172, a level meeting the threshold for blindness (<3/60 in the better (Jonas et al., 2017e; Lin et al., 2020).
eye), and it has been d on an overall evidence-based consensus pointed
to a threshold of − 6.00 D for high myopia (Flitcroft et al., 2019; Morgan Author statement
et al., 2012). From a morphological point of view, high myopia may be
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et al., 2019). An enlargement of the BMO may be the first step in the Roles/Writing - original draft; Writing - review & editing.
development of axial elongation-related morphological changes in the - Songhomitra Panda-Jonas: Conceptualization; Data curation;

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