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मु ा

A Bandha is a kriy ā in Hatha Yoga,
being a kind of internal mudra

described as a "body lock". Bandha

literally means bond, fetter, or

"catching hold of".

Maha Bandha ("the great lock")

combines all the other three bandhas,


Mula Bandha, contraction of the


Uddiyana bandha, contraction of

the abdomen into the rib cage

Jalandhara Bandha, tucking the

chin close to the chest

Mūla Bandha is a primary Bandha in

traditional yoga
Mudra means “seal,” “gesture,” or “mark.” Yoga
mudras are symbolic gestures often practiced
with the hands and fingers. They facilitate the
flow of energy in the subtle body and enhance
one's journey within.

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