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Djinn Incantation

Effective and Easy

Introduce yourself to the Djinn. Talk to him or her

as if you were talking to anyone else. Dedicate
time to be with him or her, just you and him or her.
The incantation only needs to be said once. You
will not have to repeat it. It may sound harsh but
Djinn are known to be stubborn and you need to let
her know that you are now the Master.

This is a short but effective incantation. There is

no need to fast or chant, this is simple and that’s
what I want is simple. No complex spells or
jumping through hoops for me.

Sit yourself in a quiet room and say the

incantation. Be patient and let him or her speak
to you.
Beware of all that goes on as they speak to us in
many different ways.
Listen to all that is around you, something out of
the ordinary you hear can be the Djinn. Be patient
and him or her will come.

When speaking with the Djinn they give clues or

puzzles of sort. It is a good idea to get a journal
and write down what you hear or see. Afterward
look at what you have written down. You will then
see a message. That is one of the ways they
converse with us mortals.

Communication needs to be open when working

with the Djinn. You must take the time and listen
and keep your mind open.

This incantation has been passed down to me from

my father. I include this in every Djinn I have ever
sold. My customer feedback is 100% and I have
had customers wanting me to be able to make this
available to them.
I conjure the spirit (this is where you say your
Djinn’s name) by all the most glorious and
effective names of the most great and
incomprehensible Lord God of Hosts that you
come quickly without delay from all parts and
places of the world, to make rational answers to
my demands and that visible and affably speaking
with a voice intelligible to my understanding as
aforesaid, I conjure and constrain you spirit.

(Here you say the name of your Djinn), by these

seven names by which wise Solomon bound thee
and thy fellows in a vessel of brass.
Adonay, Prerai Tetragrammaton; Anephexeton
, Inessenfatall, Pathatumon,
and Itemon. That you appear hear before me, to
fulfill my will in all things, that shall seem good
unto me and if you be disobedient and refuse to
come I will in the power and by the power of the
name of the supreme and ever-living god, who
created both you and me and all the whole world
in six days and what is contained in it
Eye-Saray, and by the power of his name
Primeumaton; which commands the whole host of
heaven, curse you and deprive you from your joy
and place and bind you in the depth of the
bottomless pit, there to remain unto the day of the
last Judgment, and I will bind you into eternal fire
and into the lake of fire and brimstone, unless you
come forthwith and appear here before me to do
my will in all things. Therefore come in and by
these names Adonay, Zebeoth, Adonay,
Amiorem; come you, Adonay commands you.

Say this only once and let the communication begin

with your Djinn.

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