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90 年度英文
說明:以下 1~40 題,每題 1 分,41~55 題,每題 2 分。請由每題 4 個備選項中選出一個最適
當者,標示在「答案卡」上。每答錯一題倒扣題分的 ,不答不給分。

Ⅰ.詞彙及慣用語 (共 15 分):

1. The study of the characteristics of these two plants shows that they are only in
(A)identical (B)superficial (C)potential (D)eventual

2. At this meeting, we shall focus on the profits our company has made this year.
(A)fashionably (B)primarily (C)destructively (D)regretfully

3. Many students like to watch that talk show because the is brilliant at entertaining
young people.
(A)guest (B)owner (C)player (D)host

4. What the elderly people need is exercise, not those sports requiring great physical
(A)desperate (B)considerate (C)moderate (D)separate

5. Faced with a problem, you have to it first, and then try to find a solution.
(A)resemble (B)analyze (C)concentrate (D)substitute

6. After years of hard work, Mandy finally became the first female on the staff of the City
(A)visitor (B)humanist (C)consultant (D)follower

7. When he took office, the president swore to protect the country and work for peace.
(A)vividly (B)abruptly (C)cunningly (D)solemnly

8. Jenny when she was praised by her teacher for writing an excellent English

(A)blushed (B)bloomed (C)blamed (D)blessed

9.If you climb up to the peak of Mt. Jade, you will find a view up there.
(A)particular (B)popular (C)spectacular (D)regular

10. A person who hesitates a lot cannot make even about trivial matters.
(A)distributions (B)celebrations (C)institutions (D)resolutions

11. This TV program, , will introduce you to different species of animals in Africa.
(A)here and there (B)by and large (C)to and fro (D)in and out

12. You will have to if you want to swim faster than other swimmers in our country.
(A)keep it up (B)look it up (C)speak it up (D)bring it up

13. The environmentalist the whole world to protect the ozone layer.
(A)gave off (B)brought out (C)resulted in (D)called on

14. If you can this crisis, you will have a good chance of success.
(A)stand out (B)ride out (C)get out (D)take out

15. The goals of our educational system are the development of our society.
(A)in keeping with (B)in praise of (C)in return for (D)in need of

Ⅱ. 對話(共 5 分):

Tai-ping:Hsiao-hu, have you ever thought how boring life would be without movies?
Hsiao-hu: (16) ! What movies have you seen lately?
Tai-ping:None! I'm too busy preparing myself for the college entrance examination.
Hsiao-hu:Me too. I would love to see a movie right after the exam. (17) ?
Tai-ping:I've heard Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee is superb.
Hsiao-hu:Yeah, it won several Oscar awards.
Tai-ping: (18) . Besides winning the Best Foreign-Language Film Award, it won awards for
the Best Score, the Best Art Direction and the Best Cinematography.
Hsiao-hu: (19) , because the director comes from Taiwan.
Tai-ping:Certainly! Let's go see it after the exam.
Hsiao-hu: (20) . Let's get back to work now.

16. (A)You can say that again (B)You can never tell
(C)You should heed my advice (D)You just don't understand

17. (A)What can be done about this (B)What else can we do

(C)Do you have a suggestion (D)What do you think of it

18. (A)You can count on me (B)You're right

(C)It's all the better (D)No one ever knows

19. (A)We don't know what to say (B)We shouldn't mention it

(C)We cannot afford it (D)We should be proud of it

20. (A)Good movies are for all times (B)What you've said about movies is funny
(C)So much for our discussion of movies (D)It's really an unforgettable movie

Ⅲ.綜合測驗(共 20 分):

第一篇 (共 10 題)

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones,
all in the name of St. Valentine. (21) who is this mysterious person and why do we
celebrate this holiday?
The history of Valentine's Day is a mystery. One legend (22) that Valentine was a priest
who served (23) the third century in Rome. When the emperor decided that single men
(24) better soldiers than those with wives and families, he forbade single men to
(25) married. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the order, challenged the emperor and
continued to perform marriages for young lovers (26) secret. When Valentine's actions were
discovered, the emperor ordered that he (27) put to death.
According to another legend, Valentine (28) sent the first “Valentine" greeting
himself. (29) in prison, it is believed that Valentine (30) in love with a young girl
who visited him. Before his death, it is said that he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From your
Valentine,"an expression that is still in use today.

21. (A)For (B)But (C)Or (D)If


22. (A)comes (B)tells (C)talks (D)goes


23. (A)during (B)until (C)over (D)under


24. (A)worked (B)did (C)made (D)took


25. (A)get (B)face (C)live (D)need


26. (A)from (B)for (C)to (D)in


27. (A)were (B)be (C)was (D)is


28. (A)hopefully (B)actually (C)frequently (D)severely


29. (A)Where (B)What (C)While (D)Why


30. (A)fell (B)played (C)ran (D)thought


第二篇 (共 10 題)

Where poverty and hunger are common in parts of East Africa, you might think nothing will
change. But it (31) . And it does. In Africa, producing the family's food is (32)
the women's work. No matter how hard they work, they cannot get (33) food for their family.
The addition of an animal to a small agricultural family plays an important (34) in providing
valuable milk or meat. Recently, a welfare program (35) “Send a Cow" has been
organized by some social services in (36) to this need. This program provides livestock
(37) these poor African families: they give a cow to a family and (38) offer breeding
lessons to make sure that the animal multiplies.
Fundamental to this “Send a Cow" program is the understanding (39) the beginning
that each person who receives an animal will also give one of its young to a (40) neighbor.
For those who once could only receive help from others, to be able to give help restores their dignity, a
sense of self worth, and a basic change in their view of life.

31. (A)was (B)is (C)can (D)had

32. (A)scarcely (B)hardly (C)rarely (D)mainly


33. (A)few (B)enough (C)costly (D)little


34. (A)part (B)line (C)mood (D)case


35. (A)call (B)calling (C)called (D)to call


36. (A)release (B)response (C)return (D)repair


37. (A)in (B)from (C)at (D)for


38. (A)too (B)as (C)well (D)also


39. (A)on (B)of (C)at (D)to


40. (A)needy (B)greedy (C)handy (D)mighty


Ⅳ. 閱讀測驗 (共 30 分):

第一篇(共 3 題)

Seas, lakes and rivers are in some places alive with noise. Underwater creatures have evolved
remarkable ways of producing sound to communicate with each other, and to warn off predators that
feed on them. Dr. Patek reported that the lobster produces sound in a way similar to a violinist drawing
a bow across strings. It rubs its antennae against the hard plates under its eyes to produce a scary sound.
It is the first known underwater creature to create such a novel underwater sound.
Dr. Patek studied the sound production of the lobster by using an underwater microphone. He
found that lobsters can hear sound only within a short distance, and therefore they produce the sound
not for communication, but rather for warning off predators.
The sound they produce is very important during the period when lobsters shed their hard shells
in order to grow. At that time, they become very weak and cannot defend themselves. Lobsters shed
shells up to 25 times in the first five years of their life and then once every year afterwards. During this
period they must rely on their noisy sound to scare away such predators as sharks.

41. According to this passage, the way the lobster produces sound is .
(A)similar to those of other underwater creatures

(B)something humans have never known
(C)unique among underwater creatures
(D)not different from a clown playing the violin

42. The lobster produces the sound in order to .

(A)show off its music (B)contact other lobsters
(C)court its mate (D)frighten away its enemies

43. According to this passage, the lobster sheds its shell .

(A)once every year (B)once in the sixth year
(C)five times every year (D)25 times every year

第二篇 (共 3 題)

Nancy Neumann isn't your typical teacher. Her students occasionally have to dash off from their
schools in the middle of an exam, and her classroom is sometimes the backseat of a limousine.
Neumann is a movie studio teacher, the person who tutors child actors in films, commercials, and
television shows. She can be called to teach everything from preschool reading to advanced
mathematics. While the cameras roll on the set nearby, she has helped her students to analyze the
chemical properties of gasoline, write papers on Pearl Harbor, and do a biology lab report.
Neumann is required to spend three hours per day with each student in her care, though lessons
are often divided into 20-minute classes. And she usually handles more than one student a day. Paid a
daily rate that ranges from $160 to $300, Neumann works off and on, and is often told to report for
teaching duty with less than 24 hours' notice. But Neumann says she prefers this job for its variety and
wouldn't enjoy working in a more traditional classroom.
Neumann is also responsible for her students' physical safety and moral welfare. Because child
actors are only permitted to work a certain number of hours per day, she has to remove her students
from the set even if the shooting schedule runs late.

44. Miss Neumann likes her job because .

(A)she cannot find a job in a regular school (B)she teaches only three hours a day
(C)she thinks her job is never boring (D)she only needs to teach science

45. Miss Neumann's students are sometimes excused from school because .
(A)they need to go to a movie (B)the classroom is unsafe
(C)they can only go to school for three hours (D)they need to go to work

46. Miss Neumann isn't a typical teacher, because of the following reasons EXCEPT .
(A)paying no attention to students' well-being (B)teaching irregular hours

(C)having no definite classrooms (D)offering many different courses

第三篇 (共 4 題)

Medical researchers in the United States say they have recently found that the sounds and sights
of nature can help control pain when patients go through unpleasant procedures. They used recordings
of gurgling streams and pictures of beautiful scenery to distract the patients during and after treatment.
Lung examination is an unpleasant procedure. In carrying out this procedure, tubes should be
inserted through the nose or mouth to see the lungs. While patients receive some medication to prevent
pain, they remain conscious throughout the procedure. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University, in
addition to giving patients pain-relieving medicine, played the sounds of gurgling streams during the
three-hour examination. The researchers also displayed on walls large pictures of a forest with a river
running through it and mountains in the distance. Compared to another group of 39 similar patients,
who had only the usual painkillers, the trial group was much more likely to have good control of their
The benefits of distraction techniques had long been recognized before doctors discovered them.
For example, many women use breathing and visualization techniques to distract them from the pain
while giving birth to babies, and meditation methods are widely practiced in coping with anxiety and
Earlier research has also found that planting trees near patients' windows can speed up recovery
rates. This suggests that a small investment in very simple environmental improvements could produce
remarkable benefits.

47. The use of natural sounds and beautiful scenery in medical treatment is for the purpose of .
(A)shifting patients' attention from pain (B)publicizing environmental protection
(C)lengthening medical treatment (D)making the doctors have better moods

48. The group of patients receiving only painkillers without natural sounds and sights .
(A)had better control of their pain than the trial group
(B)did not do as well as the trial group in pain control
(C)felt more peaceful because they were less disturbed
(D)found the pain-relieving medicine very effective

49. Distraction techniques have long been used by the following people EXCEPT .
(A)some women giving birth to babies
(B)people trying to reduce stress
(C)people intending to relieve anxiety
(D)doctors examining patients' lungs

50. According to this passage, planting trees near patients' windows .

(A)limits the view of the patients

(B)is useful for shading the hospital rooms
(C)is beneficial to the patients' health
(D)is not a sufficient investment in the environment

第四篇 (共 5 題)

Scientists have imagined for decades about a future when robots will take over daily household
chores and give us more leisure time. Yet the types of robots introduced to the market so far have been
more for entertainment than for practical uses.
But, the consumer market for robots appears to be changing for the better, though it's a slow
change at best. Thanks to the lower costs and the improved performance of mass-produced computers,
some small companies are starting to offer consumer robots that can clean and maintain a household.
The problem is that these products can attract only those consumers who are already crazy about
robots, so the market remains too small. And as far as performance and price are concerned, they're
still no match for conventional appliances.
One company that has enjoyed some early success is Friendly Robotics. Last year, this company
began selling a lawn-mowing robot called the Robomower. The battery-powered device does its job by
moving randomly over the lawn. It takes a lot longer than a conventional lawnmower to get the job
done, but at least it frees weekends for its owner. The Robomower stays within the lawn's boundary by
sensing a wire installed a few inches underground near the lawn's edge. The wire gives off a
low-power radio signal, and the sensors on the robot pick up the signal and command the robot to
return to the lawn.
Some other companies are also promoting their robots for different purposes. Probotics is selling
its vacuum-cleaner robots. And iRobot intends to start selling a home-security robot next year for
about the cost of a notebook computer.
However, their appeal so far has been limited to robot enthusiasts and wealthy consumers.
Experts have noted that cheaper, conventional lawnmowers operated by humans still achieve better
results than robots, and vacuum-cleaner robots tend to have trouble moving around furniture, cats and
stairways. Even iRobot acknowledges that a home-security robot can't take the place of a household
alarm system.

51. Most of the robots found on the market now are mainly for .
(A)giving people pleasure (B)doing household chores
(C)saving our time (D)reducing living expenses

52. Some companies have begun to produce robots for doing household chores as a result of .
(A)keen competition for the market (B)a rapid increase in the number of customers
(C)enthusiastic responses from the users (D)cheaper and more efficient computers

53. Household-chore robots are still inferior to conventional appliances, because .

(A)they are too difficult to operate (B)they are neither cheap nor efficient
(C)their shapes are not attractive (D)their noise disturbs the neighbors


54. One benefit of the Robomower is that .

(A)it saves energy by using batteries
(B)it is more efficient than a conventional lawnmower
(C)it allows its owner to enjoy his or her weekends
(D)it goes straight from one end of the lawn to the other

55. Given the present state of robot technology, scientists' dreams about robots .
(A)have appealed to a great many people
(B)have been partially realized
(C)have completely failed to materialize
(D)have finally come true


Ⅰ. 中譯英 (共 10 分)

答:(1) I felt a little uncomfortable last night.
(2) My mother wanted me to go to the Chinese herbalist.
(3) She said Chinese medicine was more natural than Western medicine.
(4) I usually go to the doctor’s when I am sick.
(5) But now I think I have another choice.

Ⅱ.英文作文 (共 20 分)

說明:請以“My Favorite Retreat"(我最喜歡去的僻靜處所) 為題,寫一篇約一百二十個單字

答案請寫在「非選擇題答案卷」上(內容 5 分,組織 5 分,文法 4 分,用字遣詞 4 分,
拼字、大小寫及標點符號 2 分)。


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