Vocabulary Acadmie

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1918. In ciuda faptuiui cB depozitul era plin de marté, s-a mai 8sit loc pentru inca dous liz 3a) In spite of the fact that the warehouse was full of goods they found room for the two cases, too. ») although the depot was full of goods, they found room for two more cases, C)In spite of the fact that the ware house was full of merchan- dise, there was room for two more boxes. 4} Despite tne warehouse being full of merchandise, there was room for two more crates. 1916, Erau 0 multime de fotografi, unele decolorate, probebit au fost ficute cu deceni in urmé 2) There were a lot of photographs, some faded, they must have been taken decades before. b) There were plenty of photos, some discolored, Probably, taken many decades ago, ¢) There were many photoes, some faded, they must have been taken decades before 2) There were many photographs, some faded; they had been taken decades ago, 1917, Ela luat o decizie grdbitS pe care a regretat-o mai tarziu a} He took a hasty decision, which he regretted later. bj He made a hasty decision, which he regretted later. ¢) He decided hastily, which he later regretted 4) He had made a hasty decision to regret later. 1918. Politicianul acuzat de luare de mit a trebuit sé se retraga. 4) The politician accused of taking bribe had to retreat b) The politician accused of graft had to hand in his resig: nation. ian accused of graft had to resign. ian accused of taking graft had to step down. 1919. Nu-mi pasé ce crezi; eu stiu cd am dreptate si voi proceda In consecint3 a) I don't care what you think; | know I'm right and accordingly. b) I don’t care what you believe; | know I'm right and accordingly. do Lact 154 cordingly. acerire about YOUF Opinion; | Know Fm right and ft "accordance. ele noastre tehnologi locueste munca meses 1920. In 28 A201 ays the technology has replaces the work ofthe a) The xs technology has replaced the work of the cratsmen, yout cays technology used instead ofthe work of he c Besmen. ¢) These 1 acuzat 8 favoriza unuldintejucitori 92h. Mo road ‘of being in favor of ane ofthe players 2 Te ee was accused of fevoring one of the payers b) The uimire was accused of being partial toone of the players. I ie eteree was accused of being biased against one of the players. ‘days technology replaces the work ofthe craftsmen 3. RE-PHRASING 4922. He tries hard but he does not succeed. Try a8 he wemnnns ME does Not succeed. a) can; b) might; c) should 1923. If he does not answer all the questions, he wi Unless he he will not pass. 2) will answer; b) answers; c) answered 4924, It's time you finished your task! finish your task! would better; bj had better: cc} have better sorry | said that! i a) did not say that!; b) not said that! ¢ 1926.They say he has lost everything He is 88d none everything. ; a) to have lost; b) to lose; c}0sings 1927. 'm sure he didn't know what was €01"8 He am What Was going On. a) may not have know not pass. had not said that! a a Must not have known; ¢} couldn't possibly have ly have 1228. He said to me: Let's play ternaa™ a) ordered me to play t ) suggested that we ey ¢) offered to pay tenn 1929. 'd rather not get involved, Vd prefer... : a} not be involved; a Not getting involved ¢) not to get involv 1930. In spite of be ing —— fe He won the race although he. 8) is very tired; ) was very tired, __c) has been very tired, 1931. I'm sure his brother made him do it Massa his brother who made him eit a) must have been; b) could have been; c] may have been; 1932. We're sorry we went on that trip. We regret rennn-0n that tip, 2) to-go; b) going: c) have gone 1933, He fell although he was holding on to the r: IA Spite OF oennacnue he fel a) being held on to the railing; ) having held on to the railing: ¢) holding on to the railing: 1934. After he spent several years in Spain he ‘spoke Spanish well several years in Spain he spoke Spanish well. a) Having spent; b} Spending: c) Having been spent; 1935. If you need any help just pick up the phone. IA 8S YOU vs any Nelp just pick up the phone a) would need; b) needed; c) need; 1936.1 think he will resign if he does not get that postion Unless he that position he will resign a) will get; b) gets; c] would get; 1937. She said she was worried that her daughter kept coming home late. She was concerned about her daughter Won the race, ing, raving core nome [te p) to come nome late; home late; a omy anew that he was a heavy drinker. 1a Eran knowledge that he ~ : inwas 2nuras drinking 2 [Ot lot bj dranka - een drinking a loti = cael the lecturer only if you have something imps 1999. Int ask sta 3 apt the [eCtUFE mn-nn SOMECHINE important to Don't a) unless you have; b) if you do not have: jou have not 640. vesaid te yes sorry he did not hear the first part of the r ‘pee the first part of the speech. logized for reaamesong 8) tome) PaNng mse Bes the best tennis player in o the best tennis player in the world. ) being: ne felt very tired 2) to have been; ) to 1942. As he had been walking al day! dayine felt very tired. 3) Having walked! b) Having been walking ¢) Being walking: 1943.The memoers of the co new agenda The committee. agenda mmittee did not agree upon the rot in agreement concerning the new a) are; b) was; c) were; 1944. They never mentioned the incident again. Never the incident again. ') did they mention; ») they mentioned; ¢) had they metioned: 1945. They all stood and cheered the champion. ‘The champion got a a} long cheering; ») standing ovation; c) standing cheering: isa, 1946. It did not occur to me to contest the decision, I never thought. .. the decision, a) about to contest; b) to contest; c) of contesting 1947, He became more anxious as it was getting dark” The darker it got, whe grew. a} more anxious; b) the more anxious; c) much anxious, 1948. The perspectives did not look as good as we had thought The perspectives SeeMED vnminnn WE had thought a) less good than; b) worse than; c) not as good as; 1949, So long as you fulfil your duty they can’t blame you PrOVIdED venunnoy they can't Blame YoU. ¢) you fulfil your duty; 1950. Im sure they did not know about the accident. They about the accident. 3) may not have known; ) couldn't have known; ¢) must not have known; 1951. Try to avoid telling them the truth. Whate¥er nnn don’t tell them the truth. a} you think: ) you can; ¢) you do; 4. GRAMMAR IN USE 1952. Notice: a] Smoking isn't allowed in restaurants. b) They don't allow smoking in restaurants. c) Smoking is forbidden in this restaurant, 1953. Stage directions: a] He enters, stands by the door, then takes a few steps. } He is entering, standing by the door then taking a few steps. c) He entered, stood by the door then took a few steps. 1954. Concluding a contradictory conversation (formal): 4a) This is all | wanted to say about this matter. b) There is nothing further to be said on this matter. ¢} There is nothing to add to this matter. 56. ADC gar rainboots inthis weather. ust Wear rainboots in this weather you 2V Te year rainboots in this weather. You shoul aio apere at (OnE an fifty miles in order t discover tha she did drove longer. rot lve there pan ity miles only to discover that she did not ¢)iarove we there any LOnBer sion 1997. ee ‘you'd think she was an expert on moder art To heat Net alk, yous think she was an expert on modem art bya rere alkng Yous tke was an eter en mace cfo nt: . Personal arrangemer Hae ee my friends tonight seeing my friends tonight. ¢} see my friends tonight 419589. Intention: a) He's going to get a job. 'b) He's getting a job. c) He will get a job. 1960. Prediction: a) It's raining soon b) It’s going to rain soon c)it rains soon. 1961. Contrast: ‘ a) Old that he was, he could outrun anybody b) As he was old, he could outrun andar c} Old as he was, he could outrun ary 1962. Polite suggestion: te? a) Would it be all right if! called you lat b) Would you like to call later’ ¢) May | call later? 159 wf x — 160 1963. Imparting new information about something/somebody familiar. a) How's your brother? We ) How's your brother? W. ) How's your brother? W hhe was hit by a car, but he's ok a car hit him, but he's ok he got hit by a car, but he’s ok, 1964. Strong recommendation/advice: a) You should better hand in the paper before deadline, ) You'd rather hand in the paper before deadline. c) You'd better hand in the paper before deadline, 4965. Referring to an unlikely event: a) If he would show up, ask him to come in 'b} Should he show up, ask him to come in, ¢) If he showed up, ask him to come in, 1966. Encouraging somebody: a) By all possible means go to the party, but don't stay late, b} By any means go to the party, but don't stay late. ) By all means,go to the party, but don't stay late, 1967. Emphatic agreement: a) We are, indeed, interested in this project. b] We are interested in this project, indeed. c) Indeed, we are interested in this project. 1968. Absence of obligation a} You mustn't come early. b) You needn't come early c) You shouldn't come early. 1969. Willingness to do something: a) If you want to wait, Il be with you soon. ) If you wanted to wait, Il be with you soon. ¢) Ifyou be with you soon 1970, Talking about past habits: a) He was a nice man but he complained all the time. b) He was a nice man but he would complain all the time. ¢) He was a nice man but he was complaining all the time. sal’ te earnot accept your invitation, nso" tet you know that I cannot accept your imitation, te it | must decline your invitation, ny _—__— al behaviour n Unpleasant about our visit " being ‘unpleasant about our visit. tes aways unpleasant about our visit, cjHe’s wa ee er do.dor't go near the lion a ‘don't go near the tion. wer you are doing,d« ¢ somebody's attitude/behaviour eturn the books you borrow? turn the books you borrow? urn the books you borrow? 4974. criticising a}Do you ever r i) Dont you ever rel ¢} Don't you never Fel 1975. Regret: 2} Only i | had returned on time! b]ifonly Ireturned on time! }if only | had returned on time! 1976, Expressing personal/somebody else's opi ; i a) In my parents’ opinion, this is a good univers! i 'b) From my parents’ opinion, this is a good unlees c] After my parents’opinion, this is @ go0d univers iy. is ortain 1977. Opinion about how somebody is affected BY 2 <8 position: x too strict. a} In the students'opinion, teachers are os b} From the students’point of view, teachers be ee According to the students’ view, teachers are 1978. Speculating about a past event: a} | wonder if the accident should have b)| wonder if the accident might have ©) wonder if the accident would have been been prevented: been prevented. prevented 16 TY... a 1979. Having something done (cat usative use) by o 8)! went to the consulate toh: thers/ofticials: lave my visa renewed, 5) | went to the consuiate to renew my vies ¢} went tothe consulate for renewing my visa, 1980. Eye witness account: a} | saw him to take the money. b) I saw him took the money, ¢} | saw him take the money, 1981. Assurance: a) We are doing the best we can, b) We are doing our best. c} We do best. 5. FIND THE CORRECT SENTENCE 1982. a) This item in the morning paper today is worth reading /S morning paper is worth to read hrs tem i te paper this mornings worth reacing, @) Ths tem in today’s morning paper i worth reading 1983, a) Dont you feel alone @| Iron is found in food such as tver, green vegetables and eggs f)TPe irons found in foods such as iver, green vegetables cod eas. ¢} Iron is found in foods lik ¢) Irons found in foods such as liver, green vegetablec ond eegs. liver, green vegetables and eggs. 1985. a) Computers have been installed in many schools ©) The computers hi ‘ave been installed in many schools, 162, ynools have had computers installed 0 Many ers had been installed in many schools a) cor wee said that he will never buy such an expensive ca 3) id that he would never buy a so expensive car b)He $2 that he would never ‘buy such an expensive car, } He maid that he would never buy such expensive coc a)He bee of my husband's generation are approaching pesionng she people of my husband's generation are approaching rer eeple of my husband's generation a: gting to rthingage. Vapi of my nusband's generation ae spprecthng niet age te his new haircut. at help o laugh when saw outset hep oughigwmen saw hs new nara {ould not laugh wnen sm new vat a} cua hep laughing sing hs new hare Ye car. Pearson b) There were not fewer than ten passengers packets he ca. ¢) There were no fewer than ten passengers packed into the 4) There were as few as ten passengers packe Fe wee means ‘met with tears of joy. Sh were ter the crash was 1991. ce a) The crowd were surrounded by armed vo Sec. b) The crowds were surrounded bY va ———— i, Me ©) The crowd Was surrounded by armed police, 9) The crowd Was surounded by armed pot 1992, \umanity. [are is 9 crime against humanity, ' 8 crime against humanity. 4) Chemical wartare isa crime against humanity, 193, 2} We realized thatthe hotel was ata days journey. ©) We realized thatthe hotel was ata day's Journey, 6} We realized that the hotel was at a dave @) We realized that the hotel was within day's journey, 194, : 2) She used to wear lose clothes to hide the fact that she was losing weight ) She used to wear loose clothes to hide the fact that she was loosing weight, &) She uses to wear loose clothes to hide the fact that she was losing weight She used to wear lost clothes to hide the fact that she was losing weight 1995, } Ne Started to realise thatthe ite was a serous mater O} He started to reais that life was a seriows men Gite started to realizing that life was a seraun never @) He started to realise that life was a serioe matte, 1996, a) The long summer felt boring with nothing to do. b] The long summer fet baring with nothing to be done ¢) The long summer felt boring becouse of Nothing to do. 4) The long summer felt bored with 197, a) She is trying on wedding dresses, ) She is tr Ving on wedding dresses, si she gets married in June, he is getting married in June, tries on wedding dresses, she ig Betting matted in June SM is trying on wedding dresses, he, ing to get marred 4) in une 1998. isthe fist time Ive seen you wearing boots ay Ts fe the first time I see you ‘wearing boots, bl Tis the fist time | saw you wearing eos, é iknow his name, | woud tell you IH knew his name, | would tl you 2 fl would Know his name, | woud tell you 4) Fl knew his name, | wil el you this form to obtain the certificate. 1 this form for obtaining the certificate. is form to obtain the certificate, g in this form to obtain the certificate 4) You'll need 2) they wale for our un they rasa th lpg inte “Syne mere waking fr ours utes heen "Phy nts for nurs nthe aces lsig inthe "They woute be walking for hours until they reached the clea ring in the woods. 165 —v ec, ua i die 1825, So scary . a) the film was that I couldn't watch it, he film be that | couldnt watch it c) was the film that | couldn't wateh it 1826, However hard... a) did they workthey earned very little, ) can they workthey earned very ¢) they worked, they earned very itle. 1827. SeldOM vos a) people make such hasty decisions! b) do people make such hasty decisions! C) people are making such hasty decisions! 1528, Not in a lifetime vannn a) she will forget this exprience! b) won't she forget this experience! ) will she forget this experience! 129, SUCH vce 2} was the beauty of the landscape that they al stared in awe b) the beauty of the landscape was that they all stared in ame ¢) beautiful the landscape was that they all stared in sive 1830. On no account = a) you shouldnt call sooner! ') you should call sooner! ¢) should you call sooner! TIT. VOCABULARY 1831. | don't know why people teAd £0 wnune him, a) prevent; b) avoid; ¢) go around 1832, He suffers from. his back. a) a pain; b) an ache; ¢) a hurt 1833, She wnonu. the Box on the table and left. a) laid; b) lay; c) lied 1834, He proved MUCH wenn fighting with the bear. a} strongness; b) strongth; c) strength 936. soon i8 @ precious quality at war. a) Braveness; b) Bravity; c) Bravery 1836. It’s good to be proud, but too much a) pride; b) proudness; c) prideness 1537. Next Sunday, they'l celebrate their a) marriage; b) wedding; c) engage can be damaging. rrow, Il give you the money you have , 1598 rowed: b) ove; c) Let Ss me it a nnn RON 199.8) amusant: b) amusing: c) amusable jo, whieh would You 0: join us out, or watch TV 2 f 2 prefer; b) like; ¢) rather ot ") attractive; b) attracting; c) attracted Wife 18 8 VETY venom WOMAN ! Mo Ig the wun OF the electric bulb ? 142. WP vento b invent; c invention He didn't dare to ski on that... slope 148 igh: b) steep; c) tall 44 He shouted at her, She must have felt 154A My embarrassed; b) iritated;¢) offended 4545. My brother Spent the wonunu SUMMer at the seaside 3) whole; b) all; c) every his poor marks, he was accepted to attend a university, ‘In spite; b) Although; c) Despite 4647..A strong argument between the two contract parties. 1546, a) rose; b) arose; c) raised 4848. The public........... their hands in agreement. a) rose; b) arose; c} raised 1849. They are making efforts to wn a) rise; b) raise; c) arise 1850. She has changed her mind in the last MOMENt, mmm a) as usual; b) as usually; c) usu 1551. The lttle boy was standing a) besides; b) be side; c) beside 1852, He couldn't imagine himself walking mu... tens of palm ttees on the Mediterranean beaches. a) among; b) between; c) through vw funds for the homeless, is mother. 1653. n autumn, leaves are by the wind. born; b} borne; c) bore 1554. have finished the preparations «nm.» tonight a) until: b) till ¢) by 1855. Put your : Eh and lets go! a) cloths; b) clothes; c} cloth ; 15. The meting was put off the chairman's illness. 1857, '2) due to; b) because; c) thanks to cnet fish inthis lake a) untegal; b) inlegal; c) illegal ne _______ spl i. aie Some people would do anything to bec 158 Se mmoral b) mortal c]inmortat coe vn Sciences. 2) interesting: b) interested; c} interest 1540, He has made 2 g00d speech, a8 he speayin ofa large audience. 8 in rong ‘a) used to be; b) used to; ¢) is used to 1561. John's jokes are... amusing, 2) high: b) hightly; ¢) highly SOFTY! FM occas Might have hus a) frightened; b) afraid; c) scared 1563. They got ...... injured in the accident, a) gravely; D) seriously; c) greviously 1564, Little by itl, the rain... and we cou! a) stopped; b) ended: ¢) ceased 1565. He must have been lost in his own thou the trembling of her voice. a} see; b} observe; c} notice 1566, Most people in Britain have their houses assured: b) ensured: c) insured 1567. He strives to assure a g00d .. ing b) life; c} live 1868. If you want to make a over there a) complaining: b) complaint; 1569. He dreams of making a long a} journey; b) voyage; ¢) travel 1570. Lots Of wenn COME tO this store to Buy presents jus 1562.1 Your feelings Wd continue our hts, not to to his family » YOU should address the cler, ) clients; b) patients; c) customers 1871. The baby bird fell from the nest and got a wing a) broken; b) broke; c) broked 1872. After entering the hall, he wan... a) hang; b) hanged; c) hung 1873. He mistook Belgium for Holland. What ! a) an error; b} a mistake; c) a blunder his coat on the peg. 1874, She was so absent-minded that she the theatre tickets at home, a) let; 6) left; c) forgot 1878. She gets very inspired when painting on the ~~» Of river. a) shore; b) border; ¢} bank has married 2 noun Man, 1576 3 Feautifl b) handsome; c) petty ris road, YOU MUSE nun 70 miles per hou 1677.07 Yceed: D) overcome; ) surpass ‘ sft is almost 50 well-read... her tutors 1578 Srp) than: c) lke : most often wears... Clothes, even ong 157 ase: D) loose; ¢) lost oe ran to the station for fear he might... 1660-N,} lose; b) escape; c) miss seat The employees have to take into consideration the ne company otine compan 1582, Her family’s the age o ae principles; b) principal 1583. She must always be ..... Pecial occasions, the train, 8; b) policy: ¢) politic of her duties a) remembered; b} recalled; c} reminded 1584, Stop nonsense! 4) telling; b) talking; c) saying 1885. The English department graduates suum. English fluently 2) talk; b) tell; c) speak 1566, He goes to bed early every night, a} except for; b) except; c) apart from 187. She's very busy looking after her on Saturdays, mother, a) sick; 1888... COULd YOU please tell me what time it is? a) I'm sorry; b) | apologize; c) Excuse me 1889, Thi book so far. 8) last; b) lately; c) latest 1590. He looks exact his twin brother. a} like; b) as; c) similar to 1991. My family are fond Of non MUSIC 8} classic; b} classically; c} classical , 1892. His application has been turned down because he hasn't ~~w-~ €nough experience in the field 1593, 42) Won: 8) gained: c} earned #98. A main issue in some African countries is 2) starving; b] starveness; c) starvation ' The candies hanging on the Christmas tree branches 8) irresistible; b) irreststable c} unresistible 1594, looked a, m 4 1595. He was so stop him. 2) decided; b) determined; c) made up 1896, The boy was punished for His wna. a} unbehaviuor;b) lack of behaviour: ¢) 1597. Don't be so to leave, Go thro once again. a) impatient; b) unpatient; c) inpatient 41898. The poor woman had to sit in her a) disabled; b) unable; c) unabled 1599. You're always forgetting things! You are so 2a) forgetting; b) forgetful; c) forgettable 1600. It WaSNt ons Of YOU tO make such a remark a} politic; b) political; ¢) policial 1601. Queen Anne WaS 2 snnnnm figure, a) historical; b) historically; c) historic 1602. You don’t have to count up the even number w» to finish the race that Nothing ¢ ula misbehavig, us UP Your paper wheelchair tHE nner ONES. "5 But ony 4) uneven; b) evenless; c) odd 1603, The trees should be planted if the vamos Side of the garden, a) south; b) southern; c) southy 1604, Is this ring made of gold? Yes, i's 8 wesw... ring a) golden; b) gold; c) goldy 1608, Mind your words! She's very children a) sensitive; b) sensible; c) sensual 1606. She only threw a short at the busy street and went back to bed. a) glance; b) gaze; c) grasp 1607. He is very appreciated by his boss, because he is a vey worker. a} conscient; b) conscious; c) conscientious 1608. She delivers lectures psychology at university a) about; b) in; c) on 1609, The first l@S50N8 w.nnmn. driving were quite difficult. a) about; b) in; ¢) on 1610. They are having a conversation amu. different walks of life a) about; b) on; c) in 1611. The population of our country ten years ago was different from the «...... population, ) actual; b) actual -- when it comes to her ; c} current wed SOME sn» Poison and died. ; b) dead: c) deadi results AVE DEEN sors we Her taesatisfactOry b) unsatisfactory; c) insatisfactory ee faund it tiresome and annoying to keep on dealing permanent sn gisatistaction; b) unsatisfection;c) instisfaction aut ne for him to hear such news in the presence of 16 nis Tami pleasant; b) displeasant; c) unpleasant a} im . wis The teacher was with the students’ lack of attention. impleased; b) displeased; c) unpleased 4419. The - ‘was very anxious about the interview he was togive 2) interviewer; b) interviewing; c) interviewee 1620. They have made up their minds to buy a smal 3) unexpensive; b) inexpensive; c) non-expensive 1621. He took up smoking out of 2} boring; b) boreness; c) boredom 1622. She was sitting thoughtfully watching a ........ candle. a) lighted; b) light; c) lit 1623 His initiative of helping the orphans proves the authenticity Of eee VALUES. a) humane; b) human; ¢) humanistic 1624, ssn tennis, he enjoys playing football. 3) Besides; b) Apart from; c) Except 1628, The medicines he took were very . very quickiy. a effective; b) efficient; c) affecting 1626, 1e5 quite a problem to my son in the mornings. a) arouse; b) rouse; c)Srose 1 C2r. he recovered ‘a He cout COpE With MEP vennunen to. marry him. 8a) refuse; b) refusin, fusal Fi i 3g; c) refusal 1628, TH monument is a5 Old 35 the nee (idiom) a) is; b) mountains ¥ s; ¢) seas #29. This year, we've had . holidays in the mountains. 2) magic; b) magical; ¢) magically rey 1680. Se€ YOU wwnn-n the SCHOOL building int a) befor; b) infront ¢) infront of ™MUtey 1631 Look at hum! Hes eating ike nian Ne a) dog; b) horse; c) oig ) 1632 Oh, my God! He's as dead as aig, a} doomait;b) doortrame: ¢) doors; (2) 1633. When they were younger, they «£0 for the atleron tea downtown arc inen tare i yor 8A hay every Sunday akon 3) used t0; b) would: ¢) were used to 1634, He i335 mad asa Maren “hae a) cat; b) rabort; c) hare 1695, You shouldn't be arguing so mu only a of opinion. ‘) matter; b) problem: ¢) issue 1636, She's so happy to have finally foung ner 7 a) parr; b) match: ¢) partner Hom) 1697. Don't even think about telling it to anyone h over a mere tr a) high: b) extra; ¢) top ae 1638. He's a horse He hasnt told anybog, about the prizes he won, pete a} dark: b) biack: ¢) secret 1639. You shouldnt let yourself be fooled by apcearances Beauty is only deep al surface: b) shin: ¢) sha Yo40. She's never wanted to get any cicser to him, Sne mas anys kept him at length. a} foot’: b) hand's: c) arm’s 1041. She's from Israel. She's an Israelian; b) Israeli c)|s 1642. Thus costume is from the Netneriaeds. It is @ costume, a} Netherlandish; b) Holandish: ¢) Dutch 1643. Her fiance was born in Switzeriand. He is 3 ———— a) Swiss: b) Switzer: ¢} Switzerlanger Yo44. He reads very much. He is real 3a) Bookmole: 0) pookworm: c) Dookmouse JMS You shouiant nave missed the golden a. OF geITE® ob with that company, 3) opportunity; b) chance: ¢) occasion 1646 He isa __. smoker. He couldn't stard half an hou smoking a cigarette. without a) hard: b) strong: c) neavy ere a) swine; b) pig: c) pork; jing €8t8 390 ncnnne risa) dogs: c) kitten He eS gmall B&KEFY one OUF House jus. meres Ste, b) infront ofc) facing er aa to | 9 Pu een: b) blue; C) violet ae ane 1680S lack: b) blue; c) red ngatest government decision might afect the counteys vest for the Worse. --~~'5) economy; b) economic; ¢) economics; ys2. Muslims never eat working too hard. On the contr ‘complains about working a ns b08 Vnardy; b) hardly; c) hard 1654. USING a) economic; b) economical; c) economy; the branch of Physics that deals with sound and 1s. nd waves sound acoustic; b) Acoustics) Accou! IV. ORTHOGRAPHY 1656, Elderly people have difficulty to stand the ......of hot summer days 2) hit; b) heat; e) het; 1697. In my . Susan was the best competitor. a) opinion; b) oppinion; c) opinnion, 1658. She likes watching the cats walking on the ‘he warm summer evenings a) rooves; b) roofes;c) roofs; 1659. Jonn arrived ‘at this winters skiing contest a) fifth; b) fiveth; c) fivth: ° 1860. She didn't have eae to brace herself up afte ‘We uarrel with her brother a) strenghth; b) strength; "661. She has two letters 4) received; b) recieved: c)reciewved 7 : M821... for having been so rude. 4) appologize; b) apologize: ¢] apologise: 125 41683. You should have a few minutes’ 2) practice; b) practise; ) practisse,” YT day 1664. She feels .......... because she doesn't 2) embarassed: b) embarrassed, c) nou the less 1665, Can YOU give ME YOUF wn, please? 8d a} address; b) adress; ¢) adres 1666, I've seen nobody a ‘) arround; b) arond: c) around; 1667. The naughty boy laughed while... his 3) heating: B} hitting: c)h ng NS SET with the a 1668. The two desk-mates happened to be a) happend: b) happened; c) hapenear «M9: 1669. She nme Speak German, ‘a) can not; 6) canot; c) cannot; 1670. He laughed his teacher in the face, thing to do. a) which; b) witch; c) wich; 1671. After the match, he hopes to be not only a simple but the winner. . a} competter; b) competitor; ¢) competor; 1672. Tidy up your room! The Swintons af sun... over tonight a} coming; b) comeing: ) caming: 1673. He sharply stated his point of view and 7 a) disapeared; b) dissapeared; ) disappeared: 1674. Oh, what a indscape! a) wonderfull; b) wonderful; c) wonderfool,; 167. She boasted about having such valuable antique objects in On We as a foolish a) possession; b) posession; c} possesion; 1676. Riding his white horse was his favourite a) past time; b) pasttime; c) pastime; 1677. For the time being, he is running his father’s company. a) successful; b) succesful; c} sucessful 1678, Our team is happy to have won the great 2) price; b) praise; c) prize; 1679. She is my best friend and always gives me helpful a) advise; b) advice; c) advize; 1680. She was rejected because she had no . a) secretaryal; b) secretarial; c) secreterial 1681. We found something fascinating in all the ) citys; b) cityes; c) cities; experience i. * aie S place on Tues lepartament; 'n that pocket day. 'y during the show! sing of the economic... takes yoTe eearent b) departement: ¢) 3 ney cee YOUT Key if YOU putt 1983: YOH Sse; b) lose; c) loos; 3 oo pe wenn t0 talk 50 loudly He must 1h Hersey) reay) crany ssh you wouldnt always object to my. th IW felessness b) caelesress:ccaeisines wry dont you mind yOUF OW... ? 1086. a} busyness; b) business; ) bussines; GIN ON nn 1 ca ena ©) Wednesday) Wendstay gs. tf you don't Believe me, I can bring some a) proves; b) profs; c) proofs; 1u89. This page is full of... 3a) misprints; b) missprints; ¢) miceprin 1Wp0.He simply can't dance to the a) rythm; b) rhythm; ¢) rhytm; {git For a while he worked as a ....... engineer. '} mentenance; b) maintenance; c) maintenence; 162 They were ..fond of the little a) genuinely: b) genuintey; c} genuenley; 93. Many people TelY OF sun instead of trying to find work 3) welfare; b) welfare; c) welfair 1674. His behaviour will not be forgotten easily a) outrageus; b) outrageos; c} outrageous; Id Want tO sn. YOU in front of your frends. a) embarrass; 6) embarass;c) embarras; NE He personal Wasnt satan a} higiene; 6) hygiene; c) hygien: Mar there ana Sate on ne faze which pe rouble va yo Msehievious;b) mischivous; ) missehivous 8. He was in whatever he tried. 189.1 3) sucessful; b) successfull c) successful: ae think this dress is i the occasion 8) appropriate; b) apropriate; c) approriat: M0 ones employees caging er COMP Toy 12! Harassing: b) Harassing: c) Herasing: i" ra ov, Was found gu YE jefendant; b) defandant;c) defendents 02 He was realy to tne couse of presesng te oe 2) comitted; b) committed; ¢) commited n ate u 1703, Not everybody is so When a a) concientious; b) conscientiou: 1704, It was an unfortunate......we hope it a) ocurance; b) ocurrance; c) occurrence 1708. All citizens owe ~. to their homelang, a) allegiance; b)allegience; c) alegianes 1706, Jailed criminals often exercise a their cellmates. a) pernicios; b) pernicious; c) pernitio, 1707. In young children there is a influence uaon Whi be destroyed by formal education. Ich should not a} spontaneusness;b) spontaneousnes;c) spo 1708. Even in rich countries there are mony mtanecusres .. for food in the dustbins, Poor people who scavage; b) scavenge; c) savange: ~-that many countries stil 1709. emissions a) inconsievable; b) inconcivable; c) inconceivable T7IO. His conduct Was ornmnm during the long ceremony a) irreproachable; b)ireproachable; c)irreproacheble; refuse to limit gas V. TESTS 1. MIXED TYPES Test A TA. Her non: to Support us with raising funds for the poor was truly disappointing. a} refusal; b) refuse; c) refusing: 1712, Henry and Janet had a last week, They have never talked to each other since then. a) row; b) raw; ¢) rowe; 1713. The soldier looked so proud talking about the his country. a} colour; b) color; ¢) colours; T1A.The juniors were Urged t0 un. sports du a] practice; b) practise; c) practiting: TS. The plants won't grow unless you .. autumn, of ring the weekends vate seeds!” a) don't sow 5) = c} sew; id me that $h€ enue phone fe 78.5 : b) cannot; ¢} couldnt,” otfce ough theY Were in 2 HUT, She stopped before leaving town. "8 5 go; b) doingsc) having done; 1 White is a great chess player. He chi 5) was playing; b) has been playing: cha played 79 fhe on» © MUCH time in the cold, he would havea dretiroat now, : : 2} hadn't spent; b) didn't spend; c) wouldnt have spent ‘mmo. she is sleeping row, but Il tll her that you nave ealeg as she 3} wake up: 6) will wake up; c) wakes up; mits important that she ..a facet fae cscusion wth im. ’a} has; b) have; c) is having: 1722. He talks about medicine as if he... 1) was; b) is; ¢) wer 1723, She was afraid that telling the truth anary. mone SOME mM ~ ches ever since pew3s 2 ass00" a doctor himself sone Make him very a) might; 6) will; c) should; 1724, Which of the holiday places have you opted for, Barcelona or Milano? 2} None; b) Neither; c) Noone; 725, Hardly .o..uuuy WhEN his mother called him for lunch. a) he had entered; b) had he entered; c) he entered: 1726. None of her friends understood why she ‘so much by their teacher. y a) was praised; b) has been praised cad been praised 1722. She.....t00 far. She had left five minutes before we arrive a) couldn't have been; b) couldn't be; 1728, ) might not have been; fone, | could never understand why We -~- table are at school. 8) must; b) had to; c) have to; 11729. Being her sues ates tne gave him they met 3) a b) an; c) some "30. on erway to te ofc se et 4 8] mother's; b} mother c) mothers: wear that uncom advice whenever friend of er 1 Sy

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