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Learning Guide Module

Subject Code: Chemistry 1 General Inorganic Chemistry

Module Code: 10.0 Colligative Properties
Lesson Code: 10.3 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point)
Time Frame: 30 minutes

Components Task TA1 TA2

(min) (min)
Target After completing this module, you are expected to: 0.5
✓ Describe the effects of a solute on the colligative properties of
✓ Perform calculations that involve colligative properties (Boiling
point and Freezing Point)
✓ Relate the importance of colligative properties to everyday
Hook Did you know? 1.0

Figure 1. Citrus fruits sprayed with water

Water sprayed on citrus fruit releases its heat of fusion as it freezes

into a layer of ice that acts as a thermal insulator. For a time, the
temperature remains at 00C. The juice of the fruit, having a freezing
point below 00C, is protected from freezing.
(Petrucci et. al., 2017, p.672)

Several important properties of solutions depend on the number of

solute particles in solution and not on the nature of the solution
particles. These properties are called colligative properties (or
collective properties) because they are bound together by a common
origin: that is, they all depend on the number of solute particles
present, whether these particles are atoms, ions, or molecules. The
colligative properties are vapor-pressure lowering, boiling-point
elevation, freeing-point depression, and osmotic pressure. It is
important to keep in mind that we are talking about relatively dilute
solutions, that is, solutions whose concentrations are ≤ 0.2 M. (Chang
& Overby, 2011, p. 447)

Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 1 of 7


If a solute is nonvolatile (that is, it does not have a measurable

vapor pressure), the vapor pressure of its solution is always less than
that of the pure solvent. Thus, the relationship between solution vapor
pressure and solvent vapor pressure depends on the concentration of
the solute in the solution. This relationship is given by Raoult’s law
(after the French chemist Francois Raoult), which states that the
vapour pressure of a solvent over a solution, P1, is given by the vapor
pressure of the pure solvent,P10, times the mole fraction in the
solution, X1:

P1 = X1P10 (equation 1)

In a solution containing only one solute, X1 = 1-X2, in which X2 is the

mole fraction of the solute. Equation 1 can therefore be rewritten as
P1 = (1-X2)P10
P1 – P1 = ΔP = X2 P10 (equation 2)

We see that the decrease in vapor pressure, ΔP, is directly proportional

to the concentration (measured in mole fraction) of the solute present.
(Chang &Overby, 2011, p. 447)

Figure 2. Phase diagram illustrating the boiling-point elevation and

freezing-point depression of aqueous solutions.
(Silberberg, 2013 p. 410)

Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 2 of 7

The phase diagram (Figure 2) shows that the boiling point of the
solution is higher than that of water. The boiling-poin elevation, ΔTb,
is defined as
ΔTb = Tb – T0b
In which Tb is the boiling point of the solution and T0b the boiling point
of the pure solvent. Because ΔTb is proportional to the vapor-pressure
lowering, it is also proportional to the concentration (molality) of the
solution. That is,
ΔTb ∝ m
ΔTb = Kbm

in which m is the molality of the solution and Kb is the molal boiling-

pointelevation constant. The units of Kb are 0C/m. From the formula,
the boiling point elevation increases as the amount of solute increases.


Figure 2shows that lowering the vapor pressure of the solution

shifts the solid-liquid curve to the left. Consequently, this line
intersects the horizontal line at a temperature lower than the freezing
point of water. The freezing-point depression, ΔTf, is defined as
ΔTf = T0f - Tf
in which T f is the freezing point of the pure solvent, and Tf the
freezing point of the solution. Again, ΔTf is proportional to the
concentration of the solution:
ΔTf ∝ m
ΔTf = Kf m

Kf is the molal freezing-point elevation constant. The units of Kf are

C/m. The freezing point depression increases as the amount of solute

Table 1. Freezing-Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation Constants

Solvent Normal Kf, 0C/m Normal Kb, 0C/m
Freezing Boiling
Point, 0C Point, 0C
Acetic acid 16.6 3.90 118 3.07
Benzene 5.53 5.12 80.10 2.53
Nitrobenzene 5.7 8.1 210.8 5.24
Phenol 41 7.27 182 3.56
Water 0.00 1.86 100.00 0.512
(Petrucci et. al., 2017, p.670)

Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 3 of 7

Example 1. Ethylene glycol (EG), CH2(OH)CH2(OH), is a common
automobile antifreeze. It is water soluble and fairly nonvolatile (bp
1970C). Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 724 g of
this substance in 2603 g of water. Would you keep this substance in
your car radiator during the summer? The molar mass of ethylene
glycol is 62.07 g. (Chang & Overby, 2011, p 451-452)

1 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝐸𝐺
724 g EG x 62.07 𝑔 𝐸𝐺 = 11.7 mol EG
11.7 mol EG
molality = 2.603 𝑘𝑔 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 4.48 m

ΔTf = Kfm
= (1.86 0C/m)(4.48 m)
= 8.330C

ΔTf = T0f - Tf
Tf = T0f - ΔTf
Tf = 0.000C – 8.330C
Tf = -8.330C

Because pure water freezes at 0.000C, the solution(EG + water) will

freeze at -8.330C. The boiling-point elevation can be calculated in
the same way as follows:
ΔTb = Kbm
= (0.5120C/m)(4.48m)
= 2.290C

ΔTb = Tb – T0b
Tb = ΔTb + T0b
Tb = 2.290C + 100.000C
Tb = 102.290C

Because the solution will boil at 102.290C, it would be preferable to

leave the antifreeze in your car radiator in summer to prevent the
solution from boiling.

Example 2. Calculating the Molecular Mass from Freezing-Point

Depression. Camphor is a white solid that melts at 179.50C. It has been
used to determine the molecular masses of organic compounds
because of its unusually large freezing point depression constant
(400C/m), which allows ordinary thermometers to be used. The
organic substance is dissolved in melted camphor, and then the
melting point of the solution is determined. Freezing point depression
is the basis of the technique called cryoscopy, the determination of
molar mass of a solute from the freezing point depression it causes.
a. A 1.07-mg sample of a compound was dissolved
in 78.1 mg of camphor. The solution melted at
Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 4 of 7

176.00C. What is the molecular mass of the
b. If the empirical formula of the compound is CH,
what is the molecular formula?

ΔTf = T0f - Tf
ΔTf = (179.5-176.0)0C = 3.50C
ΔTf = Kf m
m= Kf
= = 0.088 m

(0.088 mol/kg)(78.1 x 10-6 kg) = 6.9 x 10-6 mol

μ= = 1.6 x 102 g/mol

molecular mass is160 amu(two significant figures)

The empirical formula mass of CH is 13 amu. Therefore, the number
of CH units in the molecule is

𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 160 𝑎𝑚𝑢

n= = = 12
𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 13 𝑎𝑚𝑢

The molecular formula is C12H12.

(Ebbing & Gammon, p. 503-504)

In an electrolyte solution, each formula unit contributes two or

more ions. Sodium chloride, for instance, dissolves to give Na+ and
Cl- ions, and both kinds of ions contribute to the depression of the
freezing. The cations and and anions affect colligative properties
nearly independently in very dilute solutions, so the total solute
molality in terms of NaCl formula units. In more concentrated
solutions, the ions do not move independently. For instance, some
stick together to form aggregates of small number of ions. The effect
of the solute on the freezing point in these solutions is very difficult to
predict. We can write
ΔTf = iKf m

where i is known as the van’t Hoff i factor; it is determined

experimentally. In a very dilute solution, in which all ions act
independently, i = 2 for MX salts and i = 3 for MX2, salts such as
CaCl2, and so on. For dilute nonelectrolyte solution, i = 1. The i factor
is so unrealiable that it is best to confine quantitative treatments of
freezing-point depression to nonelectrolyte solutions. Even these
Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 5 of 7

solutions must be dilute enough to be approximately ideal. ( Atkins
and Jones, 2000, p. 552)
Refer to Table 1 for some values needed in solving problems.

1. The freezing point of Arctic Ocean waters is

about -1.940C. What is the molality of ions for a
liter of ocean water? (Answer: 1.04)

2. What mass of glycerin (C3H8O3), a nonelectrolyte,

must be dissolved in 200.0 g water to give a
solution with a freezing point of -1.500C?
(Answer: 14.8 g C3H8O3)

3. 1.10 g of an unkown compound reduces the

freezing point of 75.22 g benzene from 5.53 to
4.920C. What is the molar mass of the compound?
(Answer: 1.2 x 102 g/mol)

GRADED ASSESSMENT(This must be done outside the time limit

of the module)
Solve and show complete solution to the following problems. Upload
your answers in the k-hub(in pdf). Refer to Table 1 for some values
needed in solving problems.

1. The boiling point of ethanol (C2H5OH) is 78.50C. What is

the boiling point of a solution of 6.4 g of vanillin (μ =
152.14 g/mol) in 50.0 g of ethanol (Kb of ethanol =

2. What is the boiling point of a solution of 0.150 g of

glycerol, C3H8O3, in 20.0 g of water? What is the freezing

3. A solution of 2.50 g of a compound of empirical formula

C6H5P in 25.0 g of benzene is observed to freeze at 4.30C.
Calculate the molar mass of the solute and its molecular
Knot Summary: 1.5
• Boiling point elevation and freezing-point
depression are colligative properties
• Colligative properties are properties that depend
only on the number of solute particles that are
present and not on their nature.
Time allocation suggested by the teacher
Actual time spent by the student (for information purposes only)

Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 6 of 7


Atkins, P. And Jones, L. (2000). CHEMISTRY: Molecules, Matter, and Change, 4th Ed. New York:
W.H. Freeman and Company

Chang, R. and Overby, J. (2011).General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, 6th Ed. New York:

Ebbing, D.D. and Gammon, S.D.(2009).General Chemistry, 9th Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin

Petrucci, R.H., Herring, F.G., Madura, J.D., &Bissonnette, C. (2017).General Chemistry: Principles
& Modern Applications, 11th Ed. Toronto: Pearson Canada Inc.

Silberberg, M.S. (2013). Principles of General Chemistry, 3rd Ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc

Zumdahl S. S. and ZumdahlS.A(2012). Chemistry: An atoms First Approach. USA: Cengage



Position: Special Science Teacher IV Position: Special Science Teacher II

Campus: Central Luzon Campus: Main

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Chemistry 1 Colligative Properties (Boiling point and Freezing Point) | Page 7 of 7

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