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MGT 4124 Strategic Management


Strategic Management Process

Department of Business Management
Faculty of Management Studies
Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

After completing the session you would be able to;

Understand term “strategy”, “Organizational

Strategy” and “Competitive Advantage”

Understand origin and role of Strategic

Management Process in management discipline

Application of Strategic Management on current

competitive business environment

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

 Introduction, definitions
 Features of a Successful Strategy
 Organizational Strategy ILO 1
 Origins of Strategy
 Strategic Management
 Basic model of Strategic Management
 How SM Differs from other functional areas of
Management ILO 2

 Role of Strategic Management

 Evolution of SM in Business Organizations
 Article Reading

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategy is performing different activities from rival
or performing same activity differently from rival
-Michel Porter-

Dell – computers to home

Cargill's- Supermarket to finance

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategy is a “pattern of stream of decision”
-Henry Mintzberg-

A strategy is an integrated and coordinated set of

commitments and actions designed to exploit
core competencies and gain a competitive
advantage over other (Hitt)

Strategy is distinctive array of interdependent

choices that address certain questions (Nicolaj,2019)

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Elements of strategy

Objective to achieve
Where to compete
Value proportion
Source of completive advantage

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Deliberate or quick
decision winning over Collective
competition action

Way of winning What is Plan
with limited
resources Strategy Made in advance

Game 04
Intangible &
done out of
invisible hand sight of an
05 enemy

All are Strategies depend on situation

Smart way of determining and achieving ones goals and objectives

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL
MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Competitive Advantage
Above-average returns are returns in excess of what an
investor expects to earn from other investments with a
similar amount of risk.

A firm has competitive advantages when if it

outperforms its industry peers

CA = P-C

Higher price Lower cost

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

• Achieving and extending best
• Leads to absolute improvements but
not relative to competitors
• Necessary but not sufficient
Lead strategic convergence

Strategy Doing something different or same thing

differently than rivals

Delivering greater value to customer or comparable value at lower cost

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management


Not being

It is Best

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

A Strategy includes
How to attract and please customers
How to compete against rivals (Keels, Cargill's)
How to position the company in the market place
(Keels super lowest price)
How best to respond to changing economic and
market condition (Sager free)/ TATA Nano
How to capitalize on attractive opportunities to grow
the business (Invite entrepreneurs to assemble the
cars at their own plant)
How to achieve the company’s performance target
(250000 vehicles per year)
(Thompson et al, 2018)

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Origin of Strategy
The word strategy has military origins: it comes from
the Greek, meaning ‘the ordering of formations on
the battlefield’.
Related to this is the word ‘stratagem’, which means
a plan or scheme. Sun Tzu (500 B.C), a Chinese
military strategist and philosopher, wrote in his very
influential military strategy book The Art of War:
‘The general who wins the battle makes many
calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.
The general who loses makes but few calculations

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Origin of Strategy

Two thousand years later, Carl von Clausewitz

(1832), a Prussian general and military theorist,
made a similar statement by saying in his principal
book On War:
‘[Strategy is] concerned with drafting the plan of war
and shaping the individual campaigns, and within these,
deciding on the individual engagements.’

Strategy commenced as an art and developed later as a science

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Perspectives of Strategies

Intendant Strategy Realized

Unrealized Emergent Strategy

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Perspectives of Strategies

Normative Perspectives Descriptive Perspectives

 Strategy is a Science  Strategy is an Art
 Strategies are developed  It emerges situational and
purposefully and step by not develop purposefully
 No universal accepted
is a linear process method
environment we use emergent strategies because we
 Every step can can’t predict anything correctly
be planned  More use creativity and
 Universal accepted imagination
 On the spot, Class
method is used

Intended strategy Emergent strategy

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL
MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Features of a Successful Strategy

A successful strategy should be

Clear Creative

Futuristic Cost effective

Rational/ Deceptive

Sustain advantages
(Lynch, 2002)

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Organizational Strategy
The determination of the basic long term goals and
objectives of an organization, and the adoption of
courses of action and the allocation of resources
necessary for carrying out these goals.
(Alferd Chandler)
“Competitive strategy is about being different. It
means deliberately choosing a different set of
activities to deliver unique mix of value”
(Michael Porter)

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategy is Long term direction of organization

-Exploring Strategy, 10th Edition-
Long term: Strategies are typically measured over years, for
some organizations a decade or more.(Three horizon

Direction: strategies follow some kind of long-term direction

Organization: organizations are not treated as discrete,
unified entities it involves complex relationships, both internally
and externally
Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL
MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Levels of strategy

Concerned with the overall scope of an

Corporate organization

Concerned with how the individual

businesses should compete in their
Business particular markets.

Concerned with how the

components of an organization
Operational deliver effectively the corporate-
and business-level strategies

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategic Management
Strategic Management as “art and science of
formulating, implementing, and evaluating
cross-functional decisions that enable an
organization to achieve its objectives”

Primarily it involves;
Understanding the strategic position of an organization
Strategic choices
Strategic Implementation

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Dimensions of strategic Management

Strategic Management is fundamentally concerned
Strategic Analysis
Strategic Choice
Strategic Implementation
Strategic position, choices and action should be seen
as closely related, and in practice none has priority
over another.
The three circles are overlapping and interdependent
strategic analysis, strategic choices and strategic
implementation are considered as main dimension of
strategic management

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Basic model of Strategic Management



Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSLand Scholes
MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategic Analysis
Strategic analysis is concerned with understanding
the strategic position of the organization

Understanding the strategic position is concerned;

Identifying impact of external environment
Strategic capability of organization (resources and
Organizational goals, stakeholders, CSR
Organizational culture

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategic Choices

Strategic choices involve the options for strategy in

terms of both the directions in which strategy might
move and the methods by which strategy might be

Corporate strategy
Business strategy
International strategy
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Acquisitions and alliances

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Strategy in action

Managing strategy in action is about how

strategies are formed and how they are
It covers;
Strategy performance and evaluation
Strategy development processes
Leadership and strategic change
Strategy practice

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Evolution of SM in Business Organizations

Business Policy
(Up to 1960)

Strategic .
Planning Era Strategic
1960-1980 Strategic Thinking Era
Management Era From 2000

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

MGT 4124 Strategic Management

Thank You

Department of Business Management- FMS, RUSL

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