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Sudden Change; How can we get through it?

We experienced a bittersweet ending for the school year 2019- 2020. After almost
ten months of being with your beloved teachers and classmates, having no proper goodbye
is such a regretful thing but what can we do? An unexpected change happened that no one
was anticipating for it. We all woke up and suddenly, we are locked inside our humble
homes. We suddenly become anxious about our safety. People started to worry about how
they would survive. It felt like the whole world stopped rotating for the past months of being
locked down. The only way we could cope up with the new normal way of living is to change
our way of living and it involves a lot of things. One of the changes that really affects people,
especially the students, is the new system of education, Online Classes.

As a Grade 9 student for this school year 2020- 2021, I didn’t expect any changes at
all nor anyone. I already expected that I’ll do the same things my Ate’s and Kuya’s did in
their time. “Grade 9 is the most stressful year and you should be ready for it,” My sister
advised me as I asked her experiences when she was in the 9th grade of junior highschool. I
didn’t know that what I am anticipating would be different. The changing of the system of
education is the least thing I and everyone thought would happen. “Am I ready? Will it be
effective?” I asked those questions as I and my parents decided to continue my studies
despite the new system of education. Instead of buying notebooks, pencils and other
essential school supplies, I have acquired new gadgets and need to have a good wifi
connection. Having those gadgets such as laptops, cellphone, or tablet and of course, a
good connection would help me and others to have a much easier and comfortable
education at our humble homes. “If I am blessed to afford those technical devices, how
about those people who are financially struggling?” I asked myself as I heard stories of
other people. There were many students who disagreed to continue and had to stop
acquiring education for this year 2020- 2021 due to personal issues, mostly financial

Many of us would think that it would just be hard only for the students but it is not just
the students who are affected by the change. Teachers are also involved and they are also
having hard time just like the students. There were teachers who didn't have broad
knowledge when it comes to technical stuff. We should be understanding with one another
and their situations. As I woke up every morning, I didn't know what would happen for the
whole day. Due to frustration because of having some technical troubles, I myself couldn't
focus on what is being discussed. Some students who have short attention spans are having
a hard time to stay focused and to concentrate with the lesson. Every student and even I had
experienced breakdowns for we aren’t used to it and on how we are bombarded with
schoolworks. But as I looked back on it, I could say that I always think negatively which
causes things and situations to be messed up.

For the months of doing online classes, I’ve realised something and I didn’t think that
it would have a great impact in my life. One time while doing an activity in which we had to
write what we went through for the whole week, this made me realise the lesson “Always
look for the brighter side” That lesson is something I needed and I am currently trying to
apply it in my daily life. In this time, a lot of problems and issues are arousing everyday, so in
order to be able to conquer all those negativity, we had to be optimistic.
“Everything Happens for a reason” is a quote that we should always remind
ourselves with. Looking for the reason with positivity will lead us to something better. Online
Classes are not easy but it is an alternative in which we can continue our studies despite
what is happening in our environment, so that achieving our dreams and goals wouldn’t be
delayed. “It might be hard to be optimistic, but it is worth it” I said, hoping that others would
also realize how effective and important being a positive thinker is nowadays.

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