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A Doctor with Integrity and Courage – Dr Sam White

13th July 2021

Congratulations and ‘chapeau’ (as the French say) to Dr Sam White who has shown rare integrity
and courage in standing up against the inexcusably corrupt medical establishment.

Qualified in 2004, Dr White was, until recently, a partner in a general practice in the UK. He
helped run a palliative care hospice in his spare time and has worked as a clinical supervisor for
newly qualified doctors.

When he was recently suspended by the NHS for speaking out about the safety of the covid-19
jab and the absence of informed consent, he refused to give in and apologise.

Instead, he has chosen to stand by his principles. Bravo!

If he’d kept silent he would have doubtless been given back his licence in six or twelve months’

But he’s stuck to what he knows is right.

He will, I suspect (and I think he suspects too) now lose his licence to practise medicine from the
General Medical Council. He will also be attacked by the 77th Brigade, and I have no doubt that
enemy forces such as Wikipedia and Google will spread lies about him.

Sam has taken a huge step because he will no longer be able to practise medicine in the
traditional way. He has rejected a dishonest profession.

Instead he is setting up a private clinic.

I wish a few hundred other doctors had his strength of mine, his honesty and his compassion for
patients. If they did then this war would be over in 24 hours.

Sadly, the majority of the medical profession seems determined to follow the dictates of the evil
cabal which is promoting an indefensible, dangerous, experimental injection which is already
killing thousands and wounding hundreds of thousands.

Those doctors are driven by power and money and they should be filled with shame. Every
doctor who jabs a patient with one of these experimental injections deserves to be struck off
and imprisoned for life – charged with attempted manslaughter.

Dr Sam White is that rare individual today – an honest doctor who cares.

We should welcome him to the small ‘Outsiders Club’ of doctors who prefer truth telling to
kneeling before the conspiracy practitioners.

For more information about Dr Sam White please visit

He deserves our support and encouragement. He certainly has mine.

And if (or, rather, when) the General Medical Council moves to take his licence (as we both
expect them to do) let’s fight the establishment hard and batter them senseless with the truth.

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