Etlab - View Result - Exam 3 - Thermodynamics

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7/12/2021 etlab | View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

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View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

Roll No 34
Marks out of(25) 15
Marks out of(30) 18

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Question:1 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
Mixture of ice and water form a

closed system

open system

isolated system

heterogeneous system

Question:2 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
When a gas flows through a very long pipe of uniform cross section, the flow is approximately





Question:3 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
Work done in a free expansion process is





Question:4 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
The change of entropy when heat is absorbed by the gas is



positive or negative

none of these 1/6
7/12/2021 etlab | View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

Question:5 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
The point that connects the saturated liquid line to the saturated vapour line is called the

triple point

superheated point

critical point

compressed liquid point

Question:6 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
A cycle consisting of two isentropic and two constant volume processes is known as

Otto cycle

Diesel cycle

Joule cycle

Rankine cycle

Question:7 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
The internal energy of an ideal gas is a function of only


temperature ( absolute)


pressure and temperature

Question:8 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
A process occurs spontaneously if its entropy



remains same

becomes zero

Question:9 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
A Diesel engine theoretically operates on

constant pressure cycle

constant volume cycle

constant temperature cycle

constant entropy cycle 2/6
7/12/2021 etlab | View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

Question:10 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
Which of the following are intensive properties?

1. Kinetic Energy 2. Specific Enthalpy 3. Pressure 4. Entropy

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

1 and 3

2 and 3

1, 3 and 4

2 and 4

Question:11 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
In an adiabatic process 6000 J of work is performed on a system. In the nonadiabatic process by which the system
returns to its original state 1000J of heat is added to the system. What is the work done during non-adiabatic process?

+ 7000 J

– 7000 J

+ 5000 J

– 5000 J

Question:12 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
The slope of constant pressure line on T-S diagram is given by





Question:13 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
The more effective way of increasing efficiency of a Carnot engine is

increase higher temperature

decrease higher temperature

increase lower temperature

decrease lower temperature

Question:14 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
Entropy change depends on

heat transfer

mass transfer

change of temperature

thermodynamic state 3/6
7/12/2021 etlab | View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

Question:15 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
A petrol engine theoretically operates on

constant pressure cycle

constant volume cycle

constant temperature cycle

constant entropy cycle

Question:16 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
A heat source H1 can supply 6000kJ/min. at 300°C and another heat source H2

can supply 60000 kJ/min. at 100°C. Which one of the following statements is correct

if the surroundings are at 27°C?

Both the heat sources have the same efficiency

The first heat source has lower efficiency

The second heat source has lower efficiency

The first heat source produces higher power

Question:17 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
For a reversible adiabatic process, change in entropy is





Question:18 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
Work done is zero for the following processes:

Constant volume

Free expansion

Constant pressure

Both (a) and (b)

Question:19 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
For an irreversible process, entropy change is

greater than dQ/T

less than dQ/T

equal to dQ/T

equal to zero 4/6
7/12/2021 etlab | View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

Question:20 Not Attended

Maximum work done by an expansion of a gas in a closed system is possible when process takes place at constant





Question:21 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
The property of a working substance which increases or decreases as the heat is supplied or removed in a reversible
manner, is known as



internal energy

external energy

Question:22 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
A refrigerator and a heat pump operate between the same temperature limits. If the COP of the refrigerator is 4, the
C.O.P. of the heat pump would be

none of these

Question:23 Wrong Answer

Mark : 0
A heat engine supplied heat at the rate of 30 kJ/sec and gives an output of 9 kW. The thermal efficiency of the engine will





Question:24 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
For the same compression ratio and heat rejection, the efficiency of Otto cycle is

greater than diesel cycle

less than diesel cycle

equal to diesel cycle

None of these 5/6
7/12/2021 etlab | View Result - Exam 3 _ Thermodynamics

Question:25 Correct Answer

Mark : 1
With increase in pressure

enthalpy of dry saturated steam increases

enthalpy of dry saturated steam decreases

enthalpy of dry saturated steam remains same

enthalpy of dry saturated steam first increases and then decreases

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