Envt & Ageing

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2021;69:53-67 Clinical Geriatrics - Review

doi: 10.36150/2499-6564-420

How does the environment affect human

ageing? An interdisciplinary review

Barbara Plagg1,2,3, Stefan Zerbe1

Faculty of Science and Technology, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; 2 Faculty of Education,

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy; 3 Institute of General Medicine, Claudiana, College of Health
Care Professions, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

The multifactorial process of ageing is one of the biggest biological and

medical challenges of the 21st century with age-related conditions such
as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration and cancer being among
the leading causes of death among industrialized countries. Rather than
one single causative factor, a range of environmental, demographic, bi-
ological, behavioral and social factors determine the development and
onset of age-related diseases (ARDs). While it remains a challenge to as-
sess the cumulative effect of environmental influences on human ageing,
growing evidence indicates that both ARDs and non-pathological ageing
processes are driven by environmental influences. The present review
takes a closer look at the different environmental factors including air,
climate, water, soil, urban green, social and individual environments and
their influence on common ARDs and other life-limiting pathologies. It is
of major public health relevance, to understand the interactions between
these factors to develop preventive strategies both at individual and so-
Received: December 20, 2019 cietal level to support healthy ageing.
Accepted: May 12, 2020

Correspondence Key words: environmental influences, ageing, human-environment-in-

Institute of General Medicine, Claudiana, College teraction, exogenous influences, healthy environments, senescence
of Health Care Professions, Via Lorenz Böhler
13, 39100, Bozen-Bolzano and Free University
of Bozen-Bolzano, piazza Università 1, 39100
Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
E-mail: barbara.plagg@unibz.it INTRODUCTION
Conflict of interest
The Authors declare no conflict of interest
Ageing is a unidirectional, intrinsic process occurring in all cells and char-
acterized by functional decline related to an increased risk of morbidity
and mortality. Both genetic and environmental factors have an impact on
How to cite this article: Plagg B, Zerbe
S. How does the environment affect human cellular senescence  1,2. People age at different rates and this diversity is
ageing? An interdisciplinary review. Journal of the result of the cumulative impact of advantage and disadvantage within
Gerontology and Geriatrics 2021;69:53-67. the physical and social environments they live in. The environment itself
is a complex and manifold combination of different dimensions such as
physical, psychological, social and cultural  3. As estimated by the World
© Copyright by Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Health Organization, only as less as approximately 25% of the diversity
Geriatria (SIGG) in longevity is explained by genetic factors, while the other 75% is largely
the result of the impact of our interactions with environments and expo-
OPEN ACCESS sures 4. The degree to which environmental factors exert a profound effect
This is an open access article distributed in accor- on these processes is currently investigated in multiple studies and to date
dance with the CC-BY-NC-ND (Creative Commons not fully understood, yet some risk factors have been identified. It is a
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Inter-
national) license. The article can be used by giving major challenge to link environmental factors to specific cellular processes
appropriate credit and mentioning the license, but due to the complexity of the interaction, the long-term efficacy, the multi-
only for non-commercial purposes and only in the
original version. For further information: https://creati-
faceted interactions and the interference of several confounding factors.
vecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.en In light of the demographic change and considering that environmental
54 B. Plagg, S. Zerbe

exposure is potentially one of the modifiable risk factors Geroscience Interest Group (GSIG) has identified a set
for different diseases, the identification of such factors of seven highly intertwined processes at the core of
is a major strategy in lowering the burden of disease in ARDs: i) adaptation to stress; ii) loss of proteostasis;
elderly people 5. iii) stem cell exhaustion; iv) metabolism derangement;
We here critically review the most appealing findings v) macromolecular damage; vi) epigenetic modifica-
regarding environmental factors influencing and accel- tions, and vii) inflammation 7,8. In regard of the fact that
erating the ageing process and supporting the devel- both “normal” ageing and ARDs share these common
opment of life-limiting ARDs such as cancer, dementia mechanisms, it has been hypothesized that ARDs and
and cardiovascular disease because they represent the geriatric syndromes are to be understood as accel-
leading causes of death in industrialized countries and eration of the ageing process and therefore part of one
pathologies deriving from specific environmental influ- continuum  6. This acceleration, however, is dependent
ences (air, climate, water, soil, built and social environ- on molecular and cellular processes that are influenced
ments) and associated with intrinsic mortality leading to by both genetic and environmental factors (Fig. 1).
premature death. The most common examples of severe ARDs leading to
Given the complexity of this extensive topic, the present premature death are dementia, cardiovascular diseases
review can only provide a basic overview. and cancer. Other age-related conditions, such as
type 2 diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis or arthritis
Age-related diseases may act as modulating risk factors. Several ARDs are
ARDs are generally viewed as being triggered by and among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality  9
evolve around the physiologic deterioration that occurs and pose an enormous emotional, physical and finan-
with advancing age. Thus, ARDs, which may manifest cial burden on affected patients, caregivers and socie-
with both chronic and acute symptoms, are usually ties. Recent findings and a broader knowledge of the
the results of long-term processes  6. It remains how- underpinning mechanisms of ageing and age-related
ever of debate, whether ARDs are an integral part of diseases have led to the consensus that human health
the physiologic aging process or rather a pathophysi- span is potentially to be prolonged 8.
ologic process. The trans-National Institutes of Health

Figure 1. Normal ageing and ARDs, boundaries, interactions, and possible environmental factors.
How does the environment affect human ageing? An interdisciplinary review 55

METHODS those of another (e.g. lower socioeconomic status is

more likely to be associated with a lower education
Within an in-depth PubMed-search we considered level, poorer living environment).
studies (including meta-analyses and reviews) pub-
lished in the past 15 years (2004-2019). For each of Natural environment
the environmental and socioeconomic factors (e.g. The ecological environment comprises abiotic (soil,
“air”) and the keyword “ageing” (e.g. “air AND ageing”) water, air) and biotic factors (organisms)  11. These fac-
and the most frequent ARDs, a literature search was tors determine human evolution and are the most basic
performed (Fig. 2). In case of less than five or fragmen- framework to any social and cultural development since
tary results, an additional search within google scholar people need to interact with the environment to obtain
was performed. References from selected papers were basic needs such as food, shelter and to create social
manually reviewed for additional studies and other age- and cultural networks. However, the natural environ-
related pathologies outside the three disease clusters. ment does not only promote evolution and longevity, but
triggers pathologies, mutations and tissue aberrations.
With increasing civilization (i.e. invention of antibiotics,
ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN AGEING hygienic conditions, biomedical understanding) acute
threats coming from the natural environment have been
The human environment with its abiotic and biotic minimized. Within the Anthropocene with significant hu-
compartments is complex and encompasses different man impact on natural environments, a shift from acute
dimensions on multiple layers all of which are constantly to chronic and ARDs is observed 12.
interacting. As described by Dahlgren and Whitehead
(1991) and others, an individual with his inherent consti- Air
tutional factors finds himself at the center of different in- The interaction, manipulation and exploitation of the
teracting layers, framed by socioeconomic, cultural and environment for human purpose leads within a modern
environmental conditions  10. All of these dimensions Western perception towards improved living standards
interact such as the conditions of one level determine but introduced also environmental damage such as air

Figure 2. Key words used for the literature research. For the search, one age-related disease keyword plus one environmental factor
keyword was entered into the search engine.
56 B. Plagg, S. Zerbe

pollution. Air pollution is a major global health problem elevated mortality risk after hospitalization with acute
with severe effects on human health 13. While the health- heart failure 25.
associated risks have been identified for decades and Alzheimer’s (AD) pathology with its well-described amy-
policies towards a less polluted air have been initiated, loid beta plaques and tau tangles as histopathological
many middle and high-income countries have failed to key components can only account for around 50% of
decrease urban pollution levels  14. The World Health all reported dementia cases in most industrialized coun-
Organization estimates that 7 million premature deaths tries, while for most other forms such as vascular or
per year are linked to global air pollution  14,15. While in mixed dementia environmental determinants may play
Asian developing countries residential energy use (e.g. a major role 26,27. The effect of air pollution on cognitive
heating and cooking) have the largest impact, in Eu- decline is mirrored in epidemiological research pointing
rope, USA and Russia agricultural emissions make the towards differences in cognitive performance between
largest relative contribution to particulate matter (PM) individuals of all ages living in more and less polluted ar-
2.5 16. Overall, 20% of the global burden of air pollution eas 28-30. The Health Retirement Study found a specific
are due to ammonia, which contributes to PM2.5 for- memory deficit with increased exposure to PM2.5 that
mation, whereas in much of the USA and in a few other was the equivalent of a 1.7 to 2.8-year age difference 31.
countries also traffic and power generation account for For individuals living close to a major road, Wellenius et
air pollution 16. al. (2012) found  34% increased odds of having a low
Exposure to polluted air was in multiple studies de- score in cognitive testing  32. These results were mir-
scribed as a major threat to human health triggering rored in other studies, where BC concentrations were
different severe somatic and psychiatric diseases with associated with 30% increased odds of lower scores 33
respiratory diseases, cancer and cardiovascular dam- and a five-year average PM2.5 and PM10 with changes
age being among the most prominent ones. A broad in memory function 34.
range of pathophysiological processes are initiated Besides, some studies suggest an increased risk of
or enhanced after acute short-term exposure to pol- Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease clini-
luted air, i.e. altered inflammatory and oxidative status, cally characterized by motor symptoms such as resting
reduced heart rate variability, arrhythmias, endothelial tremor and muscle rigidity  35,36. While more research
dysfunction, promotion of thrombosis, progression of is needed to fully understand the interaction between
atherosclerotic damage, stroke, atrial fibrillation and air and neurodegenerative diseases, a recent meta-
heart failure can be associated with acute exposure to analysis of the major published data concluded that
air pollution  17. The International Agency for Research long-term exposure to NOx, NO2, CO, and O3 was as-
on Cancer has defined air pollution as a group I car- sociated with an increased risk of PD 37.
cinogen 18,19. A prospective analysis from the European
Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects used within Climate
the framework of a longitudinal study the data of 17 co- Climate (assessed via temperature, precipitation, hu-
hort studies from nine European countries with over 4 midity, wind, atmospheric pressure etc. on the long
million participants and concluded that PM air pollution term) defines and directly affects public health as ex-
contributes to lung cancer incidence 20. Importantly, not posure to ambient temperature has an immediate and
only lungs and airways are affected, but air pollution strong impact on people’s health and wellbeing. While
can also damage most other organ system of the body humans are capable of adapting to small changes in
as the smallest particles can reach the bloodstream 21. mean ambient temperature, both being exposed to
A recent study underlined, that long-term exposure to extreme cold or hot temperature is problematic for the
PM10 and O3 increases cancer risk but the effect on human body. Generally, extreme cold and increased
cancer risk was compounded by obesity, smoking, and heat are associated with higher mortality especially
physical inactivity among subjects over 50 years old 22. amongst the elderly 38. Meanwhile, it is widely consen-
Additionally, inhaled or ingested pollutants contribute to sus that global climate change mainly due to anthropo-
vascular morbidity since the heart and vascular system genic causes will lead to a rise in mean temperatures
are highly vulnerable and susceptible to environmen- and frequency of extreme heat waves, in particular in
tal agents  23. Most strikingly, air pollutants can trigger urban settings  39. While political controversy regard-
a broad range of cardiovascular symptoms, including ing causation is ongoing, over the past decades the
myocardial infarct and stroke, as they can occur within global average surface temperature has been steadily
hours of exposure 24. Supporting evidence comes from increasing and the frequency, duration and severity of
epidemiological studies linking roadway-proximity to an heat waves have become more frequent. Especially in
elevated risk of myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac the elderly, exposure to extreme temperatures causes
death, fatal coronary disease, post-stroke mortality and health problems leading to increased morbidity and
How does the environment affect human ageing? An interdisciplinary review 57

Figure 3. Human environment is multidimensional and different interacting layers including inherent factors and environmental
and socioeconomic factors (few examples per layer given) determine the overall health status of an individual (from Dahlgren and
Whitehead, 1991, mod.) 10.

mortality during heat waves 40. Within the thermoregu- after the conclusion of the heat wave, 70.000 excess
latory responses to heat stress, the human body in- deaths across the entire continent were counted  43,44.
creases blood flow trying to redistribute blood volume With rising temperature due to climate change, older
from the central to peripheral circulations and sweat adults with a low socioeconomic status – since owning
rate placing therewith a great demand on the ageing air condition, hydrating, dressing in light clothes and
cardiovascular system  41. While for humans short-pe- having access to transportation and social contacts
riod physiological homeostasis through evaporation of are associated with decreased mortality – and poorer
sweat is even in extreme temperatures possible, pro- health conditions are most at risk to suffer from heat
longed moderate heat stress is difficult to outbalance stress 45. Climate is therefore a tolerance factor relating
for older individuals, which have, amongst an aged to longevity with a moderate climate being more con-
vasculature, also a decreased sweat rate  42. Conse- ducive to human longevity than extreme climate  46,47.
quently, especially in the elderly, the majority of excess With the increasing number of older people on the one
deaths during heat waves are due to cardiovascular hand and the rapidly warming earth’s climate on the
problems, but an increase in respiratory deaths and other, further measurements in order to lower anthro-
cerebrovascular deaths contribute to the increased pogenic pollution leading to global warming and irre-
mortality as well  41. During the 2003 heat wave in versible changes in ecosystems around the world are
Europe, three days after the start and until four days therefore much needed to allow human longevity.
58 B. Plagg, S. Zerbe

Water longevity seem to have a higher level of Li+ in their

The quality of drinking water is closely linked to human drinking water  58. In Texas, trace lithium in water was
health as the consumption and use of water is an es- negatively associated with rising rates of AD, as well
sential and everyday part of human life. Lack or excess as obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are important
of certain chemical elements may result not only in acute risk factors for AD  59. Previously they found lithium
but also in long-term adverse health effects. Classic con- concentrations in tap water negatively associated with
taminants in water such as nitrites leading to gastrointes- all-cause mortality and years of potential life span  60.
tinal infections are well documented and strictly limited Other substances and above all heavy metals such as
in drinking water regulations. However, also chronic and lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) negatively influence peo-
ARDs may be triggered by the specific composition of ple’s health: Cumulative lead exposure may adversely
water and due to human’s needful lifelong consumption affect cognitive functions  61. Additionally, high levels of
of it. Accordingly, several studies suggest a relationship manganese in drinking water in Bangladesh or Myan-
between water hardness, calcium (Ca) and magnesium mar were shown to have neurotoxic effects and may
(Mg) levels in drinking water and cardiovascular diseases: lead to Parkinson’s disease  62. Long-term exposure to
Many but not all studies found a protective association selenium through drinking water has been associated
between Mg levels and cardiovascular diseases while with elevated risk for several cancers and neurodegen-
for Ca and water hardness little evidence was found erative diseases such as Parkinson’s and amyotrophic
regarding these diseases  48. However, as Ca is one of lateral sclerosis  63. However, results are ambiguous as
the most abundant elements in humans – being a major high soil Se concentrations were also associated with
component of bones and also essential for both muscle a reduction in Parkinson’s disease mortality rates in the
and nerve functioning –  drinking water rich in Ca may USA  64. Also for uranium (U), which seems to promote
have a positive impact on both bone density and reduce cancers as well  65, further investigations are needed.
associated diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporo- Altogether, while further research is necessary, stud-
sis in elderly population 49-51. Additionally, several studies ies thus far suggests that water consistency may have
link deficits in both Ca and Mg to an increased mortality an impact on ARDs with especially heavy metals be-
regarding oncological diseases). ing detrimental and moderate doses of Mg, Ca and Li+
Recently, a study assessing the entire Slovakian territo- being potentially beneficial for the process of healthy
ry found worse health status and lower life expectancy ageing.
with regard to an increase in oncological, cardiovascu-
lar, gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases at low level
of both Ca and Mg  52. The scientists concluded that Like water, soil can influence human health as it con-
drinking water from public supply should be increased tains trace elements and may contain other, potentially
at the following concentrations: Ca >  50  mg·l-1, Mg harmful substances. Anthropogenic activities (industry,
> 25 mg·l-1, and Ca + Mg > 2 mmol·l-1  52. Additionally, agriculture, mining etc.) significantly change the proper-
when examining water properties in Southern Chinese ties of soil. The quality of soil has an impact on human
regions high total hardness and Mg/Ca ratio was found health, as through plants, water and animals it finds its
to be positively associated with a prolonged lifespan 53. way into the food chain and can directly be ingested by
Regarding alkaline drinking water, often discussed of children as part of voluntary or involuntary geophagy. To
having beneficial effects on vessels and prevent can- date, there are only few studies on soil and its impact on
cer, a systematic review suggested lately that to date ageing. Selenium (Se), a micronutrient of both natural
findings are insufficient to either support or dismiss this and anthropogenic sources (e.g. fertilizer) was positively
hypothesis 54. correlated with longevity index in China 66. Consistently,
Often discussed is the effect of lithium (Li+) in drinking some studies have demonstrated an anticarcinogenic
water: Zarse et al. (2011) found that long-term and low- effect of some organic forms of Se in regard to lung,
dose intake of Li+ via drinking water may exert anti- colorectal and prostate cancer when taken in adequate
aging capabilities in nematodes and decrease mortality dose  67 while others found a negative impact of Se on
in humans  55. In 2014, a systematic review concluded human health when taken in high concentrations 68. Liu
that according to findings thus far, Li+ in both standard et al. found a negative correlation between barium (Ba)
and trace doses appear to have biological benefits for and nickel (Ni) with longevity indexes 66. Both Ba and Ni
dementia  56. Meanwhile, a recent Danish nationwide are heavy metals, increased in soil through anthropo-
study found a lower level of lithium exposure to be as- genic activities. Other substances, such as organochlo-
sociated with a lower incidence rate of dementia in a rine pesticides, meanwhile banned in most developed
non-linear way while confounding factors can clearly countries, act as neurotoxins and have been linked to
not be excluded  57. Chinese regions associated with cognitive decline in elderly 69.
How does the environment affect human ageing? An interdisciplinary review 59

Recently, the effects of aluminum were brought into about the most important aspects without illustrating
discussion: Aluminum is absorbed through food, water, them in its entirety.
drugs and the use of cosmetic products on the skin.
Urban green
While some studies pointed out a potential association
between aluminum and AD and breast cancer, it remains Humans act upon local ecology and create cultural
controversial whether it contributes to the development and social identities through settlement into cohesive
of these diseases 70. A high dose of aluminum as it may communities  25. Throughout the process of civilization,
occur within dust exposure in specific workplaces may humans have built artificial, non-natural environments to
lead to severe critical adverse effects including specific protect themselves from natural threats and created new
encephalopathy, which is, however, not identical with anthropogenic threats to human health such as pollution,
the pathophysiology of AD  71. Recently, an increasing noise and crowding. By now, daily life for the majority of
trend to consume organic food, which is produced with the world’s population takes place in artificial built envi-
restricted use of synthetic pesticides, is observable. ronments. While urbanization is clearly one of the leading
However, environmental contamination occur in both, global trends of the 21st century, humans display innate
conventional and organic foodstuff since the proximity biophilic preferences 25. There is a large body of evidence,
to traffic, chemical industries etc. determines the occur- that people prefer viewing natural over urban environ-
rence of pollutants 72. ments and that walking in nature is associated with in-
Accordingly, a recent review concluded, that organic creased wellbeing, cognition and fewer mental disorders
food might not necessarily be healthier than conven- among older people  74-78. While on the one hand cities
tional food when exposed to indirect pollution 72. tend to be better equipped regarding access to health-
Altogether, while further research is necessary to shed care infrastructure and greater educational opportunities,
light on how the different components of soil may inter- on the other hand they offer less interaction with natural
fere with human aging, with regard to the principal of vegetation, animals and sunlight. Residential green has
minimizing, exposure to potentially harmful substances been repeatedly associated with lower levels of cardio-
should be kept as low as possible.  vascular diseases such as stroke  25. Additionally, living
within the proximity of greenspaces is associated with
Man-made settings: built and social environments lower levels of stress, diabetes, with increased physical
The human imprint on the natural environment and its activity, better general health and social cohesion  75,79-
consequences for humankind are manifold, as it not 81
. Within elderly people, urban green spaces seem to
only changes ecological patterns and systems, but have a restorative effect  82 and can thus be considered
also assets, economies, cultures and public health. both a protective factor against accelerated ageing and
Social and personal lifestyles arise from culture-medi- a therapeutic measure after onset of ARDs. Altogether,
ated interdependencies and take place within natural frequent exposures to landscapes with natural elements
settings changed by humans. There is, however, no such as neighborhood street trees, small parks, or views
strict dichotomy between natural environments and of nature out of a window have a salutogenic impact on
human constructs, since these dimensions are closely human health 83.
intertwined and influence the respective scenery. There are, however, rural-urban disparities regarding
Individual health choices always take place within a ARDs: Dementia appears to be more often diagnosed in
society, where different policies shape with regula- rural settings  84. It remains to be understood, why rural
tions, legislations and cultural norms the environments populations seem more susceptible to dementia and
and health risk for populations  73. People’s health is cognitive decline, however, educational opportunities
strongly related to the environment they live in, but as and reduced public health supply may play a role 85. For
the environment itself is complex and multidimensional ARDs belonging to the cardiovascular cluster, particulate
rather than a single factor, the interaction of ecologi- matter as it occurs in both urban areas and rural environ-
cal, social, personal and cultural factors promotes the ments with intensive agriculture is a known risk factor.
development of ARDs. The different bio-social dimen- Several epidemiological studies examined the incidence
sions are therefore to be understood in their interrela- rate of different cancer types, however, the results seem
tion, as multiple environmental exposures on different ambivalent  86. Altogether, while further interdisciplinary
levels (e.g. air, lifestyle, socioeconomic background, research is needed, both rural and urban environments
working situation, nutrition, access to green spaces with its diverse environmental conditions poses positive
etc.) play together in the development of age-related and negative challenges onto human health.
phenotypes. Since these complex dimensions are
important as they determine the risk of ARDs and lon- Socioeconomic background
gevity, the following section will give a tight overview The sociocultural context of a person’s life determines
60 B. Plagg, S. Zerbe

longevity and the individual risk for age-related dis- individual participates in social interaction, community
eases. The development of ARDs depend on exposure engagement and physical activity  98. Accordingly, geri-
to harmful or protective environments, which in term atric depression is triggered by social and economic
are strongly associated with an individual’s social sta- variables  99. Research has found a strong correlation
tus (e.g. working place, living conditions etc.). A well- between social participation and positive health status
described and significant socioeconomic gradient in in elderly among different communities in North Amer-
health accounts for large differences in long-term health ica, Asia and Europe  96. People, who regularly engage
outcomes between people of different social back- in social, cultural or intellectual activities built up a so-
grounds  87. The higher individuals rise in social hierar- called “cognitive reserve” and are less likely to develop
chy, the better is their health. Since the “Black report” neurodegenerative disorders 97,98.
in 1988, a compelling body of studies from different
countries has accumulated showing how social deter- Lifestyle: physical activity and nutrition
minants shape health and promote or reduce healthy People in lower socioeconomic positions seem to
ageing  87,88. By now, multiple studies have consistently adopt more readily and more frequent health-harming
shown that each grade of employment in industrialized behaviors  88,100,101 such as smoking, sedentary behav-
countries has a higher level of morbidity and mortality ior, poorer diets, lower therapeutic compliance  102. The
than the one above it  89,90. The improved health status contributing factors are manifold and complex and
in higher positions derives from increased human capi- include besides material factors, differences in knowl-
tal, better education, favorable living conditions, better edge and skills, in living and working conditions and
psychosocial resources, higher occupational complex- cultural norms 103,104. Moreover, people with lower edu-
ity, healthier lifestyle and better access to health care. cational status appear to be more pessimistic, put more
Low education level and potentially modifiable risk fac- weight into short-term gratification than into long-term
tors account for almost half of all deaths in the USA  91 outcomes and have a stronger belief in the influence of
– findings, which have been mirrored in multiple Euro- chance on health  102. Most of these underlying behav-
pean studies. The socioeconomic position defines not iors do not follow free and individual choices but are
only the broader contextual environment with its diverse rather a form of adaptation to the social, cultural and
abiotic and biotic factors an individual lives in, but de- economic constraints.
termines also which lifestyle behaviors are more likely to
Physical activity
be adopted. All of these environmental conditions be it
natural or social, exert ultimately an influence on cellular The default mode for humans is to be physically ac-
level and promote or reduce the outbreak of ARDs. tive while inactivity is associated with a higher burden
of disease in older age. Effectively, sedentary behavior
Social cohesion is an independent parameter of mortality  105. Several
Individuals are intertwined through social relationships. epidemiological studies have examined the associa-
Deficits in social relationships such as social isolation or tion between physical activity and healthy ageing. The
low social support can lead through chronic activation Harvard Alumni Study, the Whitehall Study and the
of immune, neuroendocrine, and metabolic systems to Nurses’ Health Study have consistently proved as-
ARDs 92: a representative longitudinal sample of the US sociations between physical activity and exceptional
population found that social isolation increases the risk survival  106-108. It is known that physical activity is a
of inflammation and promotes hypertension  93. Moreo- key element in predicting a non-disabled 65-year-old
ver, social activities and religious involvement are asso- man’s chances of surviving to age 80 and being non-
ciated with lower levels of allostatic load  94 and help to disabled prior to death  109. Health benefits of physical
preserve cognitive function as people age 95. Like most activity are even seen among individuals who became
ARD-risk-factors, physiological vulnerabilities to social physically active late in life – suggesting that physical
integration may be specific to life stage and seem to activity has both protective and restorative impact  110.
set the course early: Individuals who experience social The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood, it
deficits in early life are more prone to diseases in later seems, however, that aerobic exercise improves DNA
life and have higher level of C-reactive protein in mid- repair mechanisms, is associated with an upregulation
life  96. Lack of social connections increases the odds of protective proteins, has a positive impact on mito-
of death by at least 50%, comparable to risk factors chondrial function and on telomere length and leads to
such as smoking, alcohol consumption, high blood a downregulation of negative regulator proteins of cell
pressure, physical inactivity and obesity  97. As people cycle progression 111. Moreover, physical activity is ben-
age, the environment plays an increasingly impor- eficial for circulating concentrations of insulin, insulin-
tant role and defines whether and to what degree an related pathways and inflammation 112. Physical activity
How does the environment affect human ageing? An interdisciplinary review 61

with its many effects on multiple organ systems is in- function  128. The quality of people’s foods depends,
versely associated with different cancer types such as however, on its production. In any urbanized society,
breast  113, endometrial  114,115 and colorectal cancer  116. the majority of people eat food raised by others, which
In terms of prevention, a minimum of 2.5  h per week most often contain non-additional additives that may
of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity led to a sig- influence human health. Moreover, the socioeconomic
nificant 13% reduction in cancer mortality 117. Moreover, background plays an important role in people’s food
regular physical activity and elimination of sedentary choices, as higher occupational social classes are
lifestyle has been associated with a reduction of 15- significantly associated with greater food expenditure,
39% of cardiovascular disease and 33% of stroke  118. which in turn is associated with healthier purchasing.
Additionally, physical activity is associated with a lower Altogether, energy-dense and less nutritious foods are
incidence of psychiatric conditions in older age such as often cheaper sources of calories while higher food
cognitive impairment and dementia  119,120 possibly due quality is often associated with higher cost 129.
to improved mechanisms of neural plasticity triggered
by regular physical activity 121. 
However, movement takes place where the physical CONCLUSIONS
environment allows it. The environmental influence on
physical activity participation is well established: A high Guidance and norms, policies and legislation
proportion of urban green spaces provides a venue for Environmental health policies can be implemented
outdoor physical activity; cycling and pedestrian net- from local to international levels. Accordingly, policies
works contribute positively to movement for those living vary between regions and according to decision-
in proximity  122. Environment features such as destina- makers. A recent approach at a global level to protect
tions to walk to, fewer uncontrolled intersections and the environment and thus indirectly human health is
low traffic density are also associated with increased the so-called “Paris Agreement”, adopted under the
outdoor activity  123. The concept of “walkability”, as United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
measure of the extent to which built environment al- Change (UNFCCC) in 2015. However, by 2017 a
lows physical movement and presence of people, is study found that all major industrialized countries
therefore of high public health relevance 124. Eventually, were failing to meet the pledges they made  130. With
socioeconomics define where and how people live. regard to healthy ageing, the World Health Organiza-
Accordingly, poverty may account for environmental tion has adopted a “Global Strategy and Action Plan
barriers to physical activity. Besides, seasonality – as on Ageing and Health” in 2016, where the develop-
another strong environmental factor – has an impact ment of age-friendly and sustainable environments
on human movement. Both very cold and very hot plays a central role  131. Moreover, it is pointed out
weather is a barrier to physical activity participation 125. that more research is needed to identify the determi-
In sum, physical activity is a key element for healthy nants of a long and healthy life including structural,
ageing while it depends on a variety of personal, social, biological and social determinants  131. Thus, while
economic and environmental factors whether people the importance of environmental factors for healthy
engage in physical activity or not. ageing is increasingly recognized, the consistent im-
plementation of protective measures is not yet suc-
Nutrition cessful and requires both further scientific research
Additionally to physical activity, nutrition plays a major and political efforts.
role in healthy ageing and has the potential to reduce
the risk of several ARDs. While the debate on the Further perspectives
optimal nutrition is ongoing, the Mediterranean diet, As humans, we carry out our lives within a complex
characterized by a balanced combination of fruit, veg- physical environment characterized by manifold bio-
etables, fish, cereals and polyunsaturated fats and logical and chemical systems that interfere with our
reduced meat and dairy products is considered the health and wellbeing. With humankind constantly ma-
optimal combination to preserve health and improve nipulating and acting upon the bio-social environment,
longevity  126. This dietary pattern contributes with its it is of main public health interest to understand how
anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-obesity prop- these dimensions interfere with ageing and longevity.
erties due to its antioxidant elements, unsaturated fats While it remains a challenge to associate environmen-
and fibers to a risk-reduction of many ARDs 127. More- tal influences to specific age-related conditions due
over, a moderate caloric restriction (i.e. restriction of to the multifactorial etiology and the impossibility to
proteins or other individual nutrients with respects to exclude confounding factors in the chronic develop-
carbohydrates) positively affects lifespan and cognitive ment of a disease throughout years and decades,
62 B. Plagg, S. Zerbe

epidemiological evidence thus far indicates that com- pollution are both urgent and necessary to allow
mon ARDs such as cardiovascular and neurodegen- healthy ageing on a global scale (Tab. I).
erative diseases are driven by diverse environmental Altogether, while preventive strategies often aim at in-
influences. Rather than one single causative factor dividual interventions, collective actions on the societal
a range of environmental, demographic, biological, level such as restructuring cities regarding green and
behavioral and social factors determine the develop- blue spaces and reducing anthropogenic air pollution,
ment and onset of the multifactorial diseases such as support healthy ageing and the prevention of ARDs.
dementia and CVD. Exposure to harmful environmen- With regard to the complexity of the ageing process
tal conditions can alter biochemical pathways at the and the high emotional and economic burden ARDs
sub-/cellular level and therewith trigger the outbreak pose on human societies, further interdisciplinary re-
of age-related conditions. While further interdiscipli- search needs to target potentially modifiable factors in
nary research needs to be carried out and since the order to structurally reduce harmful environmental influ-
individual has only limited control over the exposure to ences on human health.
environmental pollutants, policy intervention to reduce

Table I. Preventive measurements on societal and individual level.

Societal Individual
Air • Reduce emission sources. • Susceptible individuals (e.g. elderly) should avoid acute
• Facilitate decision-making and implementation of laws to and long-term exposure to polluted air
reduce air pollution • Regular physical activity improves heart and respiratory
• Exert regular control over the quality of air systems
• Provide walkable infrastructures and bike lanes and reserve • Reduce outdoor activity on high pollution days
green spaces in urban and rural planning • Use public transportation, carpool, and bike or walk
Climate • Lower anthropogenic pollution leading to global warming • Know your individual “carbon footprint” in order to lead
and irreversible changes to the ecosystems towards a more sustainable lifestyle
• Improve management during heat waves: Allow • Reduce, reuse and recycle
transportation and access to cooling rooms for people • Conserve electricity, buy energy-efficient products, unplug
• Help people with education and information to lower their electronics, consume consciously
“carbon footprint” • During heat waves: Keep doors and windows closed, use
blinds and drapes, drink enough water, wear light clothes,
keep social contacts
Water • Provide access to sanitation to prevent drinking water • Avoid contamination of water with non-degradable
contamination from human waste products, medications, chemical cleaners or any other
• Exert regular control over the concentrations of different product with toxic ingredients
components in drinking water • Stay hydrated especially during days with elevated
• Drinking water with high total hardness (TH) and Mg/Ca temperatures
ratio might be good for the health. Heavy metals in drinking
water seem to have health-damaging effects
Soil • Promote ecological complexity and robustness of soil • Keep exposure to harmful substances as low as possible
biodiversity to suppress disease-causing soil organisms and • Avoid ingestion of possible contaminated soil
provide healthy food • Buy local food from known and safe sources
• Avoid poor land-management practices
• Control and restrict anthropogenic activities changing the
properties of soil and increasing the accumulation of toxins
such as heavy metals
Urban green • Reserve green spaces in planning to improve physical • Take benefit from the restorative effect of green spaces;
and social activities of communities, reduce air and visit them regularly for walks, social interactions, sports,
noise pollution, heat islands effects and provide refuge to relaxing time
disappearing species to support biodiversity
Social and • Close health gaps between higher and lower income classes • Mediterranean diet and caloric restriction positively affect
individual • Improve and support the consumption of healthy diet lifespan
environment • Provide safe spaces for physical activity and community • Regular physical activity decreases chronic inflammation
interaction and oxidative stress
• Provide transport and education • Regular social interaction and community engagement
improves wellbeing and preserves cognitive function
How does the environment affect human ageing? An interdisciplinary review 63

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