Course-outline-Brand Management MKT4311 Summer2021

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United International University

Course Outline
Course: Brand Management Program: BBA Course code: MKT 4311 Credit: 3
Instructor: Dr. Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman (KMR), Associate Professor, SoBE

Course objectives:
o Orient students with broader aspect of brand management in business, and how it
affects competitive environment.
o Provide students with theoretical concepts and applied tools for identifying strengths
and weaknesses of a brand, identifying threat and opportunities, develop core
competencies, design and implement differentiation, and develop effective
communication and positioning in the market.
o Equip students with tools and techniques for building, positioning, measuring, and
managing brand equity.

Tentative contents:
 Defining brand and its importance, the Scope of brand management, linking
marketing management to brand management, defining brand equity, introduction to
CBBE model, sources of brand equity
 Brand positioning, selection of brand elements, brand knowledge, importance of
marketing mix in brand management process
 Importance of integrated marketing communication in branding, overview of
marketing communication options, and formulation of integrated marketing
communication program
 Use of secondary brand knowledge in building equity, consumer decision heuristics,
various forms of secondary associations like co-branding, licensing, endorsement etc.
 Orientation to the concept of brand value chain, brand equity management system,
research issues in branding
 Design and implement branding strategies, line extension and brand extension,
managing product life cycle of a brand, introduction to Blue Ocean Strategy
 Defining global brand, advantages and disadvantages of being global, typical
challenges for a global brand
 Concept of re-branding, make-over, quality control in brand management,
performance measurement issues

Referred Text:
 Keller, Kevin Lane; V. Swaminathan, Strategic Brand Management: Building,
Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity (2019), 5th Global edition, Pearson.

Supplementary Reading:
 W. Chan Kim; Renee Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to
Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant (2015),
Harvard Business Review Press.

In addition to referred text book and supplementary reading, short cases and news from web,
newspapers, magazines etc. will be shared in the class.

General Rules to be followed:
 Please be on time for your online classes. Make sure you are ready to take class notes and
interact with the instructor online whenever needed.
 Please make all of your electronic devices quiet and do not use them during the class except
the device through which you are connected. Always keep yourself muted unless required by
the instructor. Please stay around and listen to lectures carefully because you might be asked
to respond to questions anytime during the session. Be ready to answer questions or
clarification needed.
 You are most welcome to ask question/put comments during the class session by (digitally)
raising your hand first. You can also put your question or comment in the chat box. Class
participation is encouraged and rewarded.
 There will be no make-up of quizzes, no matter what the reason could be. Mid-term
examination, if missed only on valid and documented reasons, may be retaken based on a
different and comprehensive syllabus at the end of the course. Final examination, if missed
only on valid and documented reasons, may be retaken on a comprehensive syllabus.
 Students are expected to abide by the university rules and regulations, cherish common
human values and promote the image of UIU both in and off campus.

Class Schedule

08:30-10:00 am 10:05-11:35 pm 11:40-1:10 pm 1:31-3:00 pm 3:00-6:30 pm
(new time:
Day 2:00-3:30pm)
MKT 4311(A)

MKT 4311(B)

Only make-up classes


MKT 4311(A)

MKT 4311(B)

Dr. Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman

Associate Professor
School of Business & Economics
Phone: 01631631575 (text preferred)

Course materials can be found at the ELMS site of UIU.

Professional Blog:

(Note: Whenever you contact through SMS, Email or Whatsapp group, please include your
name, ID and section when you contact)

Appendix I

United International University

BBA and BBA in AIS Programs
Assessment Guidelines

Means of Assessment Marks

Attendance 5

Three Quizzes/Class Tests 20

(Best two will be counted)
One Individual Assignment + Viva 15
(one-to-one discussion)
(summary of understanding/case study)

Mid-term Examination 20

One Group Assignment+ presentation 15

and discussion
(case study/term paper)

Final Examination 25

Total 100

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