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જી 20

G20 (અથવા વીસ ગ્રુપ ઓફ ) એક છે આંતરસરકારી 19 દેશોમાં સમાવેશ થાય ફોરમ અને યુરોપિયન યુનિયન (ઈયુ).
તે આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય નાણાકીય સ્થિરતા , આબોહવા પરિવર્તન ઘટાડવા , અને ટકાઉ વિકાસ જેવા વૈશ્વિક અર્થતંત્રને લગતા
મુખ્ય મુદ્દાઓને ધ્યાનમાં લેવાનું કામ કરે છે . []]
જી 20

ગ્રુપ ઓફ ટ્વેન્ટી

   જી -20 માં સભ્ય દેશો

   યુરોપિયન યુનિયનના સભ્યો વ્યક્તિગત રૂપે રજૂ થતા નથી
   2019 મહેમાનો

રચના 26 સપ્ટેમ્બર 1999 2008 ( રાજ્યના વડા / સરકારના સમિટ)

હેતુ વૈશ્વિક અર્થતંત્રમાં મુખ્ય મુદ્દાઓ પર ચર્ચા કરવા વ્યવસ્થિત રીતે

મહત્વપૂર્ણ industrial દ્યોગિક અને વિકાસશીલ અર્થવ્યવસ્થાને
સાથે લાવો . [1]

સભ્યપદ 20 સભ્યો
 અર્જેન્ટીના ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા બ્રાઝીલ કેનેડા ચાઇના
યુરોપિયન યુનિયન ફ્રાંસ જર્મની ભારત ઇન્ડોનેશિયા ઇટાલી
જાપાન દક્ષિણ કોરિયા મેક્સિકો રશિયા સાઉદી અરેબિયા
દક્ષિણ આફ્રિકા તુર્કી યુનાઇટેડ કિંગડમ યુનાઈટેડ સ્ટેટ્સ

અધ્યક્ષ મારિયો ડ્રેગી (2021)

Staff None[2]

Website (

The G20 is composed of most of t he world's largest economies, including bot h indust rialized
and developing nat ions. The group collect ively account s for around 90 percent of gross world
product (GWP),[4] 75-80 percent of int ernat ional t rade,[A 1] t wo-t hirds of t he world's
populat ion,[2] and roughly half t he world's land area.

The G20 was founded in 1999 in response t o several world economic crises. Since 2008, t he
group convenes at least once a year, wit h summit s involving each member's head of
government or st at e, finance minist er, foreign minist er, and ot her high-ranking officials; t he EU
is represent ed by t he European Commission and t he European Cent ral Bank.[5][6][B 1] Ot her
count ries, int ernat ional organizat ions, and nongovernment al organizat ions are invit ed t o at t end
t he summit s, some on a permanent basis.

At it s 2009 summit , t he G20 declared it self t he primary venue for int ernat ional economic and
financial cooperat ion.[7] The group's st at ure has risen during t he subsequent decade, and it is
recognized by analyst s as exercising considerable global influence;[8] it is also crit icized for it s
limit ed membership,[9] lack of enforcement powers,[10] and it s alleged undermining of exist ing
int ernat ional inst it ut ions.[9] Summit s are oft en met wit h prot est s, part icularly by ant i-
globalizat ion groups.[11][12]



The G20 is t he lat est in a series of post –World War II init iat ives aimed at int ernat ional
coordinat ion of economic policy, which include inst it ut ions such as t he "Bret t on Woods t wins",
t he Int ernat ional Monet ary Fund and t he World Bank, and what is now t he World Trade
Organizat ion.[13]

The G20 was foreshadowed at t he Cologne summit of t he G7 in June 1999, and formally
est ablished at t he G7 Finance Minist ers' meet ing on 26 Sept ember 1999 wit h an inaugural
meet ing on 15–16 December 1999 in Berlin. Canadian finance minist er Paul Mart in was chosen
as t he first chairman and German finance minist er Hans Eichel host ed t he inaugural meet ing.[14]

A 2004 report by Colin I. Bradford and Johannes F. Linn of t he Brookings Inst it ut ion assert ed
t he group was founded primarily at t he init iat ive of Eichel, t he concurrent chair of t he G7.[15]
However, Bradford lat er described t hen-Finance Minist er of Canada (and fut ure Prime
Minist er of Canada) Paul Mart in as "t he crucial archit ect of t he format ion of t he G-20 at
finance minist er level", and as t he one who lat er "proposed t hat t he G-20 count ries move t o
leaders level summit s".[16] Canadian academic and journalist ic sources have also ident ified t he
G20 a project init iat ed by Mart in and t hen-US Treasury Secret ary Larry Summers.[17][18][19][20]
All acknowledge, however, t hat Germany and t he Unit ed St at es played a key role in bringing
t heir vision int o realit y.

Mart in and Summers conceived of t he G20 in response t o t he series of massive debt crises
t hat had spread across emerging market s in t he lat e 1990s, beginning wit h t he Mexican peso
crisis and followed by t he 1997 Asian financial crisis, t he 1998 Russian financial crisis, and
event ually impact ing t he Unit ed St at es, most prominent ly in t he form of t he collapse of t he
prominent hedge fund Long-Term Capit al Management in t he aut umn of 1998.[17][18][19] It
illust rat ed t o t hem t hat in a rapidly globalizing world, t he G7, G8, and t he Bret t on Woods
syst em would be unable t o provide financial st abilit y, and t hey conceived of a new, broader
permanent group of major world economies t hat would give a voice and new responsibilit ies in
providing it .[17][19]

The G20 membership was decided by Eichel's deput y Caio Koch-Weser and Summers's
deput y Timot hy Geit hner. According t o t he polit ical economist Robert Wade:

"Geithner and Koch-Weser went down the list of countries saying,

Canada in, Portugal out, South Africa in, Nigeria and Egypt out,
and so on; they sent their list to the other G7 finance ministries;
and the invitations to the first meeting went out."[21]

Early topics

The G20's primary focus has been governance of t he global economy. Summit t hemes have
varied from year t o year. The t heme of t he 2006 G20 minist erial meet ing was "Building and
Sust aining Prosperit y". The issues discussed included domest ic reforms t o achieve "sust ained
growt h", global energy and resource commodit y market s, reform of t he World Bank and IMF,
and t he impact of demographic changes due t o an aging world populat ion.

In 2007, Sout h Africa host ed t he secret ariat wit h Trevor A. Manuel, Sout h African Minist er of
Finance as chairperson of t he G20.

In 2008, Guido Mant ega, Brazil's Minist er of Finance, was t he G20 chairperson and proposed
dialogue on compet it ion in financial market s, clean energy, economic development and fiscal
element s of growt h and development .
On 11 Oct ober 2008 aft er a meet ing of G7 finance minist ers, US President George W. Bush
st at ed t hat t he next meet ing of t he G20 would be import ant in finding solut ions t o t he
burgeoning economic crisis of 2008.


The Summit of G20 Finance Minist ers and Cent ral Bank Governors, who prepare t he leaders'
summit and implement t heir decisions, was creat ed as a response bot h t o t he financial crisis
of 2007–2008 and t o a growing recognit ion t hat key emerging count ries were not adequat ely
included in t he core of global economic discussion and governance. Addit ionally, t he G20
summit s of heads of st at e or government were held.

Aft er t he 2008 debut summit in Washingt on, DC, G20 leaders met t wice a year: in London and
Pit t sburgh in 2009, and in Toront o and Seoul in 2010.[22]

Since 2011, when France chaired and host ed t he G20, t he summit s have been held only once
a year.[23] The 2016 summit was held in Hangzhou, China,[24] t he 2017 summit was held in
Hamburg, Germany and t he 2018 summit was held in Buenos Aires, Argent ina.[25]

A number of ot her minist erial-level G20 meet ings have been held since 2010. Agricult ure
minist erial meet ings were conduct ed in 2011 and 2012; meet ings of foreign minist ers were
held in 2012 and 2013; t rade minist ers met in 2012 and 2014, and employment minist erial
meet ings have t aken place annually since 2010.[26]

In 2012, t he G20 Minist ers of Tourism and Heads of Delegat ion of G20 member count ries and
ot her invit ed St at es, as well as represent at ives from t he World Travel and Tourism Council (ht
t ps://www.wt t (WTTC), World Tourism Organizat ion (UNWTO) and ot her organisat ions
in t he Travel & Tourism sect or met in Mérida, Mexico, on May 16 at t he 4t h T20 meet ing (ht t
p://www.g20.ut oront ml) and focused on 'Tourism as a
means t o Job Creat ion'. As a result of t his meet ing and The World Travel & Tourism Council's
Visa Impact Research, lat er on t he Leaders of t he G20, convened in Los Cabos on 18–19
June, would recognise t he impact of Travel & Tourism for t he first t ime. That year, t he G20
Leaders Declarat ion (ht t p://www.g20.ut oront ml) added
t he following st at ement : "We recognise t he role of t ravel and t ourism as a vehicle for job
creat ion, economic growt h and development , and, while recognizing t he sovereign right of
St at es t o cont rol t he ent ry of foreign nat ionals, we will work t owards developing t ravel
facilit at ion init iat ives in support of job creat ion, qualit y work, povert y reduct ion and global
growt h."[27]

In March 2014, t he former Aust ralian foreign minist er Julie Bishop, when Aust ralia was host ing
t he 2014 G20 summit in Brisbane, proposed t o ban Russia from t he summit over it s role in t he
2014 Crimean crisis.[28] The BRICS foreign minist ers subsequent ly reminded Bishop t hat "t he
cust odianship of t he G20 belongs t o all Member St at es equally and no one Member St at e
can unilat erally det ermine it s nat ure and charact er."

In 2016, t he G20 framed it s commit ment t o t he 2030 Agenda (Sust ainable Development
Goals) in t hree key t hemes; t he promot ion of st rong sust ainable and balanced growt h;
prot ect ion of t he planet from degradat ion; and furt hering co-operat ion wit h low-income and
developing count ries. At t he G20 Summit in Hangzhou, members agreed on an act ion plan and
issued a high level principles document t o member count ries t o help facilit at e t he agenda's
implement at ion.[29][30]

Japan host ed t he 2019 summit ,[31] The 2020 summit was t o be held in Saudi Arabia,[32] but
was inst ead held virt ually on 21–22 November 2020 due t o t he COVID-19 pandemic under t he
presidency of Saudi Arabia.

List of summits

Chair rotation

To decide which member nat ion get s t o chair t he G20 leaders' meet ing for a given year, all
members, except t he European Union, are assigned t o one of five different groupings, wit h all
but one group having four members, t he ot her having t hree. Nat ions from t he same region are
placed in t he same group, except Group 1 and Group 2. All count ries wit hin a group are eligible
t o t ake over t he G20 Presidency when it is t heir group's t urn. Therefore, t he st at es wit hin t he
relevant group need t o negot iat e among t hemselves t o select t he next G20 President . Each
year, a different G20 member count ry assumes t he presidency st art ing from 1 December unt il
30 November. This syst em has been in place since 2010, when Sout h Korea, which is in Group
5, held t he G20 chair. The t able below list s t he nat ions' groupings:[33][34]

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5

 Aust ralia  India  Argent ina  France  China

 Canada  Russia  Brazil  Germany  Indonesia

 Saudi Arabia  Sout h Africa  Mexico  It aly  Japan

 Unit ed St at es  Turkey  Unit ed Kingdom  Sout h Korea

To ensure cont inuit y, t he presidency is support ed by a "t roika" made up of t he current ,

immediat e past and next host count ries.[35]

The G20 operat es wit hout a permanent secret ariat or st aff. The group's chair rot at es
annually among t he members and is select ed from a different regional grouping of count ries.
The incumbent chair est ablishes a t emporary secret ariat for t he durat ion of it s t erm, which
coordinat es t he group's work and organizes it s meet ings. The 2019 chair was Japan, which
host ed t he 2019 summit in Osaka.[36] The current chair is held by It aly. The 2021 summit is
planned t o be held in It aly. The 2022, 2023 and 2024 summit s will be host ed by Indonesia,
India and Brazil respect ively.[37]

Proposed permanent secretariat

In 2010, President of France Nicolas Sarkozy proposed t he est ablishment of a permanent

G20 secret ariat , similar t o t he Unit ed Nat ions. Seoul and Paris were suggest ed as possible
locat ions for it s headquart ers.[38] Brazil and China support ed t he est ablishment of a
secret ariat , while It aly and Japan expressed opposit ion t o t he proposal.[38] Sout h Korea
proposed a "cyber secret ariat " as an alt ernat ive.[38] It has been argued t hat t he G20 has been
using t he OECD as a secret ariat .[39]


As of 2020 t here are 20 members of t he group: Argent ina, Aust ralia, Brazil, Canada, China, t he
European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, It aly, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Sout h Africa, Sout h Korea, Turkey, t he Unit ed Kingdom, and t he Unit ed St at es. Spain is a
permanent guest invit ee.[40][41]

Represent at ives include, at t he leaders' summit s, t he leaders of ninet een count ries and of
t he European Union, and, at t he minist erial-level meet ings, t he finance minist ers and cent ral
bank governors of ninet een count ries and of t he European Union.

In addit ion, each year, t he G20's guest s include Spain;[42] t he Chair of ASEAN; t wo African
count ries (t he chair of t he African Union and a represent at ive of t he New Part nership for
Africa's Development (NEPAD) and a count ry (somet imes more t han one) invit ed by t he
presidency, usually from it s own region.[2][43][44]

The first of t he t ables below list s t he member ent it ies and t heir heads of government ,
finance minist ers and cent ral bank governors. The second t able list s relevant st at ist ics such
as populat ion and GDP figures for each member, as well as det ailing memberships of ot her
int ernat ional organizat ions, such as t he G7, BRICS and MIKTA. Tot al GDP figures are given in
millions of US dollars.
Leader Finance
Member Leader Portfolio mini
position portfolio

Minist er of
 Argent ina President Albert o Fernández Mart ín Guzmán

 Aust ralia Prime Minist er Scot t Morrison Treasurer Josh Frydenberg

Minist er of
 Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Paulo Guedes

Minist er of
 Canada Prime Minist er Just in Trudeau Chryst ia Freeland

President [note 1]
Minist er of
 China General Xi Jinping Liu Kun
Secret ary

Minist er of
 France President Emmanuel Macron Bruno Le Maire
t he Economy

Minist er of
 Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel Olaf Scholz

Minist er of
 India Prime Minist er Narendra Modi Nirmala Sit haram

Minist er of
 Indonesia President Joko Widodo Sri Mulyani

Minist er of
 It aly Prime Minist er Mario Draghi Economy and Daniele Franco

Minist er of
 Japan Prime Minist er Yoshihide Suga Tarō Asō

Minist er of
 Sout h Korea President Moon Jae-in Economy and Hong Nam-ki

Andrés Manuel Secret ary of Art uro Herrera

 Mexico President
López Obrador Finance Gut iérrez
 Russia President Vladimir Put in Minist er of Ant on Siluanov

Salman bin Abdulaziz Minist er of

 Saudi Arabia King Mohammed Al-J
Al Saud Finance

Minist er of
 Sout h Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa Tit o Mboweni

Minist er of
Recep Tayyip
 Turkey President Treasury and Lüt fi Elvan

Chancellor of
 Unit ed Kingdom Prime Minist er Boris Johnson t he Rishi Sunak

Secret ary of
 Unit ed St at es President Joe Biden Janet Yellen
t he Treasury

President of
t he European Charles Michel
Council Commissioner
 European Union[45] Paolo Gent iloni
President of for Economy
t he European Ursula von der Leyen

Argent ina

Alberto Fernández,


Aust ralia

Scott Morrison,

Prime Minister

Jair Bolsonaro,



Justin Trudeau,

Prime Minister

Xi Jinping,
President [note 1]


Emmanuel Macron,

Angela Merkel,



Narendra Modi,

Prime Minister
Joko Widodo,


It aly
Mario Draghi,

Prime Minister

Yoshihide Suga,

Prime Minister

Sout h Korea

Moon Jae- in,

Andrés Manuel López Obrador,


Vladimir Putin,

Saudi Arabia

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,


Sout h Af rica

Cyril Ramaphosa,


Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,


Unit ed Kingdom
Boris Johnson,
Prime Minister
Unit ed St at es
Joe Biden,


European Union

Charles Michel,
President of the

European Council
European Union

Ursula von der Leyen,

President of the

European Commission

Member country data

Nom. GDP
Nom. GDP
per capit a
HDI Population

Member bil. USD mil. USD mil. USD capit a

USD (2019) (2018)[52]

(2018) (2020)[46][47] (2019)[48] (2019)[49][50] USD

 Argentina 127 388,279 920,209 10,667 20,537 0.845 44,570,000 2

 Australia 481.1 1,359,330 1,369,392 56,698 52,373 0.944 25,182,000 7
 Brazil 650.0 1,434,080 3,596,000 8,955 17,016 0.765 210,869,000 8
 Canada 910 1,643,410 1,896,725 46,733 49,651 0.929 37,078,000 9
 China 4,629 14,722,840 27,331,166 10,276 18,110 0.761 1,396,982,000 9
 France 1,227.4 2,598,910 3,054,599 42,931 45,775 0.901 65,098,000
 Germany 2,834 3,803,010 4,467,238 48,670 52,559 0.947 82,786,000
 India 830.7 2,708,770 11,468,022 2,016 7,874 0.645 1,334,221,000 3
 Indonesia 368.9 1,059,640 3,743,159 4,120 13,230 0.718 265,316,000 1
 Italy 1,047.4 1,884,940 2,442,144 34,349 39,637 0.892 60,756,000
 Japan 1,486.6 5,048,690 5,749,550 39,306 44,227 0.919 126,431,000
 South Korea 1,140.4 1,630,870 2,229,779 32,046 41,351 0.916 51,665,000
 Mexico 915.2 1,076,160 2,658,041 9,807 20,602 0.779 124,738,000 1
 Russia 687.5 1,473,580 4,135,000 11,601 28,184 0.824 146,850,200 17
 Saudi Arabia 369.1 701,467 1,924,253 23,187 55,944 0.854 33,203,000 2
 South Africa 187.8 302,114 875,100 6,560 15,239 0.709 57,420,000 1
 Turkey 391 719,537 2,274,072 9,346 27,956 0.820 71,867,000
 United Kingdom 1,157.1 2,710,970 3,128,185 42,261 45,705 0.932 66,466,000
 United States 4,278 20,932,750 21,344,667 62,606 62,606 0.926 328,116,000 9
 European Union 15,167,820 22,761,233 33,715 41,091 0.900 512,600,000 4

In addit ion t o t hese 20 members, t he chief execut ive officers of several ot her int ernat ional
forums and inst it ut ions part icipat e in meet ings of t he G20.[2] These include t he managing
direct or and Chairman of t he Int ernat ional Monet ary Fund, t he President of t he World Bank,
t he Int ernat ional Monet ary and Financial Commit t ee and t he Chairman of t he Development
Assist ance Commit t ee.

The G20's membership does not reflect exact ly t he 19 largest nat ional economies of t he
world in any given year. The organizat ion st at es:[1]

In a forum such as the G20, it is particularly important for the

number of countries involved to be restricted and fixed to ensure
the effectiveness and continuity of its activity. There are no
formal criteria for G20 membership and the composition of the
group has remained unchanged since it was established. In view
of the objectives of the G20, it was considered important that
countries and regions of systemic significance for the
international financial system be included. Aspects such as
geographical balance and population representation also played a
major part.

All 19 member nat ions are among t he t op 31 economies as measured in GDP at nominal prices
in a list published by t he Int ernat ional Monet ary Fund (IMF) for 2020.[55] Not represent ed by
membership in t he G20 are UN member st at es Swit zerland (ranked 18t h by t he IMF), Iran (22),
Thailand (25) and Nigeria (27) even t hough t hey rank higher t han some members; Taiwan (21),
which is not a UN-member st at e, is also unrepresent ed. The Net herlands (17), Sweden (24),
Poland (23), Belgium (26), Aust ria (28) and Ireland (29) are included only as part of t he EU, and
not independent ly. Spain (13) is a permanent guest invit ee.[42]

When t he count ries' GDP is measured at purchasing power parit y (PPP) rat es,[56][57] all 19
members are among t he t op 30 in t he world for t he year of 2017, according t o t he IMF. Iran
(18), Thailand (20), Egypt (21), Taiwan (22), Nigeria (24), Pakist an (25), Malaysia (26) and
Philippines (29) are not G20 members, while Poland (23) and t he Net herlands (28) are only
included by virt ue of being EU members, and Spain (15), is a permanent guest invit ee.
However, in a list of average GDP, calculat ed for t he years since t he group's creat ion (1999–
2008) at bot h nominal and PPP rat es, only Spain, t he Net herlands, Nigeria, Poland, Taiwan, Iran
and Thailand appear above any G20 member in bot h list s simult aneously.

Spain, being t he 13t h largest economy in t he world and 4t h in t he European Union in t erms of
nominal GDP, has been a "permanent guest " of t he organizat ion,[58] and as of 2010 t he Spanish
government 's st rat egy is t o not request official membership.[59] A Spanish delegat ion has
been invit ed t o, and has at t ended, every G20 heads-of-st at e summit since t he G20's
incept ion.

Role of Asian countries

A 2011 report released by t he Asian Development Bank (ADB) predict ed t hat large Asian
economies such as China and India would play a more import ant role in global economic
governance in t he fut ure. The report claimed t hat t he rise of emerging market economies
heralded a new world order, in which t he G20 would become t he global economic st eering
commit t ee.[60] The ADB furt hermore not ed t hat Asian count ries had led t he global recovery
following t he lat e-2000s recession. It predict ed t hat t he region would have a great er
presence on t he global st age, shaping t he G20's agenda for balanced and sust ainable growt h
t hrough st rengt hening int raregional t rade and st imulat ing domest ic demand.[60]


G20 members (blue) and previously invited states (pink) as of 2016

Typically, several part icipant s t hat are not permanent members of t he G20 are ext ended
invit at ions t o part icipat e in t he summit s. Each year, t he Chair of t he Associat ion of Sout heast
Asian Nat ions; t he Chair of t he African Union; and a represent at ive of t he New Part nership for
Africa's Development are invit ed in t heir capacit ies as leaders of t heir organisat ions and as
heads of government of t heir home st at es.[61] Addit ionally, t he leaders of t he Financial
St abilit y Board, t he Int ernat ional Labour Organizat ion, t he Int ernat ional Monet ary Fund, t he
Organisat ion for Economic Co-operat ion and Development , t he Unit ed Nat ions, t he World
Bank Group and t he World Trade Organizat ion are invit ed and part icipat e in pre-summit
planning wit hin t he policy purview of t heir respect ive organisat ion.[62] Spain is a permanent
non-member invit ee.[42][61]

Ot her invit ees are chosen by t he host count ry, usually one or t wo count ries from it s own
region.[61] For example, Sout h Korea invit ed Singapore. Int ernat ional organisat ions which have
been invit ed in t he past include t he Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperat ion (APEC), t he Basel
Commit t ee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), t he Commonwealt h of Independent St at es (CIS),
t he Eurasian Economic Communit y (EAEC), t he European Cent ral Bank (ECB), t he Food and
Agricult ure Organizat ion (FAO), t he Global Governance Group (3G) and t he Gulf Cooperat ion
Council (GCC). Previously, t he Net herlands had a similar st at us t o Spain while t he rot at ing
presidency of t he Council of t he European Union would also receive an invit at ion, but only in
t hat capacit y and not as t heir own st at e's leader (such as t he Czech premiers Mirek
Topolánek and Jan Fischer during t he 2009 summit s).

Permanent guest invitees

Invitee Officeholder State Official title

Félix  DR President

 African Union (AU)

Tshisekedi Congo (Chairperson)

Hassanal Brunei

 Associat ion of Sout heast Asian Nat ions Bolkiah (2021 chair)
(ASEAN) Secret ary-
Lim Jock Hoi N/A

Randal K.
Financial St abilit y Board (FSB) N/A Chairperson

Direct or
Int ernat ional Labour Organizat ion (ILO) Guy Ryder N/A

Krist alina Managing

Int ernat ional Monet ary Fund (IMF) N/A
Georgieva Direct or

 Spain[42] Pedro Sánchez  Spain
Minist er

New Part nership for Africa's Development President

Paul Kagame
(AUDA-NEPAD)  Rwanda (chair)

Organisat ion for Economic Co-operat ion and José Ángel Secret ary-
Development (OECD) Gurría General

Ant ónio Secret ary-

 Unit ed Nat ions (UN) N/A
Gut erres General

Act ing
World Bank Group (WBG) David Malpass N/A

Ngozi Okonjo- Direct or

 World Trade Organizat ion (WTO) N/A
Iweala General

G20 Agenda

Financial focus

The init ial G20 agenda, as conceived by US, Canadian and German policy makers, was very
much focused on t he sust ainabilit y of sovereign debt and global financial st abilit y, in an
inclusive format t hat would bring in t he largest developing economies as equal part ners.
During a summit in November 2008, t he leaders of t he group pledged t o cont ribut e t rillions t o
int ernat ional finance organizat ions, including t he World Bank and IMF, mainly for reest ablishing
t he global financial syst em.[63][64]

Since incept ion, t he recurring t hemes covered by G20 summit part icipant s have relat ed in
priorit y t o global economic growt h, int ernat ional t rade and financial market regulat ion.[65]

Inclusive growth

Aft er t he adopt ion of t he UN Sust ainable Development Goals and t he Paris Climat e
Agreement in 2015, more "issues of global significance"[65][66] were added t o t he G20 agenda:
migrat ion, digit isat ion, employment , healt hcare, t he economic empowerment of women and
development aid.[67]

Interrelated themes

Wolfgang Schäuble, German Federal Minist er of Finance, has insist ed on t he int erconnect ed
nat ure of t he issues facing G20 nat ions, be t hey purely financial or development al, and t he
need t o reach effect ive, cross-cut t ing policy measures: "Globalizat ion has lift ed hundreds of
millions out of povert y, but t here is also a growing rise in frust rat ion in some quart ers […]
development , [nat ional] securit y and migrat ion are all int erlinked"[66]


Exclusivity of membership

Alt hough t he G20 has st at ed t hat t he group's "economic weight and broad membership gives
it a high degree of legit imacy and influence over t he management of t he global economy and
financial syst em",[68] it s legit imacy has been challenged. A 2011 report for t he Danish
Inst it ut e for Int ernat ional St udies crit icised t he G20's exclusivit y, part icularly highlight ing it s
underrepresent at ion of African count ries and it s pract ice of invit ing observers from non-
member st at es as a mere "concession at t he margins", which does not grant t he organisat ion
represent at ional legit imacy.[69] Wit h respect t o t he membership issue, former US President
Barack Obama not ed t he difficult y of pleasing everyone: "Everybody want s t he smallest
possible group t hat includes t hem. So, if t hey're t he 21st largest nat ion in t he world, t hey
want t he G21, and t hink it 's highly unfair if t hey have been cut out ."[70] Ot hers st at ed in 2011
t hat t he exclusivit y is not an insurmount able problem, and proposed mechanisms by which it
could become more inclusive.[71]

Norwegian perspective
In line wit h Norway's emphasis on inclusive int ernat ional processes, t he Unit ed Nat ions and
t he UN-syst em, in a 2010 int erview wit h Der Spiegel, former Norwegian foreign minist er Jonas
Gahr St øre called t he G20 "one of t he great est set backs since World War II"[9] as 173 nat ions
who are all members of t he UN are not among t he G20. This includes Norway, a major
developed economy and t he sevent h-largest cont ribut or t o UN int ernat ional development
programs,[72] which is not a member of t he EU, and t hus is not represent ed in t he G20 even
indirect ly.[9] Norway, like ot her such nat ions, has lit t le or no voice wit hin t he group. St øre
argued t hat t he G20 undermines t he legit imacy of int ernat ional organizat ions set up in t he
aft ermat h of World War II, such as t he IMF, World Bank and Unit ed Nat ions:

The G20 is a self-appointed group. Its composition is determined

by the major countries and powers. It may be more representative
than the G7 or the G8, in which only the richest countries are
represented, but it is still arbitrary. We no longer live in the 19th
century, a time when the major powers met and redrew the map
of the world. No one needs a new Congress of Vienna.[9]

Norway, under t he government of Erna Solberg, at t ended t he 2017 G20 summit in Hamburg,
Germany,[73] and part icipat es in working groups and sub-working groups, for inst ance on
research. The Norwegian Minist er of t he Elderly will part icipat e under t he 2019 Japanese
presidency of t he G20.

Spanish position on membership

The Spanish government 's policy is t o not request official membership. Despit e being hit hard
by t he economic crisis aft er 2008, Spain is st ill t he world's t hirt eent h largest economy by
nominal GDP (t he fourt h in t he European Union) and fift eent h largest by purchasing power
parit y, clearly exceeding t he numbers of several current members of t he G20 such as
Argent ina or Sout h Africa. In addit ion, since t he 1990s several Spanish companies have gained
mult inat ional st at us, oft en expanding t heir act ivit ies in cult urally close Lat in America, where
Spain is t he second biggest foreign invest or aft er t he Unit ed St at es and keeps an import ant
influence. These fact s have reinforced t he idea t hat Spain should seek permanent
membership of t he G20.[42]

Polish aspirations

In cont rast wit h t he Spanish posit ion, t he Polish government has repeat edly asked t o join t he
Before t he 2009 G20 London summit , t he Polish government expressed an int erest in joining
wit h Spain and t he Net herlands and condemned an "organisat ional mess" in which a few
European leaders speak in t he name of all t he EU wit hout legit imat e aut horisat ion in cases
which belong t o t he European Commission.

During a 2010 meet ing wit h foreign diplomat s, Polish president Lech Kaczyński said:

Polish economy is according to our data an 18th world economy.

The place of my country is among the members of the G20. This is
a very simple postulate: firstly – it results from the size of Polish
economy, secondly – it results from the fact that Poland is the
biggest country in its region and the biggest country that has
experienced a certain story. That story is a political and economic

In 2012, Tim Ferguson wrot e in Forbes t hat swapping Argent ina for Poland should be
considered, claiming t hat t he Polish economy was headed t oward a leadership role in Europe
and it s membership would be more legit imat e.[75][76] A similar opinion was expressed by Marcin
Sobczyk in t he Wall Street Journal,.[77] Mamt a Murt hi from t he World Bank said,"...To be in ‘a
club’, what Poland can do is to behave as if it already is in the club it wants to join."[78]

In 2014 consult ing company Ernst & Young published it s report about opt imal members for
G20. Aft er analyzing t rade, inst it ut ional and invest ment links Poland was included as one of
t he opt imal members.[79]

G20 membership has been part of Poland's Law and Just ice part y and President Andrzej Duda
polit ical program.[80] In March 2017, Deput y Prime Minist er of Poland Mat eusz Morawiecki
t ook part in a meet ing of G20 financial minist ers in Baden-Baden as t he first Polish
represent at ive.[81][82]

Global Governance Group (3G) response

In June 2010, Singapore's represent at ive t o t he Unit ed Nat ions warned t he G20 t hat it s
decisions would affect "all count ries, big and small", and assert ed t hat prominent non-G20
members should be included in financial reform discussions.[83] Singapore t hereaft er t ook a
leading role in organizing t he Global Governance Group (3G), an informal grouping of 30 non-
G20 count ries (including several microst at es and many Third World count ries) wit h t he aim of
collect ively channelling t heir views int o t he G20 process more effect ively.[84][85][86]
Singapore's chairing of t he 3G was cit ed as a rat ionale for invit ing Singapore t o t he November
2010 G20 summit in Sout h Korea,[87] as well as t he 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017
summit s.

Foreign Policy critiques

The American magazine Foreign Policy has published art icles condemning t he G20, in t erms of
it s principal funct ion as an alt ernat ive t o t he supposedly exclusive G8. It quest ions t he
act ions of some of t he G20 members, and advances t he not ion t hat some nat ions should not
have membership in t he first place. Furt hermore, wit h t he effect s of t he Great Recession st ill
ongoing, t he magazine has crit icized t he G20's effort s t o implement reforms of t he world's
financial inst it ut ions, branding such effort s as failures.[88]

Wider concerns

The G20's prominent membership gives it a st rong input on global policy despit e lacking any
formal abilit y t o enforce rules. There are disput es over t he legit imacy of t he G20,[89] and
crit icisms of it s organisat ion and t he efficacy of it s declarat ions.[90]

The G20's t ransparency and account abilit y have been quest ioned by crit ics, who call
at t ent ion t o t he absence of a formal chart er and t he fact t hat t he most import ant G20
meet ings are closed-door.[91] In 2001, t he economist Frances St ewart proposed an Economic
Securit y Council wit hin t he Unit ed Nat ions as an alt ernat ive t o t he G20. In such a council,
members would be elect ed by t he General Assembly based on t heir import ance t o t he world
economy, and t he cont ribut ion t hey are willing t o provide t o world economic development .[92]

The cost and ext ent of summit -relat ed securit y is oft en a cont ent ious issue in t he host ing
count ry, and G20 summit s have at t ract ed prot est ers from a variet y of backgrounds, including
informat ion act ivist s, opponent s of fract ional-reserve banking and ant i-capit alist s. In 2010,
t he Toront o G20 summit sparked mass prot est s and riot ing, leading t o t he largest mass
arrest in Canada's hist ory.

See also

Model G20

Big Four (West ern Europe)

Pacific Alliance

Emerging power

Group of Ten (economics)

Group of Eight or G8

Group of Seven or G7



Great power

Middle power

Regional power

Global governance

List of count ries by GDP (nominal)

List of count ries by GDP (PPP)

List of count ry groupings

List of mult ilat eral free-t rade agreement s


1. The de jure head of government of China is the Premier, whose current holder is Li Keqiang. The
President of China is legally a ceremonial office, but the General Secretary of the Chinese
Communist Party (de facto leader) has always held this office since 1993 except for the months of
transition, and the current paramount leader is Xi Jinping.

1. If excluding EU intra-trade, 75 percent.

1. Summits were biannual in 2009 and 2010; since the November 2011 Cannes summit, G20 summits
have been annual.


1. "FAQ #5: What are the criteria for G-20 membership?" (
_are_the_criteria_for_G-20_membership) Archived (
0/ 16 February
2009 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 21 February 2013.

2. "G20 Members" (

0_members) . Archived from the original (
s) on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 15 January 2014.

3. "G20 Finance Ministers Committed to Sustainable Development" (

g20-finance-ministers-committed-to-sustainable-development/) . IPS News. Retrieved 4 December
4. "What is the G20 | G20 Foundation" ( .
Retrieved 19 May 2020.

5. "Think Tanks" ( . G20 Insights.

6. "Past Summits (

t_summits) "

7. "Officials: G-20 to supplant G-8 as international economic council" (

9/24/us.g.twenty.summit/index.html) . CNN. 25 September 2009. Retrieved 25 September 2009.

8. "Global Politics" ( . Andrew Heywood.

Retrieved 4 December 2015.

9. "Norway Takes Aim at G-20:'One of the Greatest Setbacks Since World War II' " (
e/international/europe/0,1518,702104,00.html) . Der Spiegel. 22 June 2010. Retrieved 27 June

10. Bosco, David (19 April 001). "Who would replace Argentina on the G20?" (
2012/04/19/who-would-replace-argentina-on-the-g20/) . Foreign Policy. Retrieved 24 April 2012.

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nnel=0) . Reuters. Toronto. Retrieved 11 June 2020.

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du/blog/up-front/2010/06/23/web-chat-previewing-the-g-20-summit/) . Brookings Institution.
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Sean Kilpatrick. Maclean's Magazine (Canada). 1 July 2010

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