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College of Business

Course Syllabus and Curricular Guide


Subject Code BAM2210

Credit/Schedule 3 units, 3 lecture hrs/week

Course Description The course covers the basic principles of microeconomics. It introduces to the students the economics of the firm and how the
resources is allocated by the individual in making a decisions. In particular, the course is devoted to the study of the price
theory, price and demand elasticity, price regulations and consumer choice, market economy, market structures, competition
and monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly.

Expectation Students are expected to study the assigned topics or outlines of the course and should be able to listen, comprehend and
actively participate in the discussion during lectures and perform activities in class. All students will be given chance to speak,
express their ideas and ask question related to the lectures. There will be an order, punctuality and decorum at all times during
the class.
Textbook 1. Economic, Taxation & Agrarian Reform by Carlos L. Manapat, Raymundo Julio A. Olaguer, Fernando R. Pedrosa
2. Introductory Microeconomics by Cristobal M. Pagoso, Rosemary P. Dinio, George A. Villasis
Resources 3. Microeconomics 9th Edition by Edwin Mansfield
4. Economics, Concepts, Theories and Application by Abriel M. Nebres
5. Microeconomics 4th Edition by Robert H. Frank
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the student is expected to:
1. Apply the price theory, elasticity and regulations in the market structures in exploring business opportunities.
2. Develop and formulate effective allocation of resources to be more competitive in market economy.
Policies Grading Scale:
95-100 = 1
92- 94 = 1.25
90 – 91 = 1.5
88 – 89 = 1.75
85– 87 = 2.0
82– 84 = 2.25
80 – 81 = 2.5
78 – 79 = 2.75
75 – 77 = 3.0
below 75 = 5.0

Prepared by: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Date: November 27, 2018
College of Business

WF = withdrew without permission

DR = withdrew with permission
FA = failed due to absences

The definition of plagiarism is passing someone else’s work (ideas, writing, concepts, theories, findings, etc.) off as your work
without giving proper recognition to the original source. Plagiarism in any form is considered grounds for serious discipline.

Students are allowed to be absent (excused or unexcused) only for a total of 9 hours. Beyond this, the instructor can drop you
from the roll without prior notice.

Submission of requirements:
Any requirement submitted late will be given a deduction of point’s equivalent to 10% of the perfect score. (i.e., perfect score is
100 points; 10% is 10 points. 10 points are automatically deducted from the scores of the requirement submitted late.

Missed exam(s):
Only students with valid reasons (sickness, death in the family) will be allowed to take make-up exam upon presentation of
medical certificate or letter of excuse from parents or guardian.

Student caught cheating during exams or copying another student’s laboratory report will automatically get a failing mark for the

Evaluation Major exams (Preliminary, Midterm, and Comprehensive Final Exam) 40%
Class Standing (Quizzes, attendance, class participations, interests towards the subject and assignments) 60%


Passing Score 75%

Prepared by: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Date: November 27, 2018
College of Business

Schedule Learning Outcomes Contents Activities Materials/ Assessment

Week No./(Date) Resources
1 At the end of this lesson, student will be Class orientation, school Knowing each
reminded of: policies, grading system, student and their
1. Rules & regulations of the schools, grading Overview of Microeconomics classmates,
system, course expectations & requirements preparation of class
list and seating
2 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 1: The Scope and Class discussion Textbooks, Question and
Method of Economics about the topic References, answer portion
o give the definition of Economics;
o learn why we need to study Economics;
o distinguish the scope of Economics;
o compare the methods and economic theory.
3 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 2: The Economic Class discussion Textbooks, Quiz No. 1
Problem: Scarcity and Choice about the topic, References, Question and
o define scarcity and opportunity cost; answer portion
o learn the importance of Production Possibility
o elaborate the different economic systems.
4-5 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 3: Demand, Supply, Class discussion Textbooks, Question and
and Market Equilibrium about the topic, References, answer portion
o define the Law of Supply and Law of Demand;
o learn the determinants of household affecting
the demand and supply;
o analyze the market equilibrium;
o create the Demand curve and Supply curve.

7 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 5: Elasticity Class discussion Textbooks, Question and
about the topic. References, answer portion,
o Give the meaning of elasticity; computation
o Enumerate the kinds of elasticity; exercises
o Analyze the determinants and factors of demand

Prepared by: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Date: November 27, 2018
College of Business

8 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 6: Household Behavior Class discussion Textbooks, Quiz No. 3
o Know the capital markets; & Consumer Choice about the topic, References, Question and
o Enumerate the determinants of household answer portion,
demand; computation
o Emphasize the diminishing marginal utility; exercises.
o Analyze the income and substitution effects.

9 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 7: The Production Class discussion Textbooks, Question and
Process: The Behavior of Profit- about the topic, References, answer portion,
o Make a clear view of the production process; Maximizing Firms computation
o Enumerate the bases of decisions for market exercises.
price of outputs;
o Compute the different production functions.

10 At the end of this lesson, student will be able to: 1. Theory of Cost & Profit, Class discussion Textbooks, Quiz No. 4
1. Explain the general concept about cost, The cost concepts, about the topic, References, Question and
opportunity, imputed, variable and average opportunity, imputed, answer portion,
cost variable, marginal and computation
2. Explain profit concept average cost. The profit exercises.
concept, the total and
marginal revenues.
11 At the end of this lesson, student will be able to: 1. Market Structures, the Class discussion Textbooks, Question and
1. Explain what are the types and function of function of the market in about the topic, References, answer portion
the markets in allocating limited resources. allocating scarce Review for
resources, type of market midterm exam

13 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 8: Short-Run Costs and Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
Output Decisions Presentation Group Activity
o Define fixed costs, variable costs, and total
costs; Internet Materials
o Compare costs and revenues to maximize
o Analyze the Short-Run Supply curve.
At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 9: Long-Run Costs and Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
Output Decisions Presentation Group Activity
o Determine the increasing returns to scale;
o Compare the long-run adjustments to short-run Internet Materials Quiz 1

Prepared by: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Date: November 27, 2018
College of Business

o Analyze how to maximize profits and minimize

14 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 10: Input Demand: The Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
Labor and Land Market Presentation Group Activity
o Know the basic concepts for input markets;
o Differentiate complementary and substitutable Internet Materials
diminishing returns;
o Analyze the firm’s profit-maximizing condition in
input markets.
15 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 12: General Equilibrium Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
and the Efficiency of Perfect Presentation Group Activity
o Determine general equilibrium and the market Competition
adjustment to changes in demand; Internet Materials
o Know the importance of Pareto Efficiency;
o Enumerate the sources of market failure;
o Evaluate the market mechanism.
At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 13: Monopoly and Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
Antitrust Policy Presentation Group Activity
o Define monopoly and give examples;
o Know the price and output decisions in pure Internet Materials Quiz 2
monopoly markets;
o Give examples of price discrimination;
o Emphasize the social costs of monopoly.

16 At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 14: Oligopoly Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
Presentation Group Activity
o Enumerate the market structure in an oligopoly;
o Explain the different oligopoly models; Internet Materials
o Emphasize how an oligopolistic market affects
the economics performance.
At the end of this topic, student will be able to: Chapter 15: Monopolistic Discussion /lecture PowerPoint Assignment
Competition Presentation Group Activity
o Determine monopolistic competition and its
examples; Internet Materials Quiz 3
o Emphasize how the impact of advertising to
product differentiation;
o Expound on the economic efficiency and
resource allocation.

17 At the end of this lesson, student will be able to Case Analysis Class discussion Textbooks, Question and

Prepared by: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Date: November 27, 2018
College of Business

1. Apply knowledge learn in solving case about the topic, References answer portion
analysis case analysis Review for
final exam


Professor/ Instructor: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Consultation hours/ room number: 104A-BA#

Approved by:


Dean/Coordinator, College of Business

Approved by:


School Director

Prepared by: Honeylette DC. Villanueva, MBA

Date: November 27, 2018

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