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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State University

Sorsogon City


Discussant : JHONA NAÑOZ

What are leadership values?

Leadership values are the core beliefs and principles that guide us in our personal and
professional lives. Your values can be defined as the things you believe are most
important to achieving your goals and being happy. Leadership values are closely
connected to both your personal core values and the values of your company.

Why are leadership values important?

Leadership values are important because they help you determine how you want to
achieve your goals and what type of leader you want to be. Your core leadership values
play an important role in guiding how you make decisions and what actions you take on
a daily basis. Leadership values also help you grow and develop both personally and
professionally. Having a strong set of core values as a leader helps build respect and
trust among your team. This creates the foundation for you to influence your team in a
positive way that encourages high-performance and excellence.

List of leadership values

Here is a list of core leadership values:

 Influence  Personal development

 Vision  Service
 Honesty  Respect
 Passion  Resilience
 Integrity  Adaptability
 Dedication  Authenticity
 Empathy


Influence refers to the ability to encourage, motivate and guide others to think or act in a
specific way to achieve certain goals. Influence is a defining characteristic of leadership
because it means having the ability to empower others into choosing certain actions and
beliefs rather than forcing them into those actions and beliefs through


Vision refers to knowing what your goals and objectives are and having a clear plan for
achieving those goals. Vision is an important core value to every leader because they
need to be able to effectively communicate to their team what the company's goals are
and why they are important.

One value that is critical in making you a trustworthy leader is honesty. Honesty refers
to the ability to discuss topics with others in a clear and truthful manner. Transparency
is closely related to honesty. When others know they can rely on the things you say and
promise, it builds their trust and respect in you and makes you a more effective leader.


Passion is the feeling of fulfillment and motivation that drives you to continue to work to
achieve your goals even when you face challenges or unexpected setbacks. When
leaders are genuinely passionate about the work they do, this passion is seen by their
team members. This creates a culture where your team members feel inspired to also
become passionate about their work, which results in greater productivity throughout the


Integrity refers to being genuine and honest and deciding to do the right thing at all
times. A strong sense of integrity is important in leadership because your team
members need to know they can trust and respect what you say and what you do. They
also need to know they can count on you to keep your promises.


Dedication is a commitment to a specific task, principle or goal. Strong leaders have a

high level of dedication to their company, team and the work they do. They show this
dedication by following through on promises and pushing through challenges to achieve
their goals. This high level of dedication motivates others to show the same level of
commitment to their work.


Empathy refers to the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others and to
respond to their actions and behaviors in a way that shows your understanding of their
feelings. Empathy is a core component of emotional intelligence, which also includes
the ability to understand and control your personal feelings and emotions. It is important
for leaders to have emotional intelligence because it helps you build genuine
connections with your team. Having a strong connection with your team members
allows you to help them overcome their personal and professional challenges and
results in improved efficiency and productivity.

Personal development

Personal development refers to the act of continued learning, education and personal
growth. Great leaders are dedicated to continued personal development because they
know there is always something new they can learn or something they can improve
upon. By showing your team your commitment to your own personal development, you
can motivate them to take action to work on their personal development as well.


Service refers to the act of doing something to help someone else. Great leadership is
an act of service, it encourages and motivates others to perform their best work and
achieve their personal goals. Servant leaders put the needs of others before
themselves. By serving the needs of your team first, you can build a loyal team while
also encouraging them to serve the needs of others and the organization.


Respect refers to feelings of admiration for their qualities, abilities or achievements and
to regard the rights, wishes and feelings of others. Good leaders earn the respect of
others rather than simply expecting to receive respect because of their position or title.
One of the best ways to earn respect is to show them respect. Another way to earn
respect from others is to show commitment to your work and to serving others.


Resilience is the ability to face adversity and quickly recover from setbacks, challenges
and obstacles that you encounter. It is important for leaders to be resilient because they
face several challenges and obstacles in achieving their goals. Building resilience can
help you effectively address challenges or issues when they occur and lead to improved
efficiency and productivity


Adaptability means being prepared to accept and respond to change when it occurs.
Adaptability is crucial in the workplace because it is often a frequently changing
environment. Leaders need to have the ability to welcome and adopt change and
motivate their team members to do the same.


Authenticity refers to being genuine and honest in what you say and do. Leaders can
show their authenticity by continuing to develop and live by their core values on a daily
basis. It is important for leaders to be authentic in their work because it creates an
environment where your team members feel empowered to be authentic as well. This
makes your team members more comfortable contributing new and innovative ideas
and encourages an environment where everyone works together to achieve their goals

What Are the Attributes of a Good Supervisor?

By Stan Mack

Interactive Communication Skills

Without an ability to make your desires clear, your employees won’t know how to
accomplish the tasks you delegate. Equally important is understanding and
incorporating employee feedback. A good supervisor interacts effectively with her
employees, maintaining open lines of communication to ensure she stays informed
about project progress and brewing problems.

Empathy and Compassion

If you can’t place yourself in your employees’ shoes, you can’t lead them effectively.
For example, a parent might not be able to work overtime, or an employee going
through a hard time might need temporary special considerations. Be as
accommodating as possible in the face of genuine need, and your employees will be
loyal in return.

Ability to Delegate

A good supervisor excels in delegating tasks to those employees best-equipped to

handle them. Proper delegation streamlines a project, ensuring efficiency and
maximizing profitability. Poor delegation, on the other hand, compromises a project.
For example, if you delegate a vital task to an inexperienced employee, the whole
project can slow. Worse, you might have to backtrack to fix errors, an inefficient use of
time and resources.

Flexibility when Possible

No single approach to management works in every situation. Rather, a good

supervisor chooses tactics based on the situation. For example, as a deadline nears,
you might adopt a hardline approach to ensure the work gets done. But your
employees can’t operate at full-speed perpetually, so adopt a more relaxed approach
during downtime between projects. This gives employees time to recover their

A Display of Confidence

Your employees look to you for inspiration. If you seem wishy-washy or fearful, they’ll
assume you don’t know what you’re doing. That insecurity will create a negative
workplace atmosphere, stifling productivity. But if you display confidence and
positivity, your employees will be secure in your skills as a leader.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

Supervisors who come to work with a positive attitude make the office environment a
great place to be. They use this attitude when solving problems, so the issues don't
loom as large as they might. And positive attitudes are contagious. People tend to
take on the attitude of their environment, and being positive is a good one to assume.
Make sure to celebrate wins to acknowledge good work of the staff.

A Dose of Humility

While a confident and positive outlook is important, not every decision you make will
work out well. When a project fails or a choice backfires, accept responsibility and
learn from the mistake. Don’t blame your employees for problems that resulted from
your mistakes.

An Open Book, When Possible

Supervisors do have to keep some secrets. This is especially the case for sensitive
personnel matters, where an individual's privacy has to be respected, or for emerging
company products or policies that aren't quite ready for a public announcement.

But when possible, a good supervisor operates in an open and transparent fashion,
letting employees know of projects, opportunities, concerns, and anything else that is
likely to be of interest to the workforce and for which there is no valid rationale for
secrecy. A good manager will help employees improve their work up front instead of
waiting months to provide feedback. Your openness will encourage dialogue among
employees and between employees and a supervisor they see to be a trustworthy and
reliable source of information.

Passion for the Company

Great managers love the company they work for, understand the company culture,
and appreciate the company's objectives. They can easily convey to their employees
why this is a great place to work, getting team members on board and excited to


1. Great communication skills- the ability to communicate in a clear and concise
manner using positive language is essential.

2. A positive attitude- a warm and welcoming nature goes a long way towards
both clients and staff.

3. Lead by example- in attitude, work ethic and appearance. Be hands on – whilst

it’s important to oversee the bigger picture, it’s also crucial to jump in and help when it’s
4. Be a coach, mentor and counsellor. Supervisors should be compassionate
and approachable; there needs to be a relationship of respect and trust between the
supervisor and his or her staff.

5. Be organized: a supervisor must possess the ability to problem solve and

manage time pressures calmly.

6. Immaculate personal presentation- a supervisor must represent their brand. In

Nosh’s case this means being stylish, professional and polished in one’s appearance.

7. Criticize constructively- understand why mistakes happen and move to rectify

them. It’s better to give conductive feedback and demonstrate the correct way to do

8. Be results focused- attention to detail is indispensable. It’s the little things that
make all the difference.

9. Be considerate- staff are not just employees. They have family and friends and
a life beyond work, so don’t make unreasonable or unfair demands on their time.


With so many elements contributing to the quality of a supervisor, it is understandable

why finding one in the hospitality industry is so difficult. As such, it becomes important
that you put the effort into training promising employees to the best of their potential.

As Richard Branson so aptly puts it;

“Train people well enough that they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t
want to”.

Knowing who to train and mold into an experienced supervisor can be tricky. By taking
the time to get to know your employees, what they want out of a career and whether or
not they have some supervisor qualities, it can make the job easier. Training more than
one supervisor at a time, or allowing younger staff members to ghost supervisors will
also assist in ensuring you have skillful and proficient staff.

There is always the risk that your star supervisor may be offered an opportunity you
can’t match. When this happens, don’t beat yourself up. Rather, take pride in your
training methods and know that you made a difference in their lives.

A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else
thought they could.
– Zig Ziglar

A manager is a guide. He takes a group of people and says, 'With you I can make us a success; I
can show you the way.
- Arsene Wenger

A manager is an assistant to his men. 

- Thomas J. Watson

A good manager will always have the big picture in mind and guide the employees through a
series of small targets in order to achieve overall success.
-  Abhishek Ratna

To lead the people, walk behind them. 

- Lao Tzu



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