Drumstick Tree As A Natural Coagulants

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I take this opportunity to express my deepest and special appreciation to my guide Dr.
M. Hussain Civil for insightful advice, motivating suggestions, invaluable guidance, help and
support in successful completion of this seminar and also for their constant encouragement and
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I express my deep gratitude to my Head of Department Dr. M. H. Husain, and my

beloved Principal, Dr. K .S. Wani, for their regular support, co-operation, and co-ordination.
The in-time facilities provided by the department throughout the bachelors program are also
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I would like to convey my thanks to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the
department of Civil Engineering, for their invaluable help and support throughout the period of
bachelor’s Degree. I am also grateful to all my classmates and friends for their help,
encouragement and invaluable suggestions.

Finally, yet more importantly, I would like to express my deep appreciation to my parents
and brother for their perpetual support and encouragement throughout the bachelor’s degree

(BE-B 24)


DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant


Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) is a highly valued plant, distributed in many countries
of the tropics and subtropics. It has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional
value. Different parts of this plant contain a profile of important minerals, and are a good source
of protein, vitamins, β -carotene, amino acids and various phenolics. The Moringa plant provides
a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, β - sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and
kaempferol. In addition to its compelling water purifying powers and high nutritional value, M.
oleifera is very important for its medicinal value. Various parts of this plant such as the leaves,
roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants,
possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic,
diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective,
antibacterial and antifungal activities, and are being employed for the treatment of different
ailments in the indigenous system of medicine, particularly in South Asia. This review focuses
on the detailed phytochemical composition, medicinal uses, along with pharmacological
properties of different parts of this multipurpose tree.

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant



Water supply is a basic need required for living creatures and human beings. Safe
drinking water is essential to the health and welfare of a community, and water from all sources
must have some form of purification before consumption. The method employed depends on the
character of the raw water. One of The problems with treatment of surface water is the large
seasonal variation in turbidity. For many developing countries water treatment process involves
coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation (which are the processes involved in Removing
turbidity from water) and disinfection are expensive processes because of the high costs involved
and the difficulty in assessing the chemical Coagulants including alum. Inorganic coagulants
such as alum in combination with lime have been conventionally used for removal of turbidity
from surface Waters. The sludge formed from such treatment poses disposal problems because of
its aluminum content and tend to accumulate in the environment and also because of large
volume. Therefore, it is desirable that other cost effective and more environmentally acceptable
alternative coagulants be developed to supplement if not replace alum, ferric salts and synthetic

However, there have been studies on the use of indigenous natural coagulants. The use of
locally grown and natural coagulants may result in a more sustainable and economically
available alternative. The history of the use of natural coagulants is long. Natural organic
polymers have been used for more than 2000 years in India, Africa, and China as Effective
coagulants and coagulant aids at high water turbidities. They may be manufactured from plant
seeds, leaves, and roots. These natural organic Polymers are interesting because, comparative to
the use of synthetic organic polymers containing acrylamide monomers, there is no human health
danger and the cost of these natural coagulants would be less expensive than the conventional
chemicals alike since it is locally available in most rural communities Of Bangladesh. A number
of effective coagulants from plant origin have been identified. The need for simple, reliable and
effective method of water treatment leads to the application of plant materials, including seed
coagulants of Moringaoleifera.

The Moringaoleifera tree grows in tropical and subtropical regions around the world and
its seed have been used in drinking water treatment in small scale. Previous studies indicate that
Moringaoleifera is an efficient coagulant for the removal of turbidity in both water and waste
water treatment. The Moringaoleifera is an alternative to the use of inorganic and synthetic
coagulants. Disadvantages of inorganic and synthetic coagulants are it causes Alzheimer’s
disease and similar health related problems, reduction of pH, high costs production of large
sludge volume and low efficiency in coagulation of Cold water. Moringaoleifera has potential in
water treatment as a coagulant, a soften agent and bactericidal agent. Advantages of
Moringaoleifera as a natural Coagulant are its low cost, produces lesser volume of biodegradable
sludge and it does not affect the ph. of water. Moringaoleifera seeds contain a coagulant protein
that can be used either in drinking water clarification or wastewater treatment. It is said to be one

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant

of the most effective natural coagulants and the investigation on these kinds of water treatment
agents is growing nowadays. The Moringaoleifera is not used in field because of the some
drawbacks of Moringaoleifera as it requires large amounts of seeds for small water Treatment
plant. Also the settling time is more. If the blended coagulant of Moringaoleifera& alum is used
then the drawbacks of alum and Moringaoleifera is Reduced and this blend coagulant gives best
results, means it removes almost 99.4 % the turbidity. Heavy metals are also present in water
which is Hazardous to health. Moringaoleifera seed coagulant with double filtration also helps in
the removal of heavy metals.

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant




Moringaoleifera (MO), known as Moringa, is full of nutrients and vitamins and is good in
your food as well as in the food of your animals. Moringa helps to clean dirty Water and is a
useful source of medicines. Moringa oleifera is an important food commodity which has had
enormous attention as the ‘natural nutrition of the tropics’. The leaves, fruit, flowers and
immature pods of this tree are used as a highly nutritive vegetable in many countries, particularly
in India, Philippines, Hawaii and many parts of Africa (D’souza and Kulkarni, 1993; Anwar and
Bhanger, 2003; Anwar et al., 2005). Moringa leaves have been reported to be a rich source of β-
carotene, protein, vitamin C, calcium and potassium and act as a good source of natural
antioxidants; and thus enhance the shelf-life of fat containing foods due to the presence of
various types of antioxidant compounds such as ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenolics and
carotenoids (Dillard and German, 2000; Siddhuraju and Becker, 2003). In the Philippines, it is
known as ‘mother’s best friend’ because of its utilization to increase woman’s milk production
and is sometimes prescribed for anemia (Estrella et al., 2000; Siddhuraju and Becker, 2003).A
number of medicinal properties have been ascribed to various parts of this highly esteemed tree.
Almost all the parts of this plant: root, bark, gum, leaf, fruit (pods), flowers, seed and seed oil
have been used for various ailments in the indigenous medicine of South Asia, including the
treatment of inflammation and infectious diseases along with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal,
hematological and hepatorenal disorders

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant




Good quality dry seeds of Moringaoleifera were selected from the pods that were
collected. The pods collected were allowed to completely dry on the tree (the brown color pods)
because the green pods do not possess any coagulation activity. The pods length ranged between
(40-60) cm, and each pod contained around (20-30) seeds. The seeds coat and wings were
removed manually, followed by the grinding of the seeds into a fine powder using a domestic
blender, then sieving the ground powder through 250 μm sieve. Figures 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 4.5
shows the MO pods, MO


Good quality dry seeds of Moringaoleifera were selected from the pods that were
collected. The pods collected were allowed to completely dry on the tree (the brown color pods)
because the green pods do not possess any coagulation activity. The pods length ranged between
(40-60) cm, and each pod contained around (20-30) seeds. The seeds coat and wings were
removed manually, followed by the grinding of the seeds into a fine powder using a domestic
blender, then sieving the ground powder through 250 μm sieve. Figures 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 4.5
shows the MO pods, MO seed, de-husked seed kernel and seed powder.


Aqueous extract was prepared by using 200ml of tap water and 25g of MO seed powder,
mixed by a magnetic stirrer for 60 minutes and settled for 20 minutes. Moringaoleifera aqueous
extract is finally filtered through 20μm paper filter.


Sedimentation Jar test were carried to determine the coagulation properties of the plant
derived coagulants. Onebeaker was used as control and in other beakers varying dosage of MO
coagulant was added. Jar tests were conducted on 1000 ml synthetic turbid water samples. The
standard procedure was, the samples were subjected to a rapid mixing at 100 rpm for 1 minute,
and a slow mixing step at 30 rpm for30 min. The stirrer was then switched off and the flock
allowed to settle undisturbed for 30 minutes. The samples for residual turbidity measurement
were withdrawn using a pipette from a height of 5cm below the surface of each beaker, and
residual turbidity was measured. Effect of dose of natural coagulants on removal of turbidity also
studied. Jar test also determines the effective dosage of coagulant to reduce the heavy metal of
the sample. The effect of pH on turbidity removal was also studied by varying pH of turbid
water. pH of the suspension was adjusted to the desired value by adding either 0.1 MHCl
solution or 0.1M NaOH solution. Turbidity measurement was carried out by ‘Globe Instrument’
Turbidity meter.pH value of the suspensionwas measured using a pH model meter.

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant




By providing roughing filter pretreatment, suspended solids are decreased. Rapid sand
filtration is still a viable method of water treatment most suitable for raw water sources with
turbidity and suspended solids. Multistage filtration has been shown to be an efficient and
effective drinking water treatment technique for source water with high turbidity, organic matter,
and suspended solids.


In vertical-flow roughing filters the water to be treated flows in sequence through the
three filter compartments filled with coarse, medium and fine filter material. The size of the three
distinct filter material fractions is generally between 25 and 3 mm, and graded, for example, into
fractions of 25-16mm, 16-8mm and 8-3mm. Roughing filtration was conducted directly after the
coagulation and flocculation processes with Moringaoleifera and separates the suspended solids.
Vertical-flow roughing filter was operated at 0.3 to 1.0 m/h filtration rates. The separated solids,
which accumulate mainly in the coarse filter fraction next to the filter bottom, can be easily
flushed out with the water stored in the filter.Therefore, the use of up flow roughing filter in
layers was used.

4.5.2 Rapid Sand Filter

Filtration test with rapid sand filter In rapid sand filters the water to be treated flows in
sequence through the three filter compartments filled with coarse, medium and fine filter
material. The size of the three distinct filter material fractions is generally between 50 and 0.5
mm, and graded, for example, into fractions of 25-50mm, 13-25mm and 0.5-1mm. Rapid sand
filtration was conducted directly after the roughing filtration and separates the last remaining

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant

flocs that failed to disappear during roughing filtration. The filtration rate for a rapid filter is 5-10

4.5.3 Moringaoleifera Seed Coagulation and Double Filtration

Double filtration is an efficient and effective drinking water treatment technique for
source water with high turbidity, organic matter, and suspended solids. Jar tests were carried out
in the following conditions: 1 minute rapid mixing and 10 minutes slow mixing. An up-flow
roughing filtration stage was chosen because it is a process with a high efficiency in the removal
of light flocs. As a second stage a conventional rapid filter was adopted. The washing of the
roughing filter was carried out through lower drainage, and the washing of the rapid filter was
counter current. The bed of the upflow gravel roughing filter was made up of three layers of
gravel of different granule measures.

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant



1. It helps in stabilizing sugar.

2. Helps in regularizing cholesterol level.
3. It is a powerful antioxidant as it is packed with Vitamin A and C
4. It control blood pressure.
5. Helps in detoxification
6. Boosts immunity.
7. Improves digestive system

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant



1. Taste is not so pleasant and tends to produce a gag reflex on many first time users.
2. Moringa thickens blood.
3. Moringa is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers.

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DRUM STICK TREE-A Natural Coagulant



Moringaoleifera is an environmentally-friendly natural coagulant most suitable for the

treatment of water containing undesirable heavy metal concentrations.
Based on the experimental test results; the following conclusion can be drawn.

1. The optimum dosage of Moringaoleifera aqueous extract for synthetic water samples
containing heavy metal concentrations of 5mg/L was 2g/L and the
Removal efficiencies were 95%, 93%, 76% and 70% of copper, lead, cadmium and chromium

2. The process of up flow roughing filtration followed by rapid filtration is suitable for the
separation of the flocs formed using Moringaoleifera seed coagulant.

3. It is an eco-friendly technology that is economically more advantageous than other treatment


4. In accordance with the above conclusions, it is suggested that aqueous extract of

Moringaoleifera seed powder treatment with coagulation and flocculation
followed by double filtration (roughing filters followed by rapid filtration) is considered in the
event of expansion or construction of small scale waterworks,
presuming that an adequate amount of plantations are established.

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