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Reference Number : 21062001021 Nationality : INDONESIA

Name : KOKOM KOMARIAH Gender : Female
Identity No. : 3207084308810001 Address : Dusun Pabuaran,Rt 004/Rw
002,Kel.Panjalu,Kec.Panjalu, Ciamis
Birth : 03 August 1981 Email :-
Phone No. : 085714470776
Date Collected : 20 June 2021 (21:58)
Date Recieved : 20 June 2021 Provider : Kariyadi
Date Reported : 21 June 2021 (02:03) Company : Klinik Sehat Sukarela


Gen ORF1ab 17.793 Negative (Cut off CT value: 35) RT-PCR
Gen N 18.73 Negative (Cut off CT value: 35) RT-PCR
Interpretation RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 Result: positive

Data Verification Jakarta, 21 June 2021

(Scan Here) dr. Fitri Winita Sp.PK, MMRS

Disclaimer :
1. The results of the examinations above were carried out using the RT-PCR method and only described the conditions at the time of
specimen collection.
2. A negative PCR result does not necessarily mean that the patient is not infected with the pathogen, but only indicates that pathogenic
genetic material is not present in the sample.
3. If clinical symptoms arise or contact with the patient is indicated after the examination, please contact the nearest doctor or health
4. This letter was sent and signed electronically.
5. PCR results cannot be compared between one laboratory and another, due to differences in the tools and target genes used.

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