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Ans to Qs no 1

Pull processes mean a process is initiated in response to customer order. Push processes, on the
other hand, the mean process is initiated in anticipation of customer orders. The push/pull
boundary in any supply chain separates push processes from pull processes. The push/pull
boundary for the occurs between the customer order cycle and the procurement, manufacturing,
and replenishment cycles. The customer order cycle is a pull process because all processes the
customer order cycle is executed only after the customer arrives. The remaining processes all
take place prior to the customer arriving so that all products are already in inventory built up in
anticipation of customer orders.

In Glasses Direct’s case, they outsource Fitting Box in order to have direct control over when
orders are delivered to customers. Their delivery options are a strategic differentiator and a major
critical success factor.

In design the push/pull boundary existed between the retailer (Glasses) and their distributor.
Customer ordered a product from the distributor and the customer order arrived. In this scenario,
the push/pull boundary exists between the customer and the retailer. Processes in the pull phase
are the order fulfillment, shipping, customer returns, and customer billing. Processes in the push
phase are production, stock replenishments, shipping, and payment.

Glasses Direct relies on Fitting Box by product class to manage customers query related to the
choice & selection of the spectacles which are best suit to them. Its ‘magic mirror’ technology
takes multiple photos of shoppers wearing frames, which they can then view later while wearing
their prescription glasses.

The push/pull boundary existed between the retailer and their distributor. Customer ordered
product from the distributor and the customer order arrived. In this scenario, the push/pull
boundary exists between the customer and the retailer.

Two processes involved in the pull strategy are

I. order management  

II. last mile delivery.

Two processes involved in the push strategy are  

I. facial recognition software and

II. virtual mirror.

Processes in the pull phase are the order fulfillment, shipping, customer returns, and customer
billing. Processes in the push phase are production, stock replenishments, shipping, and payment.
The inventory(Glasses) is held in a Push strategy and the shipment of the orders is done in a pull

The inventory(Glasses) is held in a Push strategy and the shipment of the orders is done in a pull

Ans to the qs no 2

Logistical considerations have always played a strategic role in business. Logistics is the art and
science of managing and controlling the flow of goods, energy, information and other resources
like products, services, and people, from the source of production to the marketplace. It is
difficult to accomplish any marketing or manufacturing without logistical support. It involves the
integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and
packaging. The operating responsibility of logistics is the geographical repositioning of raw
materials, work in process, and finished inventories where required at the lowest cost possible.

The logistics strategy used by Greenwood Bangladesh is Inventory Strategy by replacing it with
more modern versions of the same design, the company instead is converting its entire
distribution system to one using ways & in containers that will be delivered direct to customers.
Bangladesh Green wood strategy to follow or maintain in purchasing, a technique called value
analysis has led on occasion to decisions to purchase fewer items and in larger quantities. This
has resulted in price discounts and logistical savings that more than compensate for the
application of standard components to tasks for which smaller, less-expensive components might
be suited under programs not emphasizing standardization. This company can start to develop a
logistics strategy

by looking at four distinct levels of their logistics organization.

Strategic: By examining the company's objectives and strategic supply chain decisions, the
logistics strategy should review how the logistics organization contributes to those high-level

To minimize cost, to minimize investment and Maximize customer service are the objectives of
logistics strategy.

The primary objective of any logistics strategy is to deliver the right products to the right
customers at the right time and at the least possible cost. Getting the Right product, in the Right
quantity, in the Right condition, at the Right place, at the Right time, to the Right customer, at
the Right price.

Maintain and expand inventory management strategies. Maintaining inventory accuracy is

important for both your customer-facing systems and your internal ones. As we just mentioned,
updating your inventory count in real time ensures that your customers can’t order products
unless they’re in stock. At the very least, they should see a message indicating that the products
are out of stock before they make the purchase. This is just good customer service.

Upgrade your manual systems to automated ones. In the digital age, there are a number of ways
you can automate the logistics process, including tracking and monitoring each delivery. These
systems take the guesswork out of planning your supply chain by reporting the raw data without

Ensuring your business is better informed by using fleet and inventory management software
will allow you to refine your processes around the factors that impact.

There are a number of reasons for the growing influence of logistics in business strategy.
Included among these are:

An increasing number of alternatives for meeting cost and service standards—containerization,

minicomputers, air freight, and worldwide satellite communications systems.

It stands to reason that standardization within product lines can reduce production costs, cut
inventories, and increase field stock coverage while nevertheless providing the basis for
differentiating end products.

The number and type of wholesale outlets for a product are determined by customer service
needs ranging from those associated with sales assistance to product availability. Rapidly
provides the products on the customers as they needs their on time.

Increased attention to costs of distributing through too many warehouses, improved methods of
order processing and transportation, and a vastly improved highway system, which has extended
the territory that can be served from a given location.

Transportify can be your partner in reverse logistics. Our large fleet can handle your parcels
retrieval process or packages from your customers, which can ease the burden from your
end.This is a big help, especially to businesses like appliance and furniture suppliers that require
large vehicles in their reverse logistics process.

Up to that time, its logistics system for parts consisted of a mail and phone order program in
which a dealer would contact the others or customers.
Overall performance measures by Green wood Bangladesh are used the above way to
characterize the logistics strategy.

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