Problem Solving Is Something We Do Every Day

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Samar Colleges, Inc.


Catbalogan City

Subject: : EE 208
Subject Code: : MA027
Course: : MAEd- Elementary Education
Course Description Title : Advanced Teaching Strategies II
Professor : Ruperto N. Torrechiva
Academic Term and School Year : Summer Class, S.Y. 2020-2021
Topic : Steps of the Problem Method
Demonstration Method
Discussant : Rechell L. Rondina
Reporter No. : 16
References: :

Steps of the Problem Method

What is a problem?
 A problem is a deviation from the standard. It is something that wasn’t expected
and could be something like; poor on time delivery, poor quality, tasking too long
in the spreadsheet, correcting a mistake.

What is a Problem Method?

 The person must make an attempt to find a solution. Problem solving is the act
of defining a problem; determining cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing
and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. In a
problem solving method, children learn by working on problems.
 A method of planning work involving assessment, problem identification
planning, implementation, an evaluation.

Characteristics of the Problem Method

1. Assignment of problem statements for solution.

2. Use of course or other materials to solve problems.
3. Discussion of solutions in class.

-problem solving is something we do every day

six step guide to help you solve problems

step 1: identify and define the Problem
 State the problem as clearly as possible.

“I don’t have enough money to pay the bills”
 Be specific about the behavior, situation, timing and circumstances that make it
a problem

“ I need to pay the phone and gas bills, and I don’t have enough money to
cover both for this month.”
Step 2: generate possible solutions
 List all the possible solutions; don’t worry about the quality of the solutions at
this stage.
 Try to list at least 15 solutions, be creative and forget about the quality of the
 If you allow yourself to be creative you may come up with some solutions that
you would not otherwise have thought about.

Step 3: Evaluate alternatives

 The next step is to go through and eliminate less desirable or unreasonable
 Order the remaining solutions in order of preference.
 Evaluate the remaining solutions in terms of their advantages and disadvantages.

Step 4: Decide on a solution

 Specify who will take action
 Specify how the solution will be implemented
 Specify when the solution will be implemented.

“tomorrow morning, phone the gas company and negotiate to pay the
gas bill next month.”

Step 5: Implement the solution

 Implement the solution as planned

Step 6: Evaluate the outcome

 Evaluate how effective the solution was.
 Decide whether the existing plan needs to be revised, or whether a new plan is
needed to better address the problem.
 If you are not pleased with the outcome, return to step 2 to select a new
solution or revise the existing solution, and repeat the remaining steps.

-Learning to solve problems effectively will help you to minimize the level of
stress in your life and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Demonstration Method
What is demonstration method?

 It is a teaching method used to communicate an idea with the aid of visuals such
as flip charts, poster power point. Etc.
 Demonstration is a process of teaching someone hoe to make or do something in
a step-by-step process.

Aims of Demonstration Method

1. To teach a skill, concept or principle
2. To demonstrate delicate work involving careful manipulations
3. To achieve psychomotor ad cognitive objectives

Demonstration teaching is Anchored on the following principles:

1. Learning by doing
2. Skills can be developed by imitation
3. The perception helps in imitation

In Demonstration Method,

 The teacher is called the demonstrator and must process the technical know
 He is concerned that the learner understands the logical step-by step procedures
in doing the job, the principles that apply, and the related information
 The presenter shows how a process is done while the students become

-the best way to teach “how” is to “show how”

Planning the logical step-by-step points or activities is the key to a successful


1. Set up objectives for teaching- abilities learners should develop

2. Proper tools, equipment, and materials
3. Prepare the learner
4. Teach them the job
5. Try them out
6. Follow them up

An effective Demonstration follow the three steps

1. The stimulus step (Introduction)

2. The assimilative step (Development)
3. The application step (integration, rehearsal and evaluation)

Process Outline for Giving a Demonstration

1. Orient the learners to the demonstration.

2. Show the learners, if possible, what the demonstration is to produce or achieve.
3. Show and describe the equipment and materials to be used.
4. Emphasize safety.
5. Give the demonstration
6. Summarize as needed.

Techniques used in the Demonstration Method

The basic method of instruction for teaching skill type subject matter is the
demonstration performance method of instruction. This method is recommended for
teaching a skill because it covers all the necessary steps in an effective learning order.

Advantages of Demonstration Method:

 Involves various senses that make learning permanent

 Teacher invites cooperation of pupils
 Develop interest and motivation for active participation
 Helps achieve psychomotor objectives
 Increases leadership and self-confidence among demonstrators.

Disadvantages of Demonstration Method:

 Can only be used in skills subject

 Only the attention of the learners is invited towards the activity demonstrated
 Due to poor economic condition of the government schools, there is scarcity of
audio-visual aids and equipment

Why is demonstration method important?

Teacher demonstration are important because they provide students with experiences
of real events, phenomena and processes, help them learn.


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