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*Lest We Forget*

These are the signs and the symptoms

Signs and symptoms of independence
Our independence as a civilised people
Subdugated under colonial empire for a century
Lest we forget the gallantry that made us democratic

Our national flag: black, white, green, red and yellow

Black and white representing our African democratic peace
Green and yellow our wealth on the land and underground
And red the blood of liberators that bought us independence
Lest we forget our rocky road to freedom

Our coat of arms: an emblem of our territoriality

Unity, freedom and work in our ethnic diversity
Over fifteen ethnicities yet one great nationality
Cultures are many but the nation is one in unity
Lest we forget the unity that birthed our sovereignty

Our national constitution: an embodiment of our statehood

Fundamental principles of our republic since 1980
Renewed in earnest as Amendment Number 20 Act 2013
To repeal the neocolonial and discriminatory Lancaster treaty
Lest we forget our great ethos of uhuru

Our national anthem: a song of national devotion and patriotism

Sung at every event of national importance
Setting to music our visionary national aspirations
Of sustainable liberation and people oriented development
Lest we forget our hard-won right to liberty

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