The Benefits of The Park

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City park is an integral part of the society and plays a vital role in the physical well-being of residents.

City parks bring many benefits about health, community benefits, also environment solutions to urban

The first point to support city parks is that the impact of health can be on large scale. City parks
improve our physical and psychological health because of encouraging active lifestyles. Physical
activities can reduce many health ailments. The parks provide direct contact with nature and cleaner
atmosphere. Besides, it is an opportunity for social interaction and a place for physical activities. For
instance, it is more enjoyable to go jogging, walk a dog and meet new friends, join in other recreational

Another benefit obtained from city parks is a tool to contribute to environmental improvement.
This is the way to spread the environmental message and influence people by educating about green
open-space. Infrastructure development and environmental protection interrelate. The rapid deterioration
of environment is believed to impose a serve threat on urban dwellers. Therefore, people and local
government can go step by step to tackle environmental problems by building parks and doing the other
ways to bring green space.

To summarize, parks are an important part of urban city, not only because of green open-space
but also a message to environmental improvement.

City park is an integral part of the society and plays a vital role in the physical well- being of residents.
City parks bring many benefits about health, community benefits, also environment solutions to urban

City park is an integral part of the society and plays a vital role in the physical well- being of resedents.

City park bring many benefits about health, community benefits, also environment solutions to urba

Integral : quan trọng

Residents: công dân, người

large scale : vùng quy mô lớn

health ailments: bệnh tật

recreational: giải trí

Infrastructure: cơ sở hạ tầng

Interrelate: gắn bó mật thiết, có ảnh hưởng

Deterioration: sự trở nên tồi tệ

Impose : áp đặt
Tackle: giải quyết

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