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ROM THE BENCH There’s a lot more moving under the hood of a modern automobile than gears and liquids. Today's vehicles also move essential system instructions and on-board diagnostic data between electronics and dedicated computer applications. This article details the relationship between automotive control systems (€.g,, engine and transmission) and OBD-II data. You also learn how to tap into a vehicle’s LAN, Ienow some readers live in areas where 50” of snow is the norm, but Connecticut rarely sees anywhere near as much as it did last January. I quickly tired of lifting snow shovels full of the white stuff over my head, At times I felt like T was in a labyrinth, or, better yet, wan. dering chroug! ‘a mouse maze looking for some spicy pepper jack. I felt foolish spending time. cleaning our my ice-filled gucters only to find my neighbors going through the same ricual, As my pastor said one Sunday, “Will whoever is praying for snow please stap it? took the chill off by snuggling into my favorite chair with a mug of hot chocolate and 4 good book or an enginecsing magazine, like Circuit Cellar. Do you notice that magazines tend to get delivered in batches? I'l spend the night going through them, reading the articles, and ripping out ads that look interesting. 1 like to hold print issues as their ads tend to rip out ‘more easily than the digital ones. While my Droid has a Kindle app, it doesn’t feel the same as when Thold the pages of a real book ar magazine, To me this is like going from a standard ssmission to an automatic, For those of you dard, you don't know what you're missing, You drive a stan. dard, An automatic drives you, Both will get you where you want to go, but there’s a kind of Zen thing you experience with a standatd that you can’t get with an automatic. I'm certainly not against progress. I'm all for the move who have never driven a st The CAN Protocol and OBD-II by Jeff Bachiochi (USA) toward electrics. It's just a bummer that this away from that fecling of cexhilaration—or is that acceleration? Truth be told, I've become a wimpy driver ‘My wife's Prius has replaced my eluteh popriag desires with an interest in conservation. Jus how many miles can be eked out ofa gallon of gasoline? Lind the performance feedback di played to be a strong motivator. So much s that Vd like to have that available in my vehi cle, The solution is in front of me every time drive: the on-board diagnosties (ORD) TREE HUGGING Allow me to quote Wikipedia: “Smog is ape of air pollution, the word ‘smog’ is a portman teau of smoke and fog. Modern smog is type ct air pollution derived from vehicular emission from internal combustion engines and industrial fumes that react in the atmosphere with sum: light to form secondary pollutants that also con: bine with the primary emissions to form photo chemical smog. Smog is also caused by lange amounts of coal burning in an area caused bya ‘mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide With che vast number of automobiles in Cali fornia, ivs no wonder people became concerted with what was coming out of their tailpipes. Progtessive Californians became the list 1 demand attention from Detroit. Slowly, Detwit began to curb the production of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide by adding theit in ‘with the that cael torund ing. Do. facility HC, CO spending mobil ble fora time for Youm tor” ligh nent ai Jong uni nator lig light, the the seat switch into “Gp actualy those wi tuanslate ‘Natt opedies automet this OBL tive Eas all toxe a lop set of di s for the facta smarts to the fuel delivery and ignition systems on all of their internal combustion engines. Along with these improvements came a mandate that each automobile must prove its right to run the roads by passing emission test ing, Do you remember visiting the testing facility where they on a dynamometer and check the extent of 4C, CO, and NOX? Failure usually meant spending up to $1,000 getting your auto: mobile to comply before it w uuld put each vehicle |e wld be eligi ble for an exemption—at least until it was, time for the next test You might remember when the “alterna tor’ light was the only indication of immi- nent failure. Since these new smart emis: sion systems required a computer, it wasn’t Tong until manufacturers began using the computer to handle other tasks. The alter nator light was replaced by a new idiot light, the light. If you knew the secret sequence, the ignition (key ‘check engine switch would turn the check engine light ctuall ‘Gotham City’s bat signal” that would jumber code. Only blink out a those with the ring” could translate this into a real error message Naturally, as each manufacturer devel oped a system specific for their line of automobiles, there were no standards for this OBD ability. The Society of Aucomo- tive Engineers (SAE) attempted to pull it all together by defining OBD-I, 1 16-pin standard connector and a standard set of diagnostic codes and terminology (see Figure 1). You'll note that this standard connector ha ‘connections forall of the major systems in use! Some stan dard, huh? Actually, that’s not fair at all since you can’t change industry overnight. The OBD-I as it stood required on all automobiles built after January 1, 1996. In general, Chrysler, European, and many Asian imports use what is known as the ISO 9141 standard (OBD-II pins 7 and 15), General Motors uses the SAE J1850 variable pulse-width (VPW! modulation (OBD-II pins 2 and 10} Ford uses another version of SAE J1850, pulse-width mod. ulation (PWM) [also on OBD-II pins 2 and 10). For the most part, all of these systems communicate at a rate of approximately 10 Kbys. In keeping wit and bandwidth definition, The ISO 15765 control area network (CAN), which has been predefined to use pins 6 and 14. Automo. biles built after January 1, 2008 are required to use this h the necd for increased standardization another protocol is included in the OBD-I You might think that by now we all are pretty much driving automobiles that use the CAN interface, but according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the average lifespan of a vehicle is 12 years, or about 128,500 miles, So, the average car may not use CAN until after 202 U.S. AUTOMAKERS. the CAN protocol, which is already under transition, | Thanks to the government’ offer to loan monies to the Vd like to start with the ISO 9141-2 protocol as it i, pe US. automotive industry, we still have viable alternatives to haps, the easiest to understand for those familiar with sen the import market. But this line is becoming fuzzy as many al communications. It uses an asynchronous seria foreign companies have assembly lines here in the U.S. running at 10,400 bps. While RS-232 normally ust think many will agree that it is U.S. jobs that are number shifting IC (such as the MAX232) for a 12 V/-12 V inverte one, not necessarily that an employer is a U.S. company signal swing, 9141-2 is more like 12 V TTL [if you will he automotive industry will remain important to our econ: with 12 V being the passive state and 0 V the active stat omy, even if rocket packs were to become a reality Each byte begins with an active start bit, followed by 8 Let's take a look at the four major protocols of OBD-I that data bits, no parity bits, and a single passive-stop bit. Bid: he following _rectional communication takes place on the “K” Line (pi ‘each of the big three, as well as 7) of the OBD-II connector. Optionally, the “L" line (pin 1 re in use today. Refer to Figure 2 through FlashPro430 FlashPro-CC = FlashPro2000 p GangPro430 asm GangPro-CC Reliable and the fastest programmer on the mar} Perfect for production usage, f gridconnect. +1 800 975-4743 62 may be used as a unidirectional wake-up” signal to the vehicles’ unit |ECU). Mes 9141-2 differe and Be tioned 9141-2 and These are designated SAE and SAE 9150 PWM, Variable pulse idth (VPW) modulation is based on bit symbols, 2 64-ns width pulse ind a 128-ns width pulse, The VPW ignal varies between 0 V (passive Each packet begins depending This protocol he OBD-II the active state, A di state for 64 ps an protocol also has a 4x mode he throughput is increased to bps. In this mode all timing ased by a factor of fou n attempt to be more immune the SAE 10), The B+ line ust active state of 5 V, while th Functional target address] uses an active state of O V. Thi ox6a passive state of B+ is pulled lo and B-is pulled high Except for the 4x mode of the SAE 1850 PWM In case you ha a eye working on you! revs mu d has Jifficult, I can remember being able to see the ground when I ‘opened the hood. Today ever and cranny is filled with components of our smarter ears. The amount of eae ae me atic eof pin 2 nook 1¢ B- line DOWNLOAD our free CAD software DESIGN your two or four layer PC board SEND us your design with just a click RECEIVE top quality boards in just days Protocol Header Size Priority Target address Source addross SAE J1850 PWM (24 bis) 0x61 ox6a oF SAE J1850 VPW (24 bits) 0x68 A oF 130 9141-2 (24s) ove x6 oF 80 14290.4 (24 bis) oxca 033 ort 150 157054 (29 bits) OKTBDB x33 oF ISO 18785-4 (11 bats) OxTOF Table 2—The he 2 provides the information necessary to route the cata data flowing under the hood has nat urally increased. Multiple computers ssaty, each handling specific tasks. It wasn’t difficult to foresee the original throughputs as limiting. In their infinite wisdom the SAE added the CAN protocol to the OBD-II specifications. At the time this was not used by any Am Bosch began using the CAN bus in the ly 90s.) ISO 15765 CAN The CAN protocol specified for use in OBD-Il is capable of using either 250 or 500 kbps, (You may read more about CAN and the CAN open protocol in my Circuit Cel columns from June and [uly, 2006.) re allowed in the CAN protocol, an 11-bit addressing mode Two formats and a 29-bit extended addressing mode. IF you include the dual data rates, that’s four possible formats for the CAN protocol There is no clock transmission associated with the d speed synchronous transn cas in high: therefore the CAN hardware employs a mechanism for keeping the receiver he transmitter. An lock loop (PLL) syne on-state transitions, To ensure transi tions, bit stuffing is used, Bit stuffing is the procedure of adding an opposi state bit whenever the data state remains the same for five consecutiv bit times, The receiver automatically tosses out the next bit whenever it receives five consecutive bits of the Similar to the SAE 1850 PWM proto col, che output signal of the ISO 15765 CAN protocol is transmitted differen tially using two lines, CAN-H (pin 6) and CAN-L (pin 14), The CAN-H line while the CCANGL line uses an active state of 0. of both the CAN-H The passive sta and CAN-L lines is undriven, a 2.5 V. The idle state is considered a logic “1 4 15 (250 kbps) or 2 ps (500 kbps} ind cates the SOF. Data bits follow using the same bit timing, Therefore a “0” bit of either DATA FORMAT ‘While different methods of trans. ing information exist, the data ogy PIC: F240 mi One value Na SOF p 8D. er1D oa far nent menitorng, est resus for al (reusing oy- | for Cat Temains consistent throughout the ¢ riginal protocols, is that of bus arbitration any bus can always be over ridden by an active state by any node, This ereates a pri ority where “0" (active data] wins out over “1” (passive red to listen to the bus as they send detects an active state while iti a passive state, it must quit se lle. There ore, smaller est for water temperature might Note that all buses are considered to be in their idle state if there has been no activity for some amount of end-of-data (EOD). E top of Figure ata. The priority byte enables arbitration of the e The time, call SOF pul Header bytes are used node and indicate where the response The data field can include up A runnin quality (ensuring that the The CAN format tom of Figure 3} s pretty much the same (see the bot an use either the s 11-bit or the extended 29-bit format. Eight data bytes are al sd with the first byte PCI, use The heade andard as formatting he following data bytes. Corruption con ened with a 15-bit CRC value [sce last month's column for more on CRCS}, OBD-II DATA ill consist of a mode byte and a parame- But how The OBD-II we know who's out there for requires one functional addtess that responded to, This functional address can be dif m the protocol. For the most part, these le 1). Th are target addres: for up to eight ECUs, systems other than th engine, such as the transmi TCM] or the anti-lock braking ABS). All ECUs must respond to a query to the functional address (this is like notice that if re is more than one ECU, the re: to the priority of each ECU. Im. myself a bit here, but when they re public shout). You the ‘out a broadeast to the functional addres re the header of the m wn bac header might be 24 bits, 19 bits, or 29 to Table 2 for the header information nece data packet ready to send to the functional a will Now, modes defined in the sted in Table 3]. Not all modes are st will us 7 We ca fe us a response from any EC hat can we ask for! Presently, the randard that can be requested (these are I ported by all manufacturers, Our initial reque mode | any parameters defined by the se port instance, PID 0x00 m PIDs (PIL returns 4 bytes (32 bits) one bit f bit position of the message packet, the PID byte. For supported as it requ which other x0 to hat associaged If the first bit, the MSBit {for PID 0x2 reece mead eens) CIRCUIT CELLAR” www PIC-SERVO MOTION CONTROL Secu ICL nica rery Written by engineers, for engineers. Now reviewing proposals for textbooks and resource guides Rms are supported, and so on, See the reference at the end of this column for PIDs 1 PHYSICAL INTERFACING We're now ready vo communicate with OBD-IL ¥ except for one small pack problem, we need 5 to be sent int the ORDAT connector. The circuitry shown in Fi cols used in the OBD.IT interface. You can cho needed for your vehicle. 1 used the same bas tronicss application note, “ANO2 ~ELM327 Circuit Construction.” Elm Elee- | Cj ong with this circuitry) creates an OBD-II-to-serial interpreter. Many oft cease ea OF one ae has yo clo fae our avo Py me support circuitry to enable cuit as referenced in Elm E face that can be driven by either the ELM327 or your own code using a this all works, 1 may not need the “AT-style” user interface, a8 sr applicat the microcontroller will enable you to handle those interactions m tapping into the dat our application without external interven in. What do you want to know? Next month, we'll look at a little cade to make this circuitry sing, or at least begin to unlock the treasures under the hood, Between now and then you als might want to look at It is an American only offers OBD-II scan tools and components, including a functional equivalent of the ELM interpreter and a module complete with interfacing circuitry, it also Just when you thought working on your car was a thing of the past, the | nis growing bounty of information by tapping into your cle’s LAN. For now, this doorway is OBD-II, and although there is already wor 1, with FCC to happen an REFERENCES J. Bachiochi, “Can You Speak CANT (Part 1)," Circuit Cellar 191, 2006. “Can You Speak CAN? (Part 2," Circuit Cellar 192, 2006. Elm Electronics, Inc, “ELM327 OBD to RS232 Interpreter,” ELM327DSH, 2010, pat. ANO2 ~ ELM327 Cireuit Construction,” ANO2 rev A, www.elm pdf ScanToal net, OBD-II Scantools, 101 /ecusim_2000-ug.paf SOURCES ELM327 Interpreter Elm Electronics, Inc. | PICISF2480 Microcontrollers with ECAN technology Microchip Technology, Ine. | ROM THE BENCH The firs t part of this series was a primer on automotive contro Vehicle Diagnostics (Part 2) Pre-CAN Protocol Standards stems and OBD-II data. This article explores the pre-CAN protocol standards sti in use. You can use this information deh enough to look for your car's on-hoard diagnos fter reading my introduction last month, [hope you were curious tics Il |OBD-II} connector. They were installed around the driver's seat in all automobiles man sfactured after January 1, 1996, This single con nector contains all of the networks in use today 1s well as the control area network (CAN) stan dord, required for automobiles manufactured after January 1, 2008, We ean thank the Society of Automotive Engincers (SAE}—encouraged by carly EPA emissions standards—for the foresight of proposing an open-ended standard commun: cations set for the control and monitoring of nes and other subsystems. And just as, n for phasing out the var 1us protocols in use for a single standard. important was its We are well past the date requiring new auto mobiles to use the single CAN standard. But, of the automobiles on the road today still use to diagnose trouble codes and more ‘one of the pre-CAN standards, Therefore, itis possible that your car uses one of the older standards, The purpose of this series is to explain each of the standards so you can ma f the II networks for some ulterior motive. Thi use of the inforfnation available on one might be to mercly diagnose a trouble code, t indicate where to look for a component prob Jem, or to provide some additional information about a vehicle tha leg, real-time fuel consumption versus distanc ‘or MPC {As engine compartments become ja with increasingly complex engine control sys tems, itis easy to understand that what begat much more, Today, we have “smart” transmis sions, brakes, tire pressure monitoring, and vehi cle suspension, as well as cabin temperature controls, navigation, and entertainment, Our automobiles are morphing ode Operation sot oes what power formato is avalale othe scan tol sae Diss ene tame ota | sas Lists emsionlated ‘corfimest DTCs a our cots sot Clears emission agnosie rormaton incur caring sored penéngtenimed DTCs ad eee-tame dala 805 Diaye the ongen omgen senso 80 Aeguess on teed montana ests fer a con ye syste Requests erission relat ected dung cure ora competed ving cle 8 Enables he ltrs test vice toca he opeatn ofan an-beard esi, test or compo i | s00 Retievs vice ination son ‘Stra emission ats ‘pemaneet TCS = a Table L—Each cornmand begins with a mode byte. These mode im general tasks Ea ave nim second PID byte further defines func PACK that ia heade prion he bus check Di freq modes modes DTCs code you ke DICs perms poole into mobile homes and offices, Much of that is due to the PACKET DATA the basic fi mat is a packet beginning with a header a destination, and a source, The header provides a clue to the importance of the packet along with the intended receiver and requester. Lower used in bus arbitration to ensure impor Priority values indicate mon These values tant messages have priority to the bus. Since all devices on the bus have their own address, they can filter the destina tion of messages and respond to onl Following th their own, packet's header is the request (or response! followed by a checksum or eyclie redundancy cheek (CRC). The data is usually limited to 7 bytes. The daa in a request packet uses a mode and parameter identification 1D} forma byte indicating what type Table 1 isa list of the 10 standard turers may request the use of additional The mode is a sing of request is being made modes. Manu ‘modes specific to their system. For instance, one might equest mode Ox(3 to discover any diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). Figure 1 shows the breakdown of the DTCs, (You can locate specific DTCs at Perhaps you might retrieve a DTC of “POO12,” which is a generic trouble code for “over-etarded timing of Camshaft you know how to readjust the timing, you might want to Temove this DTC by issuing a mode Ox(s request. I the Presuming problem isn't rectified, it will be reissued again. Any cleared DTCs (using mode 0x04) still remain in mode Ox0A. This is @ permanent record of the DTC problem and remains there until the Most modes require additional information (hesides the For example, requests using mode OxOL require a PID. V with various modes. Most people know that a vehicle iden. mode value Kipedia provides an extensive list of PIDs tification number |VIN} is the manulacturer’s ID number of a specific vehicle. It can be found on your vehicle registra ‘don and normally on a tag on the driver-side corner of the vehicle's windshicld. It can also be requested through mode Ox09 PID 0x02. Ler’s use this example various protocols handle requests and replies for the VIN. ISO 9141-2 & ISO 14230-4 Last month’s introduction hegan with the similar IS 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4 protocols because they closely match he familiar UART serial 10,400-bps clock for the data transmissions and the EMU. ansmissions. Both protocols use a 06s into sleep mode when communications cease for 5 s Communications must therefore begin with a wake up. And if you wish to keep the lines of communication open, you must make sure the packets are periodically transmit within this “stay awake” window. ISO 914] init,” while ISO 14230-4 has an alternative “fast init has a speedier wake-up process which The “slow init” process requires sending a 0x33 at 5 bps. Because the one UART on this microcontroller is used for communication with the user, all non-CAN protocols are nking slow init bit-banged using software routines. Instead of down the clock on a 10,400-bps routine (for the requirement), I used a timer to ere This is (I start bit) 200 ms low, {0x33 data byte) 400 high, 400 ms low, 400 ms high, 400 ms low, bit) 250 ms high. The EMU then acknowledges this by a 2 similar ourpu and (1 stop communication dance at thesnominal of sending back 3 bytes, acquiring | byte, and sending hack 1 byte (see Table 2. At this point, the EMU is ready The x protocol ISO 14230-4] essentially con sists of a break transmission (a transmission of the active state for longer than 9 bits (at 10,400 bps, that 865 ys). So a simple active 25-ms low (break), followed by fast init it least 25-ms high {pause} is all that’s necessary. Once this open. ing sequence finishes the command 0x81, 0x66 will instruct the EMU to open communications until it is told to close communications (or a timeout occurs with a lack of communications for more than 5 5} A bus-eye view of the in slow and fast initialization is shown i tialization sequences for both the oto | and Photo 2 For both of these protocols, you need to set up a timer to make sure a simple command is periodically sent to keep the lines of communication open. As this occurs in the background, you might not be aware that it is happening SAE J1850 PWM & VPW Although these protocols don't require any special “wake up” or “stay-awake” signaling, they don’t use asynchronous UART timing. PWM uses a fixed frequency PWM pulse for ceach bit time, with a one-third (active) PWM as a 1” and ence sequence (lolowing Spsinalzaton) Fesporse 0155, 0469, BF oo woeuie 042508 O55, O08, 108 Table 2—The “sc passive state, With this proto J packet transmissions with an active SOF pulse similar to the PWM SHOE CURSE Photo 2 ing bits) begin on a change of state, Each bit time is e 64 or 128 ps. The same timer can be used (32 ps) as int WM format, Multiple overflows of 2X or 4X are used t0 the state changes after cach bit, it is easy for the receiver to stay in syne with the transmitter. When producin active state bits, the logic is opp Wis indicated by a 64-ns wide state. A“1”" u ACKs ate used with the VE s wide state. Ni Suppose you need to produce a widget that electr reads the VIN and displays it for DMV confirmation. Th standalone code written to interface with the OBD-I would not require any user intervention, There would be no need for a serial port (unless it is the display interfac uch as a serial LCD). My point here is th ar 1A Command CR Pepe th 0. Deserption rable, diste oe le, dade auelemating cue prctoo| nmbe bl, disable headers sl, sale space Seto prteca x Without a dedicated task, such as just displaying the VIN, you must be open to all kinds of finagling and enable a user to ask for data Back in 1977, Hayes C presented the “AT” ¢ nmand sct to enable configuration of their 300-bps Smartmodem. Commands would only be recognized if they were preceded by haracters "AT. he ASCH It's easy ions for potential o xt of letter combina. mmandls in some all-inclusive standard. So, it’s the ide of recognizing the difference between and a command (and not a stan that enables the dard list of commands AT command to live on in more prod: nets than the modem, T mentioned ELM Elec OBD-IL-to-serial Last month aser interface chip. I based this series of columns on emulating this standard The scan tools thas be for OBD-M i and applications found for vehicle \dopted as "the ertaci diagnostics speak ELM. For those not nterested in playing with the low evel code I'm presenting, you can pur chase a preprogrammed mictocot troller from ELM, ELM mierocon use an ATs users to change parameters troller je command set to enabl and ask for specific information from any of the potential interfaces, those AT. commands that will get you started I've started implementin, Table 3 gives you an idea of what is available with this project. First and foremost, you need a way af specifying the use of a protoco or enabling the device to search through the nine available proto- cols looking for one that will answer a request. The user inter: face expects any input to be actu: al data bytes that are to be stuffed into a packet jrequest) n ASCIL AT.” A carriage return (CR) unless it begins with indicates the end of input and the preceding data should be acted upon, ATTPx a particular protocol, where An input of is the command to set is the protocol of choice (see Table 4), By appending an “A\ the command “ATTPxA,” the requested protocol will be used. But, if there isn’t a good answer, it will automatically go through the list until it finds a working protocol or runs out of protocols. As input is reecived, itis stacked into an input buffer. Each alpha chat acter is converted into uppercase When a CR c butter is searched for acceptable commands or received, t data [which has been received in pair of hexadecimal digits) values are considered packet of data to be sent via the requested protocol. Unless this data forms an actual ODB-II command, it won't receive a reply. So, the user One to seven must know what to send. In the CAN protocol, the first data byte of the packet states how many bytes (of nificant, number ean be calculated and the ei Thi automatically added or ean come ¢ potential) are s directly from the input strin This automatic formatting can be enabledjdisabled via the | ATAFx” command [i The serial port connection for |? this project provides you with a |g | window into the microcontrolle You will need to open your - mand | see what's [6 favorite terminal prog 5 connect to this port going on. When the circuit is powered up it will respond with ELM which will enable my emulation the sign-on message, code to be recognized by third. party software. You should see Protocol umber he VIN, enter “0902 an input string. This requests a mo PID 0x02 (VIN). If the To receive 0x08 |inforype present prot f you see the phrase NG, then the present protocol didn’t work and other protocols were tried until a response was found won't know what protocol actually This can be queried by entering the following protocol (DP) command: At this point you If chat matrix of digits doesn’t look much like a VIN, it’s because the VIN was longer than the number of charac sers that can be transmitted in a singl packet, There is also some formatting here that helps identify how the mul tiple packets are to be reassembled The first two digits are a reflection of he original command sent, which 10902." Bit 6 of the mode byte Protect, 1850 PH 15081412 (aowinazan) 90 142304 sow ntinzaton 150 142504 intizaton ps, IT CAN 's0 157 6s, CAN) 180 157644 (250\tps. 1-68 CAN) | Table 4 is the packet number of the response, Here you received packets one to five, If you toss out the leading filler bytes 0x00, you have 17 binary values for the VIN. ‘The ASCH values of those bytes indicate a VIN of GIJC5444R 7252367, At least that's what I would have seen if my 2000 Caravan supported the 0902 VIN command, In reality, it is not sup- ported, How do you know what's supported? The obvious answer is that only supported requests get a reply. However, there is a mechanism for determining this. PID 0x00 has the function of indicating which PIDs are supported for each ‘mode. Requesting a "0900" command returns Hmm. There are two identical responses. What's with d Unless we turn on the header display, these look identical After using the enable headers command “ATHL” the Tere you see from the he ing from ECU 4 coming from ECU 40 s that the frst response is com: header byte 3) and the second response is, Previously, bytes 4 to 6 contain a com mand and a packet number, The last byte is a checksum of he data that spans bytes 7 t0 10 If you expand the data for these 4 bytes into their binary equivalent, you get ‘These 4 bytes indicate the PID support for PIDI-32 (0x00-0x20). A “1” jin a bit position) indicates support for hat PID. PID20 is another support PID. Ifthe last bit was a1," then PID! PIDs 33 (0x20| would hold the support inform in see that the VIN, PID 02, is not supported in this vehicle tion fo 64, and so on. You MULTIPLE ECUs As [noted in the f this series, OBD-I makes room for up to eight ECUs. Expect to s st pa these slots fill up wo ECUS, % an engine control module (ECU 10) and a transmission control module [ECU 18} are being used (circa 2000), Ini tially, the header default values are set to request informa- in by using a functional address that all ECUs will respond in the future. My elderly Dodge Caravan shows Note that each of these responds with a physi: cal adaess, in this ease 10 and 18. 1 can carry on private conversations with any of the individual ECUs by using their addresses in the headers, which begin every packet So, there are a few commands that enable me to set the header values, The header for the protocols discussed here requires 3 bytes, following the set he SH" com ‘mand. The three pairs of hexadecimal bytes indicate xx-pr rity, yy-source, and zz-destination. Higher-priority values where the \dress of OXF ated, the destination can be a iddress of a specific ECU, When headers are displayed, you'll note that the last byte he ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4 protocols use a simple &-bit checksum initialized to zero, The J1850 protocol uses the “CRC-8-SAE 1850” for cal ‘lating CRC values. 1 included an 8-bit look-up table in the application t begin with the CRC in can obtain a new CRC by first ereating a table pointer. [KOR mean lower priority, The source quest comes from, this interface defaults to an — _—. = As previously functional address or the physical {checksum] is displayed as well help simplify this function.” To use the table ialized to OxFE. For each byte, you the present CRC with the new byte.) Use this pointer to get new CRC value from the table (of pre-calculated &-bit CRCS) INTO THE FUTURE Next time, I'll finish up with cols, ISO 15765-4 CAN. This is the mandatory future of a manufactured vehicles, and this future has already begun. last of the four prota You might have noticed that last month's schematic used a xenerie connection for TX and RX, the user serial commu: nications channel. Next month, I'll also look at alterna: tives to the standard RS-232 link. Tl REFERENCES [1] SAE International, Product Code J1979,” htep:/ E/E Diagnostic Test Modes, 201009, 2010. [2] J. Bachiochi, “Error Checking,’ C 2011 uit Cellar 250, RESOURCES Search Engine for DTCs, 2011,, SOURCES PICISF2480 Microcontroller Microchip Technology, Inc. | ELM327 v1.4b OBD-to-RS-232 Interpreter Elm Electronics | STN1110 Maltiprotocol OBD Il-to-UART interpreter and ECUsim 2000 Multiprotocol OBD II simulator ScanTooLnet, LLC | Sub | ROM THE BENCH as = es Vehicle Dia Jeff Bachioch gnostics (Part 3) ISO 15765-4 (The CAN Protocol) The first and second parts of this series Introduced you to OBD-II and t pre-CAN protocol. This final installment focuses on I50 1576! and wraps up with some speculation about the future of OBD-III protocol) wo guys are standing in a driveway in front of a parked car. One dials up his wife on his cell phone. She is about to board a plane and the husband says, “Do it again, Honey She replies, “Last time.” As the scene flips back to the driveway, the car doors’ locks are pop. ping up and down and the horn is beeping. | can't even tell you what type of car this was a ‘commercial for! And it’s debatable just how handy this litle trick is, but it tells you a lot ahout the future of the automobile IE you have purchased a new car inthe last few years, your vehicle uses the industry-wide auto- motive networking standard ISO 15765-4. A cou ple of months ago, I began this series by explain. ing the ODBIl protocols developed for this indus try, At che time, each manufacturer had its own proprietary network. OBD-II gathered these together in a single connector and set its sights on 2008, when all manufacturers would phase out their old protocol in favor of one standard Because so many pre-2008 cars are still on the today, last month I continued by explaining how you can talk with your car via one of the protocols in use prior to 2008, General Motors, 4 (the CAN Chrysler, Ford, and many imports used either cone of the two SAE J1850 protocols, VPM and PWM, or ISO 9141.2, a LIN-type UART:-based protocol (or its offshoot, ISO 14230] The circuitry presented in the first part of this series can be used to speak through ¢ OBD-II connector to any of the early dialects. I 1m presenting this series to help you learn out each protocol so you can write your own code to interface with your vehicle. I have emu lated many of the commands handled by the ELM327 OBD-II microcontroller. This micro: controller has be ears and has become a standard on its own. round for more than 15 This circuitry is compatible with the ELM Ina standalone application, you may not need user I/O, but, for experimenting, a user inter 1ce is a necessity. Therefore, [chose to emu: late the ELM interpreter. You can connect up your favorite terminal program and begin a con, CAN This month I will finish up with the CAN protocol, While the CAN format can be pro ‘duced like the previous se | 8 | cama | | 2 | fare pa cor Jes} wl cial hardware, many micro e nel "| controllers offer a CAN ——— peripheral as part of thei Figure 1—The CA packet format. Hote thatthe CAN packet frame compl standard lineup. Origina ated than Just @ header, data, and checksum. The micracontrl feral ing in 1983 by Robert Boseh, this protocol has Prat Figs AN phy er has been in use for many years, Th lent itself to a number of application-layer protocols, such DeviceNet, CANopen, CAN Kingdom, SafetyBUS p MlLean, and many othe Ket format for CAN contains three basic parts, a header, data, and bit more complicated than that, but the CAN peripheral with the identifier and the data, Even the CRC chi is caleulated as necessai The synchronous bit timing uses non-return-to- NRZ} coding and decoding with each bit broken di into multiple segments, syne, propagation delay butfer 1 and 2. This enabl adjusted within each bit. Because there is n transmitted, bit stu ng ensu with the transmitter) we. In the terest of saving space and time, we We tend to be conser fren end up with complications due to our short sightedness. After the int tial implementation of CAN the L1-bit icking. Modi address was found to be ow for an expanded address of an additional 18 bits. So, we end up with two possible CAN formats. Again, the hardware takes care of all of that if we tell it Although CAN which format to use can operate up to | mbps, the OBD-IL specifies either 250 Kbps or 500 Kbps. This then defines the ODB-II CAN cifications as either an L1- or 29-bit ID running at either 250 or $00 Kbps. The differential 5-V CAN bus driver nuts undriven. An active transmitter pulls the CANH node high and the CANL node low Receivers determine an active state by idles with both out the differential voltage between CANH. and CANL other formats discussed, an active state Therefore, like all the oie takes precedence over a passive state All transmitters must monitor the bus during their transmission and stop transmitting if while transmitting a passive state Photo 1 shows a CAN receiver (top trace) and a CAN transmitter (bottom trace) requesting a Mode 1, PID 0 command, You can sve the transmit: ter’s request and the three engine con trol units (ECUs) responding with data. Note the requestor ACKing each response, You cannot see the ACK on.

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