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Network Security Basics

Article  in  IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine · December 2005

DOI: 10.1109/MSP.2005.153 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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1 author:

Gerald Marin
Florida Institute of Technology


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Basic Training
Editors: Michael Howard,
James A. Whittaker,

Network Security Basics

riting a basic article on network security is network layer is “unreliable,” mean-
ing it doesn’t guarantee end-to-end
something like writing a brief introduction data delivery. To get reliable end-to-
end service, a user invokes the Trans-
to flying a commercial airliner. Much must port Control Protocol (TCP).
Figure 1 shows the format for an
be omitted, and an optimistic goal is to en- IP datagram; Figure 2 shows the for-
mat for a TCP segment, which is the
able the reader to appreciate the skills required. protocol data unit associated with
the TCP protocol. These formats
G ERALD A. The first question to address is pects of security include computer are essential for understanding net-
MARIN what we mean by “network secu- intrusion detection, traffic analysis, work traffic composition and some-
Florida rity.” Several possible fields of en- and network monitoring. This arti- thing of the methods that can be
Institute of deavor come to mind within this cle focuses on these aspects because used to corrupt them.
Technology broad topic, and each is worthy of a they principally entail a networking TCP/IP traffic accounts for
lengthy article. To begin, virtually all perspective. much of the traffic on the Internet
the security policy issues raised in (although TCP isn’t typically used
Matt Bishop’s book, Computer Secu- Network traffic for voice or video traffic). Figure 3
rity Art and Science,1 apply to network To analyze network traffic, we need illustrates how a tool such as Ethereal
as well as general computer security a basic understanding of its composi- ( can help cap-
considerations. In fact, viewed from tion. In this regard, networking peo- ture and analyze traffic.
this perspective, network security is ple often speak of flows and formats. We now have a fairly representa-
a subset of computer security. Flow is a laconic reference to net- tive picture of the traffic flowing
The art and science of cryptogra- working protocols and the messages across the Internet. It consists of IP
phy and its role in providing confiden- that travel back and forth between datagrams (which can be carried in-
tiality, integrity, and authentication their endpoints. Format refers to the side link-layer frames, for example)
represents another distinct focus even structure of the cells, frames, packets, carrying higher-layer information,
though it’s an integral feature of net- datagrams, and segments (the awk- often including TCP segments.
work security policy. Readers looking ward generic term is protocol data Those with malicious intent
for a good introduction (and more) to units) that comprise the flow. could misuse any of the fields shown
this area should consider Practical Cryp- The vast majority of network in Figures 1 and 2. The attackers
tography by Niels Ferguson and Bruce traffic today uses the Internet Proto- would know the protocol’s intent
Schneier.2 col (IP) as its network-layer proto- and the rules to use to interpret the
The topic also includes design col.5 IP addresses represent sources associated formats and flows. They
and configuration issues for both and destinations, and IP routers can create a networking attack by
network-perimeter and computer work together to forward traffic be- changing values in any of the
system security. References in this tween them. Link-layer protocols fields—any ensuing problems con-
area include Stephen Northcutt and such as Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), stitute attacks on the network. Spoof-
colleagues’ Inside Network Perimeter token ring, frame relay, and asyn- ing, or changing the source address,
Security,3 the classic Firewalls and Net- chronous transfer mode (ATM) for- lets an attacker disguise malicious
work Security4 by Steven Bellovin and ward IP packets, called datagrams, traffic’s origin.
William Cheswick, and too many across many types of links.
specific system configuration texts Networks can be attacked at Network intrusions
to list. These are merely starting multiple layers; here, I focus on the Typical network traffic consists of
points for the interested novice. network layer and the layer above it millions of packets per second
The practical networking as- (the transport layer). The Internet being exchanged among hosts on a

Basic Training

LAN and between hosts on the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1

LAN and other hosts on the Inter-
net that can be reached via routers. Version IHL Type of service Total length
Network intrusions consist of Identification Flags Fragment offset
packets that are introduced specifi-
cally to cause problems for any of Time to live Protocol Header checksum
the following reasons:
Source address
• to consume resources uselessly,
Destination address
• to interfere with any system re-
source’s intended function, or Options Padding
• to gain system knowledge that can
be exploited in later attacks.
Figure 1. Internet datagram header format. As defined in RFC 791, Internet datagrams
The simplest example of a network running under version 4 of the Internet Protocol (IPv4) carry most of today’s Internet
intrusion is probably the land attack. traffic, although a newer version has been defined as IPv6. (The numbers across the
Some early IP implementations failed top indicate bit positions.)
to take into account that a data-
gram might be generated with
identical source and destination IP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
addresses. Some older operating
systems (and perhaps unpatched Source port Destination port
ones) simply crashed if they re- Sequence number
ceived such datagrams.
Somewhat more complicated is Acknowledgment number
the smurf attack in which an attacker
|U |A | P | R | S | F |
spoofs the source address and sets it
Data offset Reserved | R | C | S | S | Y | I | Window
equal to the targeted machine’s ad- |G | K |H| T |N|N|
dress. The attacker then broadcasts
an echo request to perhaps hun- Checksum Urgent pointer
dreds of machines on distant net-
Options Padding
works—a capability provided by
the Internet Control Message Pro- Data
tocol (ICMP). Each distant ma-
chine responds to the received echo
request with an echo response mes- Figure 2. Transport Control Protocol header format. As defined in RFC 793, TCP
sage to the targeted IP address, thus provides a reliable end-to-end transport service across the unreliable Internet.
overwhelming the targeted ma-
chine’s resources.
The teardrop attack is somewhat could have severe problems with spite of all the work done in this
more sophisticated in its use of the such fragments. area, the threat of DoS attacks
header fields shown in Figure 1. IP remains, as high-profile attacks de-
version 4 (IPv4) can break large DDoS attacks scribed periodically in the net-
datagrams into sequences of smaller In February 2000, hackers attacked working trade press will attest.
IP datagrams through a process re- several high-profile Web sites, in- Typically, a hacker launches a dis-
ferred to as fragmentation. It uses cer- cluding,, tributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
tain bit flags and the fragment CNN Interactive, and eBay, by attack by issuing commands to “at-
offset field to ensure that the frag- sending large numbers of bogus tack zombie” computer programs
ments can be reassembled at the des- packets with the intent of slowing that have penetrated unsuspecting
tination (see Figure 1). In a teardrop or interrupting offered services.6 users’ machines via the Internet—
attack, an attacker sends fragments Many articles have since examined perhaps propagated by viruses or
that are purposely made to overlap these attacks and potential de- worms, for example. Once present,
so that they don’t fit together prop- fenses, and several Web sites offer the zombies allow hackers to lever-
erly at the destination. Again, older overviews, case histories, suggested age user machines as part of an attack
(or unpatched) operating systems defenses, and other resources. In against a given target. Note that the ■ IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY 69

Basic Training

Figure 3. Example traffic-analysis output. This screenshot from the Ethereal tool shows a list of 18 packets. The middle
section describes the highlighted packet; the third section displays the packet in hex format. Ethereal is open-source
software released under the GNU General Public License.

generated traffic might seem to be source and destination IP addresses tacks, identify their sources, alert
normal Web browser requests and are identical. Smurf attacks can’t be network administrators, and possibly
other innocent-looking traffic that, detected on the basis of content from mitigate an attack’s effects. An IDS
in fact, differs from valid traffic prin- single packets; only the arrival of an uses one or both of the following
cipally in its intent. This makes iden- unusually large number of ICMP techniques to detect intrusions:
tifying such attacks extremely echo requests and responses would
difficult. For particularly interesting signal such an attack’s presence. We • Signature detection—the IDS
reading, Steve Gibson provides a could respond by killing all echo re- scans packets or audit logs to look
case history of one of the early quests at a gateway router, but doing for specific signatures (sequences
DDoS attacks.7 so would interfere with other net- of commands or events) that were
work functions that might be vital to previously determined to indicate
Intrusion the organization being protected. a given attack’s presence.
detection systems We might discover the teardrop at- • Anomaly detection—the IDS uses
No single technique is likely to de- tack by looking for illegal fragmen- its knowledge of behavior patterns
tect all possible types of network in- tation in arriving packet trains, but that might indicate malicious ac-
trusions—especially because new the router (or firewall) would have to tivity and analyzes past activities to
intrusion types are still waiting to be maintain a significant amount of determine whether observed be-
exploited. Reviewing the attacks state information. haviors are normal.
described here, it’s clear that land at- Intrusion detection systems
tacks can be discovered by looking (IDSs) use particular collections of It’s fairly easy to understand how
for arriving packets in which the analytical techniques to detect at- signature detection can help find


Basic Training

identifying characteristics in previ-

ously observed attacks. This is far
from simple to accomplish, how-
ever, because attackers can change 60,000
some identifier (a port number, a
particular sequence number, a par-
ticular protocol indicator) that al-
ters the signature without affecting
the attack’s fundamental nature. 40,000
Moreover, someone constructing
an alert based on signature detec- Port
tion must be mindful that normal
traffic could have the same charac-
teristics. A useful signature must re-
flect a reliable attack identifier that 20,000
doesn’t generate many alerts on
nonmalicious traffic. With the huge
number of packets arriving at most
modern subnets, even a miniscule
error rate could generate tens of
thousands of false alarms within a
0 10,000 20,000 30,000
few minutes.
Several commercial and a few
public IDSs are available. The trade
press frequently evaluates them, Figure 4. Port usage at MIT’s Lincoln Lab. This data set illustrates patterns in the use of
but research journals generally do source and destination ports over a 10-hour period. Dots indicate the use of a port at a
not. Early IDSs largely used signa- particular moment in time.
ture detection. Generally speaking,
they detected all the attacks cap-
tured in their signature databases, example, we see port activity dis- data. It’s safe to say that the ultimate
but they suffered from unac- played from data produced at the solution remains to be found.
ceptably high false-alarm rates.8 Lincoln Labs at the Massachusetts In-
More innovative approaches have stitute of Technology (MIT) for a
appeared recently, including particular subnet over a 10-hour pe-
behavior-based modeling.9
To clarify how traffic or behav-
riod.10,11 This often-used data set in-
cludes data with and without attacks
A lthough intrusion detection is a
good place to start “basic train-
ing,” we should note that network
ioral anomalies can be used to iden- present, which are difficult to obtain security people are probably more
tify attack traffic for attacks that on “live” networks. (Data are from concerned about worms, viruses,
haven’t been seen before, consider Monday of week five in the Lincoln and spam; they worry at least as
the following example. IP addresses Lab data.) Figure 5 shows the result much about active methods to com-
generally suffice to enable a datagram when we remove all the port activity bat these pests as they do about IDSs.
to reach its intended destination ma- found during a similar 10-hour pe- Network worms seek to exploit
chine, but many processes typically riod from an attack-free data set: software weaknesses on servers that
run at once on any given machine. three areas clearly represent unusual must keep particular ports open to
TCP/IP uses port numbers to distin- (or anomalous) port activity. Further provide service. If a worm succeeds
guish among them. A security ana- investigation reveals that these are, in penetrating the network perime-
lyst might be able to analyze daily or indeed, attacks—in this case, inserted ter security, it can introduce Trojan
hourly patterns in the use of source by MIT researchers. code that changes the target ma-
addresses, destination addresses, and Researchers have applied many chine in ways that users won’t detect.
both source and destination port other techniques to detecting traffic At present, therefore, detecting the
numbers to determine when a pat- anomalies including data mining, presence of malicious traffic from
tern change suggests possible mali- statistical analysis, artificial intelli- outside the network probably
cious activity. (We must be careful to gence, neural networks, Markov doesn’t worry network administra-
observe that “different” doesn’t al- modeling, sensor correlation, and tors as much as the likelihood that
ways imply “evil.”) In Figure 4, for analysis of management information Trojans and spyware might already ■ IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY 71

Basic Training

Science, Pearson Education, 2003.

2. N. Ferguson and B. Schneier, Prac-
tical Cryptography, John Wiley &
Sons, 2003.
3. S. Northcutt et al., Inside Network
Perimeter Security, New Riders
Documented attacks
Publishing, 2003.
4. S. Bellovin and R.W. Cheswick,
40,000 Firewalls and Internet Security:
Repelling the Wily Hacker, Pearson

Education, 1994.
5. Internet Protocol, RFC 791, Sept.
6. S. Bonisteel, “Yahoo DoS Attack
Was Sophisticated,” Computer, 4 April 2003; www.
7. S. Gibson, “The Strange Tale of
the Denial of Service Attacks
0 10,000 20,000 30,000
Against,” Gibson
Research, 2002;
Figure 5. Anomalous port activity on the Lincoln Lab machines. Subtracting all 8. D. Newman, J. Snyder, and R.
(time,port) pairs that were active during the base comparison period in Figure 4 Thayer, “Crying Wolf: False
shows three areas that represent unusual port activity, which could be attacks. Alarms Hide Attacks,” Network
World, 24 June 2002;
reside in internal machines that ac- 4security1.html.
cess sensitive data. 9. R. Thayer, “Intrusion Detection
The magazine Techniques for detecting mali- Systems,” Network World, 31 Jan.
that helps cious code bring us back to general 2005;
scientists to computer security issues and meth- reviews/2005/013105rev.html.
ods. Analysis of network activity as- 10. J. Haines et al., 1999 DARPA
apply high- sociated with problems such as Intrusion Detection Evaluation: Design
end software worm infections could complement and Procedures, Lincoln Lab tech.
in their research! other system security work in deter- report 1062, Massachusetts Inst.
mining which machines are in- Technology, 2001.
fected. Based on both traffic analysis 11. J. Haines, L. Rossey, and R.
Theme & Feature Articles
and system behavioral analysis, for Lippman, “Extending the DARPA
example, sufficiently suspicious ma- Off-Line Intrusion Detection Eval-
Jan/Feb Special-Purpose Computing chines might be isolated from their uations,” Proc. IEEE/DARPA Infor-
Mar/Apr Monte Carlo Method peers via (perhaps new) security pro- mation Survivability Conf. and
May/Jun Noise and Signal Interaction tocols until administrators took steps Exposition (DISCEXII), vol. I, vol.
Jul/Aug Computing in Anatomic Rendering to secure them. Whether such isola- 1, IEEE CS Press, 2001, p. 0035.
tion can be accomplished before a
Sep/Oct Multigrid Computing
critical subset of the Internet be- Gerald A. Marin is a professor at the
Nov/Dec Mechanical Engineering Design and Tools Florida Institute of Technology. His
comes infected is one concern of
research interests include computer com-
current and future research. There
munication networks, system and net-
are others, and they also depend, to work performance, system and network
some extent, on the basics covered in security, and simulation modeling. Marin
this article. has a PhD in mathematics from North
Subscribe to CiSE online at Carolina State University. He has several
years of industry experience, both with and References IBM and the Center for Naval Analyses. 1. M. Bishop, Computer Security Art and Contact him at


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