Assignment No: 2: Name: Usman Ahmed Khan REG#NO: FA19-REE-023

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Assignment no: 2


REG#NO: FA19-REE-023

Q#1: Why flow and error control mechanism are not

used by UDP? What will happen if UDP use flow and
error control mechanism?

Ans: UDP(User Datagram Protocol) is a transport

protocol that is simple and undependable. It does not
contain sequence or packet numbering and does not
require a permission from the receiver side before
transmitting a data. Hence there is no flow control and
a destination could occupy by a incoming data if the
data exceed the destination buffer space. The error
control mechanism is not used by UDP because the
sender don’t know if the packet has loss or duplicated.
The process layer protocol provides the flow and error
control mechanism to the process that is using UDP.
Q#2: Why UDP provides connectionless service and
what will happen if UDP provides the connection
oriented service?

Ans: UDP provide connectionless service because it

does not need any connection before transmitting
data. It just sends the data due to which it has a lower
bandwidth. It is faster than TCP. It allows packet to be
dropped, lost and received in different orders and
provide latency. Best protocol for real time
applications. Suitable where error control cannot be
achieved like lots of customers are connected to video
or gaming. Don’t wait for data to deliver. If UDP uses
connection oriented service then it has to established a
connection before transmitting a data and after
sending data it will wait for packet delivery message
from the receiver side then it has a flow, error and
control mechanism.

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