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Global Social Entrepreneurship 1

Module 1: Designing Your Venture

Method C: Immerse Yourself in Context
Use this template to create an observation guide to prepare you to learn from the environment around the
people for whom you are designing your venture.

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Why are you doing this research? What do you hope to learn?

Through my research, I hope to learn:

Step 2: Brainstorm Observation Plans

The best way to gain an understanding of the people you are designing for is to see where they live, work, and
lead their lives.

For example, if you are trying to provide healthier food for people in need, you might visit a low-cost cafeteria
or fast-food restaurant during the lunchtime rush. Wait in line, order a meal, and observe the space as you
eat. If you have the opportunity, you can learn a lot by shadowing someone for a few hours.

Write down as many places as you can think of where you might conduct an observation:
Global Social Entrepreneurship 2

Now, select one of the ideas you listed above. Then, answer the questions below:

Where will you conduct your observation?

Why will this observation be valuable?

Step 3: Capture What You See

Will you take notes, record video and/or take photos (with permission) of what you notice? What will you need?

Think of certain aspects you may want to capture, such as:

• Mapping out the different parts of your experience from beginning to end
• How you felt at different parts of the experience
Method(s) of Capturing Observations (example: drawing, writing, taking photos)

Supplies Needed:

Step 4: Reflection
Immediately after your observation, you will need some time to reflect upon the moments you found most
interesting. For example, you might write about what was unexpected, challenging, seamless, etc.

Make a plan to reflect ahead of time. This will ensure that you are prepared to capture your thoughts.

Reflection Date/Time:

Where I will complete my reflection:

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