5 Most Significant Arguments Supporting Rizals Purpose For Annotation

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Submitted by: Villanueva, Adrian V.

Section: CAS 02-402A

The discovery, conquest and conversion cost Spanish blood but still more Filipino blood. It will be seen later on in
Morga that with the Spaniards and on behalf of Spain there were always more Filipinos fighting than Spaniards.
-Rizal Pointed out that more Filipinos blood were shed in order to fight the Spaniards to stop their
occupation in the Philippines. Filipinos are more willing to fight for their freedom since that time. Even now,
more Filipinos are willing to fight for their freedom.

Morga shows that the ancient Filipinos had army and navy with artillery and other implements of warfare. Their
prized krises and kampilans for their magnificent temper are worthy of admiration and some of them are richly
damascened. Their coats of mail and helmets, of which there are specimens in various European museums, attest
their great advancement in this industry.
-It pointed here that during that time, Filipinos are capable or have the ability to produce high end arms
and weapons. It means that during that time, Filipinos have the advancement or civilized in order to protect
themselves. But now, as we can see today, Philippines is not a strong country, and we lack of some
advancement in terms of defense system against other country

The early cathedral of wood which was burned through carelessness at the time of the funeral of Governor
Dasmarifias' predecessor, Governor Ronquillo, was made, according to the Jesuit historian Chirino, with hardwood
pillars around which two men could not reach, and in harmony with this massiveness was all the woodwork above
and below. It may be surmised from this how hard workers were the Filipinos of that time.
-It pointed here, how Filipinos were hardworking during that time. Filipinos are always delicate and we are
always passionate of what we do. And we will always be hard worker, even now.

Colin says the ancient Filipinos had minstrels who had memorized songs telling their genealogies and of the deeds
ascribed to their deities. These were chanted on voyages in cadence with the rowing, or at festivals, or funerals, or
wherever there happened to be any considerable gatherings. It is regretable that these chants have not been
preserved as from them it would have been possible to learn much of the Filipinos' past and possibly of the history
of neighboring islands.
-Filipinos are rich in culture and traditions. And Even now, some people do this traditions and culture.

Morga's remark that the Filipinos like fish better when it is commencing to turn bad is another of those prejudices
which Spaniards like all other nations, have. In matters of food, each is nauseated with what he is unaccustomed to
or doesn't know is eatable. The English, for example, find their gorge rising when they see a Spaniard eating snails,
while in turn the Spanish find roastbeef English-style repugnant and can't understand the relish of other Europeans
for beefsteak a la Tartar which to them is simply raw meat. The Chinaman, who likes shark's meat, cannot bear
Roquefort cheese, and these examples might be indefinitely extended. The Filipinos' favorite fish dish is the
bagong and whoever has tried to eat it knows that it is not considered improved when tainted. It neither is, nor
ought to be, decayed.
-Because Philippines is an archipelago country which surrounded by bodies of water, and because of it,
Filipinos like fish better. It pointed here that Philippines are also rich in different resources such as food and
minerals. Even now, Philippines are rich in different resources, with 7,640 islands, Philippines is indeed a
great country.

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